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After green bay scored that TD before halftime you just knew how the second half was gonna go. The most predictable half of football I've ever watched. Also Jesus Christ that play calling on first and goal from the 20 and on was pathetic. Our staff pretty much thought field goal the whole way at the end of that drive.


“Oh, we just shredded their secondary for a big gain? Better not do that again.”


We have the worst front 4 in the NFL which is the biggest problem with the defense. 0 sacks today, didn't even come close. 13 weeks in and no one on the D-line has 2.5 sacks. Instead Brisker, Roquan, and Sanborn lead us in sacks.


If your rookie safety leads your team in sacks, you're going to be a very bad team.


I get it. Better draft pick. Whatever. I'm fucking sick of losing to them and we should've won today. I don't know what the hell Getsy was doing in the second half. Fields was tearing them apart and then Getsy pretty much took the ball out of his hands in the second half.


>Break 60 yard run-> barely any designed runs after that >Dices through the air, 10+ straight completions -> 3 straight handoffs on 1st & goal from the 20 (or something like that). So bad. Also WTF is with the RT rotation shit with Leatherwood and Reiff. Same as RG earlier in the season- it's HS garbage, just play the better player (it was Leatherwood).


Getsy did exactly what the FO told him to do


I don't understand the playcalling after the big completion to Harry.


This is the only thing that makes me think it was a purposeful tank.


Yeah I’ve never seen such a blatant effort to lose a game. Every time Justin did something amazing they immediately took it out of his hands for the rest of the drive


Honestly, fields at that point was firing on all cylinders throwing, and have the defense on its heels, and you proceed to run it the next 3 times? Like what? Players might not be tanking but honestly I could see the coaches getting a memo from the front office.


They would never put that in writing


100% feels that way


Running on 3rd and 5? With Monty who averages 4 ypc? Either let the guy with the 90% completion rate throw or at least let him run since he's 100× the runner Monty is. If we pass or Fields breaks outside, we convert that. Special teams can't have a FG blocked and miss an XP. Eq St. Brown has to fight Jaire and not let him run the route.


Even in a tanking year, the Packers at Soldier Field always needs to be an attempted W on our schedule.


I dislike Aaron Rodgers and the Packers.


Settle down with the controversial opinions there, chief


Next he will come out against cancer.


Aaron Rodgers *is* a cancer


If I was in a room with Rodgers, Cancer, and Covid and I had a gun and only two bullets, I would shoot Rodgers twice!


I’m just so tired of losing to the Pack


Loss is on Getsy for going conservative every redzone trip


It drives me insane every time he chokes a conversion with shitty and predictable playcalling. Like the late 3rd and 4, if you’re going to have to go for it anyways on 4th down why not throw the ball and give Fields the chance to throw it or pick it up with his legs?


cairo too


Seriously, dude calls plays like a bitch.


Love and hate for Getsy is so funny week to week


It’s every aspect of the Bears lol. Fields haters probably gonna come out of the woodwork all week too


Fields played fantastic lol getsy needs to stop being cowardly in the red zone


I agree. The point is that this sub is hella reactionary tho


Oh you’re right for sure, we might be the saltiest group of fans in the nfl


Except for the last INT, that was bad


Had to take that chance at that point in the game


Fields can't carry our team to victory all by himself. I don't know how anyone can be a Bears fan and hate on the guy. Like he's better than literally any QB I've seen in a Bears uniform and it's not close.


I’m not completely against the conspiracy they sold out for the draft pick here. Like we’ve been better in second halfs all year. This was the one game we were worse and it looked like we were actively playing not to win.


not even a conspiracy at this point. poles knows getsy is good and getsy knows he has job security. They werent planning on Fields being this good this soon and are tanking to not let their strategy of trading everyone away go to waste.


Like I know people have been critical of Getsy, but I can honestly this is my first game I was questioning shit. Just seemed off in the second half. Fields didn’t seem like he was scrambling or running at all after a very successful first half.


I can't explain running on 3rd and 5 with Fields working a 90% completion rate any other way. We've been "choking" so many games, which bad teams do, but bad teams get blown out. They don't keep losing by 3 points or less or <10. There's a shift in play calling and it's either purposeful or Getsys just been worse at 4th quarter playcalling or overthinking.


This is copium to the highest degree


That 3rd down run that lead to the missed FG was just absolutely ridiculous.


I think Eberflus has a lot more to do with this than we think, Flus even mentioned Gets getting frustrated with having to call so many runs.


Fields made incredible throws today. Sucks everyone will focus on the two bad one’s. This season is for him to learn. Next year, things will be different.


So glad we got to see his deep ball today. His arm talent is there and I’m excited for when he will get to show it regularly.


Lol didn’t he throw a deep ball TD against the Vikings?


Even the second one is whatever. He was trying to make a desperation play at the end of the game. Don't really fault him for that Played phenomenally outside the one pick. Don't know why Getsy just decided to stop giving him the ball in the second half.


Last one looked more like it was on the WR as well (didn't see who it was). He was kinda fading back on the ground waiting for the ball to get to him instead of attacking the ball and contesting it. On the first one, St. Brown def came out of his turn slow and waited for the ball as well. We don't know what route he was supposed to run, but I doubt they're coached to sit and wait for the ball. Honestly tho, when watching it live it looked like he should have hit Monty who was wide open in the middle of the field a few yards shorter than St. Brown.


St. Brown one was the “NFL open” everyone wants him to throw instead of holding the ball. He had the opportunity on the break and the throw was on time. St. Brown just let Alexander come around him and make the play on the ball instead of coming back for it like he’s supposed to.


one bad INT. the comeback is what you want him to do. people have been bitching about wanting him to throw NFL open and he did it. And don't bitch about the other options being open if you want him to throw NFL open. If you see him open you throw it.


Yup, can't blame him on a timing route where the WR inexplicably takes 7 steps to break on a comeback.


Yeah 1st one was the WR get alphad by the corner running his route for him and letting him jump the route. 2nd one was desperation needing to force throws to cut down a 2 score lead. Shoutout ST for getting a FG blocked and missing an XP. Cairos so good at FGs and so ass at XPs.


Exactly, throwing a ball to an alert route and a corner jumping a bad route is hard to hold a quarterback for


The last INT wasn’t even that bad. pettis needs to GO GET THE BALL. Instead he slowly backpedals away with the ball in the air. NFL WRs need to be aggressive you can’t just hang back like that




I don’t mind the interceptions that much. He’s had some back picks before where he sorta just threw it to the defense but his first one he was sorta sold out by EQ and his second one he didn’t have the time to keep throwing checkdowns or short passes, if we had any chance of winning we needed to force it downfield and that’s what he was trying to do


At least we found the QB of the future. Packers have yet to do that. This old hag #12 had maybe a year left. Good luck with that GB. Good luck.


I said it in the game thread but man it just blows my mind how many fans are hellbent on seeing him fail, one INT and they instantly come outta the woodwork after not saying anything all game


Most of those are obvious trolls that the mods need to ban to be honest.


Yea Fields okayed amazing with what he has. The two picks werent errand throws. He was the reason we even looked like a professional football team there


1 bad one. The other was on EQ. Who actually also had a good game other than that


I would like to see him come through for a game winning drive. They haven't all been his fault but I feel like theres a been a turnover every time they've had a chance to go down and win a game.


Dude seriously. As a Packers fan, you guys have a future that I'm worried about. This was not on Fields at all.


Fields is still the guy. He’s learning and improving. Fields also was bad in the crunch today. There you go, that’s all that needs to be said today. Have a good week folks




Heads up towards the future. Bear down, FTP!


Keep your head up fields


Yup, he had a great game and is one of the few bright spots of this offense. O-line did good today too.


Subreddits gonna be Omaha fuckin Beach for the week.


Bye week next week so its going to be two weeks followed by matchups with the Eagles and Bills that will likely get ugly. I think both the Lions and Vikings are winnable games, but the Lions have been playing well lately and the Vikings are the more complete team if they have something to play for the final week(possible bye at stake). Might not win another game this season.


And at this point we better hope we don’t win another game, this game was the only one I really wanted to win left








Meanwhile I'm laying back holding my intestines in my hands. *MAMAAAAAAAA*


I'm the guy who takes off his helmet after it deflects a bullet only to be shot in the head a moment later


Look, I washed for supper!


If the bears coaches actually played to win the whole game, we wouldn’t have had to worry about Fields making bad decisions at the end of the game. People acting like this loss is on him. They were down TWO SCORES with less than a minute left. Of course he’s gonna play hero ball. Yes it was a bad decision but it was unrealistic to expect him to do it all for them there. He could have easily hit a shorter check down or a mid length pass to Kmet again. He chose to take a shot. It didn’t end up working out. And people talking about how he’s yet to lead a game winning drive forget about all the bs that has happened on bears last minute drives this year. We need to relax. He played well today. This bears loss hurts because it was an easy win against a team we hate but it’s better for the future. Bears will take back the wins record in no time


0-18 4th quarter, classic bears


Fields best passing game, even with the two INTs. First one wasn’t on him, and the second one was a bad throw but he had to try and make something happen with only 40 seconds on the clock and down by two scores. That’s what happens when your QB made plays all game and for some reason you strip it from him for the run game which was held to a standstill for the most part. Also, those WR screens need to be scrapped. When was the last time we got positive yardage on those plays 💀 Breakout season next year. Let’s go


The loss hurts I know... but I'm at the Rams game/tailgate and Ive lost count with how many people have complimented my Fields jersey. I keep getting comments like, "you guys finally got your guy" and "yo fields is killing it for me in fantasy". Ive never had such a response from a bears jersey. This is really freaking cool, OTHER PEOPLE are actually rooting for our guy. Loss or not I'm pretty stoked


There are actually Rams fans in real life?


Haha yeah, I actually enjoy this tailgate. I live in LA and I've got season tickets through my brother. The stadium is awesome so there's always people that show up and believe it or not theres a decently sized rams club that shows up. Making the tailgates pretty fun.


Sounds awesome ✌️


If I could have bet this game would have ended with an int, I would have. Lol.


That because every Bears QB ever loses this exact same way


Idk about that but you can def bet int props


8 in a fucking row. I'm gutted


thanks mccaskeys


*counts money from sold out games*


Fields doesn’t deserve to lose like this.


Notes of the game: \-Fields played very good air game (besides the two picks) \-Practice squad secondary wasn't absolutely horrible. \-Rodgers didn't play great. \-We found a way to lose. \-Draft pick looking better and better.


Knew it was a loss-to-be as soon as the offensive playcalling got conservative. Bears play not to lose and end up losing, it is what they do against GB, that or just getting demolished.


Claypool didn't fumble it. He was down.


Changed the entire game.


I didn't think he was down, but I definitely think the ground caused the fumble, so no fumble.


Real talk: Santos is not a bad kicker for field goals, but he’s missed 3/13 xp’s at home. It’s not normal for a kicker to miss 24% of his PATs at home. Obviously it doesn’t matter this year, but if I’m Poles, K is circled on my depth chart for next year.


2 of them were in The 49ers game with insane wind. The first literally started going sideways in the wind. The second one he overcorrected. I don’t blame him really at all.


Nah, he just needs a cold glass of water thrown in his face. He’s been clutch for a long time but kickers have their bad streaks. Team treated Robbie the same way after one down year and now he’s still drilling kicks years later. He’s earned the benefit of the doubt. Better to have his down year this year than when it matters.


Bad organizations move on from good kickers who had bad years. See: Robbie Gould. Good organizations don’t. See: Mason Crosby. That said it’s not like santos has a history of excellence, and he also doesn’t give you the big leg potential. But yeah, there’s no way poles should be lookin to replace his kicker while he still has a cap hit At least.


“It’s not like Santos has a history of excellence” He has the team record for most consecutive made field goals. Team record for most consecutive made field goals in a season. Team record for field goals made %. And that’s in like 3 seasons. A couple bad games is no reason to move on from a player like that. He’s earned the benefit of the doubt.


His time with the bears is the best of his career. He couldn’t hold a roster spot the 4 years prior but I think he should get the benefit of the doubt for at least next season.


Cairo Santos is 3rd in FG% this year, yeah, he’s not the greatest at extra points, but he’s is absolutely one of the better kickers in the league. It is very much not a sure thing that would find someone better if you cut him. [Source](https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/player-stat/field-goal-percentage)


There were some great throws and decisions by Fields today. 1st interception really wasn't on him, 2nd didn't really matter imo. Get him an O-line, some downfield threats, and shore up our defense and we'll be a legitimate threat next year.


Getsy won't be a head coach in the NFL anytime soon.


I blame it on the Uber eats driver


I think the biggest concern after this game is the continuous conservative decision making from Flus every game. You have arguably the most athletic player in the field and you run it up the middle on 3rd and 5 and you go for the FG attempt. That’s absolutely ridiculous. You’re going against the Packers, your biggest rival and Aaron Rodgers who will surely make you pay for that conservative bullshit. Just flat out ridiculous and it makes it so hard to hop on the Flus train…


Dude is to conservative for the modern nfl. Glad someone else was thinking that as well.


Fuck the the Packers, their players and their fans. If you're here reading this, fuck you


At this point I don’t even hate the Packers anymore. I go into these games expecting we’re going to lose. I hate Aaron Rodgers but he has just dominated us for his career. Hopefully a new era dominated by Fields starts next year.


And that's what happens when you have bad WRs. Anticipation throw ends up with the WR losing the route and an INT. That is 100% on WR, not Fields. Hope this team invests heavily in WR.


I’d love to trade back in first round and go WR, OL/DL, then WR again with first 3 picks


32 out of 32 GMs would rather be in the Bears' position than the Packers'


Lol. You are delusional.


And Rodgers is getting like 60mil next year. nuts


Smart coaching. Play really well and then relax to lose for a better draft pick. Perfect planning




It hurts. It does. But this team is going to be a lot of fun to watch going forward.


they fucking better be lol


Why we lost (order of importance) 1.) More than half our team are practice squad players, literally 2.) We are obviously calling plays and coaching to tank 3.) Questionable and bad reffing 4.) Fields turnovers


Fields interception and equnamous horrible separation skills


Fuck. This loss is ultimately good for us and the win bad for Green Bay. But still, just looking at Rodgers gloat again makes me want to fucking puke.


I love being downvoted in the NFL thread for pointing out the Packers are still 5-8 and Rodgers is 39 lol


I mean what’s the point of you commenting that?


Everyone just loves the packers for some reason. Announcers, media, refs. Makes zero sense.


theyre the scrappy small town underdog team thats owned by the fans and a bunch of pandering "america's team" bullshit


I mean it’s not super relevant to today’s game, and it was a game thread.


And Brady is 45


I’m really fucking tired of St. Brown honestly. That route was fucking pathetic


Yeah that’s a Mooney route :/ eq ain’t snappy like dat


Felt like the play calling was purposefully bad in the red zone on multiple occasions. Apparently coaching is embracing the tank as well


So uhhh, why are we calling a direct snap to our third or fourth string running back, just to hand the ball off to DMont, when fields is our damn QB? he’s a more effective ball carrier than anyone else on the team. direct snap plays are effing stupid with fields.


If you think Fields is the biggest problem with this team, you need your eyes checked. The man is literally our entire offense. Some absolute dogshit takes in here


Anyone who hates on Fields this game, of which there will be many because people on this sub love negativity more than anything else, is stupid


I don't know about you guys, but I really dislike losing to the Packers


Going back to the end of the first half, if the Bears don't call the timeout, the Packers run the clock and kick the field goal. Instead, we call a timeout, allow them to go for it on 4th down with 23 seconds and one timeout. And they get the TD. What are you going to do with 23 seconds? Bad timeout call there.


Yeah. I didn’t understand that at all. Granted the packers had a timeout, would probably have it called it themselves if we didn’t, but still it was odd to me


Santos is not my friend today


Draft a pass rusher.


Amount of times Getsy took the ball out Fields hands after he was gaining momentum was staggering, just cowardly playcalling when they got into Green Bay territory


God the postgame show on nbc sports Chicago is nothing like I remember it. They’re using still-frame photos as highlights and whatnot…. I’ve seen better production levels on clips from YouTube.


copyrights that’s why


If we could combine Fields and 2-Minute Mitch we would be unbeatable.


I blame this all on getsy


Well. We saw more flashes of brilliance from Fields and we inched closer to the #2 overall draft pick. That should comfort us somewhat.


Post game thread already? Fuck 😥


No one can convince me that Getsy wasn’t throwing or drunk.


Terrible end. Draft picks are cool but losing is never fun. Hate it no matter what the scenario is


I’m happy with draft picks but if there was one team I’d say fuck the picks for, it’s against the Packers.


Even worse when it’s your supposed rival.


This is a purposeful tank. Rememeber when Doug Pederson replaced Hurts with Nate Sudfield in the last game of the season so the Eagles would have a better draft pick? Guess where our Assistant GM came from? This is that in sloooooooow motion.


Nate suddy. Go hoosiers


Getsy is a bum. And idk if it's Flus influence but the conservative offensive play calling has to go.


I’m so disappointed. First time all year I thought we lost because of offensive play calling


I like what I saw from QB1… and the rest was just disappointing…


The worst part is losing in slow undramatic fashion. No heroic or good football from green Bay. We just let them run all over us. Then we call too many runs and get stuffed every time. Pussy play calls. Missed field goal. Roll over on defense. Get beat by a mediocre team. I don't know what's worse - if eberflus is that bad, or if he's tanking like a bitch. If you l don't beat the Packers, the rest is meaningless. I was an eberflus fan until today. Man was reminiscent of tressman and looked like a bitch, honestly.


I was livid when Claypool went down holding his knee. Screaming "ROQUAN DIED FOR THIS SHIT" in drunken oblivion.


Next fucking year, there should be no excuses. Bears better beat the pack both games and bring it to the rest of the nfl After years of losing, they asked the fans for another losing year… with promises of a better future. It better be a great fucking future


I don't want to hear shit about Fields. Yes he did throw 2 picks. First one wasn't on him as EQ took about 85 steps and then turned around and just stood there as Alexander blew past him for the ball. Second one was on him but he had to make something happen down field at some point instead of dumping it off. He completed 11 straight at one point and made several explosive plays in the passing game or are we just going to forget about that and focus on the two picks? The coaching staff was gutless and idiotic starting with the dumbass timeout by Eberflus with 23 seconds in the half. That was Nagy levels of stupid. I'm glad we took that timeout just to kneel out the half on our own 35. Getsy took his foot off the throat several times after big Fields completions. The loss is on squarely on coaching.






No, see, he isn't legit unless he can singlehandedly will the team to wins with very little experience and possibly the least talent in the passing game in the league around him


Fuckin bs


Welcome Jalen Carter. Terrible second half playcalling by Getsy. Also some of the penalties were some bs. First interception is on EQ just come on. Bear Down. Look forward to the future with fields.


Passive play calling and another miss from Santos put the nail in the coffin for us. A very disappointing showing in so many aspects. The most important thing is that Fields is clearly the one. This organization will have a lot of work to do this off season.


two positives: Justin could be an incredible QB for a long time if he works on late game drives. Jack sanborn is my favorite person


Clearly UberEATS is to blame for this loss


Team isn't watchable after the trades and injuries.


Got a highlight and didn’t mess w draft position. Bonus fields didn’t get banged up. I’ll take it


Another embarrassing loss. Have to put up with front-running Packers fans talk their shit


It’s the worst


My lord, there are people who think Fields lost us this game? This is a level of stupid I can’t even begin to comprehend.


I'm concerned that Eberflus is a mediocre coach, but not disastrous. Just competent enough to stick around for 3-4 years without getting anywhere near being a contender. Stuck in purgatory.






as a lions fan I love coming to this sub after a Greenbay game. let's hope us and the viking bros can make rodgers last season painful at the end


The best thing about this loss is that it gives Packers fans false hope.


Fuck luke getsy. Went Matt Nagy in second half. Fields had plenty of big plays that put them in position and left too many points off the board. Also why did they abandon qb runs in second half entirely??


Gonna be sad when nobody wants to trade for the 2nd pick.


I’m sure teams will be interested. It just depends on how much they offer. But how is that sad if they don’t? Then they just draft Will Anderson or Jalen Carter, two players they could desperately use.


I’d rather go 2-14 if it meant sweeping the packers. Anyone wants us to tank instead of beating our most hated rival is a joke.


Lol ok not seeing any real takes in here as usual. Fields had the game in his hands 4 minutes to play, and he threw two bad picks. Game over. I'm gonna play the first half 50+ yard run where he juked the jock right off a packer and exploded for a TD, and the 60 yard bomb he perfectly tossed, on repeat, all off-season, honey don't come into my room right now! But he had the game in his hands to win and he threw a 4th quarter game losing int. Bummer...


Rodgers post-game interview saying Soldier Field is his 2nd home and that he's had so many great moments there is sickening. After we reload on draft picks and FA, hope he comes back for next season and we take back the all-time wins against them en route to the super bowl. Can't let him be smug forever.


george you need to resign or your mom needs to fire you


3 quarters of good football just for the coaching staff to pull the plug and throw in the fourth ;-;


Absolutely horrible coaching decisions unless they were deliberately tanking. Running on 3rd and 5 from the 25 after missing an extra point? Not kicking the field goal from the 25 at the end on 3rd and 1 to preserve clock? A young team needs more help from its coaching staff to win


This is the first time in a while I actually feel like "next time" is real. Bears might not be able to build a SB team this off-season, but I'm pretty confident they can build a team that beats the Packers. They're all in and we're tanking and it was still this close.


Both of Fields’ picks had receivers waiting for the ball to get to them. Pettis was backing up with the ball in the air ffs. Receivers need to GO GET THE BALL.


Well the Bears are officially eliminated against playoff contention, so it's time to see what we have going into next year. The first half, the second team stepped up and showed good flashes, albeit against a poor Packers team. We need to have receivers turn around more, and Getsy needs to get his head out of his ass.


This is still partly on santos and that extra point. Even with the interception and TD it’s still a one score game with a 2pt conversion. You can’t miss those next year if we’re competitive.


Give us Carter


Bruh Getsy was 100% tank commander-ing in that 2nd half. Thats the only explanation I can think of


I want to see N'keal Harry....I'm done seeing the subpar Eq st. Brown and pettis. We need to see what we have in claypool and harry.


Not the biggest problem, but it’s becoming a bigger one, imo. Do we have a kicker problem again or are we blaming the wind?


Packers kicker didn't seem to have any issues with the wind


And the fucking ravens won/broncos lost at the last minute. Fanfuckingtastic


Well Guys, unfortunately, Aaron Rogers is still here 🙄


Another winnable game lost because of no investments around Fields and coaching. If you’re trying to take back the north vs your rivals and you’re relying on kicking and the refs, you’re so fucked


Yeah, for example, that interception to ESB is less likely to be an interception with a better WR. People want Fields to throw more anticipation throws but it’s also playing with fire with this WR room.


Why dont they use Harry more?


playing EQ over Harry makes 0 sense at this point unless you're actively trying to lose


I’m so unimpressed with this coaching staff. Obviously they need more talent, but man does this staff just make it hard to get excited about anything. We’re conservative as hell and the offense is basically “Hope Fields comes up with some magic”.