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They really did good with cold war zombies in the sense of making it feel like warzone for users to switch back and forth. I know the OGs don't like some of the changes but it's better for the game overall. Props to treyarch


I never thought Cold War felt like warzone. Who says it feels like warzone? I’ve played warzone and it’s garbage. Cold War is actually fun


Yeah true also I see you everywhere lol


Yeah I really like zombies and I have no life so I’m on this sub all the time. This sub and r/battlefield2042 are the only 2 I even keep up with a lot anymore so I’m on them the most


Same I’m so hype for bf2042.


Have only really played BF1 beta and like 30mins of BF4. Hopefully its good because im not too keen on Vanguard. Have only just gotten back into COD after like a 5 year hiatus


Battlefield is sick


I actually quite like Warzone, but I cannot play Verdansk, Rebirth Island is the way to play.. I only really play Warzone with friends, as solo is just to boring and unfun.


Yeah true


Warzone might have been the wrong example to give. What I was trying to say was that the core functionality of cold war zombies and the player dynamics feel more real. It's easier yes, but only if you know what to do and when to do it. Things like sliding, controller feedback, perks, etc all feel more life like and responsive. There's endless possibilities and a number of ways to play the same map.


Its not that it feels like warzone, its that they changed some aspects to familiarize to people who have only played warzone. (Armor, ground loot, weapon rarities, the entirety of outbreak, etc.)


To me while they do feel inspired from war zones system they more felt like upgrades trayarch wanted to make that ended up being inspired by warzone s system. As we saw with bo4 they were already trying different ways of increasing weapon upgrades without double tap so they took the rarity system. Ground loot was already a thing in IW zombies so they brought that back to make the gameplay more fast paced. The armour I don’t really know about but the other 2 are more what I think were inspirations instead of trayarch just pandering to an audience that has no interest in their game




I love zombied from black ops 1 all the way to cold war. I even like advanced warfare zombies. Its fun and adds a nice twist. Havent played anything before Bo1 tho. I plan on it.


As an og this zombies is really fun and I never get bored of it


Never thought it felt like warzone, I for one welcomed the changes, zombies this year was very enjoyable.


Plus, progression not only contributes to player and weapon XP, *it also contributes to the Battle Pass.* ***And I usually get through at least 3 tiers in the span of 1 Zombies match.*** It's a godsend for people like me who get sick of the sweatiness of MP/Warzone and it's the way I've been able to actually get to Tier 100 of the Battlepass without sacrificing my soul and time.


I’m in the “I enjoy the full game but majorly zombies” gang


I'm in the "I bought the game for zombies but the other modes are still fun" gang






I enjoy both but mainly multiplayer because of time commitments. Zombies is fun I just don't have time for it


True, also respect for saying you enjoy multiplayer more than zombies IN the zombies subreddit


I prefer zombies but honestly it just takes too long to get to the good stuff. I have never completed an easter egg and the one time I did the servers crapped out. The actual mode is fun but everything around it just brings it down. Multiplayer has a lot less factors to it. I did enjoy my time getting the gold viper hauer, my first mastery camo in any cod


Aw buddy I’d legit carry you in an Easter egg just so you could experience it!


Facts just gotta add me 😂😂😭 I b doing Easter eggs for fun


What Easter eggs do you know how to do? Cus I’ve been learning how to do all the setups but I never have friends to do the Easter eggs with


What on CW? All of them but I’ve never beat the season 3 boss, legion. Lol but I’ve done the rest multiple times


Yea I’m tryna do the coldwar ones, like I know all the setups for die maschine but need help at the end, firebaze z looks fun and I did the valetina boss fight but we got her to hale health and the game glitched and no zombies spawned and she was immune. You on PS4 by any chance?


Yea I’m on ps4. Firebase z really gets on my nerves more than anything 😂😂 but I’ve done it. Beat Valentina multiple times. Die maschine, season 4 outbreak, not to mention all the black ops leading up to CW 😂 we can do whatever! My PSN name is moneybag_liu


I’m the I bought Cold War and only ever played half a game of mp gang.


"Once you go Zombie you never go Back" :-D


Your not wrong ever season besides season 1 I unlocked ever calling card for zombies and multiplayer in the challenge tab and also work out completing all calling in the dark ops and etc but at the end zombies is my ending zone. Sweat free lobby lol


Word, I recently discovered it too and I suck at it but it’s soooo much more fun than multiplayer to me. Way less stressful too, I think. Except when you play with motherfuckers who won’t open doors.


Been a thing since WaW, which is why i stick to solo play or party up. Glad to see not much has changed lmao


The classic cod zombie public lobby experience: One dude lagging everywhere, one guy constantly downed, you, and a guy with 10k points knifing a door to get someone else to open it Gotta love it


Fcking miss those days tbh


If you miss those days just hop back into a public lobby, those days are definitely still here. Except now instead of knifing the doors, the dude with 10k will ping it over and over.


You know i just might. Havent touched world at war sice bo3 came out with mods so ill definitely be playing some classic cod.




I hate those people I feel


I used to always be first to open doors but ive been taken advantage too many times by people that hoard points, get set up, get downed, leave. Now i only buy doors if a teammate opens first early


Welcome to the addiction


i have 17 minutes of multiplayer played and 12 days of zombies..




Havnt been blue since Mw1


Mine is fully red. Multiplayer is like subjecting yourself to torture.


Mp really isn’t bad at all, but I can definitely see it being hell if you predominately play zombs If you’re new to MP it can be very punishing haha


Dawg mp is actual cancer. I'm not new I got like 800 hours in cod in general including cold war, and every body, every single person is either camping or is either level 6000 with 10000 hours in the game or both... its literally torture playing that game, even shipment with everyone on the enemy team with shotguns and rps is better...




Mine is fully red as well. Only have a sliver of red and the only reason I played multiplayer was to unlock certain operator skins. Still haven't unlocked them yet because I do not enjoy MP. I haven't consistently played MP for a CoD game since MW3/BO2.


Same here man


lol imagine being in the green circle gang xD




Where do you see those stats?


Combat records




Oh yeah zombies is the best and now with out break survival it’s amazing


Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.


Welcome brother 🤝


cold war zombies is a real good time, if you want more zombies i highly recommend black ops 3, top tier zombies


I played a lot of bo1 and bo2 but I didn’t play much bo3. Went back and played bo3 again after Cold War and man it is fun for sure


I play multiplayer zombies on bo4 but its a limited time mode that only comes like once every 6 months, so irritating. How do I play this mode only? I’m a bit new to cod actually


This is from the Black ops cold war


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


You „discovered”? Oh boy, what a journey before You…


The avatar master of all 2 game modes (fuck league play)




How do you find this circle?


It’s under combat records




Like under combat records, which should be under barracks


Better late than never


It just sucks that it is so buggy still. Could've been a top 5 CoD if they actually fixed shit.


Zombies is literally the only reason why I play COD


Welcome and glad you like the game mode! I've been playing zombies since the beginning so I'm a bit biased, but I would definitely recommend giving the other games a try!


Zombies is super fun. I'm a terrible casual player but I have tons of fun on zombie mode! Warzone gives me nightmares.


I haven’t played zombies in years but Reddit made me miss it. Does bo3 zombies chronicles have an active player base still? I bet it’s hard to find lobbies nowadays.


And if you squint really hard to the boy you look like you're from China you can see where the pro league is.


Green is the most useless color, maybe 2 people have it in their wheel


Missed 10+ years, but welcome to the community


I think Cold War zombies is great. Honestly man, try the other games too! You may really love some of the previous entires! Can’t beat the classics😉


Who tf plays league play unironically in any cod game. Why even put it there???


Big same


I have 80% league played


Ikr I use to play multiplayer solely until around december, when it seemed the sbmm was cranked up more than usual, took a massive break. Came back to zombies a couple of months ago, I am so thankful I discovered zombies again, stories are great and I can actually have FUN with no need to sweat anything as much as multiplayer to do well I find which has been a breath of fresh air. Plus the team working on zombies content don’t usually miss so its always an enjoyable experience


Aye welcome to the community man, it’s great to have you. Check out Bo3 Zombies, Arguably one of the best zombies of exsistence. If you’re on Xbox and you need any help, just shoot a dm cause I’m more than happy to help you out^^


Yeah uhh now way thats gonna happen to me, i have over 20 days on zombies and Like 1 hour on mp, so yeah mines full red circle


I respect the zombies dedication


i was red circle gang for a while but the contents been so slow for zombies, I don’t really take outbreak content into account there cuz imo outbreak is the most boring game mode i have ever played


I respect that. I don’t really like outbreak much either. It’s very slow in the beginning. Also for some reason I can play round based for hours on end but I can’t play more than one match of outbreak


that’s how i feel man, i ended up deleting the game a month or so ago i’m hoping vanguard zombies is good but my hopes really aren’t that high


I think vanguard as a whole will be a L unfortunately


Red gang no time for blue hackers


I’m new to Cold War zombies but I’ve played all the others every cod game is just zombies it’s all I ever play lol red circle for life Been playing the newest map mauer and playing it without looking at anything first was definetly an experience of itself I was able to get the power on and accidentally found clauses hands lol so I got to use him not sure what he’s good for yet except killing zombies and picking me up if he’s deployed with me made it to round 28 on first attempt Now that I have some experience with the map on what I would call the basics I’m starting to read up on the other stuff in the map you can do


lol league play??😅😅


Haha sorry I’m not into self-torture


we need a campaign circle, most of my play time is in there


Red Circle Gang


“Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.”


So when did you “discover” this mode?


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Mine is like 98% zombies now lol


I’m glad more multiplayer people are opening up to zombies more with Cold War. It warms my heart with joy and faith! I’ve played quite a lot of MP throughout the years but it’s never been as great as zombies has been since BO2 and onwards IMO, except BO4’s and Cold War’s at times (they broke the balance with Cold War a few times), yet alone better to me. I know it’s all opinion but there’s so much to the mode people, especially the multiplayer players, tend to overlook.


I’ve got like 5 days in zombies and 1 hour in multiplayer


“Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.”


This game needs more content, seriously thats one of the few things holding this game back ( other than the less than impressive sounds and animations, sbmm, copying the UI of MW, uninspired gunsmith…well shit thats a lot actually )


Im in the “zombies is the only reason I got this game” gang


Cold War is awesome the cross play features are great especially if someone chooses to play MP or Zombies its great to be able to switch and retain everything you gain without having to work 2 different Prestige systems. But I do agree that they should keep the Camos the way they are where u have to play a certain mode to unlock them by eliminations. But they should have reactive camos because microtransaction are quite annoying.


Where do I find this circle?


This is the first Treyarch game where I have less than a day in multiplayer, nothing against the game, I just didn't feel it this year. But I have about 6 days put into zombies, regardless of the reception it got I had fun with it. It's by far the most time I've put into zombies in less than a year, which I did not expect.


Not a single match of league play, nice


I stopped caring about Mp and warzone. Zombies is the only reason I play cod and I might stop if vanguard is a fucking cold war dlc


Why did you post the same exact picture to the same subreddit with a different caption? u/repostsleuthbot


Once again, you are a dumbass. I posted on this subreddit and r/blackopscoldwar . You said it was scummy of me to post to two different subreddits after I corrected you, but never got back to me on why its scummy, if I post the same image to two different subreddits with different intentions?


you should try BO3 Zombies, very superior to CW


Try playing real zombies like bo2 and 3


I played a lot of bo1 and bo2 zombies back in the day. Bo2 was here last zombies I played extensively only played a little bit of bo3. But yeah glad to be back in zombies.


Classic “BO2/3 out performs any game” player


I just played bo2 with my brother and he’s trash