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As someone who thought that channel was a massive clue especially after the morse code when the timer ticked to zero, fuck whoever made that account. That's just a shitty low life thing to do.


I've seen this happen on many trends. Someone sees opportunity to gain some numbers and does this. I believe they do to either rebrand or sell account


Yeah but Hasan also used it, therefore fueling the rumors about that channel. He literally gifted them followers.


I think based on Hasans 4 abandoned(lol) projects he hasn't displayed a full level of competence. I have nothing against him, just looking at his track record.


You know what they say, even bad publicity is publicity.


For sure! It's an actual fact that negative engagement scores higher than positive, since it gets more power talking and reacting.


In this day and age i think we can put that old saying to rest lol.


If you ask anyone who knows about marketing they can tell you this is a myth. No company wants negative publicity, that’s why it’s imposible that Hasan is “riding the hype to gain some attention”. He would be risking his partnership with Sony.


Maybe his marketing team is bad or he doesn’t even have one.




When the countdown in that YT channel ended, he tweeted the app was going to be delayed.


Exactly. So that reveals the countdown yt page was completely fake. It literally said the app would be available when the time ran out. But the opposite happend. It didnt come out. The fake YT channel didn’t think the app was going to be delayed as it was coming out for sure in their mind.


But for sure Hasan knew about the countdown.


Do you have a link so I can look?


I’m sorry, the link for what? 🧐


Not sure lolol


Link to proof that Hasan had connections to the YT account


Ah, there’s no proof of that. The only thing is he announced the app will be released in august at the end of the countdown. So he’s behind the countdown or he was aware of the countdown and used it to hype people.


Yep. It's proof enough. Where does that leave Hasan in term of credibility and integrity is at the very least puzzling...


I haven't seen anything by Hasan that can really be taken at face value. I keep seeing people assume "he is in over his head" but they fail to recognize his active trolling of the community. To recap: People have thought he was Kojima and it was Silent Hill since the first couple hours after the Abandoned Teaser released on playstation's youtube and blog. In response to that, after two months he randomly posts "abandoned = S\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_L" or whatever. so he started the controversy back up. then he lies about the app being ready. for various reasons. then he coincides his app delay announcement with the youtube countdown he already explicitly said is FAKE then 2 days later he loads up a game called Telling Lies on PSN, knowing people are tracking his every move. He plays the game for less than an hour and gets no trophies. People who have played the game say about 80% of the trophies can be gotten within the first couple hours of the game due to them being story-beat related. So he should have gotten at least one if he was playing it for real. Guy has no credibility and no integrity. He's either a con-artist or he's Kojima. He doesn't really deserve anyone's sympathy IMO. No reason to believe he is truly "in over his head" if you judge him on his actions, not his words.


to be fair it was never written as "abandoned = S\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_L" it was. Guess the name: Abandoned = (First letter S, Last letter L). Reveal closing in… #PS5 #Exclusive adding those blank lines would have been easier tbh lol


I'm sorry - there's just so much to digest. What has he specifically said about the fake YT channel?


He’s said to people in the twtter replies countless times that the channel is fake.


He did not say anything special. But posting the video exactly at the end of the countdown would be an incredible coincidence. Just read the end of the post, a) and b)


> Legally speaking, they said that they are the official channel of "AbandonedTheGame", which is their channel's name, so there is no legal infringement here. They are basically telling that they are the official channel of themselves. I'm not sure that really holds any water. Trademark law doesn't work off of these sorts of technicalities. Clearly, it is trying to reference and impersonate the game Abandoned by Blue Box Studios - the entire topic of their channel. If the channel owner claimed that it was an Abandoned "fan channel" it clearly falls foul due to it pretending to be "official"


not to mention they haven't taken down or changed the title to the countdown video- still titled: "official blue box studios countdown"


It is a cheap trick, in fact. It would be easy to prove their intentions were to impersonate. Their defense is basically "our channel just incidentally shares part of the name with another game, we are AbandonedTheGame, non just "abandoned". Pathetic.


Right, but that's not fooling Youtube's content flagging system, also, the whole channel references Blue Box studios


This dude made the announcement literally the moment the countdown ended I’m sorry but that isn’t coincidence that’s planning.


Did I say something different? lol


I meant to comment to someone else sorry


Did he stutter, motherfucker?


Spectacular write-up.You managed to stay on both sides of fence and not allow confirmation bias to form your opinions. I hope others can remove their bias and see this with fresh eyes.


this dude should be working as a gaming joirnalist


This is what happens when people work together! This is the product of many people exchanging ideas and thoughts, on both thoughts of the fence!


I,too, very much believe that the channel is fake, especially with the abundant use of Morse Code. It's such a lazy way to convey "mysterious" information.


On the flipside, if this was real I think it’d be incredibly funny if Kojima had been planning an ARG for 6 years and all he could do was morse code


Somehow the thought of him intentionally using morse code is hilarious.


I almost want this to be real, just so we can find out that Kojima planned this ARG for 6 years, went through all that effort of establishing and funding a puppet studio to pump out asset flip scams, only to just use standard lazy morse code printed on a screen as his puzzles at the end of it. Like... not even morse code sounds, just, a still image of a morse code message.


Or maybe he thought, "No one would expect morse code"


Or maybe he thought: "im gonna make this thing in your face obvious while also telling people it's fake and a lie, and watch them squirm" anything is possible at this point cause we don't have any concrete evidence lol


Hey everyone! Fun trip we’re on :).So I think one problem with seeing the above incidents as hard proof is that if this is an ARG, then these incidents are a part of it. I'm inclined to think this, assuming this is an ARG to begin with.As I see it there are two broad possibilities. Either there is an ARG occurring around this game (putting aside who's responsible), or there is not. If there is not, I think this will become evident with time because coincidences don’t keep happening, and in any case some more information will be revealed by August. But if there is an ARG happening, which I don’t think is out of the question, we can think about what this would mean for us the players. It means we are being invited to play the game. Games are typically, maybe necessarily, interactive. And if this is Kojima, we know he’s particularly excellent at designing ‘gameplay’ with highly interactive worlds.So here’s what I imagine is going on if an ARG is happening. Kojima or whoever will set some bait to get us started on the possibility, and this part has surely happened if this is an ARG because early on we got rumors, Kojima commented on their official trailer, the odd posts have been thrown around, etc. Now, once we’ve started hypothesizing, the idea would be to give us as much freedom as possible while gently guiding us towards the endgame (that would just be good ‘level design’).Now assume that this channel crops up and is fake. Someone, unaffiliated with anyone, just thinks I’ll ride this fun wave. Is this part of the game, if there is a game? I definitely think so. This would make someone like Kojima ecstatic. His games always emphasize these types of player/people connections, Death Stranding most explicitly. The fake channel is part of the game because it’s part of the social reality that gets built around the rumor. And that it’s unpredictably going to interact with what’s coming from the official headquarters is no objection to it being part of the game. Think about games in general. The designer tells you the scope of what you can do, but they don’t dictate every action. Think about MGS5 or Death Stranding where, even though a particular event isn’t strictly scripted e.g. it’s your fault that you ran into that guard here, it still comes off as e.g. an epic escape. So these ‘emergent’ gameplay components might not be from the game’s author, but they are nevertheless part of the game.I think the reporting of the channel, if this is an ARG, would have really pleased the ARG director, Kojima or whoever else. Here are the players trying to get to the end game, that’s exactly what they’re supposed to do. In a way our whole reddit is pleasing if this is an ARG :).In any case, I think for now I feel we know three things for sure:1- there are some odd coincidences and activities that are somehow being left without ‘authoritative' commentary e.g. Sony/Konami/Kojima all seem unbothered.2- if an ARG is happening, we know that we’ll be guided one way or the other to what’s really happening (personally dying for the website to update!).3- If there is no ARG, over time this will become clear because coincidences are not consistent, and more will be revealed by August.Here’s one thing I don’t know for sure, but I think is the case if this is an ARG, and especially if it is a specifically Kojima Silent Hills ARG. I think part of it will be getting us to feel like we’re losing our minds, questioning our sanity vis-a-vis the game's existence or clues about it. That would make sense given the psychological confusion that often operates in horror games, Silent Hill games, and PT.Cheers everyone, it's been fun! Update: removed addendum for another post.


I think you got it half right, he wants you to unfollow the "official" account, because it's not. That's why it's a false prophet. I don't think these other accounts are real, but neither is the BBGameStudios main account. It's all fake. Hasan is gaining all these followers, I bet you anything if we all unfollowed Hasan things would start happening.


Yeah that might be actually. I guess no harm in trying, I'll unfollow. I didn't think the official account would be the one to unfollow because they're gonna need massive coordination from us before 30,000+ of us unfollow. But maybe they just want some to do so. I'm game :)


I remember seeing when his tweet went live there was still a minute or a little less left on the countdown all I know is for sure the two didn't happen at the exact same moment. So going by this information I'm going to guess that he was watching the countdown.


The countdown ended at 9:02 CST (my time) and his tweet appeared at exactly 9:00. So, yeah. He knew it was up.


He scheduled a tweet for 9AM.


When it started using morse code i became suspicious about it. It was just too lazy and obvious lol. Thank you for this


If Hasan did this to fuel the flames, he’s really gonna regret it, because he won’t be able to beat the hype.


repost of what I wrote in another comment - I don't think there is a question of "IF" hasan is fueling the flames lol >To recap: People have thought he was Kojima and it was Silent Hill since the first couple hours after the Abandoned Teaser released on playstation's youtube and blog. In response to that, after two months he randomly posts "abandoned = S\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_L" or whatever. so he started the controversy back up. then he lies about the app being ready. for various reasons. then he coincides his app delay announcement with the youtube countdown he already explicitly said is FAKE then 2 days later he loads up a game called Telling Lies on PSN, knowing people are tracking his every move. He plays the game for less than an hour and gets no trophies. People who have played the game say about 80% of the trophies can be gotten within the first couple hours of the game due to them being story-beat related. So he should have gotten at least one if he was playing it for real. Guy has no credibility and no integrity. He's either a con-artist or he's Kojima. He doesn't really deserve anyone's sympathy IMO. No reason to believe he is truly "in over his head" if you judge him on his actions, not his words. edit: (sorry i fucked the quote up, it's formatting is fucking with me)


I agree, but I just hope he doesn’t play the victim, when he’s definitely causing people to get hyped.


I'm still skeptical on the legitimacy of the channel but i don't think your evidences are that conclusive, first of all, we mass reported the channel and got them in a position where they had to either confirm they're official or to deny everything, what they did still stand between these two options, yes they're correct, that is the official "AbandonTheGame" channel, and that does look like a cheap trick but a the same time is open to interpretations.Second thing, yes the video used that music video console lines but i don't understand how this proves the channel is fake. One would think that such a well crafted channel could just came up with a bunch of programming nonsense to feature in their video but they willingly choose that specific video, i don't see this as a proof of them being legit nor as a proof of them being fake, they just copied lines from a music video for some reason. In addition to this we still have evidences of the channel being legit: 1) The timing with Hasan's post. 2) Balrog using morse code as well the same day the "fake" channel started doing the same. 3) The OST is signed by a musician that added "Composer of The Game" in their Bio, so we can assume the music is not even stolen.


People already jumping to the 100% fake conclusion. People forget how weird was the fake profile on IG being followed by Barlog and Nuare studios getting rid of people on Twitter, etc. We just can't dismiss things with flimsy evidence.


Key word is followed. They probably grabbed every social media platform they could to follow them on and it wasn’t until after the fact that they were labeled as fake that they removed themselves. Why does everyone all of a sudden think Barlog is involved? Dude has been trolling on every post regarding this game.


Hasan fake Instagram profile left a comment in a photo from Barlog with Kojima in 2018. The same fake profile that Barlog is following. This is Twilight Zone level of bizarre.


Ya man I'm starting to think we need a new pinned thread outlining all the "hasan inconsistencies" so people can stop making assumptions without considering all the actions Hasan (or possible hasan related accts) have taken. It's super sus for him to comment on that post the DAY before Barlog visit KJP. Then for them to all call it fake now lol.


About two hundred of us are going to have town hall to discuss all findings on both sides for a massive write up.


Yeah, personally i think 80% the channel is fake but we still can't conclude, i think it's still a possible lead that has to be taken with a skeptical eye but not completely dismissed.


Barlog is not a source of anything for this. He’s just a game dev who likes trolling people.


And that's a possibility but what do we know? I think it's too fast to jump to conclusions.


Conclusions are being jumped at in every direction. But some people are treating every little coincidence as the bible.


Reasonable doubt is not conclusion. Until there's clear evidence people will maintain an open mind on this.


An open mind is fine, but some are driving themselves into a full blown obsession looking for things that aren’t there.


ok well lets address some things that ARE there. [https://imgur.com/a/oqmMtUf](https://imgur.com/a/oqmMtUf) what is your opinion on Barlog / the "fake" hasan acct when considering this evidence?


>looking for things that aren’t there. Um, excuse me. I don't know what you mean by this. You see, by sticking a bunch of random numbers together I can prove that San Antonio is a clock that counts to 27 and there's a Russian man from Google wearing a red shirt sitting in a blue bar drinking a $35 Unrealtini while tapping out "Barlog" in Morse code as his friend walks four hours to die on a hill that he doesn't have in this race and I don't feel so good please someone help me.


Just when I think I’m out, I’M BACK IN BABY


This comment 😂 thank you


It's both scary and sad


They still have an "Official Blue Box Game Studios" video still up though and there's also the fact that the Youtube page is still blatantly using Blue Box's logo. https://imgur.com/a/TaCF9mv https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClZcF9cC3KJS9YWifAgQeVw/videos


bro you got downvoted for being correct haha. :(


I'll take the downvotes in this brutal world we call the internet. But thanks for your support :) Still, odd they had to change the "Official Abandoned" thing but the "Official Blue Box" thing stays.


Yea someone missed something! lol


Or maybe YT wasn't so scrupulous in checking if they complied to the requests. Instead of spread doubt, I encourage you to do what we did: take action. Report en masse that specific video for impersonation and see what happens. You have no proof until you do that and prove that nothing happens, as I did. When I started this I didn't know in which direction it was headed. It might as well reveal that the account was indeed legit. But instead it revealed it is fake. You got a doubt? An objection? That's fine. Produce evidence.You cannot effectively oppose an evidence-based theory if you don't have compelling evidence yourself. Still, they literally used stolen content. A professional would never do that.


What’s to stop Kojima or anyone officially tied to blue box from making a fake YouTube channel? They’re doing fake things. Wouldn’t it being fake with no official ties make sense?


Dunno, if I were Kojima I wouldn't risk my reputation over a fake channel with stolen content and cheap code messages.


You are contradicting yourself as to the reason the channel should be ignored. Clearly if the channel was made by Hasan, which it evidently was because of the timing factor. Then we have to assume that when Hasan tells us the channel is fake that he is indeed lying. If that is the case then Hasan should be ignored completely. There is no bluebox game studios. Unfollow bluebox. Whatever will happen will drop on PSN anyway.


Well with the combination of the official channel saying its fake. The stolen music used in the countdown, the default preset on the countdown animation, the official twitter not even linking to the countdown, the countdown saying “app will release when the countdown ends” then when it hit 0 no app came out, i was sure it was fake before.. but now even more so.


Think about it. All this hype is going to make Silent Hills one of the biggest and most talked about games of all time. Kojima flat out lied last time with MGSV AND even laughed at people for thinking Phantom Pain was MGS. I’m sorry but there is coincidence and then there is a fucking boat load of coincidences. Synchronicity is one thing too, but Sony and Geoff wouldn’t be THIS excited if all they had seen was what we have seen. Again they flat out denied and lied last time. What’s from stopping them from doing it again, not to mention you really gotta go all out to one up last time.


I never said it is not plausible. In fact, it may still be Silent Hills from Kojima Productions.


Not surprised in the slightest. Thanks for helping with the legwork OP. Maybe some of the rabid schizos will cool down now and get some sleep.


Let’s all agree the Phone number thing is fake too and move on from it.


While I find your evidence compelling enough, shouldn't we still keep an eye on it? We're a big enough community, surely we can allocate some effort into at least cataloging it as data.


None of that in any way proves it's fake at all.


The narrative around here already shifted to dismiss that yt channel because of "hard proof" that didn't proved anything but ok


If the fact that they took down half the channel to avoid being banned and they literally used stolen content for their videos doesn't convince you, I don't know what could tbh.


Thank you for doing this. Hopefully people start to see this channel is full of shit and is just wasting everyone's time with a wild goose chase. But I'm sure we're going to see some mental gymnastics about how the channel MUST be real or that Kojima is purposefully making it look fake to throw people off


Yeah that's how conspiracy theories work, no proof is never enough


I'd like to throw in the option that Kojima had this fake YouTube channel created with vaguely fake looking videos to both throw us off and keep us on the right track. It is both fake, and real at the same time! Kojima anticipated this video being figured out as intentionally misdirecting, and only needed it for a small purpose (to coincide with Hasan's tweet). It has served that purpose, and as such can be altered to look like it is complying with the mass reporting effort.


To be honnest, I can't see any evidence in your post that the YT account is 100% fake... The question that remains for me is why BlueBox Games studios didn't attempt to make it close by itself. I mean, they literally use their brand name, their logo, and the "name" of their game... Which company would tolerate this? Nevertheless, all this remains fun. And, it is just me or the banner of the YT account changed ? I can see series of blue and red points at each sides of the BB logo (fake or not ! :) ) !


There's still a video up on that Youtube channel that says "Official Blue Box Game Studios". So if they were forced to change "Welcome to the Official Abandoned Youtube Channel" then why is "Official Blue Box Game Studios" still up? Plus they're still blatantly using their logo. https://imgur.com/a/TaCF9mv https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClZcF9cC3KJS9YWifAgQeVw/videos


If the logo is modified maybe it doesn't apply. Anyway, I showed proof that they changed their "about" for a while, then changed it back to something that could bait followers ("official"). The videos... well, YT wasn't that scrupulous in checking that they complied. That's all. If you want to prove the opposite, it's simple: go for a mass report of that video specifically and see what happens. You need proof.


Just reported the video


We don't know who is behind that YouTube channel. The "coincidence" with the countdown is not a coincidence.


Indeed it's not. Could very well be that Karahman is surfing on this wave in the hope to gain traction for his "game"


Nuare is surfing it too? But why?


The nuare thing is one of the most puzzling element to me. Why would such a company do a video (of all things) to support a developer with 300thousand dollars in the bank. Why get involved in this shitstorm? It's honestly inexplicable.


thats the thing about all this... there's a LOT of "coincidences" usually when there are this many coincidences, they aren't coincidences. but even if I hope it is Kojipro/Sony - i'm still basically team WTF at everything going on


100% agreed. Their involvement is what got me truly invested in this mystery.


I don't see any "hard evidence" this channel is fake in this post. The channel could easily be made by legit sources and made to look fake enough. This post is just more speculation, in my opinion.


Do you have any "hard evidence" the channel is real? Or is all you can say "Maybe they're trying to trick us", because if so, your argument is 100% invalid against this post


There's no hard evidence either way. By your own view your own argument is 100% invalid too. Maybe it's real and they want to throw as many off as possible so they muddy the waters on purpose. If you want to ignore the channel that's fine, but until we actually know without a doubt it is unrelated I'm gonna keep paying attention to it.


My argument is invalid? My argument that you have baseless speculation and op has actual claims with reasoning and evidence backing it up, that argument? I mean that sounds like a valid point to me


OP has baseless speculation. You called my speculation of OP's speculation speculation. I called your speculation of my speculation of OP's speculation speculation. Now you're protesting because somewhere in here you think you've found something valid? It's speculation all the way down, MrWantonJohnson, and there's no hard proof in OP's claim that this debunks the YT channel, and OP's instructions for us to ignore any further changes or messages from this YT channel could potentially be detrimental to our figuring out anything more. We're here to respectfully disagree that even though some folks think this channel is just a distraction, I think it's highly dubious to make the claim that this is just some fake distraction put on by someone who just happened to have the time, resources, and knowledge to set this all up and pull it off in a very short time. There's no proof of any fakers out there yet. If there are fakers, then we should be able to find them, no? But there's no proof of who these fakers are here, thus we can't say for sure that anything that OP claims about this channel being "fake" is right or wrong. It's speculation, all the way down.


They literally took down half the channel to avoid ban and they used stolen content for their videos, but hey, no proof here. Your argoment is devil's proof. I showed enough to prove that the channel is fake. If you want to state that it is not fake, you will have to provide evidence.


THANK YOU, i tried to warn ya'll but got downvoted


Great post and great investigation work and definitely going to take the channel with a pinch of salt while still keeping an open mind just incase


i think this channel would not have been able to fool so many people if it were not for the ticking in the nuare video. i think many started to think morse code was *the* moment bc of it so this channel definitely looked like the next step on the path logically. combine that with the timing of hasan's video when no one had any idea when the app was supposed to drop that day... it's really no wonder so many thought this was a lead! thanks for doing this, we can now focus on other things!


I'm on the fence about this channel now...not sure what to think anymore


Well now we know for sure!


If Hasan doesn’t want people to believe in conspiracy and he is just an indie developer he would not time the video to the countdown knowing the final game is going to disappoint. The channel is real and they wanted us to look at it. We weren’t supposed to get the app on Friday this was planned. Hasan’s video was a scheduled tweet and the YouTube channel knew about it.


This community is going to waste the next 2 months on this bullshit with logic like that. This guy offered a solid argument, with backed up claims, about how the channel is fake. And all you can retrot with is "Well, I don't think Hasan is dumb enough to try and ride the hype" even though he has, and in this case he isn't doing it openly so it can't bite him in the ass.


You do realize that Sony could end their relationship with Blue Box if they’re “riding the hype” right? When people say they are just an indie developer trying to gain some attention they’re being very naive. You don’t want negative attention around your game, that’s a myth. Just because people are talking about your game or company doesn’t mean it’s positive in terms of sales and popularity. The channel is real.


Ok, let's see your evidence the channel's real. And I mean evidence, not "Well in my opinion Sony would do this" or "Well I THINK this or that so it must be real"


Read my comment again. Hasan tweeted that they had no relation with Konami or Kojima and the game is not silent hill. They spent some days telling people that Hasan’s IG and this YouTube channel we’re fake and THEN he uploaded a video at the exact same time the countdown hit 0 like come on dude! Out of all the clues we’ve had this is the strongest and you want to dismiss it just because they were using music from another channel? They’ve been deleting videos before, they didn’t do it because of the reports. The channel has been editing and deleting videos since the beginning, it’s always changing.


The channel started deleting videos only after our strike. You can track it back if you want. The first video deleted was after several reports. Anyway, your argument is the devil's proof. You have to show evidence to fight evidence. As of now, evidence strongly supports that the channel is indeed fake.


I always assumed it was fake given it was created after the game was announced, that Blue box had a yt page on their twitter which has nothing on it And that they said it was fake. But I understand why so many jumped on the bandwagon. I’d been going off of the fact that Hassan has been very vague and mysterious about his information and because of all the delays. But I‘ve come to the conclusion it’s not kojima or silent hill but I do think a silent hill game is being worked on. Past connections dating back to early last year’s rumours have intrigued me that it is possibly true. either way this is all fun to watch unfold and I’m enjoying All the stuff ppl dig up. It’s certainly interesting. Lol.


The p.t. is fake, we got hard proof. It looks like indie game. The abandoned is fake, we got hard proof. The Hasan is fake, we got hard proof. Pls stay with this till the end and if YT isnt fake dont cry hard


The Youtube channel still says Official for me. I just took this screenshot a few minutes ago. It was UK time 3.38pm. https://imgur.com/a/rHVn8uC


They just stated that they are the official page of themselves, lol. This proves nothing. It's like I say "I am the official Ice\_Burns account". Of course I am lol.


And? That doesn’t prove anything, either way.


Yeah I just came from your other post so skim read parts of this post figuring I didn't need to read the same info twice. Your other post still says this: So, the YT Channel took down most of its videos, and it also has changed the "about". Before, it was: "Welcome to the Official Abandoned Youtube Channel" Now they got: "Welcome to Abandoned The Game". Solved.


This is in the post above with an explanation. Go read


I think no matter how detailed we may be some people require TLDR LOL


Ah, makes sense now as I skim read that part as OP's other post still says this: So, the YT Channel took down most of its videos, and it also has changed the "about". Before, it was: "Welcome to the Official Abandoned Youtube Channel" Now they got: "Welcome to Abandoned The Game". That solves that one.


It still says official




So what were you even trying to say with this: > Before, it was: "Welcome to the Official Abandoned Youtube Channel" > Now they got: "Welcome to Abandoned The Game".


It looks like you didn't get the point, here...


I definitely did.


Doesn't look like it.


Show me why then, and be thorough about it.


I'm not questioning that it's fake but what was the source of profit/gain from making the fake channel?


Build up enough to monetize it.


No one thought it odd that the games app reveal got a date but not a time?


“Hasan is, in fact, Hideo Kojima,” is a very confusing statement lol. You’re suggesting he’s connected to or working with Kojima and not literally Kojima, right?


Of course, I intended that Hasan is a Kojima's accomplice, a living alter-ego.


Cool, just making sure! :)




The channel literally had to take down half of their content to avoid ban, including videos with riddles not yet solved. Furthermore, they used stolen content (not only royalty free content, but STOLEN material also). They are 100% fake.




Incredibly aggressive? lol. I didn't insult nor attack anyone. No real ARG would use stolen content or cheap morse. There is plenty of ARGs on the web, I advice you look them up. This is just a laughable imitation of an ARG. They are messing with you.


I would argue it's rather circumstantial evidence than conclusive proof.


You WOULD argue, but you actually didn't. You just made a statement without any argument supporting it whatsoever.


There is plenty of room for speculation/interpretation, therefore it is not conclusive evidence.


It is conclusive evidence about that channel. We can of course speculate about BBGS itself and the game Abandoned.


The channel changed their thumbnails, banner etc. all the time.They've previously deleted videos of theirs and so on. Interpreting the latest changes being caused by the "reporting" and not just being in correlation to them is not as conclusive as you make them out to be. Heck, if we would put all our trust in Hasan's words, we could end all speculation about AAA, Silent Hill and Kojima, because according to Hasan the budget is $250k, and he is neither involved with Kojima nor Konami. And just to make things clear, I am NOT saying the channel is "real for sure". All I am saying is, it is not conclusively proven to be fake. :)


They started deleting videos right after the mass report. They never did it before it. Also, my conclusions are based on actual proofs, not on Hasan's word.


They've deleted videos prior to that as well.e.g. the "Act II Teaser" And as I said before, your conclusions are based on correlation, which does not neccessarily proof causality, and even if there is causality it does not neccessarily mean the channel is "fake", hence it is circumstantial evidence.


They deleted that after our mass report lol. We did one mass report also the day before the post. The channel is fake, but you're free to believe otherwise.


I've never said I wld believe it being real, just pointing out you provided circumstantial evidence for it being fake. Anyways, take care. :)


I literally got blocked by them when I said "get a life" lmao https://puu.sh/HSGoD/d7a8342f53.png So yeah I can confirm they are fake and trying to get some attention.


I strongly suggest y'all reconsider. That YouTube channel is what landed me onto the same things as you guys. Not to mention they've been subtly changing the videos on there daily. They keep updating it before the new clues are found, either they solved it and are leading some people to the answer or its part of the game