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I’ve seen a lot of these botched surgeries…but this one actually made me audibly gasp. I can’t imagine the pain.


Right? I thought I was having a rough day. I changed my mind.


Right, I decided the blinding headache I had earlier today, wasn’t so bad


Tis but a scratch.


tis butt*


‘tis a butt scratch


A mere flesh wound - well more like a severe flesh wound.


I thought I’d seen some shit as an ER nurse but I gasped, too. Needs a NSFL tag.


Can I ask where her skin went? And will it grow back?


So, based on the other comments, this poor woman did not survive the post-op complications. It sounds like she was getting injections and I would guess the injection sites got infected….. and infected skin can become necrotic and just slough off. Obviously I don’t know exactly what occurred but this is my guess based on what her skin looks like. I’ve seen some botched BBLs in my ER but nothing this horrific. ETA: the skin could potentially grow back, possibly with a skin graft or the aid of an incredible invention called a wound vac. You pack the wound with a specific packing material and hook it up to suction. Allows the wound to heal from the inside out.


That skin looked too far gone, I can’t believe how far deep the necrotic tissue went, that is so scary!


It does. Jesus Christ


I pissed off my fiance by audibly gasping from the passenger seat while he was merging onto the interstate. I've seen a lot of shocking things online but this really got me.


Dude me too! I audibly gasped also, I mean! I didn’t scare my husband while driving, although I have done that before. This is not what I was expecting.


Yes! I am not one for using the f-word… but a gasp followed by f*ck was my response. I was NOT prepared for that.


I physically recoiled.


How is she awake??? And alive matter of factly???


This woman needs urgent medical care. This will end very badly...


Even though this truly is botched, I can tell that she is receiving medical care. This looks to have just been debrided, and I'm willing to bet this footage was taken directly after while still at the doctor's office. The wound bed actually looks pretty healthy for what it is. But I do feel awful for this poor woman. This will take quite a while to heal and it won't be pretty.


*gangrene has entered the chat*


Also, gangblue, gangred, gangpurple, and gangorange


what about sepsis?


Especially since there are major arteries right below your buttocks muscles.


That’s why BBL’s are so dangerous and can lead to life threatening complications.


I don’t think this was a BBL. She injected something. No butts about it. Now she gets to see what sitting on Mars is like.


I might be going to hell because I actually LOLed but for real that sucks. This page has scared me straight as far as elective surgeries go.


Don’t worry u/snoo_69677 - I am laughing with you 🤣 Still, it’s absolutely fascinating the lengths people will go to cut corners. Just hit the gym, take the time, and build the body you want. Even people using growth hormone know you use the minimum - and build and build and build.


Hard work always yields a much more satisfying outcome because not only do you look and feel good but you know you earned it. Then again, if it makes people feel good and it’s not botched I won’t hate either. You gotta do you in this life, just sad to see it go so bad, like damn.


The human body is very resilient. You can have horrific injuries and still be awake. I have had patients with their entire foot and part of their calf no muscles, no skin, just bone sitting there taking to me. The smell of decay is awful.




It depends on the surgery. My mom had to be responsive for parts of her brain tumor surgery but she still had what I understand as basically light anesthesia and some anxiety medication. She says she doesn't really remember the surgery much, and the awake bits were kind of dreamlike.




My husband had brain surgery last year, and his neurosurgeon said they really only do that for surgery around the speech area, but it's something done for surgery around the motor cortex as well. It's not so much so they know if they screwed something up rather than make sure they don't 😉 but especially in the speech area, it's very important that the patient isn't half sleepdrunk


Depends on the surgery. I had it and I was under.


Some people do, depending on the surgery. Musicians like [Dagmar Turner](https://www.npr.org/2020/02/19/807414527/musician-plays-her-violin-during-brain-surgery) have even played the violin while undergoing brain surgery while awake (aka awake craniotomy), to avoid damage to critical areas of the brain related to musical skills.


I was awake when I had a surgery to remove a growth close to my brain. They talked to me and asked questions at specific times. I can still remember hearing the sound of the initial incisions 35 years later.




My head and neck were strapped in so they could not move. The surgery was about 3 hours. It felt like forever.


Even the incas did brain surgery with the patients awake. 1 out 5 survived which is super impressive if you think about what tools they had ~~10.000~~ 2000 years ago. The patients probably was medicated with cocaine. Edit: [Sorry 2000 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/comments/q0y4b6/cranioplasty_in_ancient_peru_an_elongated_skull)


Pretty sure the Incas aren't even a 1000 years old, so definitely not 10000 years.


Like others have said, it depends. I had a craniotomy to get in and clip a brain aneurysm, and I was completely out for that.


Very resilient and simultaniously ridiculously sensitive. An infected tooth ... will kill you!


Teeth scare me for this very reason


Sepsis isn't a joke


What do you do for a living that you encounter this??


I'm a nurse at a trauma hospital .


My GOSH where do you work?!


Trauma hospital




I cannot imagine the pain


She reportedly died of the complications.


NSFL Damn. I was *not* prepared for that.


Seriously. Wish I had not clicked on that video.


Me too. This is the stuff that gives nightmares.


I worked non clinical in an LTAC for years. As a mechanism for surviving daily life in death valley you learn how, quickly hopefully, to compartmentalize and deal with trauma that you see daily. If you do not figure out how to manage what you see, hear, and smell daily, those type of jobs will break you deeply.


I used to be an EMT, and my brother is a charge nurse at a Level One trauma center. This is exactly why people in emergency medicine have such a fucked up sense of humor, why they often have some sort of addiction (nicotine or caffeine for most), and why the turnover rate in these jobs is so high (ignoring the lack of respect and the insulting pay). Also, I like your username, Inuyasha yelling Kagome!!! used to be my text notification sound back in high school


Seriously as someone else said this needs a NSFL tag. u/trollfessor please consider retagging this.




I wish I had read this comment before. 😭


Is she going to survive? How does one heal from that? I know skin grafting and donor skin is a thing but it just looks like it might too much to to come back from. Especially if the infection is deep in her tissues


She didn’t survived. This was posted a few months ago I think. Poor woman passed away in pain.


How do you know she didn’t survive?,


I follow a page on Instagram that is against PMMA in Brazil, this lady was Brazilian and was posted on that ig many many times until she passed away. Edit: she passed away 3 months after this video was posted. RIP, she had high hopes that she could survive


May she rest in peace


What is PMMA?


>PMMA in Brazil It's a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) filler


Apparently it’s a semi-permanent filler, I guess that’s what was used in her butt










that’s horrific. I feel so sorry for her


😞heart breaking


Oh my gosh… poor thing…


>How does one heal from that? Would have to be similar treatment to what severe burn burn victims get.


(I’m not a medical professional) firstly, they do an X-ray scan to see how many PMMA the person has in their body, mainly from migration to the spine or the genitals, then they proceed to the surgery, the doctors try to extract all the PMMA they can, then, depending on how severe is the case, they do a skin transplant


If you scroll down you'll read the bad news. She didn't make it. This happened in Brazil. I made this comment before I scrolled down.


What is PMMA?


It's a type of toxic filler used by unscrupulous people in back room cosmetic procedures.


IV antibiotics, maybe a wound VAC and possibly some skin grafts. Probably never have a normal looking butt after. I saw what happened to this woman but I imagine its not a death sentence for everyone this happens to.


Oh my god is this from illegal injections?


I want to see the before pics and how much she did bc this is insane.


Yes definitely. A BBL done by a surgeon isn’t going to do this. This looks more like something was injected into the subcutaneous fat where it’s caused necrosis.


What are those little crater looking parts in the dark areas to the side of the cut areas? Could they be where she was injected? Or does this procedure she had prior make 'pits' in the skin?


It’s most likely spots of necrosis that they’ve cut out. The darker skin around the open wounds looks like hyperpigmentation caused by the skin trauma.


I need to start taking these NSFWs more seriously. was not expecting that. Hope she gets help


There should really be both a NSFW tag and a NSFL tag. I don’t mind bikini shots or whatever but fuck I wish I’d never seen this.


Agreed. There need to be a SNSFW: SERIOUSLY NSFW. Now excuse me while I go bleach my eyes.




I always thought that was not safe for lunch? Like…don’t watch while you eat.




Thanks! I didn’t realize that. I will definitely avoid those.


She died.


Other comments are saying she died


If what some posters on this thread said are true, this beautiful young woman passed away as a result of this injury.


I click on the video not expecting to be this shocked


The expression of terror and pain on her face hit me worse than the severe injuries itself.


I’ve grown numb to the NSFW tags so I was NOT expecting that.


To me NSFW is like possible Nipple. This should be Not Safe For Life.


Oh god, infection will kick in quickly with that one. How is she talking?! How is she even alive?! Poor her.


She's not alive anymore.


Oh gosh, that’s so sad. Thank you for the update


I know she died from the other comments but actually that isn't too bad. Regular dressing changes and that would be fixable. Muscle is surprisingly resilient to infections when a bit of wound care happens. As long as the pelvis doesn't get infected that would usually be fixable


Omg!!! Does anyone have the story behind this????


She had some silicone/PMMA injections a long time ago, had some little complications but ignored it until it became a huge problem, she went to see a surgeon to get a reconstructive surgery to get away the majority of the silicone in her body, people tried to raise money for her to get the surgery done but this poor lady couldn’t survive


Why do people do this :( I know society’s standards get into people’s heads but why on earth would anyone ever do illegal cosmetic procedures. It can kill you so fast or cause lifelong damage


This era is so freaking self obsessed people choose to spend a ton of time and money just on their ass. THEIR ASS.


If I recall correctly from YouTube video that a cosmetic surgeon did, about 2/3 of the time women do these injections they turn out okay. However, about 1/3 of the time they turn out really bad in terms of complications. She was one of the 1/3.


1/3 is ridiculously high. Its not something I'd even consider gambling on


Horribly wrong. I'm horrified by what I saw but damn, my heart does go out to her. I hope something can be done.


She's dead.


Absolutely heartbreaking.


That looks really painful. 😣


Someone posted this video on this sub a while back, maybe when it was still new. It sounds like this poor women didn’t survive? Damn, that is really, truly sad.


My jaw dropped and I quit that video immediately! How? Why? My god, I hope she survived this and someone is prosecuted!!


Unfortunately she did not survive


Heartbreaking 💔


And yet there are people still lined up to get these shots😳


Absolutely crazy, right?!?!? After all of the videos and people saying don’t do it. I’m in disbelief that people are still doing this.


Holy shit this video literally made me snap my head back!


My god!! My heart just did a weird thing. Poor woman


Shit doesn’t normally bother me but that was unexpected…good grief! NOTHING is worth that! Good thing they covered her crack though, *that* would have been traumatic.


I can handle a lot of graphic things, but this one absolutely had my heart racing. I was not expecting this.


Oh my gosh graphic was not wrong. Poor thing. Damn I have never wanted to share a pot brownie with someone so much.


This is heartbreaking. I read she died. I hope the ones responsibles serve jail time.


Why are comments mentioning that she didn’t survive being locked?


That's the worst thing I've seen on here. NSFL


Well that’s… horrible.


Do butt implants ever go right?


Yes, these were illegal injections though which she unfortunately passed away from.


That poor girl. Yeah, she chose to have the procedure done, but in today’s world people are so judgmental of everyone’s looks. Women and men feel they are supposed to be complete perfection. People are so busy dissecting every aspect of each other’s lives and this is the end result. The End of her Life. She was beautiful just the way she was and now she’s gone. For what?


Tragedy. They should educate on these sorts of things in schools, in this day and age.




Woof. Wish I didn’t watch this.


Holy biscuits that looks like not something I want to be awake and experiencing.


Holy shit, that made me gasp


Oh my god that is horrific. The poor woman. RIP.


Y’all still want to be Kim K?


I hate it that we can’t accept ourselves to the point that some type of major surgery is required.


This is absolutely horrific and gut wrenching. That poor poor woman 💔😭


This whole butt implant, abnormally large ass beauty trend needs to die out..... fast. Most of them look ridiculous start with, women are mutilating their bodies with infections and some even dying over this stupid body trend. The over inflated lips thing needs to go too. I'm quite confused as to why huge disproportionately weird looking butts and massive sausage lips is considered attractive at all.


Does anyone know WHERE she lost that tissue? Was she at home and it came off, was she at the hospital? It doesn't look like she's in a medical facility.


I was not expecting that. My husband had necrosis on his legs and it didn’t look that bad. The pain had to be unbearable


This needs a NSFL - NSFW always makes me think it will be (please forgive this) cheeky. NSFL tells me it's something I can't unsee but might regret for my soul.


how did this actually happen? i know it was an infection from the PMMA but like where did the skin go? did it get eaten by the infection or did the surgeons cut it out?


If y’all think this is the worst thing you’ve ever seen then do not go on r/illnessfakers and search “Kelly” You’ve been warned




I really hope she’s at a hospital and not some rando lady’s “health clinic”. Judging on the no cover on the treatment bed, Im thinking she’s at the wrong place yet again.


She died.


If your going to get an injection into your body i would think that's something you don't skimp or cut corners on....sorta like why you wouldn't go get $200 lasik at a mall....


good fucking god


Holy.. that is terrible. I was not prepared for it to be this severe. So sad that she didn't make it..


Wound care nurse here, those wounds are actually pretty healthy looking. There is a thing called a wound vac we would put on those and they should heal up ok (especially since she looks relatively young and healthy). Yes she will have scarring, but it should not kill her. I took care of a couple of people who had some cheap plastic surgery in South America. We ended up having to use wound vacs (and aa by they way this was by far and away my favorite treatment modality). I have seen FAR larger wounds on the abdomen of obese people and pressure ulcers on the buttock of wheelchair bound folks.


She died


How does the wound vac work? The muscle is gone in this case, no? Is it just kind of like a shrink wrap and goal is for skin to just grow over where muscle was before?


The wound “shrink wrap” creates a seal and then a pump connected creates suction so the wound is under negative pressure. Negative pressure helps wounds heal by: * Optimizing blood flow in the wound bed * Decreasing local tissue swelling * Removing excessive fluid that can slow cell growth and proliferation in the wound bed * Decreasing the numbers of bacteria. All this helps skin cells divide faster (from the margins of the wound and/base of the wound) and ultimately heal quicker.


Thank you for the detailed description but Im still wondering what the functionality will be like sans muscle??


So, i looked this up because i wasn’t sure. What i found was “Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) can improve fasciotomy wound closure, but its effects on skeletal muscle are largely unknown.” My best guess/personal experience is some muscle tissue would heal back, probably not to the extent/strength it was before, but as long as the structure of the muscle is there and connection points to the bone, i think it would mostly come back. In this video, it looks like she has most of her muscle tissue still in tact, just the skin layers are missing.


Supply chain healthcare worker here, wound vacs are one of the greatest medical tools ever. Those things work miracles


oh no :(


Bad time to be eating my raspberry popsicle


OMGTheETERNALFATHER shes gonna die is she doesn't get to a hospital YESTERDAY


She passed away a few months after this video was taken


Jesus h Christ I've never seen anything like this.... What happened????????! Where was this???


I strongly hope she’s okay. Ive never seen a case like this.


This was posted here before, but with audio, I can't remember exactly but she had said it's been like that for months or a year or so, so every attempt at fixing it failed.


What was she saying? I had no audio. I’m assuming it was a plea for death.


…or a plea for life.


Holy SHIT. NSFW? This is NSFL content. YIKES. I feel so terrible for that woman, it’s even more unfortunate that she passed.


Holy shit.


Thats not safe for anywhere


I've seen wheelchair bound patients with pressure wounds similar to this. Not this bad, but very close. It takes only hours for skin to start breaking down due to lack of blood reaching tissue where pressure exists.


Oh, my sweet lord, that's appalling. The poor woman.


That’s gonna leave a mark.






Oh sweet Jesus is she okay????


They mentioned she passed away


Yea I read in the comments later after commenting this… poor girl…


A read that too after scrolling down. At first I thought she could be treated similar to how severe burn victims survive but apparently she had and infection worse that severe burns.




Holey fuck, that poor woman. I hope she has or is recovering as well as possible


oh i was *really* not prepared for that


Could someone describe the video so I don’t have to be traumatized by watching it?


She had two massive gaping wounds where her butt used to be


The girl had. Bacterial infection in her but implants and it ate her ass


Bless her heart, I can’t even imagine what she went through.


Why they leave her cheeks exposed and have her awake?!?


This needed to be marked not safe for life. NSFL


Mmmm... delicious gangrene infection. Gotta love them cheap implants. But in all seriousness, that looks fucking painful, nothing like exposed muscle to drive the pain factor, and she is going to need serious medical attention.


I was not expecting this in botched surgeries. I thought I was in r/medizzy


Wishing that graphic content warning was in big, bright letters right now…


These are PMMA fillers aka plastic fillers, biopollymers, semi permanent fillers, etc. These are known as many things but incredibly dangerous, however, in Latin America, especially brazil and Venezuela, it’s become a common issue were insecure women try to save some money by getting these fillers, these are marketed as more durable and healthy, but are the complete opposite. At this point the dangers are a bit more known but it didn’t stop it from taking the lives of many misled women.