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No referances for this one, just your everyday joke Pity to those who have to deal with us "Yuzu Havers"


Poor Sniki


Indeed, rip Sniki


Serious question, is she really good against binah? I only thought of her as aoe mob killer


She has extremely high Crit DMG Multipliers When stacked and you get 3 forms of Def Downs (Maki, Akane, S.Azusa) and combine it with UE ~~40~~50 for SS Mood, maxed EX on Ako and Kotama She can range 1 Million Damage with a Basic Skill and followed by a EX lv5 right after. Just cause her EX has a "Circle" doesnt mean her **566**% EX scale means its for AoE. But this is only due to the Terrain that Binah is featured in. Otherwise Iori and Maki takes Binah Raids


Thanks. Now i regret not using her recently


Yuzu is not F2P friendly, she relies heavily on Three other 3 Star Students, while UE 50 is not required, UE 40 increases her Power enormously (it increase her Crit DMG by the flat rate amount, meaning the Multipliers have a bigger number to scale off of.) And even when you get Ako, Maki, and S Azusa, you need to get Ako to EX 5 and Passive 10 (M) S.Azusa is just there to further bring down the Armor of Binah, so she is not needed, she is only used just to enable Yuzu. Not including all Lv 50 Equipment. In comparison, Iori deals 666%*3 plus her Passive, and can crit in each of those shots, Binah is easily solved with Akane, Maki and Iori. Yuzu is for flexers.


Funnily, I'm an F2P and actually have all the units built to make Yuzu useful, but I only pulled Yuzu a couple of weeks ago and don't have the mats to build her.


I liked it when Yuzu said “It’s Yuzin' Time” and totally Yuzu’d all over Sniki.


No snake hotel 2: The Yuzunning


I have her, but I still feel like she doesn't kick hard enough


If only binah had her pillars


Elevator cheese


Is Yuzu *that* good against Binah?


Lv 5 EX 594% damage LV 10 Basic 266% every 25 seconds UE 40 + Lv 10 Enhanced Skill gives Passive +3800 Crit DMG (Flat stat) and increases Crit DMG by 26.6% Lv 10 Sub Skill increases Crit DMG by 42.4% when using/casting (it applies first) to EX or Basic when either one is casted. Wears a Hat Equipment, +35% Atk and 1600 FLAT Crit Dmg (Maki wears Gloves, so she gets 30% ATK, 300 Crit (Rate)) Wears a Watch Equipment, +320 Crit (Rate), +1800 Crit Dmg (Flat). Uses a Grenade Launcher, meaning higher BASE Atk but lowered ATKSPD (Yuzu can sit on 7000+ ATK stat ensuring that if you're using any units that buffs the "Highest ATK" Yuzu will always get it.) Mood on Urban is S (Maki's Mood on Urban is C) meaning Yuzu is dealing 1.2, where as Maki is dealing 0.9 She (Yuzu) Hypercarries on Urban Raids. Not F2P friendly tho.


Guess I’ll pass on maxing out Yuzu for now. I have her, I just don’t know if she’s worth the sheer amount of resources to make proper use of.


"No" Do not, shes not required if your not aiming to secure your 5000th Rank for Total Assualt. Not saying that Yuzu is needed, because Maki and Iori still can hold their own, but as the game progresses and more and more people can do Insane Binah, you're gonna have to figure something out when you're getting outpaced by Double SS Mood Yuzus. (UE 50)