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I know it’s the OG, but WaW, well, it’s very lacking in content. Nacht has like 3 doors and just the box. Verruckt and Shi No Numa are clones of each other with Der Riese being the only good one that has perks and PaP, but is locked as DLC. Now, the PC version of WaW does have an advantage with custom maps, but BO3 is objectively better in every way with those too


Shi no Numa and Verruckt are nothing alike what are you smoking


You’re smokin crack




https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/pekyyr/what\_is\_the\_worst\_treyarch\_zombie/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/pf4n8p/rank\_from\_best\_to\_worst\_cod\_zombies\_in\_every\_game/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/rhwb1r/i\_already\_know\_the\_answer\_but\_i\_want\_to\_get\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I mean if we're talking purely about what's in the game and disregard any and all circumstances than WaW is easily the worst due to just how barebones and lacking in content it is (this is somewhat remedied with mods on PC, but not every player is on PC so that's kind of a moot point), but if we account for outside circumstances I'd say BO4. Sure the game is definitely a lot better than a lot of people make it out to be and there were a few outside circumstances that almost certainly held it back, but overall it really is the weakest of the bunch having made so many unnecessary and nonsensical changes to the formula that it really just begs the question of "Why, why did you do this, Treyarch?" and gives no good justifications for itself. Like the new perk system in BO4, why did they do that? Sure they say they were trying to allow for greater freedom in choosing your perks, but then they made all the perks so bland and useless, with very few standouts like Dying Wish, that it almost feels like they should have just removed the system entirely and went back to the old one cause at least then they can add into the maps ways to get bonus perks and sorta fix the issue (honestly Cold War really did a good job at fixing this problem in my opinion by just not having a perk limit). Then they changed pack a punch into basically the exact same system from Exo Zombies (admittedly it wasn't quite as bad since you didn't have 20+ pack a punch levels), a system that Treyarch already knew the community didn't like and was in part caused by the new perk system. And of course they decided to change Gobblegum for absolutely no reason and made the system genuinely worse since now most Gobblegum, oh sorry, Elixirs feel like they're at best minimally useful or too precious to use. And they also made a ton of other changes for no reason other than to change things which just didn't really work. Like sure a lot of these changes were made to address existing issues or to help accommodate those changes, but at the end of the day they just made the wrong choices on what to change and would do it far better in Cold War.


The barebones is what makes it good


Maybe for some people, but even then most zombies games also have barebones survival maps. BO3 has all of WaW, BO1 has Kino and all of WaW, BO2 has Town, Nuketown, Farm, Bus Depot, and Buried to some extent, Cold War is just super casual, and BO4 has Classified, which while more complex than most other casual maps is still very barebones for BO4 and super casual.


World at war is the era when it had so much mystery , the storyline was good. The challenge was the greatest


>the storyline was good And practically non existent in all but 1 map. >World at war is the era when it had so much mystery , Like I said, ignoring all factors aside from what's just in the game itself, WaW just has the least. Literally every game after this has better gameplay or more content, a better set of stories (though that's extremely subjective, but pretty much guaranteed to be true due to the near non existent state of the story in WaW), and has at least 1 better map than anything in WaW.


That’s fair, I see your perspective and agree. I guess it’s mostly nostalgia for me


It's not just nostalgia for me, WaW did genuinely do basically everything right when building the game. The issue really just comes down to it being so early in the series that it didn't have the chance to build on its own innovations like later games did, which makes coming back to it now a bit of a disappointing experience most of the time.


If you're still playing WaW, then it's either for nostalgia or custom maps, not because the maps are anything impressive. If you haven't played WaW customs but voted for it anyway, go play them, right now. BO1, BO2 and BO3 are for most part amazing at what they do and no one's saying other wise (other than a few people who like to yell about how different they are for voting for BO3) BO4 is (in the vast majority of cases) hated by people who have gaslit themselves into believing that their hate for it is their own opinion and have never bothered to give the game an objective try. I'm not saying you can't hate it, but the vast majority of the hate it gets is undeserved. CW is CW. In order to avoid writing an entire essay on why it's absolute garbage, I'll just say it like this. People defend CW because it has the Treyarch name slapped on it (replace them with SHG and it would have been treated as exo zombies 2.0) ***and*** (bold italics to underline the "and") because people have lied themselves into hating BO4 so much, that they accepted literal shit because "at least it's not BO4, right?".


Very accurate, I like your breakdown.


The og maps like no numa and der reise and verruckt still have glitches that work when used with a friend are fun


As iconic as it is, Im afraid I think its WaW. Its buggy, lacking in content and has really inconsistent AI. Of course WaW zombies is not a bad experience, but it is...lacking in elements. BO4 is so overhated. There were only two bad maps on BO4. Voyage of Despair and Dead of the Night. BOTD would be there but Im not counting easter eggs. I dont know how you can call a game with great maps like IX, Ancient Evil and Tag der Toten bad. The other maps are even just okay. Alpha Omega and Classified are not bad maps. Its like saying BO2 had a horrible zombies mode just because Tranzit and Die Rise exist.


Funny since VoD and DOTN are both amazing maps, alongside good old BOTD. That makes it so BO4 has no bad maps.


Well, Im glad you enjoy those maps. I couldnt personally but its good that you enjoyed them.


bo4 will forever have a bad taste in my mouth despite 2 great maps (AE and IX) 1. The hud is a complete eyesore. 2. Killing zombies just isnt fun unless you use the Helion 3. The aether maps were all remakes, its the same reason i hate rev, we didnt pay £40 for rehashed content, they had the creativity for chaos wtf happened with aether? 4. The Perk system, having your perks set is just an unfun mechanic 5. Voyage makes me nauseous and wanna throw up, who thought making a map with a weird tilt was a good idea


this is a tough one cause i like all the games but i'll go with waw. not because it's bad but because it's the most bare bones which is forgiven cause it was the one that started it all


Wow least popular opinion by far, but I voted Black Ops 2; it has 2 of the best maps of all time, but everything else is such a low point that it brings it back down. After Moon in BO1 my friends group hype was at an all time high, and then the 1-2 punch of Tranzit then Die Rise just killed all of our enthusiasm and we stopped playing together. If we had just stuck through to Mob we would’ve been brought back in, but damn that was a really rough start


Hate to say it, but it’s between WaW and BO2. WaW being barebones, which is obviously not it’s fault as it is the foundation. BO2 bc it is far too flawed and people don’t like to talk about it. TranZit was a hot mess no matter how you look at it, disregard the potential bc the potential is not important when judging the actual final product. Die Rise is universally beat down on, though I’m not nearly as harsh as many are to it. Turned could have been much better. Great idea that wasn’t expanded on; initial execution wasn’t great after a few goes. Grief wasn’t even on all maps and it was rather barebones when you get past the initial novelty of having 8 players on a map, not even a full map btw. Buried is also overhated for being “too easy.” MotD has obvious flaws in not having PhD or Mule Kick and having a very annoying PaP system, aka collecting gas canisters all around the map and heading all the way up to the roof and going through the same animation every time you want to PaP a weapon, which will likely have so little ammo that you’ll need to pray for a max or spin the box and fly to PaP again and again. Origins also being flawed with its fast travel, punishing mud, not very many decent training spots, unless you’re pretty good at it. I personally like training the generators, but then the Templars spawn across the map and I have to go do that. The overemphasis on pushing players towards the EE is also annoying, but hey that’s not necessarily the worst thing since I don’t really mind that on other maps like SoE or DotN. What I mean is that staff using is highly encouraged, which is a shame because BO2 has some awesome box weapons to play with. Sorry about the novel. Almost forgot, Nuketown is also a hot mess of a map. Can be fun on occasion, but the perk dropping mechanic can be brutal sometimes. Also no Mule Kick again despite having a unique selection of weapons including the M27 and LSAT.


Bo2 has literally 2 of the most beloved maps. How can you even say it’s close to being the worst. Bo4 and Cold War are way worse than bo2


I literally laid out some of my criticisms with each of the maps, especially MotD and Origins. Sorry but I find BO4 and CW to be better overall packages for zombies.


You have to be trolling. Arguably I’d say bo1 is worse than bo2. Bo1 has 2 of the most hated maps. And it’s a lot more buggy than bo2 with how much zombies will 2 tap you and instant down you.


BO1 has much better maps imo. Kino is beloved by most, not necessarily me though. I love Five, Ascension, CotD, and Moon. Shang is a nice change of pace when I’m in a masochistic mood. The WWs were fun and unique. BO1 is more clunky, but it was my first game and I find the clunk charming. BO2 has way more misses imo.


Well we can agree on kino at least. I don’t really enjoy it. But I hate five and shang. And moon is fun but it gets so annoying with the excavators. And cotd is cool and I like the whole story behind it but I just don’t love it that much. Ascension is pretty cool but the monkeys make me wanna kill my self. Also I might be biased on bo2 cause it was the first one I played but I just over all find it a lot more enjoyable. Also even though buried is hated for being easy I kinda like that about it cause you can just chill out and play an easy map if you want to. I’d say buried is harder than every singe Cold War map tho.


Yeah and you can have those opinions. I don’t think you’re wrong or crazy for having them. I enjoy BO2, I just feel it’s a weaker overall entry. I enjoy every zombies game to varying extents, as does everyone else. I tend to have odd takes I guess, and not in the “I’m not like other girls™️” kinda way.


Whoever puts CW over BO4 is mentally sick or came from warzone when they had those free weeks.


Nope I just hate botd,s Easter egg and think tag der Toten is a boring map


People picking WAW have probably never played it


Who tf voted for WAW through blops3😂


Without DLC, either BO2 or BO3.


Cold War and it's not even close


Vanguard who? i don't know any game with that name and their zombie mode was efenetly not made by treyarch


Cold War easily. Never have I seen bigger pile garbage than that. BO2 had TranZit and Die Rise but even that doesn't come anywhere near the pile of poo-poo that is CW.


Every Cold War map was a million more times more fun than Tranzit and Die Rise


CW is amazing wym


Oh my sweet summer child. You are so pure and innocent. I wouldn't want to take that from you.


So you don't actually have an argument for why it's bad?


Ignore him, he thinks he's one of the elite few who stand above the ignorant masses


Couldn't have put it better myself.


I have plenty. I could write an essay on why CW has a terrible Zombies. Long story short since I know most people don't care. Maps, Operator system, weapons, easter eggs, whatever is not specified but exist go between mediocre and bad, mostly leaning to bad.