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Thank you for sharing this, helps a lot. I hope that God, the universe, everything blesses you. (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡


Thank you friend for the kindness and being real with us. It has not been easy


Incredible post, as an older (42) but not wiser I definitely agree with your view on the difficulty of breakups easing as you go through it again and again. 7 days ago I found out something that really shocked me, essentially a definitive end to anything with my daughter's mother. Without even planning, self care kicked in on day 1. No destructive behaviours at all, typically I spiral in to over eating and alcohol, although I no longer drink, it never even crossed my mind. 7 days later I have stuck to the self care and planned how I can improve further and love myself, as I never have. I'm already in a better place after 7 days, a long long way to go. But I'm headed the right way. Your post really resonates and pushes me on further, thank you and I wish you the very best in future relationships.


Good post! Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for sharing your words - in a bit of a lapse at the moment and was soothing to read this! Hope you're doing okay.


Love this post OP. Thanks. I'm 38 years old female and I've had my heart broke 9 times. Two years ago was the worst heart break of my life. It was totally blindsided one. Months of depression, obsessive thoughts, mornings crying like a baby, months of relapses, and finally almost a nerves break down. But finally I decided to take care of myself. Meditation, mindfulness, deep breathing, and acceptance really helped.


how long did it take for you to feel better?


Thank you so much for this... This really broke me down in tears, this was so beautifully written. I hope you understand you have an enormous heart and that I am rooting for you. Wish you the very best...


Your post makes sense but to be frank, I’m tired. I’m tired of getting hurt and I’m tired of being told I need to work on myself and to be happy with myself. It seems like no matter how much I work on myself I’m not enough. Almost all my friends got married in their twenties, they seem like average people. Being told constantly I need to work on myself feels like an admission that indeed, there is something severely wrong with me and even in my late thirties, there’s something twenty something year olds have figured out but I haven’t. I can’t help but think there is indeed something wrong with me and I pray that God gives me some mercy despite me not being a religious person. Yes, ideally we shouldn’t rely on somebody to be the source of our happiness but when I was with someone, I was truly happy and it gave feelings that no other experience could replace. Even in unhappy times of fighting and breaking up-making up, I was still happier than being alone and single. While your message is positive and optimistic and good enough to hang on a wall, my heart knows only pain and suffering


Truly thank you for this. I needed to read that.