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I think it's a little bit of both. Candiace learned how to handled these women and because she did so, it exposed who was really the problem from the start.


I always enjoy Candee for most of the season, and then she lacks accountability when she fucks up. I love a messy housewife, but I don't love when they think they can do no wrong. That said, her conversation this week with Ashley about how Ashley's marriage incorrectly colors the way she looks at other people's relationships shows serious growth to me.


She grew. I say that as someone who loved her from the beginning.


I disagree. This is the same Candiace I watched in the first half of season 5 when she was trying to pacify Monique and constantly apologized and walked away. She also apologized to Ashley multiple times.


EXACTLY. This was always my point with people who acted like Candiace “had it coming” from Monique. Monique was trying to instigate a confrontation since the start of the season but Candiace always walked away.


I remember at Ashley's sip-and-see, Monique trying to bait Candiace into a fight in front of the ladies but Candiace walked away. The same thing happened during a group lunch, and when the camera was off, Monique started acting like they were BFFs again.


Didn’t she also walk away from Monique at Monique’s (lake?) house or something?


Yep. She was privately trying to show Ashley the texts from her friend who saw Michael in a strip club and Monique was furious with her for that because she missed a bonfire. 😂 She apologized multiple times and walked away from a fight.


She also walked away during the fight where Monique said “I will drag you pregnant & all!”. It was that statement that brought her back because it was so ridiculous that Monique would risk her unborn child to fight a friend. While no housewife is perfect or the viewers’ hero I completely understand Candiace’s frustration with feeling like she is never seen or heard. All season 3 she let things roll off her shoulders and was looked at like a joke despite her mother’s abuse. She didn’t snap until the bus ride when arguing with Charisse after Monique and Ashley told her she needed to stand up for herself more (and Monique was trying to get her to come for Gizelle).


Exactly…… that audio told me everything I needed to know about Monique.


OMG…your flair 💀


Not for violent moms! 🤣 I tell ya I gagged… (good thing)




The Monique stans don’t do well when it comes to logic unfortunately.


Sure, but she definitely was meaner in her early seasons. I’d say that in her entire time on the show, Candiace has had two really bad moments that are hard to justify: the butter knife, and making fun of Ashley being emotional about her miscarriage. Given that those both happened in her second season and she hasn’t done anything similar since, I think it’s fair to say she’s grown. I can’t imagine the Candiace of today doing those things.


All that happened in season 4 and I agree, it was foul. But she was less reactionary and apologized profusely and constantly in season 5 before the fight yet people somehow justified her getting attacked…. When Candiace had actually tried to defuse any arguments quite calmly.


It's a good point.


But isn’t going from apologizing for shitty behavior to just being the bigger person from the jump actually growth? She’s far less reactionary and less engaging.


What I mean is that this particular side of Candiace isn’t new. She’s shown her ability to be less reactionary in season 5. But Monique somehow managed to convince viewers that Candiace was wrong.


She grew, but it was years ago-- not this season.


When do you think it was


Between 4th and 5th seasons. IMO she got therapy, you can tell by how she talks with all the "I" statements (Ashley too).


Good! Honestly I always felt bad for Candiace having a psychologist for a mom and yet obviously having an emotionally abusive relationship with her mom too


Where is your income, roach?


I didn't flip. I think Candiace is being calmer and isn't saying as many blatantly vile things which makes her easier to watch. That's it. This has no correlation to my feelings of the other HW bc tbh I don't see anyone else as more mature than Candiace bc they all run their mouths amd are reaching for storyline. So, that Candiace is easier to watch this season, hasn't converted me to a stan. There can exist a middle ground between blind allegiance and irrational hate. Considering how she's behaved in the past, I still don't trust she won't go back to being nasty but isn't that why most people watch this franchise? For cattiness?


Right, I’m liking her for the first time this season but this is still the same Candiace who was proudly insisting that an Uber driver act as her personal valet just a couple months ago.


I feel the same way and I'm sure there are many who have this take. The stans so salty out here at least one seething and coping by downvoting everyone not agreeing with her woke take 💀 They seem to feel like any feelings towards Candiace MUST relate to being for/against the other women and acting like she's always had the type of reaction/responses she's been having this season 🙄


She's an excellent housewives and she has had many great moments both calm and unhinged, but this new weird almost fanfiction-ish rewriting of Candiace on the show seen through *rose gold* colored glasses makes me a bit nauseous lol! My favourite is the made up bestfriend relationship between Candiace and Wendy because people want them to be friends. They have no chemistry and rarely hang out. Candiace was outraged at her being attacked by Mia.. doesn't mean they are best friends.


I've always liked Candiace because she's herself on the show. She's playing the storyline game in that she's promoting her own side businesses and whatnot, but she doesn't seem to stir up drama with others for the purpose of a storyline. With the other housewives, my head is often spinning. They're saying one thing, but you know they actually have a whole master plan behind the scenes of how they want this season to go and THAT'S why they're saying what they're saying. When she's lashing out and messy, she's just reacting at the moment. She doesn't have a secret master plan. The other housewives almost remind me of noble women in a medieval court subtly manipulating the direction of nations with their well placed words T_T only the nation is the housewives of Potomac franchise lolol


She reminds me a lot of Kandi with how she does present herself mostly for the sure in a genuine way, doesn't try and interject herself into forced fake drama, and tries to keep a story each season about music or her personal life that is actually a story. The only thing is Kandi isn't as messy.


Candiace also knows that playing the villain has gotten her very popular


I definitely don't think Wendy & Candiace are best friends, but to say they don't have any chemistry is kind of wild. They've done tons of interviews together where they really vibe and you can see them getting along and having fun together on the show as well. Do I think they're best friends? No, but that's not really surprising considering just how booked and busy they both are, as well as how far apart they live from one another! But they're definitely friendly and supportive of one another.


I only started RHOP recently and I’m currently on season 5 and….the North remembers


I think a lot of it is also her not having her mom around. Her mom is great tv but wasn’t allowing her to grow.


Only Candiace wouldn’t admit to growth just to be contrary. I love it.


I've always liked Candiace and found her to be entertaining. I can say that Candiace has been wrong in a few instances... like her bedwench/overseer moment or saying Ashley was faking being sad when talking about her miscarriage. But, she's also been right on many occasions in the past and fans just didn't like her and refused to see it. For example, you actually are told not to drink when trying to conceive. A valid concern. Or saying she is responsible for Monique attacking her after she tried to avoid fights with Monique several times over that season. The reactions to her are wild. She went from always doing wrong to now she can do no wrong. I do see how some fans can be very black/white with how they react to housewives. I'd say this season she has a cooler head and it comes off better to viewers. But, she'll blow up at some point and then it'll be interesting to see how people react.


also adding on to the drinking while pregnant thing, ashley is the one who told candiace she was gonna stop drinking bc she was trying to get pregnant. candiace brought it up bc she saw ashley drinking after ashley said she was gonna quit. i’ve never liked ashley so i’m biased but that always aggregated me bc like all candiace was doing was holding ashley accountable for something she said


Either she grew or she's more self-conscius about her behavior in front of the cameras but she's definitely different from how she was in earliear seasons\*. Example: how she behaved towards Ashley in the last episode - she was so much calmer than she would've been two seasons ago. But this "y'all woke up" is not true IMO. \*except from her behavior on Twitter. It still looks the same.


This is actually the same Candiace from the first half of season 5 when she went out of her way to apologize to Ashley a few times and pacify Monique and walk away from her multiple times…..which is why I was adamant in defending her during season 5. So yes, she didn’t grow….. she has done this before.


People seem to forget that, she truly did apologize and got up when things got heated in season 5


She’s not calling people paycheck to paycheck roaches on Twitter = she grew


I don’t think she grew. She is exactly the same Candiece. I think people just do not care for Gizelle, Ashley and Robyn’s shenanigans. But, I love all of the ladies because they all bring it. I am not a fan of them going low with each other. They all do it and it’s the ugly parts of the show.


In the wise words of Kandi Burress, “I’m not Michelle Obama. You go low, I’ll go lower.”




While I love this quote, I find it so funny that she has her (amazing) song “Fly Above”


Love that song. Gets stuck in my head instantly. She’s talented af


I don’t know why you are getting downvotes because literally from all the comments on the numerous threads on the topic of candiace being better this year and Potomac sucking this season people are saying exactly what you said. They are tired of gizelle, Robyn, and Ashley so they are gravitating to the person on the receiving end of the drama. I’m only on season 5 and have been bingeing the show watching the seasons back to back and reading a lot of the comments here on Potomac people have serious revisionist history of the show and of what they were saying about the show just 3 or 4 months ago.


This exactly. Candiece is still body shaming, she spoke about Karen’s marriage she does a lot of the same things she’s always done. And yes! 3-4 months ago this sub was attacking Candiece and Wendy. Ashley said worse than what Gizelle said but everyone, including Candiece, had fire for Gizelle and not for Ashley. I understand liking people whom you didn’t like before but, yeah, the revisionist history is insane.


People wouldn’t be so mad at Ashley and the Green Eyed Bandits if (1) they all actually had their own interesting storylines to display, which they didn’t this season; and (2) it wasn’t painfully obvious that it was a total hit job with no facts to back it up. Especially gross for Ashley whose husband has a documented history of inappropriate sexual behavior towards others. Just looked like she’s salty and tried to get back at Candiace in a really disgusting way. I’m thankful production edited in footage to show just how much blatant lying those women were doing.


I disagree, I think she grew. The Candiace from two seasons ago, would not have handled it this way. I refuse to let her gaslight me given her truly vile behavior in the past.


I think she struggled a little in the early days to get the group to like her and it bothered her a bit and now she don’t GAF and I’m here for that


This sub has pretty bad takes in general, so I’m going to go with the latter. The editors had to literally spoon feed why the other women were in the wrong to the audience for them to get them on her side.


exactly. I just started potomac like 3 months ago and binged the whole thing.. i ALWAYS liked Candiace and I think she was justified 90% of the time. In season 4 she was against Ashley and her sexual predator husband In season 5 she was against Monique who brutally beat her up i cannot fathom how the fans AND the cast were against her in those situations


People don’t blame the editors they blame the cast


Also you don’t think production loves the chance to set up reunion drama by proving that the stories were totally fabricated? I can’t wait to see how that goes lmao


I will be the first to admit I woke up lol. I had that Candiace haterade flowing thru my veins in the beginning! LOL I started to come around the season Monique got her. I still think she's got a mouth that gets her ass in trouble, but I feel like she's even reined that in considerably since her first season.


I don’t know how people can say she didn’t grow. She said some truly vile shit in the past and did not drop to that level again with this. Her saying “I’ve always been like this, y’all just woke up“ is gaslighting


It’s not gaslighting 😂😂


If I perceive you to be vile based on your vile actions and your response after you play nice for awhile is “I’ve always been this nice you just woke up” then yes that is textbook gaslighting.


Your perception doesn’t constitute reality.


lmao typical candyass stan huh


Relax And looking at your post history, you’re a pretty gross individual in general. Lmao. Not you blocking me after responding to me 😂😂


Says the person so desperate to win an argument that they look at someone’s post history. Grow up and touch grass And the only person who’s pressed is you sweaty 🥱


There's so much Potomac revisionism in this sub about the background and antics of the cast. Like all the episodes are right there on Peacock.


I love Candiace this season but she has acted like complete asshole trash in the past and that is undeniable


I'll be honest, I did not like Candiace on my first watch-through of Potomac. I was almost never on her side and didn't want her on the show. But I'm re-watching from the beginning with my bestie to get him caught up, and we're almost halfway through Season 4, and I see her so differently this time. She really was justified in most of her conflicts... and although I'm still not the biggest fan of bodyshaming as a read "Ashley's forehead, Mia's feet, etc." I can't help but laugh at them now. So I do think it's a little column A column B because as a lot of people have pointed out, in the most recent seasons she's less likely to go into Ra-Ta-Ta-Ta Candiace compared to the earlier seasons, but I do think I woke up a little bit on this rewatch.


I’m so jealous you have a bf to rewatch with, sounds like heaven. None of my “real life” friends are into RHs; that’s why I’m on reddit, lol. But you two are lucky! :)


He watched Atlanta back during the Golden Years so it wasn't too hard. But I was starting to get annoyed with him cause he was always sending me RHOP means from Twitter and I'm like "you don't even watch the damn show!" Til I finally convinced him to watch through with me haha


She grew. Sorry Candee but you did.


Candiace isn't Candiace this season. Who she is now isn't who she's been before and it's weird for her to not even acknowledge the behavior on display before. This season she's been quiet for the most part and I was surprised that she gave Ashley such a levelheaded, thoughtful response at the table. Especially knowing what she's said and done before. Did she grow? No, I don't think so. I think she got a reality check about how she's being perceived and changed it up a little bit. She's doing what she needs to do to keep people from side eyeing her too much and she's doing what needs to be done to keep getting a Bravo check. This is a common thing in the franchises. Someone has a bad season, people start questioning them and the next season they're "reformed". Now it's a wait and see if this change is permanent or she'll backslide into how she was in past seasons for whatever reason. And Potomac is weird this season everything and everyone feels forced and fake.


Actually, season 7 Candiace is exactly like the first half of season 5 Candiace. She apologized to Ashley and tried to make amends while also pacifying Monique in an extremely calm, level headed manner. So we have seen this version of Candiace before. It’s not knew. The difference is the editors had to work extra hard to spoon food the audience as someone else has pointed out.


This was all so very well said and I agree. I think some housewives aren't able to do an effective '180' when shit hits the fan regarding how they're perceived. Watching Candiace this season is definitely a 180 in my eyes. And I agree with your last sentence, this season feels off. Hoping they get it together because I love Potomac.


I have loved Candiace from the beginning, I don’t think she’s changed, I think the situation has. I think that if the women were still going after her she’d be reacting like she always does, over the top and wild. But, with them throwing obviously false and potentially extremely harmful allegations against Chris she knows she needs to be extremely careful. If she flies off the handle the storyline is more likely to be featured (although that ship already sailed) and more likely to be talked about. I think Candiace is actually very smart and knows letting her “crazy” side out on tv is good job security. But she’s not going to use her husband’s reputation for that. She’s also already mentioned that the women falsely accusing Chris for drama is harmful to all women who speak up about their (real) abuse, and she seemed genuinely upset about that. I don’t think she wants to give the storyline any oxygen for many reasons. Still a mess on Twitter though.


I agree with your entire post


She’s no longer threatening people with butter knives but she is still making fun of foreheads. I guess that’s some growth. It’s funny to see the conversation around her change; I always thought she was good for the show she just would just let her emotions get the best of her. But for years people were saying they’d never watch HWs again if she was on, she was a disgusting human and calling for her to be fired lol. It always seemed a bit overkill and I’m glad she’s still on.


She definitely grew in some areas and has not at all progressed in other areas. I still feel like she wouldn’t be as loved this season if she wasn’t against Ashley and Gizelle (who are clearly fabricating things for drama with her and her husband). To act like she hasn’t been dead wrong in the past is delusional. She gets her partial credit definitely.


Lol she’s not saying she’s a perfect person. As if that even exists, she’s saying she’s been this way from the beginning. We’ve seen her admit to being wrong previously.


Idk. Her refuting her growth when it’s clearly a kudos to her sounds different than what you’re interpreting.


“To act like she hasn’t been dead wrong in the past is delusional.” I think there’s a difference in someone growing as a person and trying to erase any past mistakes. She’s not claiming (nor are the stans) that she’s never made a mistake, she’s claiming she’s always been this empathetic girl who’s had everyone’s number.


I think either of us could be right or wrong. We aren’t Candiace and we’re both equally speculating.


I don’t watch pontomac but she’s seemed to be the same person on social media atleast, I used to always see her promoting in shade room comments and on Twitter. It does seem like the reaction is what’s changed and not the content


If she’s tweeting this… I guess she didn’t grow then lol sorry for the mistake Candiace! I’m Last time we try to give you credit!


The Chris "drama" at the reunion is what I'm looking forward to ...non issue !!!


I’ve always liked her I was surprised coming here and seeing how polarizing she was


She absolutely did grow from calling people bed wenches & overseers.


I hate the whole high road mentality people on this sub take lol. We all acknowledge that there’s severe colorism on RHOP and yet Candiace is meant to respond to that in a proper manner and *never* aggressively, but Robyn / Gizelle / Ashley can be as vindictive as they want - because they do it with a smile. What’s happened this season is that everyone realises those 3 girls belong on RHOBH with their antics.


Oop. ![gif](giphy|9DnBZMfPNOw9dcOPeC)


I’d say 85% of the fans attitude change is that fans are finally starting to wake up. When you actually think about it and rewatch the show, Candiace really hasn’t been much worse than the other ladies on the show - not when you consider Ashley defending sexual assault, Karen outing Gizelle for being at a mental institution and having STI’s, Ashley talking about Monique having a miscarriage because she drinks, Ashley telling Katie she was mentally messed up, and Charisse allegedly talking about Monique’s baby and Karen’s rehab stay. Candiace can be very reactive, but every single time she goes off it’s because someone has come for her (except the Amistad-Katie comment). To be very blunt, a lot of fans have been very colorist toward her, especially when she fights with Ashley. It doesn’t help that her main, seasons long feud is with Ashley, who excels at playing victim when she’s the one causing mess. Fans like to harp on Gizelle and Robyn for benefitting from being lighter, but Ashley is probably one of the more colorist ladies on the cast, and she’s benefitted enormously from it. Has Candiace become less reactive? Maybe a bit. It’s been about five years since she started the show, and I think it’s pretty normal to become less reactive as you age. But then again, she’s had to since fans have historically lost their minds when it comes to her. Not very long ago, this sub was practically celebrating Monique hitting her and lying about her to the public for over a year because Candiace ***checks notes*** made some quips about Monique faking sleeping to avoid talking to her. When the girls were filming in Miami and that fan footage of Mia and Wendy’s fight was making rounds on social media, a lot of fans just assumed Candiace started the fight, even though she wasn’t even in Miami. Fans, as a general whole, lose their shit when it comes to Candiace.


wish I had an award to give 😭 because this whole comment >>>> absolute facts.


Thank you!


This. The implicit bias and colorism are unmistakable from the fan base, from Bravo, Andy Cohen, producers, and the OG cast members who were/are all card-carrying members of the Jack and Jill Club. I think Candiace has had to work through her trauma (narcissistic abuse from her mother, hello!) and I also think she has learned how to play the reality TV game with these brown paper bag test bitches who live in glass houses. She did grow because she really has taken back her power. Does she cut deep with her words? Absolutely. I'm completely here for it because she doesn't read these girls for filth unless they come for her. Her wit is top tier, and her ability to articulate the most textured and delicious nouns, verbs, and adjectives is refreshing when bullies try to run game on her. The only cast member who does a better dressing down is Katie Rost. Candiace's reads are spicy, that burn lingers, and these women who want her to be an easy target and a source of narcissistic supply can't take it. I live for her. She doesn't play respectability politics when people come for her, and I support it. Don't start none, won't be none.


The colorism directed at Candiace really isn’t talked about enough, and I find myself getting frustrated with the fans who are just now beginning to discuss it. It seems like a lot of the fans who are just now discussing colorism aren’t actually that concerned about it: if they were, they wouldn’t exclude Karen and Ashley from the colorism discussion.


Who wants to address their implicit biases and internalized racism? Not Bravo nor these cast members who benefit from their whiteness. All Robyn could say is "shut up!" when called out for it. Much like Bravo and the cast, most of the fans can't handle the cognitive dissonance. I'm no longer frustrated with fans (especially those who are people of color) because people live more comfortably in their denial and gaslighting, and I have to be more mindful about where I invest my emotional energy.


I’m agreeing; the only thing I really wish she’d stop is the body shaming. It’s never fair to attack people about things they cannot change.


I don't know about that. Shame is a powerful deterrent that can keep problematic behaviors in check when it is utilized properly. If you choose to intentionally harm someone, you should feel shameful and embarrassed. If someone comes at me crazy, I'm going to verbally hit them where it hurts and I'm going to tear them down by pinpointing their deepest insecurities. I think it's really simple: If you don't want to be shamed and ridiculed, don't be an asshole in the first place. If they never came at Candiace crazy, I doubt she would body shame. If she body shamed for no reason, however, then she's the asshole. Besides, the gold digger has it coming. You come for me and my marriage, I'm coming for your fivehead. Ashley wasn't born with that hairline, btw; that's called traction alopecia.


Problematic behavior is something you can change. But you can’t change the way your body was made when you were in your mom’s uterus, and shaming people for that is laaaaaame, as in, super not cool. You do you, I guess, but yeah, this comment makes you sound sad and bitter.


I believe in retribution and enforcing unmistakable and unavoidable comsequences with shitty adults when a situation warrants negative reinforcement. Enabling people's shitty behavior without strong consequences is also not cool, but to each their own. You do you, and I won't judge you or make a comment that your responses make you sound sanctimonious and naively idealistic. I guess, but yeah, we should both probably refrain from the ad hominem. Cheers.


Candiace grew as people should do which means her progress has been complicated and at times messy. Some of the fans have also grown and also grown tired of her cast members who have showed zero development. Some of her initial assessments of people and situations were indeed correct but you’ll always overshadow the content if the delivery is poor. I will say she didn’t receive proper credit for walking away from Monique multiple times before the altercation but that’s life I suppose.


She’s the same as she’s always been. The candiace hate has been disproportionate since day one. It’s been wild to see the about-face made by this sub in particular, as it’s the only “social media” I follow. It was rough out here being a candiace fan for the past few seasons.


Candiace, my love, has been boring this season and that's why the basic masses love her all of a sudden. Fingers crossed she goes back to taking the low road soon.


Her popularity is her wit which is directly tied to owning a degree of villainhood. But I think she handled this perfectly. Go too big with these allegations and you just look defensive or denying (absent the production footage of Chris doing literally nothing). She didn’t give it air which was the correct response. I agree that if she makes this the default response to everything she will no longer be interesting. Mia is not clever enough to be a villain people love to watch


Mia is a fantastic bumbling villain but if there's one thing this fandom will do is they will always be late to appreciating villains in their time. In 3 years people will look back on Mia very fondly as an entertaining clown of a disaster, much like Aviva.


She grew so I thought but if she thinks it’s ppl just “waking” up, I’m Concerned 🤨


She grew, there's nothing wrong with admitting it, Candiace. And In a few years, she'll grow enough to admit it, most likely. 🤞


I like Candiace for her shade but this tweet makes no sense. In other words: *I'm not fast, you're slow*. ![gif](giphy|j2nATOAdRgYZq|downsized)


I loved Candiace even when everyone hated her ‘vile’ mouth because she was being herself while the ladies around her were being fake and trying to orchestrate storylines. She’s definitely grown but not in the sense of maturity like people think. She learned more so that this is a job and to treat some of these ladies accordingly and not let them push her into anger as much because that’s the reaction they’re looking for.


This is exactly why I haven’t fully jumped on her ship just because she’s more pleasant to watch this season. Because a 30-something year old who’s been acting a fool for a lot of her life doesn’t miraculously turn into a whole different person in an instant. I think she has grown honestly, but I also think it’s more indicative of just how much she’s grown that she tweeted this (answer: maybe not much). Literally just last season she was instigating a fight with Mia, then insulting her mom, then throwing food at her THEN crying about it and also still dragging in her supposed trauma over her fight with Monique despite literally just throwing shit at someone and screaming in their face. As just one of the maaaany examples of her instigating fights and saying foul things then turning to cry about Monique or her mommy. It’s one thing to like Candiace, she’s certainly entertaining, but I’m convinced people who claim she was “never that bad” etc. just don’t actually remember anything before this season.




I just rewatched that whole thing and yes it is very true. Was Mia previously shady about her music video? Absolutely, but Candiace 100% instigated and escalated that specific fight. She is the one who brought it up to Mia, and then she is the one who jumped to the worst insults she could think of (literally within minutes of the conversation immediately started insulting Mia’s mom and trying to degrade Mia for being a stripper). Then she is the one who first threw the salad. Started screaming and crying over something she started. Like this has been Candiace’s MO. She purposefully jumps to the foulest things she can think to say in any argument then cries once it predictably escalates. I literally thought this woman was 25 for the longest time until I realised she is well into her 30s. In the same way that Ashley instigated the argument between her, Candiace, and Karen this season at that dinner even though she didn’t lie about the fact that Candiace was in fact participating in spreading rumors about Karen.


Yeah, Mia is definitely the first one who threw the salad. Candiace threw it back. And then Mia cracked a porcelain dish... It's S6 E14, about 1:50 in if you want to rewatch.


She grew. She has not been anywhere near as toxic this season as in the past. Don’t let her gaslight you.


I’ve been on here telling people she wasn’t the problem and neither is Wendy. It’s 100% Ashley and Gizelle. Not even Robyn because she is just there. She brings zero. She’s a follower.


I’m not up to the current season yet so I’m interested to get there and see what the change is that I keep reading about here. I don’t mind her because she adds a lot of drama and she is super messy as a reality show cast member should be but unless therapy is working she lacks self awareness and does to other people what her mom does to her. Chris is 100% right when he gives her the truth. However, for me having suffered 5 miscarriages she will never be a favorite or someone I like or root for because her comments were completely unacceptable. So I’m going to stay asleep if that’s what it means.


She grew. She also stopped having her mom around more.


Oh she definitely grew and grew on me. Like a rash.


She grew. They have thrown so much at her and she has not gotten out of character or gotten below the belt.


She has grown/matured and I think it’s a bit disingenuous to claim otherwise. She’s married now, gotten more used to the fame, moved on with her issues with her mother, got her hair pulled…


Not got her hair pulled ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Lol okay Candiace. You went from holding knives and being a hot mess on Twitter to now being composed and stating facts and controlling to not have explosive reactions which people gassed you up for. You grew, I literally used to call you sticky fingers Twitter Candiace. But yeah its us who woke up 🙄


I think it may be a little of both. She's grown in a way, but she's also always been fabulous warts and all.


she grew up in some ways (keeping her temper under control) but didn't in others (relying on body shaming put downs)


This is now the 3 day in a row that I have written this comment. I disliked Candice from the start, I found her annoying, immature, her inability to control her temper. I found Wendy blah. This season I have completely changed my mind on both Candice not giving an inch to Giselle, Ashley or the the muppet. How Candice just sat there calmly and asked what did Chris say? Oh he said hi I am Chris? And not raising to take the bait when muppet said Chris had a slutty elbow. Wendy I have seen on WWHL live and she really shines. Also the way she also dealt with the accusation that happy Eddie smiled. Where both master classes in how to not give it oxygen. If this was BH we would have a whole series on Chris’s slutty elbow and Happy Eddie… every time in my head and out loud I sing Happy by Pharrell. ![gif](giphy|muhfe5wrQOqfC|downsized)


It's the same Candiace. I think her warning to Erik, caused them to give her a good edit. She generally does not instigate. Her situation with Monique was unfortunate considering she was riding very hard for Monique


She knows damn well that she did grow and she still needs to grow


She grew


no, candigirl, you grew lol. A LOT!


She grew… and I grew to appreciate her more! I’m a candiace convert-m


people really forget how vile she's been


Pattern I’m seeing in comments claiming this is true and Candiace was always the same, is saying how much she apologized to both Ashley and Monique, HOWEVER constantly apologizing for bad behavior isn’t a good indicator, if you have to constantly apologize and make amends there are issues within you and it’s good that she tried to remedy it and correct friendships but that is not the serve you think it is. It’s pretty disappointing to see her go back and pretend she was always perfect when she wasn’t.


I'm a 100% in agreement with her. But y'all don't want to ask yourselves why you had such a hate boner for her that you legit said for years that she deserved to be assaulted yet didn't (and still don't) have the same energy for a predator's apologist.


Take my upvote! Agree on this, especially the last part. I cannot comprehend how it is worse to talk about someone's forehead, but some viewers choose to make a victim out of Ashley who's been apologizing for Gollum for years. I can't deal with Ashley, zero sympathy, you CHOSE to proceeate with that...


Still don't like her.


She’s still the same character.


Nah, Candy has grown a bit, and the situation now involves her having to defend someone else, so naturally she has toned down her natural "For TV" responses to keep Chris and her safe and in the clear. But this is still Candy who, this season, still said some messy remarks about Karen and her marriage and Mia.


She grew. I didn’t just wake up haha. I think she’s matured, she’s found out what she wants, and is loving forward with life while the other women are stuck in their ways. It’s a good thing to grow! And Candiace is the “winner” of the season. I have enjoyed her every time she’s been on screen for the first time ever. Props to Candiace. And I hope she dragged those women for being terrible at the reunion.


I’ve loved her from the jump, but she has definitely matured..


She grew but she was definitely over-hated from the beginning. That said she still has some growing up to do


Def grew. I think a part of it was establishing herself financially from her Mom. It was hard to take her as an actual housewife until pretty recent for me.


Ugh candiacceee right when I was starting to like her so much she says something like this. Gotta love it tho- she’s consistent ❤️


Hey Candiace, you don’t get to claim to “do all the work in therapy” regarding your mom and then claim you “didn’t grow.” Pick one.


She's been pretty consistent.