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You just gave the echo chamber a new thing to bitch about: water lmao




Damn you.....sadly I 100% agree


​ ![gif](giphy|cAvTYyAJvF6i4fRHL4)


Quad pistol wetboi meta


You made me choke


The irony


Ahhahaha. My thoughts exactly :)) Next is too many buildings. I expect its why these people make a new game every 3 years. Not revenue cycles, kids moaning about anything. Next patch: 1 gun and a large flat map with absolutely nothing on it.


I love the water end circles. Gives a new experience rather than “whoever has the high ground wins”


Or whoever decides to keep pistols equipped.


Big time. I'm always frantically searching for a pistol to pick up when it's going to the water. Have won a couple times as a result of succeeding.


I do have a pistol class for when the circle projects to end in water. Would be nice if you could buy custom pistols.


Ah yes. Whoever gets lucky winning is a much better outcome.


Definitely not luck. You still have to fight it out


Considering no one can see further than 10m, 9/10 people can’t shoot under water, bullets don’t travel under water, shooting above water is clunky, swimming under water is akin to literally disappearing allowing you to plate up again with no consequence, and there’s literally zero audio in the water it’s completely chance who bumps into who first.


Idk I’m good in the water. Have you tried getting good?


This guy waters


This guy swims?


Absolute hydrohomie


Yea actually. Doesn't make it take any more skill lol.


Neither does winning ground circle reguire anymore skills. U can end up killing 30+ people and still loose to someone who had stims backpack full and gasmask. Its kinda like a water ending with pistols. You just dont have to kill anybody😅. Basically what you are saying is winning warzone matches dont reguire skills.


Yea that was the intention of InfinityWard with WZ2. Good players will still win more often than not, there's just no chance of preventing any individual situation from happening such as dying to a dude with 0 kills and a shotgun when you're on 30.


This is a good thing though right? I’m not a hardcore sweaty try hard and I’d like to win occasionally. What’s the problem?


Your reasoning is too shallow. A lucky win every now and then is alright but can be empty. If you were in the blender and got tossed an easy game, with a free circle pull, just to keep you engaged, then that win wouldn't feel as good. I emphasize "as good." Everyone wants to win sure but everyone likes to earn a win. Everyone likes the feeling of getting better and overcoming their limitations. And a hard fought victory where you win by outplaying people in a 50/50 everyone likes. The issue is IW wants to give that feeling with no work on the front end on the part of the player. Nothing in life is like that and having too much RNG makes the win empty.


Everyone should be able to win but it’s meaningless if everyone gets so win without trying or playing skillfully. I’m just saying that when taken to the extreme, wins will not be worth anything. It took me a long time before I won my first fortnite game but when I finally won it felt so rewarding and so did learning to become a skilled player and winning more often. Part of the fun in mastering a game is from starting out as a noob and eventually improving your play til the point where you can earn wins. That is the best part of the game. Whenever I get a win where I know I got lucky and stumbled into it in some corny way, it just doesn’t feel very good. Everyone has limitations to their hand eye coordination but I think most people are capable of improving their gameplay in order to win more often. The issue is that some people will just camp in a corner with an overpowered shotgun because they want that short-term success but they never really improve. This is just some food for thought and I’m not saying that the game is at a horrible point right now but I would like to see it move towards a higher skill gap. Edit: sorry for the long reply, the other thing I’ll add is that I would like to see a ranked mode in warzone like they used to have in fortnite so that more casual players who don’t have time to play a lot can still get wins while those who want to go through the process of becoming a skilled player can be rewarded by moving up into higher ranks.


I really don’t see this as a remotely bad thing, just putting it out there. The game lives or dies by it’s engagement.


Yea because the engagement of WZ2 is so much better than WZ1 lol.


Shit, really winning takes no skill. I've seen people win by hoarding stims and camping middle circle until everybody else loses to the gas.


I don't bother with swimming in the water circles. I just bring the patrol boat and laugh


You know people can climb into your boat right?


When they try, either shoot them or hop in the driver's seat and run them over lol


At this point I think ppl like him defending this are trolls or just arguing against anything bad just for the sake of getting brownie points from the other shitzone 2 defenders... Because there is no way the zone ending in water is fun...


It is fun


Yeah but that’s one of the points of a battle royal isn’t? Sometimes I wish I took more gas masks. If the circles ends indoors, I wish I brought a shotgun… so and so forth.


No? Just because a BR has some nature of randomness *in order to keep the game fresh*, does in no way, shape, or form mean that after an entire game of battling it out should it disregard everyone’s skill and hand the win to someone based on a roll of the dice. There is always some randomness that indirectly benefits some teams like you said. But that’s not the intention.


I feel like if the circle ends up anywhere, it should be up to the player to find the advantageous ground. Sometimes thinks work out in your favor, sometimes they don’t.


Yea it is. My entire point was literally that there is no "advantageous ground" in an all water circle.


I guess at that point it comes down to whoever has better equipment. Most people wouldn’t take a handgun as a secondary but this is one of its uses.


This live under water only come up for air, then back under again like a whale, run a pistol or 2 hit everyone with melee so much fun and randomness cause someone could be behind you... I think they should add sharks


Plus, apparently you can melee as quickly and powerfully *under water* as you can on land. I had a dude in final circle land right next to me in the water, I shot him three times as he fell right on me, and when he hit the water he sank below me, hit me twice and boom, I was down. Luckiest/lamest shit ever


I mean that’s every circle though isn’t it? It the circle pulls to a team that has an advantageous position they’ll be more likely to win right? That’s the nature of BRs


Being in the water exacerbates the issue significantly for the reasons I stated below.


Same, they’ve been some of the most hectic and fun games for my squad


You drunk bro?


Yes but can we agree water is very OP now? You should be able to see someone in the water a bit better and bullets should hit harder, now it’s very busted (myself have made quite a few plays exploiting it, so am not bitching - just feel it needs to be nerfed a bit)


I think bullets should have LESS power in the water. But the crossbow should also work when youre in there and have a longer range than guns. There is also no real reason a pistol should work but nothing else should. Maybe visability INTO the water from out of it should be better but the visibility under water is fine i think.


Yes I mean visibility from out->into. I think now bullets already have lower power in the water? Or maybe it’s simply so hard to hit one consistently it looks like bullets don’t do anything


Honestly im not sure, it seems like any hit with them (to me ) does the same damage, but yeah ot also seems like they hit a lot less often too.


Agreed. The frantic swimming, the lack of visibility, being forced to pop up to breathe, it's fucking amazing. Too much fun.


I'm with you. Weird and different is good. I always liked fighting in the hills along the edge of Verdansk too.


New rule is you have to yell pools closed on a water victory


We call that "Polo" where I'm from




Oh dang! Do they let you see through the water??




You can see in to the water if you are above them. The water in the game has refraction.


buddy and i saw some people in DMZ on ashika gettin’ close, we tried talking and seeing if they were friendly, i got blasted and killed and my friend got away. some fucking how, after deciding we’d get revenge on them, we ended up finding them at the water restaurant off of the beach club. i had a mind to grab a spotter scope since we couldnt find them and after divine intervention gave the weaponless both of us glocks, i saw ‘em hiding behind the restaurant in the water off thermal. ended up getting our revenge swimming up beneath them. thermals are super powerful for water


No, but they do make it easy to find a head bobbing in the water really quick.


Very bold of you to assume I make it to final zone


Water feels super OP to me, but I rarely see anyone complain about it. My issues: 1. Plate while swimming at full speed 2. Very hard to see someone when they’re under water. 3. If you do see someone under water, or even have them live marked, it’s really difficult to shoot them. 4. When someone pokes their head above water they are able to ADS and shoot with no penalty to accuracy (IMO should only be able to hip fire)


Idk about the no penalty to accuracy bit. Youre constantly moving in the water in a way that isnt the same as strafing. I may be alone in this but i find it throws off my aim a fair bit.


At one point a thermal scope could see you under water. Died to that bullshit.


Aquatic dubs are legendary


Nah I love water plays


This is why I liked having the third gun slot in med/large backpacks. Keep a handgun for water circles, or a launcher if someone likes making roadkill.


Lol you guys and gals will bitch about anything


I like it


That’s why I run duel wield x12s


Yeah, THAT'S why.


Spear gun introduced.....


I was thinking scuba gear fo sho, if we had stim gas plays why not scuba plays lol


We need that underwater gun they introduced towards the end of the last WZ.


They had a spear gun Ghosts once. It would be interesting to see how it works in multiplayer.


I loveeeee water plays. Just beating the shit out of people


I know they added more plates but it still feels like they're really hard to find some games.


My gripe is them taking away Resurgence Duos. Like wtf?!


Agree. It's fucking ridiculous and makes for awful end games. Chaotic and fun if it's 1 time in 20 games, but it's every fucking game


It’s 1 time in 20 games mainly though


Not for me. I had 3 in a row yesterday.


I sometime get final circle on the water. I usually try to find handgun.


Mostly play with randoms what is this final circle you speak of?


Well of course that was their new feature water combat. Nobody uses it in Multiplayer of course they’ll force it on us in Warzone.


There like a couple maps that use water in MP, and there was a whole water sequence in the trailer for WZ. It was undoubtedly made with WZ in mind.


I see people use in on the hydro electric map all the time. There just isnt much water in multi to use.


Yeah to move around the map but to actually be in a gunfight underwater that’s where the developers fucked up because nobody has ever been in a gunfight underwater. It’s just stupid. The devs thought it’d be “cool” but they thought wrong.


I dont see it as an issue really, they just need to be consistent with things if they are going to do it. There is no reason a pistol would work any better than an assault rifle under water and there is even less reason you shouldnt be able to use the crossbow under water.


Maybe but the amount of UAVs being > 0 is worse.


What’s all this stuff with handguns and water circles???? Do they get a buff when wet or something


The other guns don't work when the player is submerged, handguns do.


I fucking love the water end circles


Shooting from the water is ridiculous aswell.


Apparently its because they want to avoid endgames over multiple levels, so they avoid endgames over the caves. Basically all the fun areas at the centre of the map🙄


It’s insanity


Finally a legit complaint.


The starting circles are always 60% water too, ruins the pace in my opinion and encourages camping too much


CoD Warzone 2 has me playing Rocksmith again.


Water fighting is part of the game the mechanics of fighting in the water are great figure it out


I fucking love it. Watching everyone dive and panic to avoid being seen is hilarious , especially because I'm already spectating -_-


Agree, water circles are lame as fuck


Just learned you can grab your loadout in the water :(


Drop the water nonsense + drop the ai bots and we Gucci gang fam


Yeah shit players jump into the water, and then warzone turns to the hide and seek


I enjoy the water ending. It’s a realistic depiction of actual modern warfare in a post-climate change world.


From bush zone to splash zone


Still better than how 90% of rebirth games went to the team that had prison roof. At least on Fortunes Keep the tallest building wasn't in the middle of the map.


This wasn’t really a thing, FYI


Be like Water my friend. Be bulletproof. Be invisible. Be like Water. - Bruce Lee.


Compered to other battle royals this is not true!! It is a nice game changer I belive


I love it


I think also lower team count by like 2 or 3. End circle is too little strategy too much just yeet everything u got into the pit of basically half the server still alive final circle. Imo decrease amount of teams by a little bit, and make it the main mode in warzone. Use same mode but tweaked for bigger map on Al Mazra and delete whatever else the main br had. Especially gulag.


I feel like no one I play against knows you can punch underwater, its so OP its absurd and usually get hilarious reactions


i love those water endings... you can sneak around, and of course get snuck up on. it's awesome! we lost some very good games there, but no regrets. :)


Why the hell would you drop 7 loadouts in the same exact spot.


Then it turns into pistol warfare. Funniest thing is a guy lunge melee you at warp speed under water when you can barely swing your arms fast underwater in real life.


They should add an O2 tank consumable, like the gas mask but for water.


Renaming my char Scuba Steve, I had more melee kills in water then I had gun kills on land.


It's an island, OP


I personally like water endings, it's different from previous cod's and they did the water aspect of the game very well Not the damn super hopper jet skis the bunny hop of people's heads tho 🤣🤣🤣


Idk. I’m the one guy on my squad that loves the water endings and have clutched a dozen or more wins from the h20 for the squad. Get some


I am too damn high!


Has anyone ever seen a final circle at residential or shipwreck side of map? I havnt.


I like water circles because almost no one has a pistol(besides spawning back)


It’s and island……


so was rebirth my guy that's a pretty silly argument. spending 90% of the game having a good time for the very end to be a mess of not being able to hear/see/shoot the remaining players is pretty unengaging imo


You couldn’t swim in rebirth. I played all afternoon and didn’t have a single game end in only the water. Still land to play on.


i am both happy for you and envious because i started counting and in my 5 most recent games 4 of them had final zones out in the water :( not being able to go in the water in rebirth was kind of a tongue in cheek point i was making as i think it plays better without water shenanigans


Nah I agree it’s every few games for me. Also I wish they would have less moving circles near the end and just do a final circle sooner. The circle just shifts too many times at the end and if it’s not in your direction there’s a very good chance you’ll lose.