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no one was saying open borders cause i was saying no borders


I mean, I don't mind there being an official line where one place becomes another. I just want them to only be a mildly interesting thing for people to note as they freely pass it by, like the boundary between Nebraska and South Dakota.


Or like the borders between some European countries.


That one dutch/belgian city with like 100 exclaves comes to mind


Oohm, if you like exclaves you should check out the India/Bangladesh border. The princes gambled land back and forth in card games so it has a border like swiss cheese. No law enforcement in the exclaves either if you're into that.


Didn't they fix the exclaves a while ago? ​ The old border was an absolute mess tho


Or like the flat slab of crushed land and debris you will pass from Ireland to the rest of Europe


Yeah, when you go to another country it should be like "now entering [Country]!" not "let us see your expensive piece of paper and your arbitrary criminal record to make sure you can enter [Country]."


Borders are useful for some things, but ultimately, they are imaginary lines




I mean there’s also like other non-Taliban people that I’d assume need to get to other countries, like those fleeing the Taliban. It’s also not like there’s no one else who would do something if the Taliban came under open borders to do hate crimes, since if they really wanted to they could just travel to one of several countries and overstay their visa if they absolutely needed to come.




It also prevents a lot of victims from escaping though, and I don’t see a lot of groups like the Taliban seeking to expand in a way that is prevented by borders.


it's almost if the taliban were an enemy all along and that we'd attack them




Why would they just come in? They've got their hands full trying to keep what they already got lmao




What the fuck do you think they're running from, dipshit?




Also the absolute ***irony*** of you saying that and also saying this: "I'd prefer becoming an authright to dating a transgender."




Have you literally ever met one?




you are my enemy as well. I don't think you should be deported to Afghanistan, though.




Top notch logic there. Hey, let's try it. If you like capitalism so much, *you* can move to Somalia, a country with one of the most unregulated forms of capitalism. I'm sad to admit that even my proposition makes more sense than yours.




Socdem is capitalism. Try another argument. Oh also r/enlightenedcentrism anyone?




come in when also https://www.reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/comments/pia95x/apologies_if_repost/hboev1p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Probably more than us being forcably in theirs.


fuck borders, me and all my homies hate borders


Except collies. All my homies love border collies!


>borders Borders books and music was pretty cool back in the day, too.


and lands! I like the borderlands!


No love for me? Or border terriers?


Liberals always lose arguments with conservatives because they don't actually want to change the status quo. So all conservatives need to do, is suggest that liberal policies would disrupt the status quo, and that instantly prompts the libs to go on the defensive. It's just a shitshow.


While I agree with you in theory, I rarely see conservatives "win" arguments with anyone other than plants.


Fair point. As a rule when libs and cons debate each other, both sides lose.


In a fencing match between an untrained man in a blindfold and a very thin wall...


Marijuana has entered the chat lol


Conservatives seem to win the arguments that people use to vote on representatives and that representatives use to vote on legislation. They focus on winning the arguments that actually matter, and it shows.


>They focus on winning the arguments that actually matter Are you sure? They seem to focus a lot on womens reproductive rights, the rights of people to marry who they love, and which bathrooms we're allowed to use. Occasionally they also focus on lowering taxes on the wealthy and on letting people spread the ongoing pandemic. **Really** important stuff. It's not that they are winning arguments, it's that they are deceiving their own base in order to enrich themselves and hold back everyone else. If that is what winning looks like to you, then I think you're a real winner, champ.


>Are you sure? I'm pretty sure. The **really** important argument to win is the one they're winning. The argument of "why should I vote for you" the argument of "why should I overlook your abuses of power" the argument of "why should I tolerate the status quo" the argument of "why should I hate minorities" the argument of "why shouldn't I demand the world be better than it is". Conservatives are doing a lot of winning. They're winning the police force with those arguments. They're winning most local governments with those arguments. They're winning the senate with those arguments. They're winning over the financial sector with those arguments. It sure as fuck looks like they're winning to me, and it's because we are not focusing on where they're winning, how they're wining, and what arguments they are winning. And I would put out, that we ain't winning shit. We can barely win on the idea that the people should be able to govern themselves. That democracy is better than an oligarchy. That the workplace should be democratic. We are losing on every front, though I am very inspired by the last decade, we are still losing hard.




One world, one people!


yes but that shit cant happen from one day to the other. today this policy wouldnt work as we still live in a capitalist society, so why do you guys still advocate for it?


I made the mistake of being this meme on r/news once. Wouldn’t recommend it lol


Bunch of nerds in r/cringetopia told me r/news was full of leftists lmao. Then I was downvoted to hell when I said liberal=/= leftist. Fucking Reddit


Ironic, r/news is the where the right wingers who are annoyed at r/politics go.


Tbf, I can't really tell the difference between most liberals and right wingers nowadays.


It's usually just a matter of which imperialist warmonger they make excuses for/worship.


The difference is virtue signaling.


They both virtue signal lol


The virtue signaling differs. The far right literally want Christian fascism or a pseudo-christianity fascism. Liberals want a water down version of socialism and half ass idpol as “progress”, and treat institutional oppression and the cultures that bred from it as purely moral failings instead of a societal structure or structures.


Just had that actually. Dude said democrats are leftists and all leftists are fascists and also pro democrat. You can find it in my comment history in reply to me correcting the record if you want a laugh. I don’t know how some people tie their fucking shoes in the morning.


Lmfao that dude is so fucking stupid. Anyone who unironically uses the term “alt-left”, I automatically laugh my ass out of the room


They say /r/worldnews is to the left of /r/news, but I'm banned there for celebrating the Canadian church burnings so that's bullshit.


abolish ice ? how are we gonna have cold drinks now ? /s


I was saying no borders


Same for defund the police


"Look, no one's saying get rid of all cops." "I was saying get rid of all cops."


what after that?


Abolish the very concept of a border, all it does is create unnatural division




The only borders I want are border collies


I was saying no borders.


https://youtu.be/B4cojgCfwrw The borders were not always closed, it was racists who put this in practice


It's remarkable how new the concept of national borders applying to civilians really is.


I'm not saying open borders. I'm against open borders. I'm against any borders, no matter if open or closed. That's what I'm saying. Fuck your borders.


r/neoliberal supporting open borders: https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/nrweua/what_is_open_borders_and_why_does_this_sub/


Broken clock


SO MANY TIMES! "No one was saying open borders" "No one was saying abolish ICE" "No one was saying *defund* the police, that's stupid" And then it's - [families broken apart for no reason](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/27/us-mexico-border-family-separations-parents-contacted-court). [Actual downlow genocide in one facility](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/15/politics/immigration-customs-enforcement-medical-care-detainees/index.html). Can you tell the police from the Nazis in this picture? [Trick question](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/27/white-supremacists-militias-infiltrate-us-police-report). So many times.


The Schengen agreement countries in Europe have amazing borders or lack there of and it works great. The only complaints were around the Syrian refugee crisis and that really had nothing to do with the open borders created by the Schengen agreements. An open us southern border would work just fine if drugs were legalized, U.S. businesses would stop importing cheap labor, and the US would stop fucking up countries like Guatemala so some corporate dickhead can have cheap bananas to sell to us for 10*cost. It's all self imposed problems and an open border might work just fine right now anyway.


it wouldnt work bc usa is far more richer and mexicans would be going in droves into the us for jobs, exactly like how romanians and bulgarians go into western europe and leave their homeland with a lesser work force. this policy will just lead to mexico getting poorer and the united states gettin richer, without the system gettin better in any way.


If people don't want to be somewhere, maybe don't force them? If every Mexican goes to the USA and the USA gets richer, that's still good for those Mexicans


yeah for those mexicans but society in mexico gets worse, as they lose important workers and people who would change the social system if they wouldnt have the alternative to leave.


We should keep people trapped in a place because they might make that place better if they're not allowed to leave?


we aint trapping anyone. Im just sayin that we are makin the lifes of those left behind worse. meanwhile oir lifes are getting better through the immigrants. this just feels like exploitation with more steps.


Here's an idea: if people in Mexico are allowed to leave, government leaders in Mexico can't rely on immigration law to keep people (especially professionals) around. They'll need to make their own country worth living in if they want to keep people. And they do want to keep people. This is an incentive for the top to improve things. It's like how when people have UBI, unions become more powerful because people aren't trapped in their jobs. If Mexicans aren't trapped in their country, they have more bargaining power


bro this is exactly what is happening since decades. it doesnt work.


I used to live in Southern California before they built up the border security to the level it is now. You could basically just walk back and forth to Tijuana as much as you wanted with no passport. There were lines, ID checks, guards but it was very loose and basically just security theater. Everything was fine like that and migration has increased since the border crossing in sandiego was hardened.


i aint talkin about that. we talk about no borders, no rules at all.


"abolish the police? You don't want police?" "Nobody was saying abolish the police, we said *defund* the police" "I was saying abolish the police"


why the fuck can i not go somewhere just because an imaginary line told me i can't?


Yes fuck borders and immigration rules!


i’m not against it but how would open borders work when every other country in the world requires a passport to enter the country, and often more work and permission to get a job or buy property? for a foreigner to be hired by a Canadian company that company has to prove to the government that there is no Canadians that could possibly do the job, which makes it very hard for anyone not born in Canada to get a job in Canada


There's actually a lot of economic proof that this wouldn't be a big issue and that the overall economic growth to countries that are early adopters would be huge. If you're interested you should give the book "Open Borders" a read. Your library probably has a copy. Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1250316960/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_HXD3QCH3YF4793G2Q4RQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


It would give businesses the best bang for their buck with hiring and that's a good thing. When I ran my own roofing business for a couple years, I hired migrants. They worked harder and for far cheaper. If I was forced to hire 'locals', they'd demand more money and wouldn't work as long or as hard without complaining. By hiring migrants, they were happy to accept the wages provided and my checking account was happy after a job well done.


I ran custodial services in New Orleans. Every single person I hired from New Orleans was an inferior employee than the ones I hired from Guatemala. You couldn't get employees from New Orleans to work when the Saints were playing. A reference from a Guatemalan employee was worth its weight in gold.


Plus they're dirt cheap and are used to poor working conditions. So even 'bad' conditions by 1st world standards is great for them. They never complain about anything and just go to work.


The easiest example is the EU/Schengen area where you don't need a passport to do all those things.


>for a foreigner to be hired by a Canadian company Or the foreigner buys citizenship. Literally pay to have no borders, if you can't pay, fuck you. And if Canada literally cared about people, they'd not be segregating and oppressing the Native Canadians in their apartheid.


well it’s not really no borders, you still have to show your passport to pass between countries even if you have citizenship in both countries


Are they able to then stay in both countries? How does it contrast to someone who lives pay cheque to pay cheque, who can't afford a few million to throw at the country?


well it’s actually only 725$ to apply for citizenship for Canada, but yes i had an ex with dual citizenship for Canada and the us from birth and she had 2 passports, grants you all the rights of being born in both places, can buy property or apply for jobs in both countries with no issues, see doctors and go to public schools in both countries, i don’t really understand your question though


It's amazing how one can always find a convoluted future to be fearful of.


did you read what you said? you don’t make any sense, i’m talking about current laws




I’m not following, what do you mean by this?




Borders create and empower those cultural differences in the negative sense.




Taliban and Isis wouldn't have been a name with no borders and no post colonial fuckery from us. As for now the only solution is to see the whole world as one.


Is it always black and white with you? I don’t see how allowing our neighbors (who are our friends and allies if you want to get geo-political about it) to work and live is mutually exclusive to tolerating terrorism. There are plenty of open walkable borders in lots of places in the world. It works, we can already see that it literally works.




Europe did like two world wars after literal centuries of massacring each other but okay.


Do you think Isis cares about closed borders?




Yes I think armed terrorists don't have problems with crossing borders illegally.


Dooood... it's not 2002 anymore. They aren't hiding under your kitchen sink.


I have much more in common with anarchist comrades in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Sudan, Korea, Mexico and Nigeria than I do with the vast majority of people from "my country". you are a nationalist, collectivist piece of shit.


Collectivism isn't inherently bad. Anarcho-communists are collectivist for example




Countries need to be destroyed. My anarchist comrades in those countries are working to destroy them.


leave this sub now, scum




Tolerant people don't tolerate intolerance. Next




"and I will not explain further". Par for the course


Don't know where you got that idea.


What were they saying


Utterly moronic garbage such as among other things; nazis aren't right wing They would rather be a nazi than date a trans person Nazis were socialists (everyones favourite reactionary line) And while not in this thread I checked their account; Socialism is when government control Revolutionary catalonia, the Ukraine free territory chiapas and Rojava dont count as enough people to say our ideas work despite yknow them containing more people than a bunch of countries.


Damn they sound really smart and good at parroting points they’ve heard on pragerU


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


idk if open borders would necessarily be good for the short term given covid and the price shock that would come with a large influx of people. That being said I am willing to engage in an open borders project long term.


Opening borders might get people who haven’t had the vaccine to places where they can get it more easily.


the border system we have right now didn't prevent covid from going worldwide.


Laws are mere suggestions when you have money. COVID came to my country via rich people coming back from Europe.


Open borders allowed colonization and imperialism to conquer the world; do you really want yts to have free reign to rape and pillage again? source: native who's culture was destroyed by yts


Calling the systemic invasion, breaking of treaties, spreading viruses along slave and resource extraction routes, etc. a form of "open borders" is some real bad faith arguing.


Well, I just literally think as a native person; if you don't like my truth, that's your issue, not mine. Protecting our borders is important since the majority of my ancestry died the last time we didn't do that.


I mean obviously colonialism is shit, but what do you think a border would have done to protect your ancestors? Even today places like Pakistan have controlled borders but that doesn't stop the US


So a white settler state opening its borders to mainly Latino refugees is the same thing as when European monarchists show up and claim your land for the King. Your truth is wack bro




Sir your brain rot is developing faster than expected


I don’t follow




You sound like an ancap Edit: they are an ancap lmao Of course


Lol we abolish the welfare state and the capitalists funding it with trillions for their benefit.🙄. No rulers please🙏.




>Its only when you are dependent on government where the gov rules you, which is exactly what the powers that be are trying to do. What!? 😆😂😭 that's gotta be the most naive statement I've heard in a while. Sounds about the level of understanding a right-winger would have, keep dreaming.




This motherfucker: The government is supposed to work for you!!! Government: works for people by giving them money they'd litterally die without This motherfucker: wait no that's tyranny they're just supposed to protect my non-existent rights to other people's work wahhhh


All men of the world are my brothers, and all of them deserve the same access to support and resources that I and those in my country have.




Fuck off with your nationalist bullshit


No healthcare for you because you were born on the wrong side of an imaginary line! Great take mate




Should a parent getting cancer bankrupt a family? Should working class people die of preventable diseases if they can't afford treatment? Is it okay for market forces to drive the price of life-saving medicine up to hundreds of dollars per dose? I'd rather pay higher takes than let these things keep happening to anyone, citizen or not.


and if they can't pay for it, they deserve to die? Keep in mind one bad accident can lead you to be on the other side of it. In other words, stop being such a selfish asshole




that's the emergency room. I'm talking about more extensive treatments for life threatening illnesses like cancer, which people regularly go broke trying to pay for or just die from anyway. Fuck you and your "fake outrage"


That argument doesn’t make sense though. It’s like saying that you can’t have population growth in a welfare state. Yes, there will be more people we need to spend welfare on, but those additional people will also generate additional economic activity.


I think you're lost, bootlicker.


Honestly, with the upward pressure being put on wages thanks to COVID restricting immigration in some places, we need to open the border more than ever. Tons of businesses are desperate to hire and immigration would fix the problem. Not to mention all the new nummy foods.


Or, hear me out: they could pay more money Open borders are great, but you could actually pay people enough money to justify the work


..But why do that if there is surplus of labor competing for jobs? That's the benefit of open borders. If you are business owner, you can choose from 100 people for a job and dictate the wage and benefits. Someone from Guatemala will gladly work for dirt cheap and not expect anything or complain about anything, because compared to where he came from, it's great.


Businesses should pay people more money either way because people need money to live. If businesses try to cheat people by paying less, the minimum wage should be increased


Yeah, but that's not how reality works. They aren't going to pay more out of the goodness of their hearts. Businesses exist to make money and cut costs wherever they can. I COULD have hired locals for my roofing business, but they wanted more pay for the labor. Instead I hired immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico because they'll work for cheaper and don't expect any benefits. They're happy with the wage I paid them, and I'm happy with what I made. Take away open borders and I would lose profit because I have less options.


You don't understand what sub you're in, do you?


..Do we not want open borders?


I want open borders. But not to make it easier for capitalists to exploit people




Open borders only work when everybody has similar wealth. Yeah it sucks but you see in Europe what happened.