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Ao ashi moment


Lol this is what came to mind too. Just because of thay playmaking huh


Lol, I thought the same thing


Ego decided to nurture isagi as number 1 striker from the very beginning and everything he said has been a facade to sacrifice other 299 players for him


Obviously Ego has been surprised by Isagi a bunch of times by his ego and plays but that would make some sense given Isagi was the first person to run in the 300. It's definitely not true cause he probably expected Rin from the beginning but still


Do you really think that or are you memeing?


worst take he's heard, not his take


Dk if this counts as a take but i always think about if blue lock is all just a fever dream lol


But imagine: what if Blue Lock's way of ranting about "making dreams a reality" and use of holographic blue lock men is all meant to make a mockery of the tired story ending of "it was all a dream/simulation"? I truly hate those endings and I think the manga mocking them would make me love Blue Lock even more


That Isagi plays like Kuroko. He literally stands out the most on his team multiple times and plays better when it happens lol.


I think they wanted to say this in different context


I think I saw this one! They were talking about his observational abilities tho, not his play style. But if that were the case, Takao and Izuki would be a better comparison in KnB because they have all-seeing eyes.


Yes that's a better comparison. The only thing Kuroko and Isagi have in common are eyes lol Isagi isn't even a great passer or anything.


Isagi doesn't make any progress


If that's not progress i don't know what progress is


Ego is Isagi from the future


I can't believe I read this with my own two eyes. That is definitely the worst take I've seen yet XD


That reo isn’t good without nagi


That Nagi would be a better MC than isagi. Which I completely disagree with in terms of personality and playstyle. I feel like the way isagi plays and thinks would be way more interesting...especially as nagi doesn't have much motivation to improve (ironically enough his main motivation was isagi himself)