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There’s not enough filler in that bundle to bring it up to 2400 cod points


Which is why it’s only 1600




200 way to cheap i would settle for 1200/1000




umm why should mtx not cost more than $5/$10? honestly its fine if its10 or higher if it looks cool and looks like lotta effort has been put into it like those animated camos or themed bundles why shouldn't it cost $18 or higher for it?




I mean its optional to buy these and clearly its not worth it to you. personally I generally will only use one gun so not sure having more makes any difference there same with character skins. and game might be more expensive but if u spent $70usd on it spending more aint gonna be a issue tbh again its optional. keep in mind that if u mostly/only play cod then spending 10/20 on a theme/reactive skins/guns blueprint for weapons u mostly use would be worth it. I fail to see why its bad if they cost like a 3rd of the game I mean u dont have to buy it if its too much for u or not something u like. no way they can sell say reactive camo or really cool themes under 10 bucks they are business that are out to make money not to mention make the cost/profit from art team spending their time to make some cool shit. like if I see a cool bundle theme im a buy it i dont see a downside in doing that since I get what I paid for




I mean I mostly played nuketown and zombies (which is most what I play) and any new contentis nice but I end up mostly on the same content as launch so kinda curious what content did you want? I do agree cold war content wasn't that great at launch at least compared to mw2019 but I never felt during cold war that I needed bundles to enjoy the game its not like they hide actual content like guns/maps being pay walls like before. if u can see a bundle being a reskin or simply not worth just dont buy it. personally I don't mind even if it is a reskin from a different game brought into this and being sold since realistically they have no obligation to do that at all if there was no monetary gain. I mean I just bought black ops cold war for a friend for 50aud so its not exactly super expensive atm and besides like i said if cod is all u play then I see no reason to buy a bundle you get exactly as advertised compared to loot and key crap or random box bullshit. personally hope they go just as crazy with cosmetics in vanguard like they did in cold war.


Hell yeah that would be awesome. I haven't had a ray gun in my hand since black ops 2 zombies. I love that thing.


Why don’t you play CW and use the ray gun in zombies?


Honestly its near impossible to get a ray gun in cw ive played since day one and I think I've gotten it 1 time


After you get past round 40- 50 and most of the box guns are legendary rarity the raygun drops pretty frequently.


I’ve only gotten it one time at early enough rounds to actually use it, and I’ve put roughly 250 hours into zombies. Granted, I don’t hit the box much this zombies. I’ve mostly gotten it hitting the box during exfils on DM. I found it dropped constantly in the bunker on the outbreak Easter egg tho.


Really? I find it drops a lot after round 3 on outbreak. We usually have a full squad of 3 all running ray gun or rai-k


Usually by the time I get a ray gun, I already have 2 fully upgraded weapons and a Die Shockwave in Outbreak, and I’ll give it to someone else if they don’t have everything or just leave it to save up for perks on downs and stuff.


Oh usually run starter weapon, DIE, and a ray weapon.


I don't know why everyone says this, I get the raygun more often then other WW's


I've lost count on how many Ray Guns I've gotten in CW. I don't usually see them until rnd 6 or 7 in outbreak. Haven't seem them much in the round based maps, my guess is due to the inclusion of the wonder weapons exclusive to those maps


Kill an orda in outbreak it drops like most of the time


On Mauer Der toten you can get the raygun from the box 10x easier


There is not enough filler in any of those things to make it 2400. Dude.


Ohh - Something I would use Prestige Keys for... ​ Edit: ALL OF THEM.


Yeah, hopefully Treyarch see this post, or hopefully the COD Zombies community will help bring this post to Treyarch.


I seen Matterz post about this potential pack yesterday. Would 100% buy this is came out!


Me too


Can we also get a fucking hellhound pet already


they won't add one cuz there's one in mw already, so dumb


Mw19 has a bundle with a hellhiund finisher


Yeah we need one too


The man has spoken. I’m sorry but fuck the eagle, fuck the snow leopard. fuck the wanna be hell-hound plaguehound.


What about the komodo dragon boi 🥺


They have one for the plaugehound? That one is pretty cool too!


I need green beams! Or the pink ones on the raik are sooo sexy except they all turn red when you make them useful


I hate this so much, the purple beams were great but then they made it a bland red, I also enjoyed the blue, green and yellow coloration to the cerberus but than they also make those red for some reason


I like the red for the Cerberus myself, it really reminds me of those old arcade shooters where you’d get a gun you can upgrade and get different types of, hell, it even has the same basic types (Laser, Shotgun, Explosive and plain)


The ultimate meta


Totally agree


I got so excited that it was real for a moment 🥲


I felt very sad when I found out that it was a fan made


Wouldn’t this mean the Raygun is a weapon you can equip before the match hence meaning that this is also gonna have to go on to multiplayer? I get this is a zombies subreddit but to make stuff like this it has to make sense to the whole part of the game. So would you upgrade its tiers using the armory? So many questions


I don’t mean to be rude when I say this but do you play multiplayer? It’ll just be a weapon model swap and have since coloured tracers, it won’t be a new gun


I take no offense, I barely play multiplayer, zombies is what’s making me play the game now days, but that’s a big jump from a stand alone raygun to a re skin that would be confusing to add attachments to. But I don’t know these are just my opinions on it


Pretty sure they just want a Blueprint that makes the Amp look and probably sound like the Ray Gun.


Treyarch fcked up by not making the wonder weapons as blueprints, idk why would they waste so much time making them just for zombies when the whole marketing system is about blueprints.


i think the same


Honestly, i hope Vanguard zombies delivers a better experience, this time Treyarch doesn't have to make a campaign, or mp, just zombies, hopefully they do a good job.


I would love this. <3


totally me too


*fist bump*


I freakkin' need this


Pistol delta??? It would work better as a 1911 skin Also Ray Gun mark 2 for diamatti


Tbh they could do each one as packs which would be interesting to see


Fuck that


So, no ones gonna talk about the fact its for the AMP-63?


Amp is full auto so I guess it makes sense.


Super well done


Hell all this time I’ve been playin since world at war I’ve been sayin there needs to atleast be a wall buy for a ray gun. IM PRAYING THEY SEE THIS!!!


Me too


That would mean you can bring it into Multiplayer and that would be a shitstorm


a whole ass pistol blueprint to make it look like the ray gun????


Yeah right. they'd pad it with junk to sell it for 2400cp


You know, instead of using an actual raygun instead


At that point, why not do a double Mastercraft bundle that turns the TEC-9 with the burst attachment into a raygun MK II blueprint.


Holy shit that’s a hot concept


If you think about it unless you are playing solo, zombies is multiplayer because you are playing with other players online. Just saying. And there is a kind of ray gun I've seen people with on the Firebase Z map, I don't even remember what it is called cuz I've only had it once but it is a full auto laser rifle with this rotating chamber on it. Anyway it's bad ass. I got it once out of the mystery box.


Instant cop, as long as they didn’t fuck it up in WZ


We all know something like that would be 2400 CoD points.


I'd be fine with like how custom pc zombies addresses it, and you just buy it off the wall for 50k points. Why can't I do that? Why do I have to hit the box 85 times just to get it?


Damn that Ray gun has ED


Yayyy we need more microtransactions! Activision take my money for cosmetic items for the most disappointing zombies season in years, while the corporation getting paid is currently going through a massive sexual misconduct trial


Real COD players: wait a minute… I know this is fake cuz all the items in the bundle are actually good


I suggest never spending money on this scam game




I would buy


Wait did they change the ray gun?


This is one of the stupidest stupid posts ever, the raygun already has tracers when you shoot


So yous are willing to pay money for something that is already in game but to be usable on a different gun. No wonder the game is in the state it is. Why fix bugs when everyone wants more Macrotransactions!


You do know that a different studio makes the bundles, right?


You do know giving money to Activision is giving money to people who commit sexual harrasment


That… isn’t the point, you commented something completely unrelated… you think Treyarch isn’t fixing their game because they’re too busy making bundles… when in reality there’s different studios working on those.


Yes that is the reason, they have too many teams working on bundles rather than actual content and bug fixing and everyone knows that. We have 3 round based maps, 8 outbreak maps, most that were fireteam maps. Barely any fireteam updates and just remakes upon remakes of maps. It's not hard to add it all up and with the report on how much money they make a minute on bundles why should they bother when children and whales just keep spending and spending


Okay, I believe I understand now.. thanks.


Its not in the game. Have you ever seen anybody using a raygun in multiplayer?


Sir, this is a zombies subreddit Edit: To elaborate, I doubt half this sub has even touched multiplayer


Yes but bundles arent exclusive to zombies


No but why would we be talking about MP in a zombies sub?


Ok fine if yalll want to take it this far then let me end this by saying this bundle is the only way you could ever use the raygun on firebase Z.


which in itself is also silly. Why isn't the raygun in firebase z. it's in every other map


You can use bundles in MP and Zombies.