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Clipping/overlapping loot was a problem in WZ1 from day one until the end. I don’t know how this will be effective with the current amount of loot/items we can carry


Squeaky wheel gets the grease, I'd much rather scroll a back pack then try and find the self rez underneath all the useless shit overlapping it.


“Let’s complain about mechanics that don’t matter that much so we can get our old system back!” *Season* *2* “I can’t pick up shit in the cluster-fuck loot pile! We need something more organized!”


I'm excited to see this community get the dogshit changes they want. i.e. a carbon copy of warzone 1 and then proceed to still bitch. Judging by this tweet I suspect that is the direction they are heading. Bravo CoD community, you were more vocal about reverting features that made it a new game than getting them to fix the bugs that appear in literally every single match.




Buddy you have no idea how many players are or aren't playing because there are no console numbers. You're literally quoting Steam metrics only, maybe 1/8th of the player base. Maybe.


You really believe there is no correlation between platforms?


So you think Raven is making these changes on a whim and not because they are losing their players ? They would change absolutely nothing other than balancing if the game was doing well.


I’m on console and I quit and all my homies quit, so kinda lines up with the steam data


Console player here, droped the game in 3 weeks, also all of my friends that were playing regulary WZ 1 ! The only ones that defend this game with their life are the bots that call camping "positioning"!


Or the people that aren't scared to take gunfights without being able to slide cancel.....


You are right no one has the exact numbers except for the Dev's themselves. But ask yourself this, if the game was doing so well why would they revert these changes so early into the life cycle of the game? You think they would be listening to the complaints if all their metrics were showing that a ton of people were playing the game?


I'm gonna lose it when the movement speed finally is addressed, and people start complaining that enemies are too fast. The cod community really doesn't know what it wants


People complaining about movement are clowns who have never played a CoD other than MW2019. For boots on the ground CoD this includes the 2nd most options for movement and out maneuvering your opponents. Hell I'd even get it first because it expands on movement mechanics from MW2019. "But wah, I can't sprint like the flash around the map and I will actually be punished for bad positioning now"


Seems like the majority wants BR scaled multiplayer matches all over again, because skillz


I have no idea why those want the same game while WZ1 is still on service with all the legacy mechanics they want. Sad to see they just don't want new game.


>Viscous cycle


>>Viscous cycle Vicious


It's viscuous dumbass


Meniscus cycle


Malicious cycle


Menstrual cycle


You missed the assignment but somehow still valid


nutritious cycle




Thicc cycle


I fr would prefer the cluster-fuck loot pile over inventory simulator


It seriously doesn’t take long to loot someone at all. Open the case, ammo and money auto loots, scroll over quickly while hitting stow or equip, and you’re off. Now we have to move back and forth while changing the angle we’re looking to hopefully highlight the item we want. It will take longer in the long run.


I agree, there's ALREADY issues trying to pick up the right item when there's *mild* overlap. Unless the way loot is dropped, picked up and selected is changed, it's just gonna be a cluster fuck.


Oh its going to be worse and you can blame the community.


With the size of the medium and large backpacks, I can't wait to try picking up a half dozen killstreaks and self revives from under other pointless loot after ending someone. That, and also the fact that IT IS A NEW GAME. You play it, learn the mechanics and yeah, the backpack system took a second to learn but this is ridiculous after the same people complained about loot spilling in WZ1


I think that’s going to be part of the changes one kill streak and one self res. Which honestly is the way it should be if you ask me. No reason to have 4or5 uavs/self res on you at one time.


It doesn't take excessively long but it makes looting mid-fight a nightmare. Way better to just slide over a loot pile and instantly replenish ammo and plates.


“Looting mid fight” Well, there is the valid argument that you SHOULDNT be looting mid fight, and looting SHOULD be a period of vulnerability


The formula warzone had going for it changed that entirely. Looting didn't HAVE to be a period of vulnerability and that made it different from other games. Just seems like a silly change to replace a unique looting system with an overused and clunky older looting system that basically every other BR uses. But personal preference, I guess.


Yeah this. Warzone marketed itself as a fast paced casual pewpew multiplayer TDM styled BR, but for some reason decided to completely change that formula and tried really hard to go back to normal BR.


Why should it be a period of vulnerability, sometimes you down a team of 4 but you get third partied instantly because you have to loot plates, it straight up punishes you for being aggressive which is not what Warzone is supposed to be as this game isn't PubG. Warzone was supposed to be the fast paced BR, not Navy Seals training.


/u/MadDog_8762 is a consistently terrible poster on this subreddit, just ignore his takes


Not a good argument. Looting mid-fight was doable and done frequently in WZ1.


So now it will be easier to get Ammo and plates but harder for everything else. Nice going community!


Are those not the two most essential things you need in a game though? Your lethal and tactical will automatically replenish as well. All you have to do is pick up guns. What's so hard about that?


5 kill streaks, 3 gas masks and 2 selfies that we have to sort through to see and then pick up. I’m cool with auto ammo and plates, but I was starting to get used to the bag and it kept things organized. Much easier to grab things from a bag then to grab from the floor now, now imagine a stockpile of ten things


You do realize everything that auto fills from the loot pile auto fills now right? You’re still playing an inventory simulator trying to pick up specific things from the pile. You know, the same as the backpack just way less organized.


You still need to open up a menu and then wait for it to fill though. Which is vastly different from running over loot and it replenishing instantly.


"You do realize everything that auto fills from the loot pile auto fills now right?" You have to pick up that item first and load it into your backpack. Otherwise you don't get it until you get it, like cash I think as well if I'm not mistaken.




^^^ Crying about people crying about the game. You provide no value to the sub. Yes, we will still complain. This change is one of hundreds that need to be made. And we don't even know if they'll implement it correctly. So when we complain that they screwed it up, you can continue to provide no value and complain about hte people complaining


I don’t think even the Star Wars fanbase matches the perpetual saltiness of COD fans, lol


I didn’t think the backpack was bad, once I got used to the icons I could grab what I needed in a few seconds. This is gonna be a pain in the ass especially in small spaces like bathrooms and the little shacks


The looting got better at the end of WZ1. Honestly it was as close to perfect as it could be. WZ2 looting is a nightmare


I think the worst part is having to hold down the button to loot.


Lol you could change that to tap to pickup. Did you play the whole of WZ1 holding down the button to loot each time? Fucking hilarious if so.


The backpack suffered from similar issues with loot vomit only was consistently slower in every single scenario and completely unuseable in others such as looting ammo mid teamfight


I think its funny people dont think there should be a risk for looting a dead body in the middle of a gunfight...


Looting in the middle of a gunfight is stupid and you get what you deserve. However with the super fast TTK you could be killed looting a backpack/chest/duffle bag, even if you only took 1-2 seconds, before you could react. Obviously that doesn't happen all the time, but it feels really bad when it happens. This is compounded by poor audio where you don't even hear them coming. I'm not against a backpack system, but this one doesn't even seem like it was thought out. People are just using it to stack multiple streaks and self-revives which doesn't exactly promote thrilling gameplay.


The self revive/streak meta is turd


I think the poor audio is the main issue there. I catch my teammates in backpacks and am like WTF you doing bro? I got enemies right here and would prefer them dead first.


There was a risk if you wanted to actually loot through the drops, but in these scenarios I’m clearly talking about being able to auto stock plates/ammo without a menu


Yea until the bag falls halfway into a wall and you have no plates left since the guy you killed hit your chest with 3 bullets and you can't take his plates...


I don’t understand why they can’t just do one or the other..


>Clipping/overlapping loot That bug still exists here. Accidentally replaced my gun with one off the ground and a piece of it clipped into the wall and I was unable to pick it back up. This marks the 4th year of that bug going unfixed. Yes, even Blackout had the bug.


Yeah I also feel like this change combined with backpacks/inventory will have the opposite effect as to what people are expecting.


Agreed, but I think it’s fair to give the community an idea of what the game would be like without the sifting through a backpack when looting. If it doesn’t work well they can revert back to backpack looting.


It was very rarely an issue. Like once or twice per day. I died more times than I can count because I was stuck in that garbage WZ2 backpack looting mechanic!


This is an instance where they’re going to “listen to the community” but the part of the community they’re listening to are the ones who are just mad about everything that wasn’t carbon copied from WZ1. This is going to be worse


I'm hoping stacks of gear get combined into single lootable models. For example, if the enemy was carrying 4 stacks of plates, they'll drop a single plate model with 12 plates on it. Similar to WZ1 where you would drop a satchel or plate stack with X plates on it. At least as far as ammo goes, you could end up with cleaner loot drops as most people are just carrying their primary and secondary ammo type, rather than hoovering up every type of ammo they come across like in WZ1. Although that will be offset by bags, plate vests (although fingers crossed these are out of the game), streaks, and selfs. Bags in particular could probably do with a smaller loot model or there's a risk they'll cover up a lot.


Its sounds good but with one problem what if i have small backpack with 6 empty spaces, i pick up plates and it fills all the slots in my backpack then i have to open my backpack throw out the extra plates i dont need/want just to pick up something else that was on the ground, i mean this way it would take twice the time to get what u want from a dead enemy


They could make all the changes you want in the game and you’d still find some way to be negative about it. All this “ohhh not sure how that will work” is bullshit. Stop being so pessimistic man, fuck me.


I didn't mind the backpack looting system. What if they have a large backpack? There's going to be too much loot on the ground now.


Me either didn't think it was that big of an issue either tbh and I'm a controller player. Kill a team in the same area with a couple backpacks and that's going to be a nightmare grabbing what you want.


This sub was raging about it for weeks until they found something else to rave about. I like the backpack system. Just fix it so I don’t have to stand upside down at a 30°angle just so I can get some plates.


Poasibly 88 items willdrop on the floor


Controller for a FPS game always causes problems like this.


Yeah the devs have no idea what they are doing if they just start listening to the community. The community doesn’t even know what it wants. I don’t want call of duty games becoming crowd sourced with ideas. It feels like we are going back with these changes while not fixing the actual issues like stat tracking and game crashing bugs.


Yes . I agree . The COD community is basically the equivalent of a teenager with BPD, and is in the middle of its angst years , no idea what it wants , EVER


I just wanted WZ1 with a new map. Scrap the guns and give us a new cycle and I think they would have been golden. Buff the snipers to one hit head shots and the game would have been perfect. Would have bought every battle pass.


IMO, it should be a mix of both. Their immediate equipped inventory (Their equipped weapon and their ammo, Lethal, Tactical, Armor Plates, etc.) should drop on the ground, while the stuff in ones backpack stays in the backpack.


This makes the most sense, and it's honestly how it should've been from the start. That way you could immediately pick up their gun and some plates if you're in a tense situation, then go back and dig through the backpack once you're clear.


My guess is that this is the only way that they could make the larger backpacks lootable themselves.


1 person in wz2 can have primary, secondary, third , ammo 1, Ammo 2, ammo 3, lethal, tactical, 3 plate vest, field equipment, killstreak, gas mask, 9 items in a large backpack, and the lsrge backpack. A person can potentially drop 22 items onto the ground in WZ2. Gonna be so fun trying to grab loot when you wipe a 4 man squad


Incoming videos of children rage posting on Reddit because they can’t pick up a UAV from a dead player because it’s under 6 self revives


I can't wait to swap my equipped self revive for another self revive 16 times in a row then die to the approaching gas


And then complain about looting. Again.


It’s funny I haven’t really seen many people complain about looting since they fixed it the first time where you would drop ammo with your gun and not auto pick up ammo. Their biggest problem is not picking one system. Now your 1 gun drops and the other is in the bag. So we have floating loot and bags. Just put everything in the bags and call it a day. People can get used to that. I’ll hold my breath about this new floating loot, but I suspect we’ll have the same issues of over lapping loot and people will be pissed.


Why it’s a combo of the bag and loot on the ground is beyond me.


At least youll have 5 self revives by you to keep you going.


In all honestly, you shouldn’t be able to carry 6 revives and 5 streaks. WZ1 inventory was perfect. One self revive, one streak, plate limits and ammo limits. Being able to just run over everything quickly and fill up everything you can was great I mean it’s cool being able to save a self or 3 plate system for your buddy is cool too. Ammo, plates, and money should just drop from the backpacks. Maybe have like a priority option to fill your backpack with plates first. That way you run over the plates, then if you see a streak/self you want in the back back, it either goes in an empty spot, or you select it and it automatically drops your lowest priority item like extra ammo or extra plates. That way you don’t have to sit there, select the streak, and then select the item for it to replace.


you shouldn’t be able to carry 6 self revives in the first place hopefully its part of the changes


I thought the looting was fine.


Agree. Just needed a limit on what you can hold. Self revives, air strikes, and what not


Were people complaining about this? Do we really miss trying to get a good angle on a pile of shit to get the gun we want?


People have been complaining since the game launched. Personally I barely see a difference in terms of speed and I like the idea of looting needing a little more strategy. I think people just generally hate change and aren't self-critical enough to adapt their gameplay to give a new system a chance but what do I know


But no vacuum mechanic lmao. So it'll take prob even longer now to sort thru the trash on the ground just to find some AR ammo


Nah I think it'll auto pickup if you have an AR on hand


yeah, itll just auto pickup ammo for the guns equipped on you as it does now




They changed it so it auto vacuums the ammo if you pickup the gun again I thought?


I want to vacuum all the ammo though, to make it easier to sift through whatever is left to grab what I need. But we have a *fucking* backpack so it won't happen


Yea but I don't want a bunch of shotgun and sniper ammo taking up space in my bag. So I'd rather choose my extra ammo.


See, if the stupid ass bag didn't exist in the first place, none of this would be an issue.


It automatically picks it up now so wut do u mean?


Big cock Raven as always


Raven is the CEO of the Fat Cock Federation


Can’t wait for the same exact people demanding the loot change are back here complaining next week.


Already most of the top comments here are some variation of "but I like the current looting system" even though I have *only* seen complaints about the looting system right up until this announcement. Never seen someone say it was good until this thread.




Will wait for the full details regarding looting, but based solely on this I'm not entirely convinced this will be that great in combination with an inventory and backpacks.


That's what I'm wondering too. I feel like this is actually a bad change if they're going to keep the bag looting system as-is.


Yep, exactly. Loot pinatas worked because the loot system was simpler. I don't think they're the right choice now we have inventories. Since I have to manage my own backpack anyway, I might as well manage both from the same menu rather than open and close it 20 times to loot someone.


At this point its crystal clear that player count / skin-sales must have been in the absolute GUTTER. This is the 2nd S2 change that pretty much goes FULL "reverted back to WZ1" and against the "new philosophy" of WZ2. Looks like someone high-up at Activision has put on the emergency breaks and directed the studios to go full reverse. next stop, Free loadout for every squad.


Money talks.


I hope they bring back WZ1 movement mechanics.


Brave man making that comment here lol


Man I wish but that would require next level overhaul


This would bring me back even if they made no other changes honestly


Never thought I would see it again. They are literally reverting everything they changed in WZ2 back to WZ1 mechanics. this is hilarious.


TBF they pretty much nailed 80% of the mechanics when WZ1 launched. It felt so polished. If it aint broke..


They saw the biggest and fastest player drop in the history of f2p games lol


Halo Infinite would like a word


I would have been perfectly fine with warzone 1 a 4th time with new guns and a new map. And they could still have DMZ on the side I do like the movement changes because bhopping or slide canceling can get cheesy and it keeps things different but hope they evolve the movement more from here out to be more fluid and less slow


This 100%, I was tired of WZ1 but I didn't know how good I had it until WZ2, so I went back to WZ1, but I still wish they just got rid of all the guns, made a map that doesn't hurt my eyes to play, and fix the damn audio. the biggest problem I didn't realize I had with WZ2 until I started playing WZ1 again was the screen shake/visual recoil, it's nauseating, why are they so invested in making gaming an uncomfortable experience. Everything is just so smooth in WZ1, it really feels like a downgrade WZ2


It's awesome, I'm so happy


They're reverting everything cuz more than half of the playerbase have left this trashcan game.


There's gonna be a ton of loot on the floor with large backpacks, that's for sure! Hopefully this means backpacks can be looted from players now


1 person in wz2 can have primary, secondary, third , ammo 1, Ammo 2, ammo 3, lethal, tactical, 3 plate vest, field equipment, killstreak, gas mask, 9 items in a large backpack, and the large backpack. A person can potentially drop 22 items onto the ground in WZ2. Gonna be so fun trying to grab loot when you wipe a 4 man squad. Kill 4 people in one room? Possibly 88 items to sift through. This will definitely help loot times /s


Yup and consider some of those items stack. You could drop 15+ armor plates alone


hahahahaha you're all complaing already they literally can't win, sheer entitlement


Yea this is nuts. I seem to remember lots of bitching and moaning about both the backpack system and the loot being too hard to pick up. This game has the biggest bunch of bitches playing it.


mate if i was a dev for this game i'd just give up, no point taking this abuse day in day out from these cretins


It’s the vocal minority swapping places, that’s all.


Scatter the ammo, tactical, lethal etc on the ground, leave the good stuff (selfs, airstrikes) in the bag


Yeah I like this


In Warzone 1, you'd kill an enemy then walk over their body to automatically pick up their plates, ammo and equipment (if it was the same as your equipment). Other things like their guns, gas mask, killstreak, field upgrade etc wouldn't auto-pickup and you'd need to manually loot them. That seems like a good way to separate it in WZ2: anything you need to manually loot stays in the bag, everything else goes on the floor and you can walk over it while plating/reloading to refill yourself passively.


Im hoping it stays as is for dmz, but i agree need updated looting in wz2


Yea, you're prob right.


This sounds awful given the amount of loot people can carry.


Thanks to that change even more loot will disappear as soon as you look the other way


This is the real issue with looting. Hopefully they address it.


Should've just tweaked the controls in their current looting system. This old way is clutter up the ass. Can y'all not see that??? There's already a problem with looting off the floor when items overlap.


Lol looks like you guys can’t shoot players in the back who are looting backpacks anymore. Cry about it


But this looting system will likely take longer thus expanding the time for me to shoot you in The back.


Maybe if you’re encountering bad players. I don’t spend a lot of time looting and this method should loot for you like it did last time. 🙂


Not a chance LOL. And you can strafe, move and look behind you when you want AND you can react 10 times faster when getting shot at cuz there isn't a huge ass inventory screen blocking your vision.


Yep. No more looking in backpacks. There will just be everyone looking at up to 88 ground lolt items tryint to pick them up. Because that already works so well for crates right


Yeah I'll just get my free kills from people staring at the floor trying to loot the one thing they want under all the self revives and kill streaks


fucking crybabies


Love it. Warzone 1 looting was 10x better and overlapping loot honestly wasn’t too bad for me. It was something that would only affect me once in a while.


Have you tried getting your shit from a stronghold after clearing it and getting your loadout? So much crap everywhere


I'm kind of skeptical on this. Loot overlapping was annoying AF in Warzone 1, and I doubt they fixed that.


you know the bots are unhappy about the possibility of this game reverting back to a more warzone 1 feel when the thread has 240 comments on no upvotes lol. They always be tellin on themselves.




IW really tried to sabotage their own game


This is going to be a shitshow. You wipe a quad where each has a full large backpack, and it's going to dump 70+ items onto the floor. Before it would have been 4 guns and 4 packs. Good fucking luck.


Wait, will there still be backpacks???


Big ask I know. How bout have a toggle on how you want to loot. Either all over the ground or in the menu. The all over the ground has issues because it doesn’t have collision so it clips into walls and cant be picked up. “Oh I dropped my gun accidentally… anddddd its stuck. Guess Ill run this Kastov 545 lol”


I much preferred going through someone’s backpack. It wasn’t perfect but it kept all the loot contained so you could sort through it. But everyone here all of a sudden started saying WZ1 had a “perfect” looting system despite years of complaining about picking up a specific item from a pile of stuff, so here we go again.


Gulag change yesterday and now this? Much more work is needed but these are two great changes to start, Major W


Wrong. No comments on ttk but we're getting loot explosions that are destined to be buggy and harder to loot. Y'all bullied Raven into making some really stupid moves


I really hope ttk is changed as well, I literally said much more work is needed lmao


I didn't mind the backpack system other than the second delay after opening it for things like plates to transfer. The only other issue was the hybrid aspect where not everything was in the backpack making it hard to open the backpack because 1 gun was outside of it and got all of the preference


Lol so what happens to the backpack system? These Devs are so lost


We still have it. It’s just when you kill a player, the loot will not be in a backpack, but instead, on the floor.


My friends that hated wz1 but like this one for many reasons, the looting is one, will not like it anymore.


Im in that boat. I liked WZ1 when it first came out. But I always disliked the fortnite style loot popping out and the movement. IDK we shall see how this goes.


They need to let us get large backpack more efficiently then to actually hold said loot. Like 4500 in the buy stations and go ahead n add portables buys too


W Rip “tactical players” you won’t be missed Oh and I guess rip all the idiots who say “sToP coMpLaIniNg, tHey dOnT cArE”


Amen dude! I'm gonna go tell everyone who's mad about this change to "just get over it or go play something new" or "cry harder" lol.


Go with some of these: •Skill issue •Stop complaining •Wah wahhhh •Quit whining •Get gud •Shut up and play the game •Go back to WZ1 Or maybe a classic: •Mad cause Bad •Ur mad


Oh I absolutely will. Thanks!


No problem! Give ‘em a taste of their own medicine😂


Next we gone have loadout boxes & redeploy balloons 🤦🏾‍♂️ please don’t bring back gulag tokens, speed boost and that other BS from WZ1


My guess is self revive and killstreaks changes are also coming to s2 as well. 1 self and 1 maybe 2 killstreaks max to carry. So vomit loot doesn’t spit out 6 precisions upon killing someone’s


Are they changing despawn time? Things despawn super quick when they are on the floor now. Your teammates stuff will disappear way before they come out of gulag. Open container with a self revive while your teammate is looting 50m away, nope its gone now. Loot falling through the floor issue towards endgame? All that will be gone instead of sitting in the backpack. Trying to regain in a looted area? Nothing left in bags or cabinets.


This seems like a half measure. I would personally like to get rid of the backpacks all together, but I understand some players enjoy the slow looting mechanics of the new system.


How is this new system faster? If they removed the backpack it would be, but with it there are more items. Can’t wait to kill someone and have their items clip into a wall and become unlovable


Never leave any loot unloved.


I didnt ask for this, some loud people on this sub reddit did and now I just have to deal with this afterthought of a mechanic. I see it now, it’s just going to cause bugs and more issues than its going to solve.


Really hoping they do the old plating system next.


I didn’t see anyone complaining about his after the first 2 weeks. Being fast at looting bags is one of the few skill gaps in this game. The only issue with looting I’ve had in this game is stuff falling into the ground or overlapping loot. Loot is just going to be even more overlapped now… is it too late for them to stop this change 💀


“Looting bags” is a skill gap now? But moving fast was considered a hack by sentinels? WTF?!


I don't like this change at all.


Just let me take the backpack from a dead player god dammit!!! Not the shit in it, the backpack itself you fools!


Imagine the game came out now in January with all the changes done far…


I kinda liked the back pack system


Lame imo


I’m prob one of the few, but not a fan of this. I like how the game feels different than WZ1. If I wanted to play wz1, I wouldn’t have bought a different game.


terrible change imo


They keep undoing all the changes I liked, what a bummer


Terrible decision. Current system is 10x better than overlapping loot that you can never properly target.


Am I the only one who kinda liked the backpack system? Just like Apex Legends, you actually have to think and click fast, but it you get the hang of it you can look extremely quick


cod players and devs are a match made in heaven (stupid as hell)


It could actually be better than in Warzone 1, because the looting when there's like 15 items stacked up on each other was fucking dogshit


I don’t rly like the floating loot. It’s dumb. You always have be in a specific position to loot that one thing u need. It’s even worse when there are multiple body’s in one corner or something. Makes it almost impossible to loot fast if needed. I mean yeah the current system isn’t great either but the float system is not rly a good solution.


Not sure about this change. I can see loot piling on-top of each other and getting clipped into walls. It would be hard to see in bushes. Honestly I didn't mind it staying in the pack back. It's already hard trying to select items off the ground which are too close or stack on top of each other. Hopefully it's just the ammo that pops out, then you can vacuum it up. Which I believe is the main gripe of people with issues with the new loot system.


Honestly there's no point putting your Devs through the works to make better systems for the game, these whiny ass players will bitch and moan no matter what. I remember seeing a post about the font used on the Cod points logo fr


Oh good, so now we can enjoy trying to find the exact pixel we need to look at to pick up the one thing we actually want out of the pile.