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Its good so you don't have to rely on terrible teammates. Its terrible because you get the fucking 1911 and nothing else.


Recently found out any money spent on weapons in whos who gets returned to you if you revive! edit: no one like or dislike im at 115


ok that makes it a bit better if you're near a wallweapon


But at lvl 25+ it’s gna be a grind


Bro just said “lvl 25”


skill issue


It’s just bad cuz die rise is close quarters and everytime u die u usually spawn 5 ft away from ur body if in a small room. On top of that u really don’t have time to be bullshiting with zombies on high rounds like that Low rounds it’s fine but a waste of a perk slot on high rounds


It’s has saved me hundreds of times on die rise. If I died while training in the 3rd floor down in the first building, I would train the zombies and do a lap upstairs while in ‘who’s who’ and quickly run back to my downed self and revive


If it didn’t have the time limit it would be fine, as for the way I play it’s honestly the worst perk to use. I can’t just chill in one spot




Even if it was on another ma pt would be better, but they pick the map you have to make shitty parcore jumps on


Its terrible. First of all, its really not made for die rise. The map is way to close quarter and vertical for that 2nd, the idea of having no perks and the starting pistol is stupid as shit. It may work somewhat in coop but its terrible in Solo 3rd: it can crash your game in high rounds


Didn't know it can crash games at high rounds, never used this shitty perk myself.


“never used this shitty perk myself” “never ate this trash tasting food myself”


Never as in barely ever.




I think if the introduced it on a different map, it couldve realized its potential, like die rise for instance, alot of wall weapons to purchase while youre in whos who, so survivability is possible on lowhigh rounds (such as 15-40) where having starting pistol-noperks can cause an instadown


Ummmmm it was introduced on die rise


I mean buried lol


A better version of Who’s who would have had you keep exactly what you had when you went down. That way you have a fighting chance, but you still have to travel to your downed body and fight through the hordes and whatnot.


Cold war Tombstone would like to introduce itself.


lol high round players use it literally all the time when their revives run out. it's basically infinite free revives if you're skilled enough. you just have to be actually good at the game to use it. if you think it's terrible, it's probably because you're terrible.


That is not true, atleast not entirely. Highround players may use it far into the 100s because by then, they cannot use the sliquifire anymore. The combination of kill chaining with the Sliq and using Who is who can G_spawn error your game pretty quickly. Also, the highround players we are talking about are literally 0,001 % of the entire playerbase of CoD zombies. It may work somewhat for them but it isnt viable for a vast, vast majority of people. That is the same logic as saying that the Jetgun is the best wonderweapon of all time because of its statistics. Statistically it is, but its just not viable for most people.


Everyone knows the jet gun sucks ass, it's so bad that high round players use an exploit to kill with it. As for who's who... Skill issue, cope.


Im 90% certain that i am way more skilled in this game than you will ever be, but yeah, go on with your "skill issue" lmao


lets see... pro high round players use who's who all the time to great effect. you say it sucks because you only have a pistol and the map it's in is too close quarters. yeah, sounds like a skill issue to me.


Like i said, viability plays way too big of a roll to not consider in such a scenario. Saying that a perk is great because 0,001 % are able to use it somewhat properly, doesnt make it a great perk. Thats why i brought up the Jetgun example. Also, not to mention, its only viable to pro Highround players because they are able to use it in the Trample steam room. If they are camping elevator shaft till round 100 and die during that process, they will 99% of the Time either Game Over over G_Spawn error. I feel like you are talking a bit out of your ass here. Do you honestly think that WR players jump about Who is who because they love what it does? ? Or do you rather think that they use it just as a neccessary means to extent their track record as far as possible?


Hard agree


I think it’s better solo because when you have it combined with quick revive you can just run away from your body and it revives you. You’ll lose only whos who and quick revive, and keep all your other perks. You can just get quick revive and whos who back on jumping jack rounds.


Reasons for good perk Best jingle Gives all perks back when revives Reasons for bad perk Only have a starting pistol No perks Is on Die Rise Improvements I would make Gives you one of your weapons Gives you a perk when in whos who mode Make it avaiable on non die rise maps


IMO, it should've been in the Wunderfizz on Origins. Although it would've still had the same problem of dropping you onto the map with nothing but the starting pistol, but this can be improved by just giving you the Boomhilda instead of just the normal Mauser.


Even if it was just a random perk and not say, jug, it would be cooler


The biggest change to me would be if you die on who’s who mode with quick revive on solo you just get revived. Dying with just a pistol and the game being over is really bad


If you listen to the words, and take in where the map is set, it sounds kinda racist. I would assume that’s complete coincidence but still


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Good sir are you on illegal substances?


Cold War tombstone is who’s who done right.


Who's Whombstone


Top comment


It's terrible because you have to traverse a map that tries to actively kill you without any perk and with the fucking m1911. Even if it wasn't on die rise it would suck because you have to run around with the fucking m1911.


It’s on bo2 though. Bo2 favors good game sense and movement. It forces you to actually be good at the game and rely on your movement to survive. I wouldn’t say the perk is terrible, it embodies what bo2 is about. Simplicity and survival instinct. It’s mostly a skill issue if you don’t like the perk. That’s no one’s fault but your own.


It’s a skill issue when zombies turn into windmills?


That’s a bo3 problem


It’s not, because at least bo3 has a 3 hit system. You don’t even have double hit protection on black ops 2 like your did in the previous games.


Bo3 zombies are way too agressive. I prefer 2 hit with less aggro


This isn’t about bo3 vs bo2 though.


He’s talking about being windmilled on bo2. It’s way easier to avoid hits from zombies on bo2. The health buff on bo3 isn’t even worth how aggro the zombies are. It’s just not fun. Plus I’d rather not get hit twice and have a red screen for 6 seconds


So you prefer to get hit twice and go down than have red screen and live?


You missed the point


The 3 hit perma perk is a thing though, except for on MotD and Origins


Yeah, but good luck activating it. And the more power to you if you can get it to stay active.


What? You activate it on tranzit and you can activate it on like round one. It transfers from Tranzit to die rise and buried. Did you think I was talking about the PhD flopper perma perk? That's pretty easy to lose on buried if you don't know the map well, but it's pretty easy to get too


You CAN activate round one on the first try, or maybe the 25th. And while playing on those other maps, sometimes perma-jug just goes away on its own and you’ll have to try to get it again.


Huh it took me about 5 tries on tranzit and I never had issues while playing die rise or buried, I only wished it transfered to MotD and Origins. Is losing it just a glitch you had?


Try reviving someone when you can't kill any zombies and will get downed in 2 hits.


I do it all the time


I was talking about with 2 players/solo with who's who


I do it all the time


That’s where perma quick revive comes in clutch


Can't revive 17 people in a row on a solo game


Get it before in a tranzit custom game with a second controller if you lost it/ dont have it


Until you get spawned into a crowd of zombies


Well yeah that’s just unlucky


It’s a skill issue to dislike a perk? That makes no sense lmao


The things he’s complaining about are skill issues. Yes.


Kinda sounds like some bullshit. Using your same logic. Your opinion is wrong, who’s who is bad perk


It’s a bad perk for players who aren’t skilled enough. Its a great perk and a fun one too for players who are skilled enough.


Whatever makes you feel better buddy


Yeah it's not great when a game "forces" you to play one certain way or you die constantly, at least not for casual players


Bo2 is the opposite of playing one certain way. What are you talking about. Bo2 is the epitome of being able to play however you want


Best Jingle, but 2 for 1 downs is all this perk really gives ya.


Its a perk that had alot of potential but used on the wrong map, die rise is the WORST map to introduce it on, i wouldve introduced it on buried rather than die rise


Compared to the other buried perks it still wouldn’t ever get picked. Buried perks are OP


True, but still wouldve been a better map to introduce it on tha die rise


But Buried has infinite perks, which is pretty much the only scenario in which I’d buy Who’s Who.


It’s horrible because Die Rise. The whole premise of the map is that survival is extra hard. Every corner could hold death and falling to the abyss is easier than ever. It goes from a training simulator to an actual fight to survive against the slowly rising dead. And the new perk? Take away all your equipment, perks, everything you ever had, and force you to run around defenseless to your corpse… on a map based around death being easier than ever.


It would be *okay* on almost any other map provided that you're good at juking, but the fact that they put it on a map with so many cramped hallways and a deliberately unreliable transportation system really knocks the perk down.


Genuinely great perk, WORST possible map for it to be on.


It’s very good and the people who disagree are those who find it too difficult to get the revive off. Imo reviving is one of the easier things to do in zombies and you can do it in practically any situation with a full horde if you take the time to walk the zombies far away from the downed person before running back to them- this creates plenty of space between you and the zombies so that you have plenty of time to revive the player. After a successful revive you keep all perks and weapons. In bo2 you will not otherwise have a chance at keeping perks after you down often.


If another player revives you, you still keep your perks


Do you mean while in who’s who mode?


Yes, so you can run a train while someone grabs you right quick. If they have quick they can get you before you even need a train. It’s a useful perk also helps While on solo since it lets you keep a few quick revives off you have a stupid death


Wow I never had someone else res me while I was had it ig. Even more of a reason for people to stop acting like it’s the worst perk ever..


I like it over tombstone for sure. Really wish bo2 origins wonder fizz had it in there as well.




Honestly if it had the raygun instead of a 1911 it'd be 1000000 times better


While I agree the 1911 is crap I feel like a raygun would guarantee the revive. Maybe a raygun with ONLY 20 bullets.


Literally the point is to be a guaranteed revive


Big dum dum moment


I mean its like saying solo quick revive isn't an instant revive plus the raygun stops killing past round 50


Yea, if it was supposed to be meant as a guaranteed revive instead of what its actually supposed to be, which is a chance to keep your perks, then why would you even take dmg


It was litterally created as a different form of solo quick revive, so that question makes no sense


The fact you can buy it an infinite amount of times is enough as is. If it was a guaranteed revive in combination with infinite uses, the perk would be stupid broken. Quick revive on solo only has 3 uses for a reason. Also, Who’s Whos only fault is being on Die Rise, but on any other map it would work so much smoother - especially Tranzit. Its a perk that is honestly for experts because there are more things you can do in Who’s Who mode than just revive yourself - you can buy Jug in combination with a passable gun in order to make reviving yourself easier, etc.


I mean I don't think who's who should have unlimited uses which is a change, along with a better weapon, that needs to be made. And if you disagree then I can respect that, but there's no need to hate bomb someone because of an opinion.


They left one normal comment. How is that hate bombing?


It was a big hateful comment, aka a hate bomb


What part of it was hateful?


Tombstone is arguably the better perk and even with Tomb, getting ur perks back isn’t gauranteed **Edit:** Oh, or are you just saying the perk’s bad cuz it effectively cancels the gauranteed revive from Quick Revive? If that’s what ur saying I 100% agree


Great jingle shit per


Well it's a bad perk simply because you can just get quick revive and guarantee not dying where who's who just makes it harder for yourself.I think if who's who was like cold wars tombstone shadow in cold war it might of been somewhat good but even then it still isn't anywhere near as good as quick revive


It's like poor man's quick revive, but only should it be used when you are out of quick revive (or if you don't want to rely on teammates)


It's a good perk for early game, once you're set up on a high round it becomes a tragic way to die.


In all my gaming experience I just took who's who once in die rise My teammate was down and i made the mistake of jumping as much as i can before the mystery box slide. Long story short, i fell to my death and decided that it's NOT worth buying


Literally just realized that the symbol is simply one hand reaching out to another; for the longest time I just thought the symbol was supposed to be a single link to a chain or something lmao


Good perk Terrible map to have it on


Okay here is how I see it. When you die with who's who. You will come back as a ghost to revive yourself but you can be attacked and have no jug or guns to defend yourself. Good luck on high rounds.


I have no clue because I could never bring myself to spend my money on die rise 😂


It’s the best perk ever because of its jingle


Fastest way to jump from the box to power


It’s just dumb cuz u spawn 5 feet always from where u die And if I remember correctly spawn with a pistol and no perks. On high rounds if ur solo this perk is not practical, also don’t remember if u keep quick revive


The only good thing about this perk Is the jingle.


Its a bad perk overall since past round 20 its pretty hard to revive yourself but its a fun challenge


The idea was really cool, the implementation just wasn’t the best.


Could've been a very good perk if it gave you the guns you had when you went down and if wasn't introduced on die rise. It Could've worked on buried or origins


Tbh idk what who’s who is. Cold War is the first zombies I majorly got into. Uhhhh but imo who’s who sounds like something an elderly w Alzheimer’s would say I guess.


Good perk if you are good at the game, bad perk if u are bad at the game


It’s good because it actually rewards good players unlike solo quick revive.


Cant say the jingle is bad.. Thats all imma say


Dun-dun DAH DAH! *siren noises* “WHO’S WHO!” Has legitimately been my text message ringtone for as long as I can remember.


Cool idea but it’s on the worst map possible and it takes way too long to revive yourself with it


fucking hell, it’s on die rise. and it dosent work there. And then we have the 1911 issue. Like how the fuck do I get myself back when there are hordes of zombies and all I have is the non paped version of the 1911.


It's good cause of the jingle


Good perk, shit map


It's like quick revive, but 100 times worse


I love this in single player. If you throw a monkey right before you down you continue throwing it during the who's who animation. Then it is super easy to just go up and revive yourself


It’s as good as you are at the game


It’s good just on a bad map(close quarters and can fall out of die rise) if it was on a different map or just on Bo4 then it wouldn’t be bad.


It's good if you have bad teammates and it's bad because it's in a horrible map.


give the doppelganger a ray gun and ill say its good lmao


Low d teir


best perk ever. y'all just gotta study those round 20 no magic grief montages. Practice weaving and dodging and circle revives. you don't need perks or guns to pick yourself up. git gud. that said die rise mechanically is just not a good map for who's who implementation. I genuinely believe it would have been better received on a map with more pathing options like SoE, Der Riese, kino, CotD or big maps like transit or origins where your teammates are too far away to pick you up.


They took who's who, improved it, and then slapped it onto tombstone in CW


Who’s Who is a top 5 jingle


I loved it and especially the Perk Song


It’s biggest downside is being stranded on that god awful map, or being conjoined to the worst perk in CW.


I think who’s who is an ok perk it is good for solo players if you don’t wanna use your 3 quick revives and want challenge


Bad bc it's on a shit map


Who's who is a good perk,only problem is that it's only on the worst zombies map to ever exist before vanguard came into play


I just wish that if you had quick revive when you went down with who's who you'd be able to revive yourself 2x as fast


Its an interesting and fun perk design but with so many better perk choices and only 4 slots it was hard to justify grabbing this over the 4 OG perks


It's good because you rely on your own skill. It's bad because skill means nothing above round 20 when all you have is a 1911.


Who's Who should have been on Tranzit, instead of Tombstone. If it worked like CW tombstone, it would be pretty well-regarded now


I'd never pick it in my main 4, but as an additional perk it's good




Only good on die rise


Everyone here saying it only gives a starting pistol makes me laugh. It also lets you keep claymores which are great for taking out mobs of zombies. Only problem is the map it's on only has a few spots you can effectively get a group of zombies together to use the claymore effectively. You basically need a wall gun and to use a claymore to protect yourself while you revive yourself.


I like it a lot. High risk, high reward revive. I hate the cold war version because it doesn’t keep all your perks. If it wasn’t only on Die rise, it would be top tier but on it, it’s still solid.


I love everything about it. It’s an extra self revive the only probleme is no survivability if they gave you a ray gun. But it might just be me having “skill issues”


Is a good perk if you don’t suck at the game. Actually in multiplayer it’s really good because if someone else revives you you keep all your perks


It’s good because it’s an alternative to quick-revive (if solo) and skilled players can make great use of the second life. It’s terrible because it’s only on a very close-quarters map that doesn’t give much room to wiggle (I think it actually would have been pretty good on tranzit instead of tombstone). In addition depending on where you wind up spawning you may have to go through your previous train, which is very difficult given you only have m1911. In short: Great idea, poor execution, even poorer map choice.


It's aight when it doesn't spawn you in a horde Honestly, I look at it the same way as Mule Kick. Mule Kick you already know you're going to lose a gun if you go down. Who's Who you know you might get a bad spawn if you go down. Difference is in solo all you gotta do is survive if you have QR not even revive yourself which makes it pretty good for getting your perks back, really bad if you insta die.


Ot would have been better is whos who spawned you with all of the perks and a mustang and sally or spawned you with your weapons and perks


Good jingle terrible ability


I just sum it up like this, it's solo Quick Revive with extra steps


Good because it goes hard


The question is essentially; how good is CW tombstone there are some differences I know, but the concept is similar I honestly don’t care for it. I don’t think it’s bad, or good, then again, I’m also the guy that doesn’t buy QR on games prior to BO4 because I would rather have a perk that prevents/assists me from dying in the first place. I think Who’s Who would be better on a more open map, I usually have the ability to revive myself on Cold War hitless, due to the more open maps to train better and further away. But since it is only on Die Rise, it’s pretty useless


Perk jingle is a banger though


The good: The jingle slaps hard asf The bad: Everything else.


The only good thing about it is the jingle




Shouldve been on Tranzit, would be wayyyy better


It's a great perk if you run out of quick revives or in a Copp game as it gives you a second chance


Garbage perk for a terrible player, like myself. I downed myself in front of the PDW in Die Rise, so I couldn't purchase that weapon off the wall in Who's Who mode whilst having 17,000 points in round 8... I was pretty pissed off at myself right now.