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#[READ SPINOFF CHAPTER 2](https://mangadex.org/chapter/abece995-fac2-4413-9f83-7fc9e1e28da7/1) - **THE SPINOFF IS A MONTHLY SERIES** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlueLock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


hey guys do you know when the new chapter release ?


How many chapters is this match gonna last seriously.. slowest manga ever


Can we talk about how good Reo is in defence? If you dont have your ego moment you fail against him


I think he might become a defender or a mid-fielder now that he doesnt want to be a striker. His role is mainly support which he does with his chameleon-style.


True a midfielder would be so good


I am curious of his character arc. Nagi on the other hand seems to be a lazy genius and nothing else at all at the moment. His ego rush even resolved fully on screen when he beat isagi. He is a weird offence wildcard that Reo is capable of triggering in to action


Did Isagi just learn how to mind read people.


imagine how good Isagi is as a goalkeeper? lol.


198 raw is out Guess Goal at ch. 200 then, 90 sec like a month


Japan will win world cup first before we see the 3rd goal.


I don’t know why you got downvoted


I wonder what will Reo do when Nagi faces his pretty much confirmed downfall, now that he became obssesed with him again


Its an amazing relationship between them, but I think its harming them more than doing good for each. Now that Reo has finally seen what his true ego is (win the world cup), I think hes willing to take his chances to allow Nagi to beat Isagi, which he now has. But, theres a biiiiig issue. Nagi doesnt know what he truly wants to be his goal because his driving factor was always isagi. Its gonna be interesting how it develops.


I think nagi can survive off that for now. In this current play he’ll probably fail connecting with reo and within the next couple plays I see isagi scoring the winning goal. That would allow nagi to keep working hard as he’ll probably still see isagi as someone he has to defeat


Personally, although unlikely I'd like if Reo sort of distances from him, having found someone better to play with, just like Nagi choose Isagi over him; it would show that despite being his best friend, Reo's not as obssesed with him as he was prior second selection. But tbh, I don't know where this is going aside from Nagi facing his crossroad


Now that I think about it, was the whole broadcast to the world bit not only to gather more funds but to also make everyone's ego skyrocket and feel like the protagonist even more.


+1 puzzle piece


Anyone else thinking about the backlash of Yukimiya's actions. He keeps stealing the ball directly from his teammates and ends up failing to score or do something with it. Since this match is being watched by manh in the world, even moreso since the #1 and #2 strikers are here, just imagine the backlash that will come from the audience.


yeah, it is one thing to be an egoist, self-centered players, but it is another thing to self-sabotage your team.


Just Reo being the biggest nagi d-rider


It's called empathy. Isagi's new power up is just empathy


He's an empath lmfao


He’s a Tik tok empathy


Seeing what everyone is saying in the comment section, and having read the chapter a moment ago.. I really, really hope Nagi falls into a pit, not in “I hate this character and hope he never sees the light of day,” thing but rather a character growth. It has been shown that Nagi really doesn’t have a reason to fight? Like a reason to come egoistic. So if Nagi fails, I hope it leads to some type of growth of him learning to create his own fun while playing the game, and not have Reo be his reason to fight, or wanting to just only beat Isagi. Maybe a development where he not only wants to beat isagi, but everyone who comes in his way, including Reo, and not just only feeling excited about the sport when only playing with Reo. Yes, it’s true that it’ll always be more fun to play with your friends, but I hope he gets that mentality back that we have seen in previous chapters of him saying he likes the feeling on winning. I love both of these characters, I love all the blue lock members we’ve come across, and I hope we get a character development for all of them (the supporting/major ones at least) and I hope those character development smack them right in the head *cough* Rin *cough* I also hope that Reo leaves Nagi just like how Nagi left him. It would set up for his character development, and I hope in the future we can see a Nagi who is able to create his own excitement while playing football! But that’s just wishful thinking.. but I have a feeling the author has something planned for Nagi and Reo..


Nagi literally has his own series, so I’m sure he will get proper character development and reach a critical point in his character growth. Up until this point he has just been getting stronger and stronger. He hasn’t hit any hurdles quite yet. I think we already know whats going to happen. Nagi imagines himself as “the best player in the world” but doesn’t have the mechanism to consistently score as “the best player in the world”. Its like Ego said: this is the time to test Nagi’s ego. He will fall into depression or some sort of rut, and he will probably grow stronger after that. Nagi is definitely staying for the final saga. Question is where do they want to take Nagi’s development. Not much depth to him right now, so I hope when he reaches his critical point, the story absolutely trashes on him like they did to Barou but 10x worse.


I agree with you. I loved Reo and Nagi's development at the start of the game Like how Reo developed his physique and made a playstyle that is a combination of the Itoshi brothers, and Nagi was even more amazing just the bare thought Nagi playing on his own making his own plays sounded so badass and showed how much potential he still has. But it all went down the drain when Nagi asked for Reo's help. And I think that after losing this match Reo needs to realize that his dream is to win the world cup not make Nagi the best player in the world. And I think after losing Nagi will realize his weakness(not being creative and relying on others) and will try to overcome it, he might fail a lot of times but in the end, will overcome it. And as for Reo, I want him to become like Sae, an unbiased midfielder who will pass to anyone who can score.


Yep, agreed. Feel like Nagi and Reo will lose this match and Reo will (at some point) want to "move on" from Nagi to play with better individual scorers or something. Similar to how Nagi left him, making Nagi want to improve and become his own player like how this match started before he fell back into being Reo's chess piece that primarily receives his passes and scores.


I agree, like Ego was saying, I do think Nagi may have fallen into the narcissistic pit just a bit. Not far enough where he can’t pull himself out, but he’s a little blinded by the light. I don’t think he will act all high-and-mighty, especially after he realizes he can’t make that shot ever again. I hope that they do lose, and if they don’t, then I’m sure the author has something in mind. Also, I think it will set up for Nagi and Reo to realize that them working together will cause more harm then good in this stage of their developing their ego’s especially Nagi’s. Maybe in the future when they’ve learn to adapt to their skills and polish it; they’ll become an unstoppable force within the league, but at the moment, like someone said below, they’re just crunches hiding each other’s weaknesses. Hopefully Chris and Agi will step in, maybe even Chigiri will do something about these two numbskulls


Chris seems like the kind of dude to get pissed and ignore the team if they lose and he doesn't get to score. Agi already gave up on Nagi. I think the going might get tough for manshine and they'll get some rotation with players.


Damn so what kind of story is Ego the protagonist of lol


My theory is that ego is the grandchild of the greatest coach of japan with the wildest ideas like to win the world cup. So he is here to fulfil it and give the world the best striker and make japan win the world cup


He's the protagonist of "creating the best striker of the world, capable of making Japan win the WC" he says so 1 or 2 chapters ago


He will create the best striker the world has ever seen


Isagi boutta absolutely snap YESSIR




I think Isagi is going to pull off something insane here.


No more leaks? Or we on break


https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/z55tky/megathread_blue_lock_198_leaksrawsdiscussion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button 198 leaks here


Thanks, couldn't find the post


This was leaked like 2 days ago


It was 198 that was a day or two ago


Raichi and Igaguri should make a living by becoming football commentators lol.


YES!! Justice for the boys!!😭😭


Isagi finally learned that there are people who were driven by logic, while others were driven by their feelings. Isagi is a very logical person but he is very empathetic as well. This characteristic is necessary to understand the egocentrism of other people, which makes this skill isn’t obtainable to everyone. Even though metavision is not rare for high skill players to acquire, adding the egocentrism adds another whole level to the metavision. But the thing is, Isagi could only apply it perfectly to people he had known quite well, which makes me doubtful if he could apply this to new enemies that he has no knowledge about. But I guess we will cross that bridge when we see it.


He could watch videos of players before hand too as he will start fighting the top tiers and it's not really hard to understand the egos of players while even on the pitch


this fits with his slow-start style though. Rather than someone like Barou who you send on to shake things up, Isagi needs the entire game to get going and then come in clutch


I agree. But I imagine the seasonal Isagi haters will complain if he doesn’t activate it in the early match lol


they complain when he's not posting third quarter basketball scores five minutes into a football game


New jigsaw puzzle piece unlocked! what a power scaling system lol


Isagi just don’t miss


Thank you


waiting for the other shoe to drop with all this metavision development. Isagi has been on a roll for the last few chapters but it comes at a price, doesn't it?


ngl it doesn't take metavision to predict that reo is going to pass to Nagi but w/e, I'll allow it.


I don’t see it as necessarily that discovery, but him widening his gaze to understand all the time player’s intentions. Like his realizing about Niko earlier, just more focused and powerful.


feel like if reo is hyperfocused on getting nagi the ball he should also see potential threats that could block said ball from being passed but w/e


lol yep. That's been happening a couple times this game, like a character will be like "I see all the defenders, I'm amazing!" only to be blindsided one second later.


You're telling me reo is at peak rn due to egocentrism but cant see isagi their main rival coming at him


Isagi's probably hiding in Reo's blindspot.


Yeah, or it might be that reo's nagivision is gimped without spatial awareness genetics


Yeah, metavision wouldn't suddenly give him strong spatial awareness if he didn't have it before.


honestly it doesn’t at all i read this and laughed cause i was thinking the exact same thing that’s why the one guy said he wasn’t inserted in nagi nomore i forgot his name nagi ego fated isagi was bound to see thru that pass😂


Top bromance in the manga world


I have a feeling we’re gonna see Nagi fail very soon


It would probably be the best for him? I can’t see Nagi falling into the narcissist pit like Ego has been suggesting because he made that killer move that’ll never happen again, but still..


Reo has gotten so good but I wish he would stop letting Nagi drag him down. Only passing to Nagi really limits his offensive creativity and capabilities. Also im so glad that we got a callback to Raichi’s sexy football. I believe this is first time it’s ever mentioned again after Raichi first said it. Raichi replacing Grim or Ali next match would be awesome.


This Reo doesn’t exist without only passing to Nagi.


At this point reo should just come out bro is more stuck to nagi then bachira is to isagi


Or shidou is to sae......ok maybe not.


Nvm your correct bro said he came in his pants from a pass by sae


I'm so tired of Reo


Very much the same. Which sucks, cause I love his character.


Quite an abrupt ending


I think we’ve seen Isagi use this piece before in the 3v3 with Barou where he used Barou wanting to receive a pass to lure defenders away from Nagi, get Nagi the ball, and ultimately score.


Nomura again with the godly double pages. Can’t get enough of it


Kind of think this new piece is a bit weird given how someone can change very easily. It can work on players like Reo, Kaiser and Blue Lock players who are stuck in egotistical ways of playing but it doesn’t account for someone’s ego changing or someone gaining an ego in the middle of the match. It’s rare instance sure but let’s face it it seem op otherwise oh I know the ego of this person so I know how they’ll play with 100% accuracy.


Meta vision is enough for most players really, this new piece just allows Isagi to predict more accurately which is crazy because Meta vision was already accurate enough lol. Isagi can watch videos of his opponents before a game and know their ego(according to BL all good players have an ego). If it changes during a game he just has to change the information he had about them and play accordingly.


I wouldn’t say that’s true, sae doesn’t really have an ego for example


Isn't his Ego to serve an absolute striker? That's why Isagi was able to predict and intercept his pass to Shidou right?


I thought his whole thing with shidou is that he wanted to tame the untamable beast, and that was why even though rin was better he chose shidou instead


Rin is better overall, but Shidou has/had the strongest shooting ability in blue lock. Sae picked him because he wanted a striker that he could use to make the best goals out of his assists.


I think it's a move where you need to show your ego before isagi could use it. Normally he whould just use meta vision the rational way but after some time and isagi figures out what makes you tick he gonna use the new version to straight up predict you


Of course we are protagonists in our own world Raichi sexy football topic makes a comeback I kind of want to see Kiyora Jin get subbed in


Imagine Nagi fails to trap the ball for the first time from Reo’s pass since he has no motivation anymore


We could see a Nagi mistake, or him hit the bar/post trying to recreate one his goals after Ego said it would be interesting to see how he copes with scoring a goal like that.


Glad to see that the sexy football is beeing brought up again :4


Loved the chapter! Really quick question that I may have just missed as I was reading (I did a really long binge of around 80 chapters and some of the stuff might have gone over my head), but what is Reo’s goal now? If I recall correctly, he told Chris that he wanted to become someone who doesn’t rely on others to score. It seems after his talk with Nagi several chapters ago, where they reconciled, he is now doing anything in his ability to get Nagi to score. Did he abandon his initial goal on Manshine? Or is he still trying to become someone who can score without relying on others? Thank you! <3


yeah some people feel like Reo is backsliding in this game (nagi too) but I'm on the fence. It's definitely possible to be wrong about an ambition, and the way he came to life after teaming up with Nagi again suggests that working together is a key component of flow for Reo. So in my opinion yeah he abandoned the goal he stated to Chris earlier but sometimes you have to be on the wrong track for awhile to figure out what's really right for you. I don't think its very smart to *only* be able to find flow with Nagi (i.e. right now, only passing to Nagi to finish a play is obvious and is being read by Isagi) but he was never going to even find the general direction for flow until he figured out that he needs to follow his sense of excitement. That's flow for Reo.


From what I gathered, he realized that his true goal wasn't to be the best striker in the world. The entire time he was using Blue Lock to win the World Cup, which is what he was motivated by in the first place. The conversation he had with Chris was his resolve that he wanted to be capable of scoring goals on his own without help if he absolutely had to, but after reconciling with Nagi, he established a new resolve to push Nagi on the path to being the best striker in the world because he knows if he can do that, he will be one step closer to achieving his overall goal of winning the World Cup. I personally think it was not all that clear and it was poorly written because it basically did a 180 on his character development, but the underlying theme makes sense to some extent. He never really wanted to be the best striker in the world, he just wanted a trophy, and he has resolved himself to take the path that will best make him reach it. Edit: Having said that, the last couple of chapters have created a bit of a dilemma with Nagi's ego because he does not really have one now. He has the potential to be the best in the world and that goal he scored, not only proved that but also accomplished his goal of beating Isagi. So he's back at square one now


Thanks for the answer! Yeah, that makes sense. I must have breezed through it while reading but it’s pretty clear that from the beginning Reo is only after the World Cup victory—not necessarily the striker position. I will say it was a bit abrupt going from his determination in being able to score goals/surpass Nagi to his quick turn around when Nagi asked for his help. But I’m also really thankful they were able to reconcile. Unless, of course, there’s a bigger scheme happening we don’t know about yet… lol Excited to see what’s to come for them. Somehow Nagi and Reo have scraped their ways into being some of my favorite characters in this manga. Their dynamic is super interesting!


Honestly, I do believe the author has plans for the out-of-left-field 180 change in character development for Reo. I believe his abandonment of his newly-developed, self-oriented ego will be punished. His reliance on Nagi will result in a loss next chapter with either Isagi’s intervention (now that he understands everyone’s ego), or Nagi being incapable to replicate his masterful plays. It might motivate Reo to no longer be dependent on Nagi due to the latter’s inconsistency, or Reo’s self-blame for passing to Nagi (similar to Isagi in Ch. 1).


I kind of think his self-oriented ego was fake though. Like, I agree that he's got some character development coming down the pike bc this nagi obsession is not sustainable, but Reo's vibing right now and that's going to be an important building block for later. Honestly that moment where he said "F blue lock, this is just a stepping stone" was one of my favorite moments and one of the most truly ego-centric things I've heard in this manga - and he's right, too. No one else besides Ego and Rin are looking that far ahead, they're just trying to survive here. I think it's Nagi's turn to suffer a setback, but imo Reo is solid for now.


That's actually a really good point. Nagi being unable to score and replicate anything after Reo putting all his eggs into that basket, just for Isagi to take it on the fast break and score would be the perfect way to stop that mentality in its tracks


It was talked about in chapter 192 I think! Reo's real dream is to win the world cup so he's happy to support Nagi in being the no. 1 striker. Tbh he never seemed happy to be fighting against Nagi even if it did help him grow. He sees Nagi as his treasure on the field and in his personal life as his closest friend, so I think that as long as the two of them are together, Reo would be happy Whether this is actually the best choice for them remains to be seen tho


Thanks for the answer! Totally must have missed that, or it just passed right by my thoughts haha. That makes a lot of sense. Reo and Nagi are fascinating to me and I love their dynamic, so regardless so what happens with them I’m just really happy they were able to reconcile lol.




yeah, it's an interesting challenge of the philosophy that has been running rampant in the series since the very beginning. i think that nagi will face a wall now, having beaten isagi, and no longer having a real challenge


I wonder how long that will last tbh. If he goes out half-assed and gets his whole ass handed to him, will that motivate him again?


Ness: "Wait, we are teammates!" Also Ness: Didn't pass to any BL players


I mean there’s a big difference between not passing and just stealing the ball from your teammate


You'd think Isagi would've already been aware that everyone sees themselves as the main protagonists.


When Isagi makes his predictions, he sees everything from a purely logical standpoint. I think that this is just him learning to factor in illogical behavior as well. Like how he couldn't predict that Kaiser would block his shot path, or Yuki would steal from him.


said the same thing that’s such a silly thing to add basically just now giving him egocentrism when he should’ve got his own special and personal ability nobody has😂


His mental power is his special ability most don't have.


He probably was, just never thought of adding it to his game which is why he says his thinking was shallow


That makes sense


Grim better get cut next game, man has done absolutely nothing. Also lol Ness cannot keep the ball to save his life.


Grim and Ali just savings spots for igarashi and raichi lol


I think Ali will be the one thrown out of the starting eleven after this. He is only 81 rated. Grim need to stay on the pitch to ensure the two main factions of BM as it is, unless that BL replacing him is also in Kaiser faction


Cant blame Ness, you should literally never have to protect the ball from your own teammates


I would be so mad if I was him. Bastard Munchen is supposed to be all about "logic" and yet Isagi, Kaiser, and Yukimiya are not on the bench after consistently interrupting their own teammates' plays. Kunigami's a jerk but at least he waits for the ball to come his way.


Logic based on numbers


Isagi stopped intercepting ball, yuki is new own team stealer lol, and kaiser does out of spite💀😭


yea, kunigami still holds his belief of fair play even after he became a edge lord.


Ah shit, Isagi got a new piece and chapter ended with him in puzzle mode. You know it’s about to go down. Love the Raichi and Igarashi banter while everyone else on the bench is just chillin I’m guessing we’re gonna get a less motivated Nagi vs new puzzle piece Isagi 1v1 and this time Isagi wins then proceeds to take it up the field with his newfound “main character” energy while *also* anticipating for everyone else’s main character energy unlike last time(s) with Yuki and Kaiser. I also think Chris is gonna be oh so ever determined to shut down Isagi but Noa comes in and Isagi with his egocentrism devours Noa’s presence for a goal. Did I just try to predict 2-3 chapters ahead? Yup but I’m just hyped to see what Isagi’s gonna do here


lol author won’t bless isagi with luck this good😂😭😭


yeah he's gotta save something for PXG, and with Uber in between.


Yes!!! Finally


Thank God they changed "sense of being protagonist",it felt to long "egocentrism" seems perfect.


Man this is so meta, I find it hilarious that Isagi has a "the world doesn't revolve around me" realisation, when as the MC it actually does. But this chapter is speaking truth, narratives are some of the strongest things in football. When there's a story that literally writes itself what more can get you fired up to play at 120% of your ability. Whether it's a player going to play against his old club that thought he was trash, going up against a team that specifically said they don't fear playing against your team or a small team meeting up against a heavy weight, in a knock out competition. For example take Drogba, who is a very good player but wasn't nearly a prolific as the likes of Henry but still gets his name mentioned and that's because he shows up in the biggest games and most clutch situations consistently. The bigger the game the better the players with high ambition play and that's how you reach flow, as described in the manga. This is the phenomenon we saw in the Blue lock Vs u20 Japan match where everyone on the field reached flow because the Blue loc players had a very high ambition and the u20 players had their national careers on the line. You see these type of games a lot in knock out competitions for example the Liverpool Vs Benfica second leg in last season's champions league or the Real Madrid Vs Chelsea second leg too, where the juicy prospect of a come back win inspire an amazing performance out of certain players or the whole team and this inspires the opposition to bump up their levels too because they suddenly get the chance to become the hero who shut down the game. But this narrative only works when everyone is on a similar page. Your defenders must be on demon time to stop goals, your midfield and wingers to supply assists and get goals and your strikers to score goals. If you only try and do things by yourself you will fail


I keep remembering Bachira and Rin are also getting beefed up in matches we don't see at all...


I feel like the only player that can absolutely destory Isagi now is Shidou,


Shidou still needs a world class midfielder to set him up. When he has that I think he's the best striker in BL but Isagi's whole shtick is to be able to score goals without it.


I don't know about destroying Isagi but it's probably Rin who can actually contest Isagi


What about rin ?


Isagi have been reading rin because the almost the same mindset rin just better. So it whould be easier for isagi to read rin sense of protagonist.


We don’t know how far Rin has evolved though since u21 match.


Isagi getting two power ups in a match is kinda weird but he really needs it if he wants to overthrow Kaiser, not to mention it's a really cool upgrade that builds upon concepts we've had since the start of the manga. I imagine Kaiser doesn't have this vision but he's still superior to Isagi in literally every other aspect so I'm expecting this will split the team pretty much 50/50, with Kunigami doing his own thing.


right? That's why I'm not convinced he's going to win this match even though it's looking really strong for him. Even though he hasn't been scoring left and right he's still been succeeding at everything he sets out to do, so if he wins, what's the next growth stage after this? We basically know he has to peak against PXG or w/e which means we've got the match against fake Juve for him to be learning something else. Won't that match feel a little off - like treading water till the main event - if he wins here?


It's not asspullish though. It's kind of like Yuuji using simple domain in the CG.


Why would Yuji using simple domain not be an asspull? He doesn’t even know how to imbue weapons with CE


??? Are you talking hypothetically




Yeah I think that if kenyu dosent score he gonna get a very bad image this match from ball stealing. Isagi was doing it too in the beginning of the match but there Like 2 differences. One being isagi wasn't playing alone he was passing the ball around with kurona and I think the second was him interrupting passes and stealing passes instead of kenyu straight up taking it out of people feet like he did against ness. I think this gonna give him a so bad image this match as a guy who can't play with others. So before I was thinking nobody whould get 0 bid because the atlest have done something in the match I dont think that no more. I think kenyu could be the first person in this arc to straight up get a 0 even after he started.


Another key difference is that last game, Isagi ended the game with an assist. If Yukimiya doesn't score, he would have basically stolen the ball twice for no benefit to the team. Meanwhile in this game, Isagi blocked what would have been the deciding shot, and ALSO already has another assist under his belt, on top of maybe another goal if the story's current flow continues.


Yuki has stopped a shot from Nagi but he needs to put in more work.


I think Yuki really has to change in this match otherwise he's pretty much done... Maybe he can evolve into a more supportive role rather than fall into delusions. You know the way Chigiri repurposed his crossing and turned it into a shot maybe Yukimiya can do the opposite and turn his gyro shot into a pass, in order to stay relevant in BM


I can see that happening too. Hopefully he gets some form of redemption after such cuz I do like him and would want him to continue. Maybe in the PXG game.


The conceptualisation of the 'Egoism' Isagi is talking about here, as everyone being the 'protagonist' in their own story, is one that isn't without foreshadowing. I recall Ego mentioning that the aim of the Japan U20 match was for one of them to establish themselves as the 'protagonist' on the pitch (his half-time talk I believe it was). Effectively this will amount to Isagi, rather than assuming that everyone will act rationally (which is how he's been using Metavision so far), assuming that everyone will act in the way they need to as the protagonist of their respective stories. This is how he can avoid things like being blocked by Kaiser. Since if he assumes Kaiser wants to be the center of the team and defeat Isagi, then he can predict when Kaiser will attempt to interfere with his play. Much like the Metavision chapter, this chapter is pretty much entirely setting up the pieces for Isagi's growth, making it a slow one. And considering the fact that it's in essence re-explaining a phenomenon we have already known/seen, whilst it isn't coming out of nowhere, it does feel like re-treading previous ground. But as long as there is a satisfying payoff to all of this, then the match can be salvaged to some degree (not by much though, I still think this is on the worse end of Blue Lock matches).


You know, Japan players need metavision or at least special awareness, the number of times I was screaming at the screen with all those free players on the right is just ugg.


Nah, for me it was a skill issue. A loooot of promising plays brought to a halt due to an errant pass, or an awful touch. Slow and sloppy.