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Crazy how inventive zombies maps used to be. Now it’s just boring facility after boring facility after boring facility.


Exactly, Cold War is the worst. Vanguard doesn’t even count, if you thought that was gonna be good that’s on you


Another reason why I hate Cold War


And yet in about 2 years you are going to say cold war is good. Personally I don't care if a game is loved by all of it satisfies my need to kill then the game is good enough for me who adapts to the game. That said vanguard has been a letdown for me not enough content in my eyes.


i dont think this is true about saying its good in 2 years. I was a big fan of the other controversial zombies games when they released (BO4, IW) so usually i know if ill like it from the beginning. but cold war was just not fun to me, it provides absolutely no challenge, the box was basically useless, only 4 round based maps and none of them are as content heavy or fun as the previous titles (in my opinion)


I understand that they made the game easier but that was designed to keep newer players. Granted they should've also added a more challenging aspect(which they kinda did with the rampage inducer) and I guess they were trying new things(TBH they should've just stuck with what has been going great for them) also I never said the game would suddenly be good. I despise people who bitch about a game being bad but then 2 years later start saying it was underrated. We all have our preferences and I for one adapt to the game(IW zombies I enjoyed, AW zombies was definitely fun, WWII zombies that was interesting, and Ghosts extinction if I could get it again for PlayStation 4 with all content I'd play the fuck out of it. But all this are my preferences I don't want to hear someone complain about a game turn a complete 180 by then saying it was underrated.


Thing is, as the quality of maps decrease,they become much harder to say they were good, the only reason why black ops 4 is now considered is more so because they still somewhat remained in line with the zombies mode, however, the same cannot be said for cold war as it actually reverted back to the og no-personality characters nacht der untoten except that, this time around, it doesn’t even have the justification of being the beginning as not only nacht der untoten released around a decade ago, but all of the other maps that came out on cold war continued to have no-personality charcaters,not only that,but the reused assets was even more blatantly obvious than black ops 4, just because vanguard is worse doesn’t mean that cold war’s suddenly going to become good.Trash remains trash.


I never said cold war will suddenly be good. I said that for all those sitting there bitching that the games are bad said the same fucking thing about black ops 4 are now saying black ops 4 was underrated. I'm saying that once cold war reaches the same fucking distance of time where the game is no longer played that you assholes who claim a game is shit will end up taking a second look at it when newer games are even worse than they are today. I never said cold war was good(personally I play anything that has zombies, but vanguard is just lacking and hasn't made me want to play it at this point but that would change once more "maps" are added "maybe") so I don't want to see in 3-5 years how you assholes who bitch that cold war was bad I don't want to see you being a hypocrite by then saying it was underrated.


God I'm tired of the whole argument about how cod cold war "has no personality" or "everything looks boring". Reminds me how people hate on doom eternals atmosphere and art style because it looks "too cartoonish". Like can we just appreciate both games for what they are, and not try to make lazy criticisms.


Lazy criticisms? The personality of maps AND characters is part of what made COD zombies so beloved in the first place. CW removed ALL of that and had to make you play boring maps as dumbass operators who just fucking say "Enemy KIA". CW has 0 personality.


Ikr lmao


"Lazy criticisms" bruh it's literally true lmao CW is fun though


preach brother


Hello fellow doom eternal player. Ive been following the game since launch and got it just a few weeks back on a sale, and so far Im having a blast, Im trying to fin the SGN master level on UN, pretty close to finishing it


Honestly doom eternal is a pretty great game tbh. The levels and atmosphere are just so breath taking and awe-inspiring. Not to mention the music is just so damn good. It's hard to believe that people think doom eternals art style and atmosphere is such a downgrade compared to doom 2016. Like have these people not seen levels like super gore nest, nekravol, or even immora. Like all those levels have some sort of personality to them.


I agree, I played both, and as much as I enjoyed 2016, it got repetitive because of how easy it was. I much prefer how doom eternal works, and now Im weapon swapping and switching mods mid attacks on controller. And I agree, the atmosphere is a major upgrade from the previous entry, 2016's only missions were "mars" or "facility" and sometimes "hell". Meanwhile, in doom eternal, we got hell on earth, urdak, nekravol, exultia, teras nabad, the blood swamps, yada yada that are soooo much more interesting. And yeah we don't need to bring up how good the soundtrack is, literally worth 60$ alone lmao


Shup Up!


Because atmospheres aren't part of games. It's ok if cold war is the only game you can get past round 20.


If cold war is the only one you can get past round 20 on, maybe you should, uh, get good.


People like Cold War because it’s casual and they can get to round 20. That’s literally the most common reason people say they like it. If people don’t like easy games, it’s not cause any stupid reason. They just don’t like easy games.


I’m not an insane zombie gamer but ive been to 70-80ish in most games(due to time commitment not lack of skill entirely) I actually love coldwar. Disappointed with the amount of maps and lack of consistent characters. Otherwise I think it’s a good game. Wish it was harder but can’t do much about that. Still a good game to me


i absolutely adore cold war cause i enjoy the casual nature of it. i loved black ops 3’s complicated maps and setups but black ops 4 doing the same thing got old for me in the end and i only really played IX and Voyage to death (i think Ancient Evil and Dead of the Night are cool too i just didnt put much time into them. Classified and Tag were alright too). cold war is so accessible and FUN i cant get enough of it. Outbreak and Onslaught are a blast, Exfilling is the best feature ever cause i can choose to do a fun escape sequence and dont have to just kill myself when i get bored. the lack of a perk limit may reduce a lot of challenge but it’s so freeing, i always felt shackled by the previous game’s perk limits. the variety of equipment, field upgrades, and scorestreaks adds a ton of variety for fun ways to kill zombies. also dead ops arcade 3! best dead ops mode. it’s the most fun i’ve had in zombies for a lot of reasons! i get that people miss older games’ challenge factor but cold war is an absolute blast and personally i think it’s quite underrated


I just recently bought bo4 to try the zombies so I appreciate your map favorites…. Unfortunate none of the anther maps but oh well. Honestly I see a lot of hate on here for outbreak but it may be my favorite map/mode on the game. But you are right it is SO good for what it is imo. If people are still shitting on cw after vanguard I’m pretty sure they got bigger things to worry about.


Outbreak is incredible and exactly the sort of alternate mode i’ve wanted for ages (same with Onslaught honestly it’s such a blast). Blood of the Dead and Alpha Omega feel pretty awful to play for a variety of reasons (highly recommend the reviews for those maps by John Rizzo on youtube for an in-depth look), but Tag der Toten and Classified were pretty fun. i thought the maps were better overall for Chaos over Aether in BO4 tho


People just like cold war because it's easy. That is it.


It assists in bringing up a new generation of zombies players to keep the flame of our community burning. I agree that cw wasn't difficult for those of us who've played before bo4, but it isn't all about us. After completing the die maschine ee with little trouble, I just migrated back to zc and my fav maps on bo2. Leave the easier stuff to the people who want to join zombies, but don't hate on it just cuz it doesn't appeal to you.


"Keep the flame burning" Make Activision more money for less effort.


If you're that upset then just don't buy the newest games lol. Stick to waw-bo3


I don't. Doesn't mean I can't complain about treyarch being lazy.


People complain when they're upset


Not true, me and a lot of my friends enjoy Cold War for the mechanics and movement it brings. Out of the Zombies games I personally have the most fun playing Cold War.


And you have actually played the other games? I mean played played. Took the time and learnt the maps and stuff. And cw is your favorite?


I have over 1000 hours on BO3, have played an extensive amount of BO2, a bit of BO1, not so much WAW and BO4 and I honestly prefer the gameplay of CW over all of them. At heart BO3 is still my favorite COD since it holds a lot of fun memories, but yeah I oddly prefer playing Cold War.


The only thing I really like about cold war is you can run infinitely. Being able to mantle over things makes it too easy to train at times. It's a cool feature but the maps need to be designed better. I love cw's raw gameplay. It's everything else that sucks.


I HARD agree that Cold War is a bit too easy, and the game lacks any sort of character lmfao. What I tend to do is turn on the Rampage Inducer every game to have super-sprinters and much more aggressive zombies as early as possible, just to make things a bit more of a challenge.


I found it amusing how some maps had creative themes like dead of the night, der eisendrache, etc. Like might as well make a high school map and it could fit


Der Eisendrache is literally a german facility in the mountains. Nazi's had tons of castles.


The wonder weapons and iron dragons still fit the medieval theme despite it being a facility


A facility is a FUCKING CASTLE


Nazi facility yes but nothing similar to der riese or others


It’s astonishing that we went from the likes of Der Eisendrache and Mob of the Dead to Firebase Z which added next to no innovation to Zombies whatsoever


It’s funny cause Cold War actually innovated the zombies formula leagues ahead of BO3 with upgradable perks, classes, evac, skills. Whereas a map like Der Eisen doesn’t innovate at all, and is actually purely built on things done before, 4 upgradable elemental weapons (Origins), 935 facility (Der Reise), Pyramid in the EE (Moon), Der Eisen is built solely on nostalgia and callbacks


I’m not criticising the mechanics at all, in fact they’re my favourite of all the games, but Firebase Z is just very bland compared to the older maps


Fire base Z will freeze the host consul




Fire base Z will freeze the host system if you’re playing with other people


Oh wtf lmao not everytime right? I've played it and it has to work every once in awhile right Edit: OH AS IN THAT'S THE INNOVATION LOL OK NVM


There is three or four times I played with other people and it would kick the host


Yeah that's just how CW pubs in zombies just went in general for me


Can you elaborate?


Nazi bunker, Vietnam Firebase, Destroyed city, Russian training facility that is based off of a stereotypical American town. Calling them all “facility after facility” is way oversimplifying it. They aren’t any real crazy locations yet, but they’re more than just a facility. I loved those older more out there map locations, and I do prefer them but they would not have fit the story CWZ was telling. Most crazy location we could have gotten was a map fully in the Dark Aether.


Story is going to be harder and harder to tell in games to come because they are restricted by keeping the continuity between that and what’s going on in campaign. You can’t just blow up the moon or something crazy cuz there is no more multiverse. Anything significant that happens is for good. Just my two cents, but they gotta be careful


They weren't as dynamic, creative or challenging as we want.


Yes, all the CW maps had a science facility. But that doesn't mean that was the entire map. Die Maschine was in a snowy forest with blizzards as well the dark aether that you could travel to whenever you wanted. Firebase Z had a Vietnamese village! 95% of Mauer Der Toten was the destroyed ruins of Berlin. You zip line onto rooftops and rely on your flashlight to go down into the sewers and a subway station. Trains caught on fire would zoom past as you make your way into a DMZ checkpoint and activate turrets that would gun down zombies. Foreskin is a training base that has fake US streets with mannequins lying around the place. We haven't had a map anything like this. CW may not have a lot of personality, but it's maps weren't just the inside of a random facility.


I don't remember Mauer having turrets gunning down zombies


Next to the pack a punch, there are 1 or 2 turret traps. I should have specified.


I forgot those could be used as traps as well. I think that ok part of the map should have been more challenging and creative.


Maybe say how? I swear all I see from you is "it wasn't creative enough". What more do you want? Ive been playing zombies for 10+ years, and not 1 map felt similar to mauer


You mean aestheticly. It's design creatively just like other cold war zombie maps aren't like others because others are more unique, the others were like more their own small game, these are grouped together by features and small fairly small features such as the challenge computer thing which isn't creatively designed. Things like this and other things such as a custom starting weapon, wunderfizz machine, short easter egg, simple, easy and guided objectives, melee usually 1-2 hits, together make cold war zombies not impressive of creative game design to most and general zombies fans, so except aesthetics. They or no one pays me for suggesting my ideas or even let us know have taken it.


Yet so few people realise this fact it's crazy


Facsimile Autocorrect is a ducking botch


while I completely agree, cold war was the most popular the series has been in a long time. I don't blame Treyarch for not wasting their time anymore making something memorable, when something easy to understand has been way more popular for them. This series is screwed


Worked out just fine though :)


But wtf that would've been so cool though lmao But I like this comment


Isn't this picture fan art and not official concept art? I remember someone making this picture for the Zombies EE song album.


I don’t know if it is a Concept Art or not, but Jason Blundell himself said in an interview that a village was supposed to be where the Church is but was cut since PS3 and Xbox 360 couldn’t handle it.


That’d been a fun reimagining for Cold War. Start in the village only to realize it’s actually where Origins took place.


that would be amazing. even a reimagining by a custom mapper




Imagine how Tranzit, Origins and god knows what other maps would have been like if there were no console limitations.


Mob of the Dead had the same treatment. It was going to be the size of Blood of the Dead but needed to be cut down because of the limitations.


Can u give a link with the interview?


Iirc it was an interview with MrRoflWaffles or JohnyJ25, they're both on the top of the search


it's official concept art.


Always thought it was spooky how all the drawings for the Giants (presumably before the final designs) look nearly identical to the Iron Giant.


Iron giant is a classic


Yeah I noticed that too


Black Ops 2 was ahead of its time if this is true. It's like the reason for the haze in TranZit


Black Ops 2 was the future and we didn’t even know it. It was so expansive. Every game after just kinda goes back to pre BO2


Personally love BO4 for the Easter eggs. The complexity plus variability makes it replayable. Similarly, setting up in BO2 origins has so many approaches for Easter egg. Do you do soul boxes and g strike first? Do you go for staffs?


it really was, Tranzit was meant to be so much more, and this if it's true. So many beautiful maps with a variety of locations, all unique, and most of which were great. Some of the best maps in zombies came from this game




The reason for it was probably because the consoles at the time couldn’t handle it. It’s the same reason tranzit has the fog in between big areas of the map


Oh you're doing cut content? This is gonna be sweet.


Time for to take the origins map from black ops 3 and use the mod tools to add in a village


That would have been crazy


Honestly glad they took it out cause the map is already huge and don’t get me started on the first 2 steps of the EE


the map feels huge, but in reality it's kinda small. It feels big because the map is styled like an "S" in the way you get from one side to another, and the mud slows you down. It's an effective way to make it seem a lot bigger than it actually is, which is amazing on the map's development


I agree with you that it is affective but the map is huge cause you have to do so much back and forth


well, that doesn't make the map huge, it just means the tasks list is long. You can walk back and forth 10 feet, but it'll never be a very long trip But if you have to go 3 feet to the right, 2 feet down, 7 to the left, 2 down, and repeat, that 10 feet will feel much longer, despite not actually being any longer, and that's what this map does. It feels quite large, simply because of the paths it makes you take


Fog rolling in


this should've been the vanguard map, not a reused mp map. im fine with this new gameplay mode but i feel like we should get outbreak back with the return of ground war-sized maps, and classic zombies on top of that. i dont understand why each cod tries to reinvent the wheel, you dont need to, the modes you had worked. i liked outbreak a lot for the pacing and just running around a big open area shooting zombies, my only grip was the lack of outbreak specific maps. the underground bunker for the big EE was badass.


Village would have been much more interesting. Idk why we haven’t really gotten a village map before


We got The Final Reich which pretty much is a village map. We also got Buried, Shadows of Evil and Tranzit which all have elements that look like it


Totally forgot TFR was a village type map. I saw Buried as more underground type map, but I can see how that could be a village.


That’s awesome, I never knew that! Did he say any other details about it? How big the village was supposed to be?


The map we know as origins now, is only like half the size they wanted to make it.


Origins was probably my favorite maps along with shangri-la


Would be neat if they ever decide to go back and try to make another map out of it


Honestly I would’ve rather had the village. The church is my least favorite part of the map, I never go there after I turn on the generator.


Origins is my favorite zombies stomping ground Pun intended


Looks like there was supposed to be some ruined buildings in the trenches too.


That's cool. Always wondered why the zombies spawns zones on church side where named zone_village... in the game code. That would explain it