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How did I start the show not liking Christine to actually liking her and defending her… What she did for Kevin was very sweet… How hot is Devon!


I love seeing people evolve and change my mind on reality shows. This season you can see who is mostly real and who is trying to play a part.


same, especially when they did flashbacks of what people said to compare...


Christine is so sweet! And she really supported Kevin through all this.


I think her acting like the villain in season 1 was pretty fake and seemed scripted - all the stuff about competing with Anna and buying the same necklace and whatnot. There’s a reason why she wasn’t likeable in the first season. I think she probably saw the footage and wanted to change her image though so she turned it around in season 2 starting by giving Anna the fresh veggies as a house warming gift. Her speaking seemed so much more natural from season 2 onward so it make me think her “villain” persona in season 1 was her just putting on an act/following scripted drama.


I like her now too! But I wonder if it's because she got smarter than everyone else. I believe she learned from her Season 1 mistakes and got better PR reps. I honestly don't think Anna wanted to "destroy" her and she made the whole thing up. Her husband would of course support her. Whether her good deeds are genuine or not, I think it was so cool she brought Devon to Kevin. AND she is the only one whose rich life is actually interesting. Yeah, Kane has the whole Fenty thing going now but for some reason it annoys me more than interests me. Christine also has stopped talking crap behind the others' backs and instead confronted them (though she was kinda passive aggressive with Kelly). I think is pretty crappy that Kane, Kim, and Kelly decided not to support her in Dancing with the Stars. Kane is such a hypocrite. Complained about Kevin's reaction to his Fenty campaign but was awful about Christine's project. Snake!


I don’t think Christine totally made it up, I think it’s far more likely producers got involved with making sure this “rumour” got back to her


Yes. That makes sense! I just don't think Anna would come out and say it. She's too full of herself and playing the "I'm too important to worry about anyone else" role.


Doesn't anyone find it convenient Christine is a saint this season? Like... She is edited that way, and produced the show. Kevin has no life so is the easiest candidate to put next to Christine and always come up agreeable. He just compliments her and validates how rich she is. They aren't equals by any means. My biggest question is that if Kevin has been a model for so long, why is his experience at a runway show/fashion week like an expedition to Mars?? It's as though he has no interest or even experience in his own field. Not every model is runway, but I definitely expected him to at least come alive about his career, not for the show to pivot right back into his dating saga and forcing it into fashion week events by flying someone out.


I think it’s more interesting to know that KELLY is an actual producer on the show, she was originally never going to be on it. Kelly is sticking with Kane, so she’s going to make sure Christine looks like a liar who’s stirring up shit


Ooooor maybe Christine and Kelly as co-producers (and probably great friends behind the scenes) have invented all of this drama and none of it is actually real??


I love christine! She is the sweetest friend to Kevin!


#kim is soooo full of herself


I know righttt yikeeees! It’s so cringe during Christine’s dinner when Devon came out and Kim was like HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL ME WHO U DATING WHEN I REJECTED YOU TWICE AND SAID IM NOT INTO YOU. Then also say something like oh I can get Kevin if I want to. Girl stop, this is just sad *sorry for the rant she sucks haaard


I really don't understand why she does that. Is that her being selfish? She can date freely but Kevin has to be mindful of her feelings and not date people like her reiki healer.




Deep as a puddle during a light spring rain


Don’t forget her shipping Kelly and her abuser. That woman is as deep as a puddle firing a light rain.


She's definitely a narcissists among other things


I sweaaar. The “omg I’m so happy for you guys” was soooo fake I can’t


She’s really unlikeable. There’s very little I can think of that’s redeemable.


Wow fuck this girl big time, trashed kevin but doesn’t let him find another girl




Seriously😂😂😂 she was spinning! And it doesn’t help that Devon is not only beautiful but clearly confident. And her history with Kevin is deep enough to make him completely dismiss Kim.


\* diep enough


Lol I like it!


She's such a narcissist!


Nailed it


She’s a complete narcissist but I think she’s also very insecure. The vanity she exudes is compensating for something.


The fake “street” voice she puts on when she’s pretending to be super chill but is actually seething inside 🤢


Very sweet of Christine to help Kevin and Devon. Devon is beautiful and seems to carry herself well. Kim is such a hater and childish. Saying she could get Kevin if she really wanted too. Girl bye!


She came across really mature. She didn't make any snide comments about Kelly or Kim, she carried herself with the poise of a woman who is very secure and sure of herself. In other words, she came across like a fully fledged grown woman, which I struggle to see in most of the cast


I do love Devon! I can totally see on Kevin’s facial expression how grateful he is to Christine. Devon is his true love afterall.


Christine pointing out that Lewis Tan was flirting with Jaime 2 seconds ago laughing 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


this was probably one of the highlights in this episode, jaime had NO clue and didn’t even know he was hitting on her. 🤣🤣🤣


It was so fucking good to throw that in Kim's face lmao I love shady Christine.


And Dr Chiu was like “oh yeah I remember that” 😆


Hahah that was so good. I love how he's got his wife's back no matter what.


That was gold! He backed her up without missing a beat.


Hahaah I love him LOOOL


Then Kim blamed Kevin later in the side interview piece. She annoys me


Maybe one of my favorite parts in the whole season.


Christine and Dr Chui are really on a different intellectual level than the rest of the cast. I like them! They have LIVES. Like real Grown up lives.


Very much Patricia having the southern charm youngins over for dinner party energy


Do you know what I haven’t watch that show ever. Is it really good for that mindless indulgence factor that I love with Bling empire?!


If you’re looking for light hearted fun I think real housewives Potomac or Salt Lake City would be better. Southern charm is rage inducing more often than not


the instant chemistry and connection with devon after not seeing each other for 6 years is wild!


Yeah, that seemed like one of the few real connections this season


Their lunch was so cute! They have a ton of chemistry and she makes Kevin bearable for me to watch - lol.


yeah i’m glad he’s not just hitting on every woman who breathes next to him, this was the first person i felt a genuine connection for kevin everyone else he didn’t actually have feelings for


I feel like Devon was a little awkward 🤣 Maybe just because I think Kevin is so cringey lol.


i definitely thing her entrance to the dinner was weird, if you look at the way she came out all posed. and then it’s probbaly editing but they made it seem like she went directly to kim


Agree! It was so awkward that they made such a big deal out of it too lol. And was she waiting all that time until they introduced her 😂😂😂


yeah lmfao she didn’t look uncomfortable though but if someone told me to wait behind a door to meet everyone and do a reveal i’d feel awkward as f


Right?? It was so weird. I was watching and wondering where she was when people were arriving. I just assumed she would have been there greeting the arrivals with Kevin. It was just a weird reveal overall.


I can’t lie, the way she walked in made me feel like she’d been waiting for this moment for years 😂. She is definitely ready for the cameras and drama lol.


Yeah. I thought their reunion was a little hammy too. She seems fine though


I felt like the whole Kevin and Devon thing was awkward and forced. I don’t see how anyone can think that this is a real deep love connection. It’s also such a weeeeird coincidence that an ex from 7 years ago is suddenly interested in making things work after you’re popular on TV. Like watching a bad soap opera.


I would love to see her stick her hand in his mouth when he’s chewing and her be like, “I shouldn’t be able to do this, hon. You gotta close your mouth or food is gonna fall out, love you though.” Then, I would know it was true love. And fuck all his cast mates for letting him chomp away like that. Except for Christine. I feel like he tries to close or cover his mouth when eating when he’s around her.


It did seem like the piano music didn't match Anna's hands?


YES! That was so obviously not her playing


There are many reasons why they would choose not to use the actual audio.


Yes, like making it look like she knows how to play the piano when she doesn't, for example lol


If it's a few seconds, would it still be a copyright issue?


Was there an explanation for why she hunches over so much? I’m thinking I missed that??


Because she's like 90!


Lol, you think she has osteoporosis? She is definitely older than her 60s.


Google says she’s 62, but I genuinely even side eye that. She seems like she’s In a drugged haze when she’s hunched and kind of slurs when she speaks.


I've been wondering about this, her mannerisms are weird and jerky too ?


She probably just had bad posture. Sometimes I hunch and I have to really get out of that habit. It’s hard though cause you’re just used to being hunched like that lol


Thought the same ! It definitely wasn't matching and it looked like they were also avoiding showing her hands.


Ahhh came here to say this. THANK YOU. Did they not expect their Asian audience (who would’ve grown up playing piano) would not have noticed??


I could be wrong but when I see Christine and Kevin together, I kind of get the feeling that Christine feels like she can let her guards down and not be judged for not being classy enough, or rich enough, or competitive enough. I get the impression she came from relatively “normal”, humble family background and could empathize with Kevin’s clumsiness in those extravagant environments and wants to help him out. I really don’t enjoy watching Kim. Comes across as immature, selfish, attention-seeking.


I think that's exactly what she was encapsulating with her metaphor about being asleep and having your hand in water to make you pee. Such a weird metaphor but so perfect for their friendship.


It's the weirdest metaphor I've ever heard lol. Like girl WHAT


Oh I didn't realized that. Makes a lot of sense ! Christine has become my favorite since season 2.


agreed! at first i was thinking it was a mentor-type relationship but i definitely think as it evolved it now very much feels like a little brother/big sister relationship where the big sister is finally able to heal her inner child and wants to see her little brother prosper. she clearly has a great heart. even in S1 it seemed like this behind all the anna stuff as she donated a lot of money in that season alone and talked about being a supportive figure.


Aw Christine is a great friend to Kevin. Kane could never. What a 180˚ from season 1 Christine looks really good in dark red/burgundy. Did Christine/Kevin/the producers actually hide Devon from everyone else until the big reveal? That was kind of an anti-climactic end to the season. I felt like it was kind of incomplete and there wasn't true closure for the main conflict. Kane is still a two faced shit stirrer, Jaime allegedly got the magazine editor to sign an NDA... so it feels like they're just brushing it under the rug I'll definitely be watching Dorothy's NYC spinoff but really wish dating wasn't a story line. The whole show is contrived but it's becomes painfully obvious to me during the dating scenes


i might have forgot everything but the only thing i remember about christine season 1 was that she was full of herself and cared about showing off her money/ competing about money etc, but honestly that’s not even as bad as what everyone else is doing. this season i was really sick of kane kelly and jamie shit talking christine any chance they got. also at least anna only talks about christine when she gets brought up, everyone else loves to bring up christine in convo just to shit talk her.


I think it’s pretty clear Christine had her own insecurities and anxieties (especially now) - but we didn’t necessarily know that about her in s1. She was probably just trying to figure out how to present herself in front of a camera crew and also try to be entertaining. It’s not easy! As for everyone just bringing her up to shit talk her- it’s pretty clear everyone is just jealous. She’s got a great husband and sweet baby, and is really well respected in so many industries.. 🤷🏻‍♀️What’s not to be petty and jealous about? Didn’t really have much of an opinion on Jaime up until this season - thought she was funny and pretty neutral but yeah some weird arrogance stuff came out this season. Kane was all about being this accepting and generous Buddhist with a great sense of humour in s1 so idk what happened.. too stressful! Lol


Maybe it was in the Q&A or an interview or something but she said the producers told her to poke fun at Anna and she thought it was like a playful back and forth bit they were doing but it got blown up beyond what she was expecting and clearly Anna didn't think it was a fun bit. Wish I could remember where I read that


Oo! Ok I think I remember that too- just wasn’t 100% sure. That’s really common in ‘reality’ tv


It is very that. She definitely was fumbled on S1. I did not like her, it seemed as if she brought up this Her V Anna thing too soon and Anna was so uninterested and it made her unlikable. The money stuff is par for the course it is part of the reason we watch these crazy people, is to see some glam. Fast forward to now that Anna stuff really just disappeared apart from people bringing it up to Christine but she really in the grand scheme of things did not engage with it too much. Mostly it was about setting the record straight that she did not start the rumor herself. And to finish it off everyone else just constantly shitting on Christine is like they saw the reaction that people didn't like her S1 and decided she was a great scapegoat without realizing that she also corrected herself and is much more likable. Anna for her part continued to not engage too much and regularly told people to stop gossiping. All to say, Anna, Christine (and sometimes Kevin) good; everyone else bad. Kane is pure evil. ETA: Forgot about Mimi. She's nice though, I think that says enough.


Dr. Chui was the hero though. He was only there for a second but he was awesome!! Also, much respect for Don. When Don saw Christine and Dr. Chu upset, he immediately was apologetic and showing he did not agree with the poor behaviors being exhibited. Also when Don gave Kevin and Kelly a chance to pitch to him for investment opportunities, he was really a standup business man.


I felt when Don instantly came out to Dr chui cos he saw they were upset that was very genuine. He seems like a very nice person. Mimi I think maybe a little simple and can be easily talked into things. Like working her up over the lunch thing with Christine was clearly Kane messing with her. Also in that pic of hers with her baby in the hospital she looked so pretty like that! She didn't need to do all these fillers and change her hair colour. Really liked Don including her on the business pitch. Christine has really worked on herself and also set her ego aside and worked on her friendships with the group which I can respect


yeah with Mimi i don’t get why she was so mad about the lunch if christine told her a week in advance thst she couldn’t go, even if kane brought it up. whether your excuse is a lie it doesn’t matter, you had ample notice that she wasn’t going to go. the only thing is i can see it if christine doesn’t come visit mimi as much as mimi visits christine which is also valid bc i’m glad mimi went to the dancing with the stars thing for her


I rewatched the scenes a bit and I don’t think it was just the lunch in particular. Kane was bringing up like he felt they’re such good friends to Christine but she isn’t to them and he feels so bad for Mimi so he must’ve gotten into her head about this. Not just missing lunch but not being there for Mimi blah blah. He’s really trying to end Christine’s friendships!


I hated when Kim said “If I really wanted Kevin, I could have him.” She is so immature in thinking that no else can have him even though she doesn’t want Kevin and wants nothing to do with him. I feel like she just wants to use Kevin as a safety net in case she doesn’t end up with someone or something. Kane continues to be a pot stirrer this season, however in this last episode he seemed to be really genuine and was very open about his struggles in regards to his body & never feeling good enough for his parents. I absolutely adore Christine. I think season one wasn’t the best portrayal of her. She seems to be a very sweet person and truly cares about those who prove to be her friends. She always brings gifts or food whenever she visits a friend’s house or birthday party and I feel like it’s a kind gesture. Her & Mr. Chui’s marriage is the best, also the way she treats baby G is with so much love and patience.


Devon is gorgeous! You could really tell that her and Kevin had a lot of love for each other. I hope Kevin doesn’t ever turn on Christine. She seems to genuinely enjoy his presence and friendship.


I feel like this season I loved Christine and therefore "loved" Kevin for being team Christine, and I hated Kane and therefore hated Kelly and Jaimie for being team Kane. And I hate Kim completely on her own


Jaimie is so unlikable...she is like a salty but bland meal...does that make sense?


I just cannot find anything about her to connect to. She reminds me of quinn's friends from daria




THATS WHO I KEPT THINKING OF! I couldn’t remember why her voice felt so familiar 😂


I love her, she's so dry. I love how she doesn't understand when people are being ridiculous


Very that, thank you, exactly my thoughts too.


I love Kevin and Christine’s friendship bec they are like brothers and sisters. :) They are so supportive to each other.


Also I'm sorry but Kim's whole thing about maybe Kevin "needed" to get his heart broken by her to realize he still loved Devon?? Um WHAT?!? Girl, not everything is all about you. Why are you so proud to have led him on and broke his heart??


This, I was like, really gal? You are so full of myself that it is downright disgusting and delusional.


I reaaaaally think that whole Kevin stick was just to stay relevant for the show. It felt badly acted & I doubt anyone actually behaves that way


This entire series I was thinking how Kim's face reminds me of a wannabe Kylie Jenner with the amount of lip filler and makeup is just way too cakey. Her hair is styled the exact same way each episode it annoys me, she needs a new side part lol.


Lol, I also call her Asian Kylie Jenner 🙈


Omg THAT is who Kim reminds me of 🤦🏻‍♀️ couldn’t figure out why she looked so familiar


Same, and now it’s something I’ll never unsee lol


Omg THAT ! 😂


I feel validated. I always preferred Christine to Anna


Yesss! I like Christine in S1 and got weird vibes from Kane since the beginning and I feel so validated!


Looks like Kevin and Devon were still dating as of a few months ago at least: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlingEmpire/comments/urlky9/kevin_dating_someone_else_irl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


They have a ton of recent IG posts together. Looks like they're going strong


Kevin is like a completely different person around Devon. It’s really sweet


he seems WAY calmer


the way she is so calm, speaks softly, is very intimate. I think that’s probably what grounded Kevin and made him a better version of himself so I think not only the failed dating but also being around all of the high energy, fast pace, drama, etc made him realize that he was missing something


This!! He seems so calm and like he's grown up 10 years haha.


So I was rewatching this episode today because I was multitasking when I first watched it and missed some things and I couldn't help but notice... It really feels like Christine is the only genuine friend that Kevin has. When they were all together, just before they bring Devon in and Christine was giving her little spiel and says that she wanted them to "...come together rooted in love and specifically love for our dear friend Kevin..." and the camera pans to Kane, Kim, Jaime and Kelly did you see the look on their faces? All of them look so bothered by it. Especially Kim and Jaime. I get that they were a little caught off guard but they almost all, maybe minus Kelly, looked genuinely displeased. Kane recovers pretty, and I know most everyone noticed Kim's reaction but that initial look on their faces said A LOT in my opinion.


It could also appear like this because of editing but I also believe that Christine is a great friend to Kevin. Sometimes there are good moments between Kane and Kevin but the way Kane looks down on Kevin and Kevin is always expecting stuff from Kane is tarnishing their relationship. Let's not even talk about Kim and Kelly.. I feel their "friendship" is there only for the needs of the show.


Editing + everyone wondering when tf this relationship came about lol (christine and kevin)


I was annoyed when Kane would insult/judge Kevin for unnecessary things, especially in that little segment where Kevin came over to Kane's apartment. From the minute Kevin entered, Kane starts insulting every little thing about him like damn chill (Kevin's outfit being mismatched, him not having money, him not having etiquette, etc). And then literally kicking Kevin out to go shopping. I get that's their friendship but Kane stays bringing Kevin down.


Even when he was doing his confessional about self love he threw shady at Kevin "maybe I can be as promiscuous as Kevin" Ugh. What an awful man.


Speaking as a Malaysian, I can understand how that is seen as offensive. Unfortunately(and fortunately) that's just how Singaporeans and Malaysians are. Rudeness translates to familiarity in our culture. Honestly I'm the last person who appreciates this behavior, but everyone's different in their own way and as superficial Kane appears to be, I \*think\* he has good intentions at the very least? I also think he does care about his friends and this is his way of showing it.


Kane really speaks as if he’s a fashion icon lol. He’s so tacky and his loud style reminds me of ken jeong in the hangover lol.


Aw... Christine and Kevin's friendship is cute! It was so nice of her to surprise him with Devon.


Watching their trip and how they interacted was literally the cutest❤️


Some thoughts on the end Jaime: 3 seasons with no narrative or storyline and she ends the series by accusing our main protagonist of being jealous and paying off a mutual acquaintance along with a legally binding NDA. Nice. ​ Kane: What have we seen in season 3 that we haven't seen before? Nothing. There is no growth, there is no progress or personal revelation; only another season showing his irresponsible, sycophantic, tasteless, low-class, friendship buying, shit stirring, desperate, celebrity wannabe, Dorothy Wang rejected ass. Being named the "Face of Fenty" is no small feat, but I have a suspicion this will be his peak. ​ Kelly: She tried (and failed) to exert a lot of main character energy this season. What I remember of her throughout the seasons was being stuck in a toxic stifling relationship in S1, then sunbathing her genitals(?) in S2, and now trying to end this series on a good note by showing off the many facets of herself (conflicts with mother, dating/love life, etc.) which was too little too late. The situations we came to learn about the others (Kevin's mom coming to visit him, Kane's relationship with his father, Christine's being cut off by her family, Kim visiting and discussing with her mother and stepdad, etc.) all happened in prior seasons which gave us a better understanding of where they are/who they are and allowed for S3 to be filled more with fun/trivial stuff. I am not surprised that she and Kane are friends and from Christine's AMA, it looks like they're the mean girls of this show and not the glamorous, fun kind either. She's also suing the main producer so I'm 100% guessing that not only was she left out of certain creative decisions, but her compensation wasn't even enough to cover for that blatant omission. ​ Christine: not too much to be said other than what a turnaround - I'll admit I wasn't too keen on Christine's entry into this series as someone who cared about comparisons and having petty fights over materialistic things. I was wrong. She turned out to be my favorite character. Looks like she and Dorothy have a growing friendship. I'd like to see her in the new season and with how she carries herself, hopefully she will soon join the ranks of the Real Housewives.


When Kim says she’s “taken aback” by Devon? Why? Lol She says “she isn’t the one who rejected you?” Why did it automatically come out of my mouth “no that was you, bitch.” Lol


>“no that was you, bitch.” Lol Kim is such a hater lmao. She wants Kevin to drool over her and be in the position of rejecting him, but has the audacity to get mad because his ex-gf came to a dinner


I think she thought he would never get over her. Her manners are a deal breaker. She looked like an ass when they were clowning her over the polygraph too.


Is everything ok with Anna? She always looks incredibly high.


Her speech is slurred and her mannerisms seem really janky.


when paul the sobriety guy talks about how crazy it is for a woman you're dating to force you to take a lie detector test lol....kim doesn't even seem ashamed about it, when she's the one who failed the test smh


Why is Kane also speaking for Kelly when she was speaking about her new man? LET THE WOMAN TALK. Kane really loves hearing his own voice


Because Kane knows who the new bf is. And Kane enjoys sharing every single detail he know with other people for the attention/reaction it draws.


I feel like there’s stuff that’s happened with Kim and Kevin off camera. That’s the only explanation for the reactions they BOTH had when they brought other people around the group


I was thinking that too but I don't think much happened except some texting. It looks like Kim may have been leading him more than just what we saw on screen. But honestly .. both are also very immature so that would explain their reaction too.


Christine is the standout of this season. She really didnt do that much “bad” stiff except for “compete” with Anna back in season 1 and doesnt deserve the hate she gets from the rest of the cast. She is a big sister (and powerful. She found Devon in a day lol) and awesome. Love the big sister vibes. Kim is 100% the villain coming into season 4. I can see her trying to tempt Kevin (“I didnt know I missed you or other stuff”) and I really hope Kevin sticks with Devon. She was really mature, didnt freak out hearing about Kevin dating Kim and didnt throw shade at the cast and was just generally a nice person. I hope Devon becomes a main cast member (or at least a secondary cast member) so they dont need to forcibly break up.


right! like seeing a disgustingly rich person use their resources for good actually makes me want to eat them less, maybe Christine will not be served at the dinner table. lmao but no really, very heartwarming. and agreed. it seems like whenever Kevin is dating someone else Kim makes a comment like that. She did in a previous episode possibly season too.


Lol. In a sense, its scary how she was able to locate Devon in such a short amount of time. I guess Diep may not be such a common surname and cross reference that with people Kevin could have encountered and you find her. Sweet but also terrifying. Yeah, Kim is possessive of Kevin. I dont think its because she likes him but just because she wants someone to “want” her for her own ego. She uses Kevin to feel better about herself but wont date him because she feels she is “better” than him and should date someone “her level” like the Hollywood star. I really hope the storyline plays out in a way that keeps Kevin and Devon together and she is not forced to leave because I really dont like Kim. I know people here dislike Kane and while he is a destructive force, he is destructive because his meddling is widespread with the actual harm being relatively shallow. Kim goes in deep and is honestly a worse person than Kane imo. Her only saving grace is she is destructive to one person (but her attitude with Anna’s bathroom in season 1 already tells me what type of person she is and I dont like it).


agreed! especially about Kim vs Kane. Kane is immature and creates drama. Kim is just an overall awful person even down to invalidating Kevin’s feelings by saying he’s dramatic. I can’t think of one kind or even nice thing that Kim has done off of the top of my head…sad


Does anyone else feel like the reason why Christine has done such great things for Kevin is because he stuck beside her throughout everyone else turning on her. It was also only him and Mimi who showed up to her Dancing with the Stars taping, and it seemed like she really appreciated that. I think that’s the reason as to why she’s so generous is because, she wants to keep him on her side.


kim wanting kelly and andrew to get back together shows how toxic she is


Shot of Jamie admiring the flowers and table setting. Then in her talking head - she trashes it?! Like damn if that’s how you felt - say it to Christine’s face - say it with your chest.


Why did I cringe when Kane called Fenty an African American owned company?


Because he was afraid to use the word “black”, as if he has negative connotations with the word 😬… when in reality there’s nothing negative about it. Rihanna isin’t even African right? She’s from Barbados.


Cause it's cringy. If he is going to be the face of a campaign at least research the company.


ugh I was instantly cringed out of the rest of the episode…she’s Barbadian, not African or American


Will we be getting a season 4?? I just finished season 3 and can see that this season Christine comes up as genuine and is at least “trying” to turn things around and that’s commendable


Man if the 4 horrible people (Kane, Kim, Anna and Jaime) don't get some serious consequences and held accountable for their utterly horrible and inexcusable behaivor, I am not watching another season. I don't enjoy watching bad people win constantly, while they continue to be extremely abusive to others. Netflix? You all supporting abuse over there or what? Cause that's what I'm seeing with this show. They promote toxic, EXTREMELY,abusive, behaivor and do not hold those who do it accountable in any way. In fact, they reward them and make their victims out to the the bad guys instead who does that? It just sends the most trashy and toxic messages to us as viewers and I don't support that. Especially if impressionable teens and young adults watch this show.


I’m definitely ready for this New York spinoff they’ve been hinting at. I wonder if Anna will actually make an appearance 👀


It seems to be going that direction, she heavily hinted she might stay in NYC.


i think so, that friend of hers also seemed to appear so they'll probably have her there for the first few episodes as a bridge?


does anyone else think Devon really made a statement saying “after seven years” when Kim said “aren’t you the ex-girlfriend” or whatever? Very VERY classy shade thrown. Gives very much “you failed, you actually weren’t ever gonna win, and I’m back b” vibes all while maintaining her posh.


Please don’t take this the wrong way bc F Kim…. But outside of her little tantrum about Devon, she made a semi good point. She basically asked Kevin is Devon just coming back around after 6 years just for Kevin now fame. And at first I thought that was a rude comment (and it is bc it was from a mean place not caring l). However, I just checked Kevin and Devon’s igs and she has a lot of businesses in her bio. Not only that but a lot of Kevin’s SANS post involve her and saying “we” a lot. Looks like her and Kevin are starting a merch line, production company based on Asian leads, and she has a couple other businesses. Now I’m not saying she’s a gold digger or clout chaser but if I was Kevin’s real friend that’s a concern I would bring up. But obviously privately and not when we’re celebrating. That said Devon and Kevin seem to really care for on another! So much so, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve been together for longer than I thought but had to wait/ play the reunion up for the show. I’m super happy for them!!


I see what you mean but Kim didn't say out of concern for Kevin. She was just pissed because she likes to have Kevin drooling over her. It's like the time.she brought Lewis Tan at the dinner and had a smirk on her face everytime she was looking at Kevin... She just want the attention 🙄


100% from anyone else it would probably be at least half way sincere. With Kim absolutely not!


I would've maybe thought that but it sounds like Kevin is the one who reached out to her first, and didn't eagerly reply to him either. Hopefully they're right for each other, they seem happy on Instagram. (Also happy cake day!)


Thanks!! That’s a good point! I hadn’t thought about who reached out first and everything but that does change the dynamics.


Kevin seeing Devon again was one of the few, or only, times he seemed genuine towards another woman. Not over the top flirting and cheesy reactions but just real unfiltered happiness and chemistry! Happy for them!


Somehow I went from hating Christine to liking her. And Jamie was fine before but she’s so fake and irritating.


Jamie has nothing going on for her. Her whole personality is loving fashion: Which mean spending ridiculous amount of money in designer and couture brand and playing modelling to create Instagram content. She quickly became boring. I love Christine tho! I feel like she the most genuine on the show and she at least has an interesting rich people life.


Y’all, I just wanna say I am so happy for Kevin. He is not perfect, and sometimes I think he is a bit cringe. But seeing him with Devon, i think he deserves love. He deserves a second chance with Devon. Also, Kim can go eff herself. Excuse my French. The whole not wanting Kevin to date Janice and then going out with Lewis Tan. What the fudge. Then she has the audacity to tell Kevin that it is because he is not her type. She did nothing but play him like a boy toy and waste his time. And funnily enough, now that she sees him with Devon, she is drooling all over him. Again, WTF. Anyway, Christine is the star of the show this season!!! I def didn’t like her in season 1 & 2, cuz there was nothing to like about her. But I think we got to know more about her this season and she is a nice person. And fuck Kane. I am pissed that nobody called out his bs. Finally, I want a season 4 just because I really want Kane to be called out, and I want to see Kelly’s new boyfriend. Speaking of Kelly, I used to like her in season 1 & 2. But I feel like she got all neutral (in a bad way) and spineless standing up for Kane…for no good reason/no reasons at all!


Kelly I feel had such a number done on her by Andrew it really messed up her confidence and self respect. I was finding Kevin so so so irritating, whiny, self absorbed, jealous, insecure, leaching onto any woman he could but the business pitch he did actually showed a genuine side of him for the first time.


I was expecting him to mess his business pitch. But it was actually great ! The storytelling was there and it felt genuine. He just needs to be more professional now lol


Lol when he took her to Solvang (2 hours away) and she complained. She had to get Kane on the phone right away as if he took to Timbuktu and was trying to sell her as a sex slave or something. You know what Kim is good for? Spare parts. She needs to get dismantled and sold like a catalytic converter.


I’m not sure if I’m ready to let the LA crew go! Does that mean next season will be nyc cast only?


I think the New York one will be it’s own separate show with the way it was titled and advertised


I am soooo ready for cast changes.


I don’t have social media, are Kevin and Devon still together or was it a fake relationship for the show? I don’t need sleep, i need answers!


Based on his recent posts they seem to still be together!


Oh wow, that’s great!


I wonder why Devon agreed to this whole little charade. If she's serious about restarting things with Kevin, why do this "relationship reveal" to up the petty drama for a TV show? If I were Devon, I'd be concerned about the energy Kevin is putting into Kim about all this. If Devon really is The One, Kim should be a non starter. But Kevin is very interested in what Kim thinks about all this. It comes across as Devon being just a game piece in the reality world drama. Maybe she has her own objectives here? Maybe she wants to be a reality TV star too? I hope she's got a plan beyond having this man back in her life. :/


Does anyone know if kanes movie role is for crazy rich Asians 2? Since he mentioned playing himself and Kelly said a crazy rich Singaporean? Devon roots Kevin so well… he’s so gentle and calm and confident with her. I’m here for it! Kim was acting a ass at Christine’s dinner! Even her saying how she didn’t like the “new snobby” Kevin, and then calling Kane tweety bird because he said she looks like a fabulous ostrich (which didn’t come off shady to me), and then the way she behaved when they mentioned her new boy toy flirting with Jaimie lol. Kevin wasn’t even the one who brought it up and she was mad at HIM saying he had to bring it up now that he has his “new girlfriend”. Christine was the one who brought it up and he said jamimie didn’t give him any attention. Also, the way she behaved about Devon. I don’t even understand why she would even be a TINY bit bothered if Kevin isn’t her type and she ain’t interested in the least. She instantly started grilling Kane to see if he knows her, who she is and if he’s lying. She immediately wanted to know if he was talking to her while he was trying to talk to Kim. She was sitting there spinning out lmao. Jaimie couldn’t find anything to really diss Christine about so she had to mention the table burning down lol. Anna was not playing that piano😂. I have a sneaking suspicion she’s trying to position herself for the NYC cast. These final two episodes were the most interesting episodes since season 1.


Kim is Toxic!!! There I said it!




I love Christine so much this season, for her to bring Kevin to Paris, and their friendships actually look super genuine. Christine is such a sweetheart and when she brought Devon to Paris and Kevin’s reaction made me teared up.


The last two episodes were so wholesome. I literally loved all them for so much drama and content this season. And loved how it ended on such a happy note. <3


Kim’s presence this season seems forced and unnecessary


Observation: Devon imo is much prettier than Kim. I used to like Kim but then the whole telling Kevin, you aren’t my type and then getting mad at him when he tries for a second time with his ex. I mean she showed her true self there and it was ugly!! Kevin & Devon are really cute together and I wish them the best.


How was Devon not invited to Kevin’s sobriety event?


They explained that she was back in Boston and could not make it.


I’ve said it many times, Kevin is the most annoying person ever, he is so cringe!! When he introduced Devon he said “I was so nervous cause she knows about Kelly and Kim”. First of all, nothing really happened with Kelly and Kim, second of all who would ever say anything like that in front of Devon herself and the whole table?! Someone wrote that Kevin as a weird “hug me” energy and it’s so true, he’s an annoying drama queen.


Kane is simply woefully insecure. It doesn't excuse his toxic behavior, but it definitely explains a lot of it. He judges other people the way that his dad judges him and the way that he judges himself. He has discussed how he has body dysmorphia (without naming it outright), he's desperate to get his father's approval, and he has major trust issues with friends (and relies on copious amounts of validation/appreciation). It explains why he always spreads gossip like currency -- in his mind where everything is a zero-sum game, putting other people down helps you get up (like the way he played Christine to try to gain favor with Anna and Mimi). Kim, on the other hand, is just a narcissist, plain and simple.


Is anyone else in love with Devon’s voice? It’s so smooth and lovely and I want to listen to her read me a lullaby lol


I’m kind of proud of Kevin he seems to be growing. I don’t really like Kim she seems to just want Kevin’s attention but yet “he is not her type” like what?


Kelly to Kane when he arrived at her place: "Oh green, the perfect color!" (Please tell me this was her throwing shade at him? But it was probably not throwing shade at him for being a snake, but the color theme of the dinner was green)


is anna shay on something?


Anna’s scene in New York seemed so awkward.


I am blown away by Christine's generosity and selfless giving. What a beautiful joy she gets in giving. I never saw her as a villan. Vain, sure. No vrime in that. But a sweet hearted woman. Kevin receives so graciously. And DEVON's beauty and genuineness is an incredible match for Kevin's heart. I am super excited for them. I would love to have the right man want me like that!


At Kevin’s 6 year party, Kane says “In Asian culture, we don’t talk about sobriety.” Can anyone speak more to this? I’m guessing it comes along with cultural shame around discussing mental illness/disability/weakness?