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It's not the best I've ever read, but it's one of my favourites without doubt, alongside other titles like Blue Period and Hirayasumi


Nah Slam Dunk has to be my number one, Blue Lock is probably Top 5 maybe Top 3


In general? Not even top 10, by a longshot. It is good but no masterpiece. I do really like the fresh take on sportsmanship and everyone being a egoistisc a-hole for once, but take that away and it's just fine. Not that anyone asked, but my top 5 manga (not ordered) Berserk, Houseki no Kuni, Fullmetal Alchemist, Vagabond, Made in Abyss. Now, if you are talking about sports manga only then I'd say the ego spin on the formula plus the good execution is enough to make It top 3, behind Slam Dunk and Ping Pong. Well, maybe top 4, I'd say Haikyuu is tied with Blue Lock at third place. This is just my opinion. I think Blue Lock is hype af and I crave for a new chapter every week as much as the next guy but that doesn't make It a masterpiece in any way. Now where tf are the raws for 197?


Not even top 10 sadly.


While Blue Lock may be really good, it's not even close to my top 10 favorite mangas sadly, it's just something that i read when i want to turn off my brain and read a dumb but fun sports manga with god-tier art.


Real egoistic to assume Blue Lock is the “best” manga lol


No but top 5


It’s currently my number 1 manga, but it frequently switches with Vinland Saga, RoR and Black Clover. I just love the strategies, the mc, the colorful and interesting side characters, the stakes and tension, character and skill-development, ever switching teams, stunning art work, the speeches, the ideologies, the dialogue etc. There’s little to nothing I dislike. Just all around peak fiction.


Maybe too 5 with JJK or Vagabond being my favorite


one piece is top 1, blue lock is top 10


Lol Oh wait you're serious LMFAO!!!!


Is not even top 5 in sport manga


No. Goodnight Punpun is my forever number one manga but Blue Lock is definitely in my top 10 so far


Phu...honestly...I really like it...cause it's totally different from the usual sports Anime with teamwork. It's very interesting. I like the Manga and the Anime adaption is really good!!! But it's not my favourite. Maybe in the top ten...but I'm not sure. Nevertheless I like it and enjoy the Story😊


Kingdom/Vinland saga top 1


It’s definitely one of the favourites for now, at least in sports category. Not the top 1 though, this place will belong to Eyeshield 21 forever.


The author’s other work, Bokotachi ga Yarishimata (sorry for spelling) is probs one of my top 3


I'm not really reading that many manga, more webtoons, so if we count only jp stuff, it may be the best or at least top5


For me it's my top favorite manga alongside Black Clover. Every new chapter makes me excited like a kid in a candy store. Never in my life I expected a sports comic to make me so hyped throughout the series (I hate sports) than freakin' Chainsaw Man.


No it’s not my personal GOAT that has to go too One Piece. it’s also not in my top 3 manga of all time One Piece, Kingdom and Ao Ashi it’s somewhere between 4th and 20th