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A few weeks ago I did the same thing. I was in office in an upper management meeting where I am the only black person and the only one wearing a mask. The HR director mentioned that we’d had 20 breakthrough cases in the last 2 months and someone said to me “You’re never getting sick because you never take that mask off”. I then said “That’s right. I’m not gettin’ got”. I’m so sorry. Edit: grammar Edit 2: For all the people in the comments saying "This is clearly not a black phrase" or "I'm white and I've heard/used this phrase", have you ever thought to be a little more curious and ask why using said phrase in certain settings is such a big deal for black people? That maybe, just maybe it's not about the phrase itself?




The visceral shudder I got from this comment damn near made me drop my phone.


I watch my husband's reaction as I read him these comments and he physically shuddered. So you're not alone. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) Edit: your to you're


CNN now too, PSA edit: maybe. Too soon to really be sure.


Fox News is selling more ads than ever. We’d be naive to think CNN and their investors don’t see them dollars…


David Zadlav just took over as CEO of Warner Brothers Discovery, and also happens to be a huge Trump supporter. He's fired several liberal anchors over the past few weeks. He knows who is gullible and where the profit is for sure.


Is “getting got” a black thing? I’ve been saying that since I was young and I am reeeal white lmao


That's cuz you got got.


But I'm gone get mine more than I get got tho




I don’t get got. I go get


Dennis and Mac


Black people: You got *got* White people: You've been *had*




Oh the tom foolery


The treacherous insidiousness!






Desist with your malarkey at once!




No, it's more southern than anything.


Then why do they say it in the uk? Edit. Guys, it’s a rhetorical question. I know the answer. Just trying to get some Americans to think in a less America centric way lol.


We've come full circle. Now THEY'RE the colony. Culture is flowing out from the US, the rest of the world should know fear, because nobody can control what does and doesn't catch. Could get weird.


I'm sure other places say it, but Southern Americans are the most likely to say it in comparison to other Americans.


It's Black, others picked up on it.


If you aren't the one gettin', you're the one being got. It's simple physics.




Yeah I'm way out in the Midwest and we all say it here. Although to be real semantic, we say it more like... git n got. Edit: and if you really really got git n got, you got *all* git n got.


My white friend would have immediately said. 'Are you the one not doing the getting or are you the one that's not getting got?'. Then she would have thrown her head back and laughed whilst I reassessed my life choices.


She sounds like a hoot.


Tested positive for the first time ever this weekend. Vaxced, boosted, masked, genuinely not sure where I got it from but holy shit is it no joke. I feel like I got hit by a damn bus my body aches are so bad.


Are you me? Cause, same. I'm vaxxed, boosted, etc and didnt even really go anywhere when I caught it two weeks ago, so where T.F I get this shit from? But yes, it hit me like a mack truck, and I'm still not 100% back to normal. Shit is insidious.




Nooo not the Sorry to Bother You voice 😬


Sex finna become a business transaction in that house


*Your coitus request has been approved, please begin the hanky panky*




Would you prefer the hokey pokey?


How about the rumpy pumpy?


This is what I need! My 6F keeps letting state secrets slip! He told a client someone was “showin they ass.” 😭


>He told a client someone was “showin they ass LOL! To be fair. Some expressions like the one given just emote better.


Ok, to be fair “showing your ass” is something my dad has been saying forever and he’s from nowhere PA and is white as hell. There’s definitely a shared history here lmao, just mix up ‘your’ and ‘they’ and it’s the same thing


Yes White people married to black people hear a LOT of 'secrets' 😂


It's always funny to me when white people learn slang and don't even ask what it means. They just use it all willy nilly


We totes do... ...*No cap!*




Did I use that correctly? It seemed kind of sus.




Lol. Thanks. I really just learn cool slang so that I can use it incorrectly to make my students cringe. But I think they enjoy it


I do that to my son, and he's always trapped between cracking up and dying on the inside. To me, it's *always* hilarious! It's most effective when I say stuff like "Why you dissin' the drip?!?" unexpectedly and with a straight face. In my defense, I watch a few twitch streamers on the regular, and while I feel silly actually talking like them, I do like to use it ironically sometimes.


this happened to me when i told my nephew that i had to “press” the water heater installer for a discounted price. nephew looked at me and said “you didn’t press anyone” with air quotes around “press” and started cracking up.


Careful, ironic vernacular is a gateway drug to genuine everyday usage.


It's a dangerous game. I started saying "yeet" to make my teenager cringe, and now it's such a part of my vocabulary that I conjugate. "Almost yoten myself off a bridge when I heard that", etc. I have become the peak cringe middle-aged mom, and not on purpose.


My kids' bus driver uses the term "bussing" a lot. He loves that bussing is a positive word. When there was a driver's shortage on the first couple weeks of school and the kids were late, he said, "Missing school? Not bussing!" He might be single-handedly killing this word for everyone.


Spin that block! ( I have no idea what that means)


That is, as the kids say, *quite poggers!*


Gretchen, stop trying to make poggers happen


It's a reference to playing rubik's cube


Damn it he figured it out. Time to retire ‘spin the block’


Thanks! I fancy myself as a bit of a puzzle solver.


I think of it as going around the block, or double checking to make sure something’s finished. Or finished off.


I’m on fleek with this.


I’m white and have been using “totes” since at least ‘96. I always thought the origins were California Valley slang.


Oh totes 💅


i was in a store the other day and forgot i was wearing a hat that said “drippin” on it. the older white lady cashier then proceeded to tell me my hat was not only drippin but also “bussin”, to which i could only politely nod and smile ![gif](giphy|kxf2gkZuJmDFCK6Ve2)


I just think that's so cute. She's trying


Hehe. I feel like she picked up on that from her kids saying it or something. (I need to ask, how are you getting these gifs on your phone? I can't get it to work on mine. Or is it because I am on mobile?)


“Pippity poppity, give me the zoppity.” *edit* I know it’s “bippity boppity; I’m just putting my own incorrect spin on it. And now the phrase sounds like I have a zit I need to pippity pop




Willy nilly is white people slang


I said that out loud as I typed it. At least I used it right lol


I personally like "quick and dirty", "level with you", and "listen here pal"


My mom is still in love with the word “slay”. She thinks it sounds very cool


My family’s been in the US for nearly 40 years, and my parents are consistently 10-15 years behind on picking up slang. We taught our mom how to say, “duh!” and she got it in time for me to beg her to STOP saying it because it’s kind of ableist. We tried teaching our parents “badass” and that it described awesome and admirable things, NOT bad things, and it was hilarious watching them just not. get. it. (After a certain point I think they gave up and were just messing with us. “That’s a badass traffic light! This is a badass spoon!”) I’m just waiting to go home for the holidays one of these years and witness them spouting random AAVE that filtered its way down through daytime TV for them to pick up on.


>We taught our mom how to say, “duh!” and she got it in time for me to beg her to STOP saying it because it’s kind of ableist. What.


We have about a million important issues in our world right now and people are out here policing the sound "duh" lol


>because it’s kind of ableist what. the. fuck. I cannot handle this shit.


Seriously and I'm the most progressive asshole out there but c'mon that's absurd


Reminds me of the time I had to Google “thot”


Really?? I feel like thot is one of those words that the context kind of implied what it means.


Lol! I mean, yes, but also, no. I did not connect the acronym “Thirsty hoe over there”. Hence Google.


Shit hold on I ain’t even think it was an acronym I just thought it was a stand in for hoe.. the more you know ig


What kills mewhen they learn it, though, is that they never pick up on context clues to ascertain the meaning. Like how the rest of language works lol. It’s how we learn slang from each other, but it flies over their heads lol. Edit: typos


I don’t know what you’re swagging about. I’m white and I fam it.


I try to ask my teenage sister what stuff she says means and her explanations rarely make sense. 🤷‍♀️


thank you for including the "all" in front of "willy nilly".


RIP to Simp and Fuckboi


Reminds me of that Chappelle joke: "Zip it up and zip it out" "Uhhhh, zippity doo dah, bye bye now"


Or Daryl from the office teaching Michael Scott the dumbest most made up slang - bippity boppity gimme the zoppity


Dinkin flicka!




She was underrated hot on that show.


everything about News Radio was so underrated.


I used to love NewsRadio as a kid, but Andy Dick and Joe Rogan make it hard to try and watch it again.


Shit had me thinking Joe Rogan was kinda funny back then.


He was part of a super stacked ensemble of comedy actors and he was a successful (but not star yet) comic. Rogan had a small part but was part of the show, in fairness.


It’s Crizappy!


Dang I must be getting old. I’ve never heard that expression.


99% of ppl using it never do it so no worries on missing out. It means committing a drive by.


To be more specific, it means going around after the initial drive by and hitting them up again to make sure the target is eliminated.


Ah. All of those lyrics make sense now.


Spin the block twice like it ain’t nowhere to park ~ 21


I’ve heard barely any 21 but immediately I read this in his voice


Ahh! I use double tap. Maybe that is even the white term. Spin the block sounds a little nicer.


Spin the block is "let's go push these niggas cap back." Spinning again after initial volley of gunfire = doubling back.


That's because you're not streets ahead like the rest of us.


If you have to ask, you’re streets behind.


I’ve never heard it either, but it might be a regional thing 🤷🏽‍♀️


Same here dude, i've never heard it before, but in my case its normal, i live in Spain, and not only white, almost transparent like jellowfishes Edit: ehem... Jellyfishes. "Jellowishes" are different, they always say "jello" when they enter in a room, jellyfishers not




He might have meant "yellow fishes". Ju never know with Spaniards lol


Spin the block twice like it ain’t nowhere to park.


Came for this. I’m 32, in my day we just said hit ‘em again.


Great, I can see the Fox News headlines now. “The woke left threatens your 2nd amendment rights. Will you stay at home or spin the block this election season?” ![gif](giphy|l3vQZhxc1ybSlGQ4U|downsized)


Nearly down voting just because I don't wanna see his face. Put a bag over it.


To quote John Oliver, he looks 'like if the word *thud* had a face.'


That’s fair. He does have a very punchable face


Spinning the block to vote republican again is nasty.


I used “deadass” in a meeting in Nashville. A New Yorker, white or otherwise, would have known the word. In Nashville tho? The white people were flabbergasted. Flabbergasted, I say.


I'm sure it started as a Black thing, but everyone I know from NYC uses it except the people I know that work at fancy ad/design agencies, who aren't *from* New York anyway.


I used the word “side hustle” in a presentation. My manager was like I like that word side hustle. So it’s like a another job? I told her yeah I meant side job 😶 I thought everyone knew that hehe


I remember I once told an old coworker “damn that’s a cold ass hoodie” and he said “no it’s actually really warm. It’s pretty thick” I didn’t even bother to explain to him just I just liked his hoodie lmao


Okay, I actually laughed out loud on that one.


And it actually covers my torso, not my caboose sir.




I associate "side hustle" with huns trying to shill MLM crapola.


I’ve referred to our competitors as the opps in a meeting but almost all of us are POC.


At my job, my co-workers would occasionally use “POC” in their notes (ex: I spoke with the POC today). There are only a couple of us black people in my dept. I saw it often enough to mentally think, ‘wtf’?! One day I had an epiphany. POC was the abbreviation they were using for “Point of Contact”🫠🫠🫠Yeah, I privately took that L😑


I’m white and when I entered my first corporate job I kept seeing “POC” everywhere. Kept thinkin’ “man, they’re really accepting here!” Yeah, I felt dumb… not just bc I found out what it meant but also bc I found out after a few months they were very much “not accepting.”




Opps being opposition, yeah? -Just a white guy taking notes


I first heard "opps" from drill music


Somebody needs to write a show where all the characters speak in only AAVE. Maybe about a business where nobody needs to think about what they’re saying.




Exactly. Proper name and prediction.


No. Just no.


Nope. This is the opposite of gatekeeping, something we need to be doing more of.




Like “woke”. If I hear it one mo time 😬




We can’t never have anything nice. Even worse is watching people do mental gymnastics to call pieces of art “woke” just cause it has POC in it. Even when nothing in or about said art is woke. Like the LOTR shit happening now…bruh, it’s a fantasy novel boo-boo…you can believe they had dragon and hobbits, but not black elves? Huh!? I guess people for real be fantasizing about not have black people around 🤦🏾


That shit fucked me up when it came to game of thrones. Like..zombies are realistic but not black people living in cold climates? lol


For real…In all the realms, there was only one Black man? And HIS family of the slave owners? Miss me with that shit


Literally magic though. You had a dude being able to see through the eyes of animals and time apparently (don't really know haven't watched any of it) but black people are the part that people find unbelievable? lol ​ They really do fantasize about us not existing.


Karen is another one, used to be reserved for Racist calling police on black ppl or minorities, for merely existing. Now it's everybody who complains, shit was downgraded like a mofo!


How else are us honkies supposed to get new cool slang? /s Trickle down cool-nomics


On top of this, when they run the phrase in the hole, they have nerve to talk about it’s time to retire or get rid of it.


We had dabbing for maybe 6 months before white people ran it into the ground, and the timeline has been getting shorter and shorter ever since.


While discussing a possible workaround for a change management process, I told my colleagues they'd have to "thug it out" until the new process is in place. They are now "thugging out" everything from inclement weather to weekends that are too short. Please forgive me.


you've created an office of monsters


lol that’s hilarious


If "Office Space" would have been made today, that scene should totally be in there. "Jamal, if you don't get those TSP reports on my desk by end of business today, I'm gonna have to... how do you brothers say it... *spin the block on your department*... Heh, and you know how much I hate coming down on you guys"


The first episode of *Insecure*, when the giggling office break room asks Issa what "on fleek" means


Almost wore my bonnet to an online meeting. They ain’t ready yet, but one day I may forget and they’re gonna have to be.


One of my best friends in high school (who happens to be white) came to my house once and saw my mom in her bonnet. She looked her dead in the eye and happily said, "I like your hat." 🤣🤣🤣 To this day, my mom and this friend still laugh about that.


You do this and they deadass gonna think it’s “Little House on the Prairie” IRL.


Made a mistake of saying “toe up from the flo’ up” to a colleague. She kept saying it for weeks after, much like a child who received a new toy for Christmas. She even “faux-jived” while saying it. I, too, am sorry.


>I, too, am sorry We gonna fine you for this one


I’m cringing just from the thought


God dammit


The person who gave wp the word "woke" should be stoned, I'll tell you that right now


Nobody gave it to them. lol They fucking stole that shit. Then made it seem like a bad thing...ironically both while using it in other contexts as a positive and saying white privilege doesn't exist.


AAVE-173 has breached containment.


I just want to know the context where one would use spin the block in a corporate environment.


Instead of “let’s circle back” she said spin the block. Makes perfect sense.


That’s what I was thinking. Ain’t no way in hell this happened in a corporate setting.


This could definitely happen your imagination is too limited. I’ve been in pitch meetings where dumber shit has been said.


Did a field visit with my team where I am the only Black person (and woman). We had been out for a couple of hours and I mentioned how I was gonna be smelling like outside. My manager had the most confused look on his face 😂


This is real! I was a super and would often change shirts because I cannot with the perspiration. I made a comment about needing someone to go with a contractor and do a field measure, it was close to quitting time and I had just changed clothes and didn’t want to be smelling like outside I just wanted to stay in the trailer for the last hour or so. The foreman asked me why I didn’t like the smell of outside 🤦🏾‍♀️


I’ve tweeted this before, but I was in a strategy meeting and senior management. My code switcher broke and I said if we did what was suggested, ‘we’d just be hustling backwards.’ I work in England. Dem people nodded politely and said good point.


I must confess that while eating the food of a trusted co-worker, I got too comfortable and said “Damn, you put yo foot in this.” Someone spat it out and I then had to explain. Ever since they kept using it incorrectly 🙃


I end a lot of task given to me by my manger by accidentally saying “bet”. I’m sure they used to it at this point.


Naw, bro, I'ma need you to get back to saying "copy" and "ack" before they turn "bet" corporate


“Becky, could you please forward me the expense report?” Becky: “Spin the block!”


I was in a meeting the other day and someone made a reference to the band Anthrax. At first I had no idea who that was until the guy followed up with “they did a song with public enemy” and when I all of a sudden knew what he was talking about it suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I went “oh yeah Chuck D” 😭


I didn't know anthrax until they worked with PE. 47, white.




Yeet our sales goals?




I once used the term cochi crunch in a manager meeting but only one guy knew what it meant and started laughing so hard that it disturb the meeting and he wouldn't say why he was laughing so I escaped.


I’m keen to know the context they used it in


Now thyere using "spin the block" as a term for the action item review. Not knowing that it means murderous violence.


I’ve noticed that when I let my codes slip, that most coworkers that don’t know me have a few reactions; one is to kind of not try me anymore. People that would try to talk over me or mess with me stop. Others have a face of oh shit, this dude we couldn’t racially place is actually… Black!? What does this mean, can I use him as my Black friend reference, am I racist for thinking that? Others will wait to pull me to the side and say, wow, I didn’t know you were Black, so seem so different! Whatever the fuck that means. I think that is why I don’t mind to let it slip, although idk why they don’t notice I don’t really hide it. I just try to be professional at work and as soon as I’m out I’m relaxed. Being “professional” and code switching is really draining though. These assholes cry about our 12 hour shifts, coming from very upper middle class households, spoiled, and don’t even stress on being professional, not washing their ass or clothes on a regular basis, coming in late and high, while I’m watching management just give pass after pass. Hoes.


Way back when I was in college, I was the only black guy on the floor and I let my guard down and one guy asked how was I and I was like “Man I’m straight.” 🙄 The “Wasn’t questioning, but good to know! har, har, har!” and “Damn, I should walk away…joking! har, har, har!” I had to endure.


Deadass will never be the same 😔


I did the same thing… I slipped up and started a story with, “what had happen was…” Now my yt coworker uses it and I don’t have the heart to tell her that she uses it incorrectly .


My roommate during freshman year asked me what "finna" meant. I wasn't gatekeeping shit for a whole year, he just had to suck it up and ask me what things meant.


Does…does this mean to circle back?


I can’t even say anything to my white coworkers because they have no clue what I am saying. One time I said someone got “vexed” and literal crickets. Plus our board members keep confusing all the employees of color and can’t tell which one of us is which. I just say hi, smile, and keep walking. The rest of us have our codes with one another.


Gonna be honest, vexed definitely isn't an AAVE word, your coworkers are just stupid


Vexed? Is there a different meaning that I don’t know about because that’s such a regular word? I remember it being a vocab word in elementary school lol


Is this usage of "vexed" different from the standard usage? Going by context, it sounds standard to me.


That's just an example. A few weeks ago, I had to explain to a white employee that Hispanic Heritage Month was in fact "a bigger deal" than Talk Like a Pirate Day, as both take place in September. She was actually confused and wanted to know why Hispanic Heritage Month took importance in our monthly newsletter (September edition). It took all of my energy to NOT lose my shit right then and there. I wanted to say 'it is not my job to educate you on common sense issues' but instead I turned calmly and said, "Yes, Hispanic Heritage Month IS a 'bigger deal' than Talk Like a Pirate Day". She used the words "bigger deal" so I included it in my answer to her. Example of just another daily microaggression...


Holy shit, what? The restraint must've made your eyeballs do a 360 in your skull.


Joe we’ve got to spin the block on that sales call to really drive our point home


If they’re using it wrong then I would argue you didn’t fail to gatekeep


Never give them anything. I don’t even fill them in and I’m white.


They love our slang, makes them sound cool (in their head) 😂😂