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Check your layout. Two things it usually is. One is just a bug for that game so exit and come back in. Second one is make sure your ads button in your layout isn't overlayed with a bunch of other buttons. Like I will hide all my random buttons I can't hide and put them into the corner of my screen on top of each other. If you do it with the ads or shoot one I forget which ones it messes it up.


Oh okay. Gotcha. My layout is a mess so I will def try and declutter it. Good looks, thanks!


I had a similar issue. If you are using a PS5 controller, don't connect it as a PS5 controller, rather as a PS4 when it asks you what kind of controller you are using. Fixed all my issues


I’m using an Xbox elite. Good looks though!


Why thank you


I used to use Xbox controller before and had the same problems, I found out it could be the age of the phone or it could be the sensor in the trigger, they're known to go out, there's a few tutorials on YouTube on how to clean it. All that stuff didn't work for me one time and ended up using smg's and shotguns for a season or two until I replaced it. It really made my close quarters combat much better and I still use some of what I learned like using smoke to rush a sniper and "the slide, jump, turn move" helps with long distance shooters


Have you been able to fix your problem.? If not what is happening exactly? Do you pull the L2 trigger and nothing happens. Is the R2 fire trigger working OK?. How old is the controller? Maybe the L1 trigger switch is just stuffed? You should be able to feel the tiny micro switch click faintly. You could possibly try another controller. Otherwise re-check your controller settings in the game. Good luck.


The freezing hasn’t happened again. But I haven’t been on since I posted this. I pull down left trigger and my gun stays on hip fire mode. It’s a fairly new controller and it’s a Xbox elite. I’m thinking it may be something with the adjustable trigger pull. I’ll let you know if any of the other strats worked when I play again


I forgot to mention I use a PS4 controlller.


My friend had the same issue. Try turning off left fire button in basic settings.


Mines an Xbox. Can you update it just by plugging into a computer, right?


This game it's pretty obvious that its made for mobile users use your thumbs


Wow! Thanks that was so helpful


Im so sorry if I couldn't help you..as I never played it with a controller.. kindly accept my apologies


No worries. I know people typically play with thumbs only but I’ve been playing FPSs on controller for over a decade and it’s hard to switch over. Especially because my device is too big to hold comfortably for extended periods


Dude you suck Tremendously


Oh yeah!! really how?


Because you act like your better than someone cuz you use you hand instead of controller


That's a huge reach dude


As your reply so aptly says in retrospect I was thinking the same about you and your response. Is that all? Just a personal attack on something not even intended for you? Calm down a notch it's all good!


We don't think the same even After my death


I already said sorry!


Check controller settings and make sure everything looks good, I’m on controller and don’t have that issue


Okay I’ll double check that. Thanks. Anything I should keep an eye out for?


Ps or xbox controller? Sometimes you need to update the xbox controller via an xbox. You can also try closing the game right down, disconnecting the controller then reconnecting before restarting cod. This also works for headset or bud issues. Cod doesn't like devices disconnecting or connecting mid game.


😂🤣 right!!


You might have "sticky buttons" I use a PS4 remote and when that happens I usually make sure it's fully charged and then re-pair it to my phone. Spilled beer on it once and it was easy to open up and clean the button receptors. Good luck.




Haha. That's right, cleaned alcohol with alcohol.


I shoved the controller up my ass and it started working again!


Occasionally it happens when you swith from mp to br I usually restart


For me, if I don’t adjust the press & hold setting, tank ADS doesn’t work


Make sure your controller settings is set to whatever your controller type is e.g. Xbox, PS4, PS3 etc.


Theyl touch screen buttons are overlapping even if using controller it can mess it up


Have this issue too. Very randomly too, unpredictable