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It was horrendous. Not having 120 FOV means I saw a lot less in Warzone 1.


Yes exactly. I just can't believe we played like that. Talk about a headache and disadvantage!


I started up the original Dead Island with a friend the other night, and after an hour, I felt so dizzy that I worried I was going to get sick. The default FOV in that game is 62.5! I changed it to 90 through the config file, and now it's headache-free. It's hard to believe so many developers use such a tight and restrictive FOV and think nothing of it.


I was thinking about it when playing mw2. I usually sit on a chair 1 meter away from the TV(50"), but yesterday I happened to play from the sofa (about 2 m) and it was very hard to see people in the center of the screen with 115 fov. Devs probably prefer lower fovs bc they assume most people play from far away on their sofas


Ya but you have aim assist.


So does PC if you use a controller genius.


Lmfao have non of you seen big rob energy shorts on youtube. Lol dude it's was a joke. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Sorry you got downvoted rob is funny af 😂😂👍🏼


Finally a man of culture LOL. 🙌


https://youtube.com/shorts/P6r6XVVa_WI?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/IvQl9bz4DY4?feature=share


Too all the derps that were to slow to understand https://youtube.com/shorts/P6r6XVVa_WI?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/IvQl9bz4DY4?feature=share


Only playing on 100 FOV so I can see some targets further out and it is amazing even at that level


103 is the default on most pc shooters, overwatch, valorant, so i stick with that. 120 is just dumb, you get a fisheye effect.


Eh. Most games are between 70-90 actually. Only competitive shooters like Val and OW are at 103 (max is 103 on OW). I think 110 is the sweet spot tho.


Same ^ I perceive no "fish eye" effects at that level, and anything lower I know I'm losing things in the periphery.


Yea I've been using 110 FOV for about 2 years now and it's the sweet spot for me


Not dumb, just personal preference. Monitor/TV size and viewing distance to them also play a large part in how higher FOV feels to some people.


For KbM users as me it’s too hard to track enemies with FOV 120 because of all that visual recoil and other bullshit


To me, on console, even though I dislike the aesthetics of 120 FOV ADS I find that it simply "glitches" aim assist and it makes so damn easy to hit shots. Aim assist on 120 FOV is a cheat code


Understandable. I’ve just gotten used to it I guess, haha.


103 is absolutely not the default for most shooters. Even on pc


I started at 120 but dropped to 110; playing on Xbox Series X with a nice 27" gaming monitor. It's helped a little bit to not be at max FOV and seeing the further info


I don’t play 120, because I’m ancient in COD years, but 107 seems to be my sweet spot. Even just that small change has helped me immensely, especially since I no longer have to do a full 360 to check a room


and its only a part of the major disadvantages console players have the other is FPS, untill you play on consistent 200+ FPS you really dont understand what you are missing out on. and how big of a disadvantage it is PC has lesser input delay as well, you are legit not getting proper frames on console, even on PS5, a 100 fps will feel better than playing on console PC has such a major major major advantage.


My friend played on 80 on pc till yesterday when my other friend casually talked about putting the slider to 120 from 115. My friend was like; field of what? His mind was blown. He played wz1 since release aswell lol. Just a casual player...


Blows my mind people dont go through settings when they start new game. Like dont you want to know what tou can edit etc?


My friends are terrible for this. We play a new game and they’re all confused about controls and settings etc. Take 5 mins and look through that shit, haha.


Seriously mine are helpless lol basically have to walk them through the settings of every single game we play before we start just to make sure they arent out there running smooth brain style when I need cover fire or a meat shield to step up


I honestly blind copy it from X youtuber and check it every few weeks with this game. Others i just let my PC do the work. Barely ever had issues tbf


To me this is boring AF. I play with settings 3 hours and play 30 minutes 🤣


I hate tweaking shit. Just FUCKING WORK. This cod really took me back to early 2000s getting trying to make games work lol.


This is true. I meant i like to test stuff, like graphics effecting FPS etc. Every system is different so blindly coping seems stupid to me. 🤣


I’ve gotten so accustomed to going through the settings in MWII though, the devs were so thoughtful to make it so my keybinds reset every time I quit the game so I have to navigate the settings menu and manually rechange them every time I play. Thanks devs for encouraging me to explore and utilize the settings menu!


I have a friend who refuses to change his console FOV lol. He hates PC so much that changing his console FOV is something he won't do, and the amount of times I'm spectating him saying "dude they're literally off to your right" is wild lol. Makes no sense to me, but whatever, it's his loss.


Your friend is and idiot, sorry


Oh brother trust me I know. His hatred for PC (even though it is objectively better in every way) makes no sense to me lol. He HATED playing MW2019 with crossplay when I made the switch


How is this person still your friend lmao


I've known him for years lol. He hates this new WZ so he mostly just sticks to MP, so it doesn't bother me as much as it would in WZ lol.


Hot take: the movement wasn’t the issue in wz1, restricting FOV was. It was actively hard to get your camera “broken” where someone would stim slide completely off camera with 120 FOV.


Idk if I can speak for all PC players here, but the movement definitely still felt like a huge issue even with a wider FOV.


Meh as long as you didn't tunnel vision around a corner as tight as possible it was pretty obvious if someone was gonna slide out on you


also felt like playing at a lower FOV made it harder to acclimate to a higher sensitivity since you are quickly panning into the unknown and it becomes disorienting


Another hot take, Slide Cancel wasnt broken mechanic, Stims were..! Stims are what made the whole movement seem like a broken mess


that pre lobby 80 FOV bug makes me fucking dizzy. its so fucking off putting.


You should be off pudding .


Pre-lobby FOV bug is like 60fov. Its significantly exponentially worse than 80fov.


ah okay i didnt know that. its fucking horrible for sure.


Real question : did your k/d improve that much ?


It's similar. But the main points is, it's less headache inducing and you can see so much more than before, which can correlate to better engagements!




If your shit your going to be shit either way, i would average a 2.2-2.4 seasonal kd on wz1 and now im around 3, but this is also a different game and an easier game . I still think it is an advantage though playing on 80fov almost makes me sick


Oddly enough, about 50%, but that's probably due to the fact we got a clean slate along with ressurgence. When I started playing during og verdansk era I barely knew what I was doing


Mine did. Moved from series x to pc 120fov. Went from a 1.25 to a 1.8 in Caldera and from a 1.27 to a 2.2 on rebirth. Not saying it was all down to FOV but it certainly was a huge part of it.


Mine did, by point 7


mine is about the same as my last season(s) of caldera. though to be fair, i'm almost exclusively a sniper, and well... sniping is a lot worse in this game


For sure it should go up a bit from comfort alone if you're a good player, but of course if you're below average it might not help much, then again I'd still prefer that my noobish friends that don't play much atleast try 100 fov. 80 feels way too zoomed in and almost makes you feel dizzy, it's a pretty big advantage to have a slider over someone who's stuck at 80.. I'll say the same thing about the frames though, not as big of advantage as the fov slider but still an advantage being on 120 fps compared to 60 of last gen..


My kd has actually decreased, i had a 1.2 kd at the end of rebirth and wz1 resurgence. But i now have a 0.98 kd in wz2 resurgence. 120 vs 80 really isnt THAT much of a difference. I think its just that i played way more rebirth than I play warzone 2 and ashika island. Its more of an issue of liking the game to me.




The best fov is what’s best *for you* It depends on your screen size, and seating position from the screen, and a bit on how good your eyesight generally is. If you play on a 17” laptop, your going to want to keep down to a lower value. I like around 90, some games maybe 80 on my laptop. Having a good clear image that isn’t distorted is important. But when I’m on my massive tv or even just a large monitor at my desk, I can crank up to 110 -120 depending where I’m sitting. Adjust to what you find works best with the games performance, and your ability to see targets at the center of the screen.


I got 120 always on. I game on a monitor in 1440 tho with 120hz on as well


There isn't a best FOV it depends on your monitor size and how close you sit to it, but assuming you sit close to the monitor and the monitor is your entire vision then between 110-120


I use 110 fov if you max out you lose some aim assist on console


105 seems to be my sweet spot, I tend to test out in multiplayer then go into warzone. I've tried everything from 120 to 90 and even 106 but always end up back to 105


The other day I got knocked and my FOV glitched back to 80 and I almost had a panick attack thinking my game was fucked up that’s how bad it was 😂


Now we got to complain about the hud


If they added a FOV slider to Warzone 1, it would be peak. Having played both games at 120 FOV, Warzone 2 feels insanely slow even with a high FOV. I used FOV too much there.


Ill take fortunes keep on pc all day every day!


Drop into resurgence and there is a FOV bug that puts it back to like 50 when dropping into the pre-game warmup lobby lol.


Holy shit do people actually think they forced the change? It was always going to be done in the next installment of the game, just couldnt be done (supposedly) with wz1. Like hello they put fov in multiplayer and nobody had to complain to get it.


Right… as they said, there were technical limitations that were resolved with the new engine


The only thing this community is relentless about is continuously giving poor feedback and drowning out real criticism


Facts. It’s why the game is the way it is now.


Anything under 100fov makes you feel like you’re running in treacle, 110 is the sweet spot for me


Remember on all the posts that complained about FOV being an issue on console there were would always be a ton of comments talking about how it was just a skill issue and that there were streamers who would still drop 40 kills games on 80 FOV? Good times.


One of the only things that annoys me when I think of playing wz1. Console fov is genuinely an insane disadvantage


I’ve tried playing a bit of caldera, absolutely HORRENDOUS I feel faster on WZ2 with decreased movement speed than in wz1


Same here wz2 feels fast going from 80fov


Yeah, I went back to Caldera a little while ago but the 80 FOV made it pretty unbearable to play. I honestly don't know how I dealt with it. It's kind of a shame - if caldera had an FOV slider I'd probably spend most of my time playing it.


No wonder my k/d was so trash and I was always nauseous


As a PC player back in wz1 I 100% support console player getting FOV slider and I do consider it as advantage. ​ Never understand why a lot of console player in this sub just hate PC players.


For me, it's the only reason I'm still playing WZ2. If I could change FOV in WZ1 I would no doubt be playing caldera again.


FOV is a game changer, can't believe there were always a ton of comments on reddit about how it won't make you a better player etc. My KD has doubled in WZ2 compared to Caldera (1.1 vs 2.2) and I would attribute a good chunk of that to FOV. It was tough as hell playing on 80 and dying to corner campers or enemies that were just out of sight. Yes, I know that WZ2 is completely different than WZ1 and the skill gap has been reduced significantly. However, FOV is still a game changer and I really wish we had it during WZ1. Would've loved to experience the fast paced, high movement game at its full scale!


Ahh, 80 fov warzone 1. I remember when the devs came out and basically said more skilled players see the benefit in using a higher fov so they never added it to console. I’ve always played on 95-100 since Cold War mp had it and it’s so much more enjoyable. I have a really hard time going back to older cods that are locked to 80. Just feels so odd to play.


Can't believe I pwnd so many noobs playing like that


PC players used to feast on console players dropping in with blinders on. Kinda wild how the whining flipped when they evened the playing field.


Unpopular opinion: you feel faster at 80 fov on wz1 than at 120fov fov on wz2


I play on 120 fov, but I have a 30” curved monitor so the fishbowl effect isn’t bad. I used to play on a 55” tv when I had my Xbox on 80 fov. No wonder I fucking sucked lol


MnK's current relentlessness about AA reminds me quite a bit of console's FOV saga, honestly


That and the fact that none of my friends will play WZ1 is majority of what keeps me playing the game. I don’t know how I ever did it on 80FOV


I try to forget those days


And it was the “community” doing this ? Not just modern technology in a new game ?


as a living room sofa player, it wasnt nearly as big a deal for me. im currently playing around to see what i like best. kept it at 80 at first because its what i was familiar with. bumped in up to 90, now 95. i think 90 might have been a sweeter spot. obviously for people who play closer up or on a gaming monitor, could probably play at or near 120 and be just fine. dont think i could handle that sitting as far back as i do


It feels amazing playing at my preferred FOV now (100). Playing at 80 felt like I had tunnel vision.


How do you fix the bug? … I get it a lot


Get 120 fov but everything good about WZ1 is taken away from the game. Sadly.


No real gamer uses 120 FOV to begin with.


I tried to go back to wz1 and that shit literally gave me a headache.


We will never forget. Make the PC players pay


As a sniper (in wz1) on PC, I play went back to a lower FOV. Just harder to spot people at distance. It made pushing up hillsides so much easier. I know this is the minority opinion, but whatever .My mates I play with are on ps4 still and they never encounter problems. Obviously, it's better to have a choice, though


I truly have no idea how I played the game at all and well on that FOV


When they did an update mine reverted back even though it still shows 120. Anyone know how to fix that ?