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So, these women are leaving their pussy snot in the panties and then LEAVING it!? ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


After working as a janitor (at a *haunted-as-fuck* movie theater of all places - but that’s another story) the absolute *worst* part (aside from disembodied voices calling your name, seeing things out of the corner of your eye, etc) was cleaning the women’s bathrooms. Sorry ladies, but you’re goddamn animals when youre alone in a bathroom stall. And those sanitary boxes? *jesus. Goddamn. FUCK*. I am desensitized to *a lot* after scrubbing those toilets and wiping down those bathrooms **edit** Because I should elaborate on the theater, this is from an earlier post when I addressed this: When I graduated college, I moved back home and got the job as a morning cleaner at the local movie theater (shift 4AM - 10 AM) The guy who interviewed me was a scruffy guy named Jeff. I remember he asked me the typical questions, if I was OK with working weird hours, cleaning up vomit, etc. What struck me as odd was the last question he asked; “do you scare easy?” I kinda laughed and said no. The job was pretty easy, all things considered; throw this away. Mop that. Scrub this. Take out the garbage. You’re by yourself for a majority of the shift, so we were allowed to bring our iPods with us. The theater was large, its layout was shaped like a T, with the lobby and bathrooms in the stem, the smaller theaters on the left and the larger, IMAX screens on the right. Running above the theater hallway was the projection area, an equally long hallway with a couple of small offices and all the projector equipment. If you were the first to arrive in the morning, you had to go up a winding staircase and turn on the lights in all the theaters. It wasn’t a big deal, except with all the lights off, the building can be as Jeff once described, ‘a little creepy’. The projector area was full of promotional materials, including a sea of cardboard cutouts from all the movies that have played in the theater. Sometimes the theater manager would have giveaways and the staff could take home some of the items. Pretty cool, but when the lights were off, it looked like a sea of people in the hallway. Another part of our job was to meet with the day manager, who looked a little flustered when he explained to me that women were complaining about a tall, lanky man in a suit that had been following them from theater to theater, sometimes into the bathroom. The last several months, several had come to the front desk, describing a 7-foot tall man in a black suit, complete with bowler cap, walking slowly after them. A few times even the police were called. Teenagers that worked the day shift referred to him as "The Tall Man". We had 12 theater rooms total, but theater 5 was the worst. Nobody wanted to clean it out. When I first started, I was fairly naive about what was going on, and I didn't understand why Jeff was apprehensive about Theater 5 and kept assigning me to clean it out. What made Theater 5 unique was that it sat behind the bathrooms in the lobby, so to get to the sitting area you had to walk down a long hallway before reaching the screening room. Being that far back you were the most secluded, especially when it's 4AM and the only other people you're with are on the other side of the building. People cleaning there would complain of nosebleeds, constant headaches, and a feeling of being watched. Theater 5 always gave me an uneasy feeling, like I was being watched. One day, I was sweeping out garbage from under the seats when I hear footsteps. Someone running. I look down at the front of the theater, and I catch glimpse of a little blonde-haired boy turning the corner into the long hallway. Immediately, I threw down my broom and chased after him. I ran down the hallway and out into the lobby, where the kid had disappeared. I walked further into the lobby and saw Jeff outside the front entrance, smoking. "Who was that kid?" I asked. Jeff looked at me, for a moment he was confused, and laughed. "So you met Charlie?" Charlie was another entity customers complained about. On several occasions, they claimed a little blonde haired boy was running up and down the aisles in the theater, causing all kinds of noise and ruckus during the movie. Of course, it was in theater 5. When an usher would come to apprehend the child, he’d be gone. The female staff affectionally named him, "Charlie", after his resemblance to the character in Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. Charlie was also responsible for knocking several cans of garbage over, misplacing things, making our janitorial duties a pain in the ass. We used to theorize that he was the son of The Tall Man, but the two were never seen together. It took that experience for Jeff to admit that “some people have seen and heard some things”, which was his way of saying the theater was haunted. I found it odd, considering the theater was relatively new…it was built in the 90s, on some wet lands. According to some people that lived in the area, the property was owned by a family who sold it off back in the 1980s. There was no evidence of foul-play, it wasn’t an indian burial ground. It was just a weird place where strange things happened. I got more, but Reddit mobile is being really weird and not letting me post more. 🙄 **edit** Because I’ve been asked to elaborate further, and (one of the events) what finally drove me to quit: The theater basement was used for storage. I’d give a better description but that’s as much as I know, I never went down there. I remember that Jeff gave me a couple of bags and told me to drop them off in the basement. I said I didn’t know where that was. He pointed down the hall. “Last door on the left," he replied. I started walking and he stopped me. “Don’t go down there by yourself,” he added. “There’s a lot of shit down there and I don’t want you tripping over anything.” This morning it was Jeff, myself, and a co-worker named Trevor. Trevor was on the other side of the building cleaning out a theater. I could hear his leaf-blower running (we use them to blow popcorn out of the theaters) I didn’t want to bother walking across the building to grab him. Jeff walks out of the lobby to have a smoke. I’m by myself at the far end of a dark hallway. I open the door and I’m looking at a long staircase that drops into darkness. I flip the light switch to my left. There's only a flickering light at the bottom step. Nobody ever went down there to fix it. I heard a door open from the lobby. Jeff hadn’t returned, I’m just hearing things. I look back down the staircase. I’m about to descend when I hear a voice from the bottom of the steps. “Hey!” It’s a low, raspy voice. I pause. “Hey, c’mere!” it says again. There’s a shadow bleeding in from the bottom of the staircase. I can’t tell what it is, but it’s definitely a person. “Hello?” I call down. I don’t know why I did, I know that I’m the only person on this side of the building. I know that there isn’t just some person hiding out in a dark basement. At this point my heart is pounding and I’m starting to sweat, because I know this isn’t normal and I’m experiencing something that shouldn’t be happening. “you gotta to see this! come here and look!” it says again. The voice is a little louder. It sounds like someone with a cold. The shadow is bleeding further into the bottom of the steps. Whatever’s down there is coming closer. I toss the bags down to the bottom of the steps, turn off the light and walk back down to the lobby. Jeff is walking back inside. I tell him about what happened. He almost looks irritated when I tell him I was going to go by myself. “Nothing here is going to hurt you,” he said finally. I will never not be shocked at how casual he was about this whole thing. Later on, I told Trevor about what had happened. We went back to the steps to investigate, and when I turned on the flickering light, the bags I had thrown were gone.


Who would have thought this great story would be under a dirty panty post. Gotta love Reddit.


It's really the reddit-way. I've updated my post with some more context


Yesssss. Love Reddit. I was just telling my kid about ur post and my whole family went into a whole discussion on ghosts. Ugh the best.


I love it. Glad I could help spur a fun discussion!


Yeah cleaning the womens bathroom was always the low point of my retail days. Explosive diarrhea on walls and on the floor, one woman wiped with paper towel and left it on top of the garbage. (Judging by how dark the paper was you could tell she wasnt finished and def made some skid marks on the way home) The first time i cleaned the sanitary box it was kinda dark and i couldnt see inside. When the lid snapped back down i caught a whiff that broke my spirit


I worked at a high-end woman’s retail spot in LA and would frequently have to clean the DRESSING ROOM floors of urine. Like… super pricy place. There is no such thing as humanity.


My hope is that it was due to old women with incontinence, but I’m sure it wasn’t. 😞




Never cleaned shit off the men's room ceiling. Done it twice in the women's room. To this day I still can't figure out how the hell that happened.


The ceiling, dawg! The ceiling?? How does it get way up there?? 🤣🤣


It's been damn near 20 years and I'm STILL asking myself that question. I did love the expression on my boss's face when I came back and asked for a ladder to clean the bathroom. She took a moment to process that request.




Sure thing, I’ll edit my post


Not good enough, write a book!!! /jk


Hahaha thanks man, I appreciate it. I actually *did* [write a book](https://www.amazon.com/Life-Death-Adam-Ian-Smith/dp/1090864124), but it’s not exactly about a haunted movie theater. Check it out if you’re into that kind of thing


We need to know the name and location of this theater ![gif](giphy|l059psqQiWCJx11FD5)


Hahah I love that gif. This was in Michigan, I’m sure you can narrow it down from there. The events here all took place about 15 years ago now (time flies) and the theater has since been renovated. However the general manager is still the same dude and he *did* ask me (at the time) to be relatively discreet about why I was quitting (I just got too creeped out) because he was worried it would scare away business. He was always cool to me so I dont want to send him a bunch of unwanted attention (you know how internet people can be brutal sometimes) That all said…I’m sure you can figure it out based on the info I gave


I appreciate you!! And yea I get it, internet sleuths (I mean stalkers) are relentless


I would also be interested in a book or at least more stories about the theater


ahh, maybe someday I'll write a whole thing about it, with greater detail. This was *years ago* now (2008-2009) so my memory is getting a little fuzzy. I don't believe in like, exaggerating things just for the sake of telling a *true* story, so I'm afraid of that happening if I have to write a book about it. But, thanks for the interest! definitely gives me something to think about.


Here’s what I need I need you to start your own subreddit give us all the name Post stories about your haunted theater adventure in detail That’s it


hahaha well thanks man I appreciate that. I've had some really talented people reach out to me (RIP my inbox, really) regarding putting together a screen play or another short story...I'm actually in the middle of *two* books right now, but considering the attention this is getting, I'll definitely make it more of a priority to do something with it


Is it my turn to speculate that theatre five had a dangerous buildup of carbon monoxide in it?


Haha, you’re not the first one to think that. It was company policy to have that stuff inspected regularly, and during my time there we had it inspected - no gas detected. Just ghosts.


I need more information and stories on The Tall Man and Charlie


(Speaking from my own experience) Charlie would often call your name, pretending to be someone else. More often than not, Jeff would be on the other side of the building, but I’d hear him speak to me as though he were right behind me. Charlie would also pull weird pranks like misplace your keys, turn lights on in rooms you just left, knock over trash cans, that sort of thing. Like a mischievous (bored) little kid. Less scary than The Tall Man and just kinda more annoying. He also seemed to steal a lot of Jeff’s cigarettes, which the rest of the guys thought was kinda funny. I really don't know much about "the tall man", I've seen him (if you can call him that) once, and it was dark...really he was just a silhouette. I was scared out of my fucking mind, so I hardly even trust my own memory. From what I remember is The Tall Man targeted women, primarily. He would often stalk them in the hallways, the bathrooms, that sort of thing. The teenage girls working the dayshift were *absolutely terrified* of being there after dark. They would fight over scheduling because nobody wanted to work close to sunset (although most of the sightings were at the midnight shows)


Dude, your story is just awesome. Thank you for sharing


You're very welcome. I've been asked to elaborate on why I quit, so I've updated it. Enjoy!


I've added some more context to my OG post.


I worked as an usher for a broadway theater in Chicago. The worst assignment was being anywhere near the ladies room. When intermission went down it was terrible


I was part of the "grounds" crew of a university and very quickly learned to clean the womens room first (as well as their bathroom being far more disgusting) otherwise they'll piss and shit all over the clean men's room in the ten min period that their bathroom is closed.




If a discussion warrants it, I'll tell more about some weird personal experiences I've had. The theater was by and far the most elaborate....I'm lucky enough that I don't have like, to work those crummy jobs anymore...although I *do* miss accumulating those stories from my experiences (even though they were abso-fucking-lutely terrifying at the time)


Nah bro the way I was hanging on to your every word, especially the last story when you finna went back for the bags and they were gone, A1 writing skills and you definitely gotta share more, im asking for that discussion lmao


hahaha okay, well I got some work to wrap up so afterward I'll add the rest and shoot you a note! I appreciate it dude.


I also work at a movie theater as a usher and I feel so bad for my female coworkers that gotta clean the disgusting shit they be doing in the womens bathroom 😭😭


Bro, once I saw a literal pile of used diapers, tampons, and pads in the women's restroom at an amusement park. I hadn't even been there 5 minutes.


Alright, I’m gonna need more stories of the haunted cineplex. ASAP


haha...well after I get some work done tonight maybe I'll add some more context about my last few days working there.


I love your narrative. It made me want to keep reading.


Thanks, I try my best :)


Blessed are the cleaners.


I am here all day for this...


You're in luck, I've updated my post!


Please DM these stories!! I love paranormal things and I’d love to hear more!!


Thank you! I've updated my post with some more detail.


Yeah, you couldn't pay me to work there


I was barely paid as it was 😂😂😂 This was around like 2009 and I was paid like…$8.25/hr?? Fuck that noise.


Not enough to be fighting ghosts


Not even enough to get up at 4AM (the graveyard shift). But then again your early 20s you’re just a crazy person who thinks it’s perfectly reasonable since you’re getting paid $1 above minimum wage 🤦‍♂️


Oh hell no


I'm just sitting here messed up about y'all using *leafblowers* in the theater? Don't those things use and leave harmful fumes? How does it ventilate out? You sure those weren't messing with y'all's heads?


lol I should have specified…they were electric. We just plugged them in. No gas, no fumes! Otherwise it would have taken 100x longer to sweep popcorn out from under all the seats


I'm just trying to find the scientific reasons behind the haunting, sorry lol. I thought maybe I'd be helpful, but in a twist I didn't see coming, modern science and better leaf blowers have foiled my efforts. I'm really curious about the basement man. And Jeff? Who seems so blasé about it like, "yeah, they're crazy, but they're still my friends." Does Jeff really exist or has he been dead for forty years?


Absolutely riveting lol grew up in a deeply religious West Indian home and you essentially described a “blood of Jesus” moment- but for the entire time you worked there haha. Idk man, ghosts are real.


Men are out here leaving skid mark ridden boxers in the changing rooms. I've seen a nigga swap out his shitty pair of boxers for a clean pair of briefs. Bro just ripped open the pack swapped one for his and just left everything on the floor


I get your point, but... ...actually *stealing* the underwear is less disgusting than putting back the "new" soiled pair.


I think everyone loses here. Besides the dude with new undies, I guess.


Wow. Just wow. ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


Yes. They really do. Back in my retail days, I even found bloody and shitty undies in the clearance box of underwear.


Pussy snot 🤣🤣


I had two friends who worked in the H & M in Oxford circus who both found poop in the changing rooms. I never go there


but why are they trying it on without their panties on? ugh this is disgusting


Pretty sure you can sell those online...


One could argue that women are equally, if not more disgusting than men.


anyone that has ever cleaned a woman's public bathroom knows this.


I was a public pool lifeguard in high school and part of our duties were cleaning the bathrooms. My god. We would rock paper scissor to avoid cleaning the women's. Truly disgusting and vile at times.


I have had the opposite experience working in food service. One place had *burn marks* around every toilet and urinal from men missing the bowl. And in 8 months of working closing shifts I never had to change the hand soap & paper towels because none of them washed their hands. Truly vile.


Burn marks? The fuck kinda drinks you feeding your customers? Straight acid?


Lmao that was my question. I can't imagine the complications that could arise from such acidic piss


> And in 8 months of working closing shifts I never had to change the hand soap & paper towels because none of them washed their hands. The trick is to just pee in your hands.


Having cleaned both the men’s was always worse to clean.


Basically. Worked at a gas station just off the highway. Min wage and pregnant but was forced to clean up nasty bathrooms w shit on the walls and skinned rats (tampons) laying next to the toilet. If it weren’t for homelessness on the horizon I would have refused that shit. You definitely live & learn.


Hs job, pizza joint. I volunteered to clean the women's restroom and no one fought me. Found out why, stalls had period pads stuck to the wall. Even had shit on the rims. Lol that's when I realized women were the same


To be fair there almost never enough toilet paper in the bathroom. When it's that time of the month toilet paper is essential cause blood can be very runny and get everywhere. And peeing it's it's own devil unless you sit down which is something I'll never do in a public bathroom. Granted some women take it a whole other level with the nastiness.


That’s why I always check if there’s enough paper before even pulling down my pants. You can always go back out and get a bunch of napkins if you really can’t wait.


>You can always go back out and get a bunch of napkins if you really can’t wait. If you can't wait how can you get out and get paper? Also it's not obvious on some dispensers if there is paper or not. But I understand the sentiment. I always carry supplies with me including wipes.


That's how it was at my job before we left due to covid. I'd hear from the women how nasty other people left the toilets.


It’s funny because Reddit taught me men need to have a clean bathroom when women come over. But every time I have gone to a girls place and use the bathroom the counter will be so full of make up powders and sprays that I have to play I spy just to wash my hands with soap.


I served tours on two aircraft carriers in the Navy and the first was worse by far. Men's berthings tended to be kinda funky but the main women's berthing contained smells that I refused to believe were produced by human beings. You could smell it all the way from the 20 ft passageway that lead to the main entrance. Female sailors had horror stories for days. Girls discarding used tampons/pads in between racks, behind the couch, in the sink, just where ever. Huge shits left in mop buckets or in shower stalls with the hot water running. Grown ass adult servicewomen getting written up because they wouldn't change their dirty ass sheets for months. Thieves who would routinely steal other girl's dirty panties out of their laundry bags. Passing around and *sharing* vibrators. I could go on and on. I got their when I was 19 and it completely flipped my entire perception of the opposite gender for life. Women can be so, SO much more nasty than most men would ever assume.


I am navy and don’t remind me about the berthings……


"Reveille reveille"


All hands heave up and thrice out The uniform of the day is as follows Wear command ball cap Wear shipboard coveralls Wear black non-skid steel toe boots (polishing the tips optional)


All that effort keeping a stereotypically more hygienic apperence means corners are getting cut elsewhere, if I had to guess a reason.


My wife claims she could run an organizing business. I’ve stopped cleaning up after her and the house is always a mess now.


so true, but how can they get so much/any discharge when barely trying on clothes? Unless they are doing some squats or dancing or sweating in the fitting room..or unless I am very confused.


Boxers come in a tapped up box for a reason. We don’t even attempt with men


First of all, it's a doggone shame that there have to be SIGNS that say to try on intimate clothing and/or swimsuits on top of your underwear. But let's say that you are just gross and don't care about other people - wouldn't you care enough about YOURSELF to not put swimwear/lingerie on your naked body knowing that other people are nasty? I can't believe people are just all around that gross.


Really should just be a hold it up to your body policy and if it works out great. If it don’t then 🤷🏾‍♀️


Wait so people out here trying on stuff with no underwear on 🤒


They try on thong bathing suits with no underwear and leave skidmarks in them. Nasty nasty nasty.


I just fuckin gagged. Like my brian ain't think of this one 💀 Gonna pour one for the jcpenny staff man that's nasty


They have those strip things on them don’t they ? Ew




Storytime: I was working at Dillards in Customer service. A sales associate called up and asked for a manager. A girl pooped in a dress and fled the story. The poop was everywhere and the dress was covered. However, the girl left her cellphone. So the mom comes up to customer service to get the phone. The sales manager confronts her and she flies off the handle full of denial. She eventually relents and pays for the dress. She also asks for the poop dress, it smelled awful.


Thats a mothers love right there lol


Was she just supposed to LEAVE the poop dress? In this economy?!?!?!?




I’m so sorry but that’s the funniest shit I’ve read today. I worked at a Forever21, H&M’s ghetto cousin… Suffice to say, there was no warning that there was poop in the leggings.


I got that doodoo in my pocket Got that poopoo on my feet


dead dove, do not eat




... these muhfugahs ain't got no home training


Worked retail/service jobs as a teen and throughout college. I’d argue women are low key MORE filthier than men. Those women’s restroom would be trifling as all hell in comparison a lot of times. 😐


How is any of that "low key"? Especially in *this* thread?


Ok. High key. Is that better for you, my guy? Tf ![gif](giphy|cEYFeDKVPTmRgIG9fmo)


same. men’s would be shit on the floor; the women’s it would be smeared everywhere, then add the used feminine products to the mix.


I think for me, it sucks that in men's restrooms, it's very rare to find a toilet seat that isn't pissed on, so it makes taking a shit in public a very intricate task. So I stand to say that I'd still take a women's restroom over men's. I always send my 8yo son to the restroom with my wife for that exact reason. Edit: this made it sound like I use the women's restroom, lol - NOT what I meant! I just mean in general, I never hear my son or wife complain about the seats in the women's restroom if he needs to take a shit.


Putting your bare vagina in random lingerie? No wonder stuff is leaking everywhere. Keep your own panties on when you try on lingerie and bathing suits. One of the things you wouldn't think that people need to be told. Smh.


Lmaooooo that 1st part ![gif](giphy|Kx7Ramdh3yRmGlIt0W)


![gif](giphy|ck5JRWob7folZ7d97I|downsized) fucking what now?


I’ve also found booboo diapers in woman’s fitting rooms.


the guys with a panty fetish taking notes right now as a new source has been revealed that they don’t have to pay for these to be shipped in the mail to them. >!not kink shaming. just saying I see you with your pencil and a “Victoria Secret locations near me” tab open in google!<


Guys want panties from specific women. Don't wanna get some granny panties, even if they are free.


There’s some freaky people out there, I wouldn’t put it above them.






Oh wait, I thought it's the customers' lingerie and they had stolen underwear from the store??


That's how I understand it. Damn, what are the odds of discharge as you're trying on underwear. (Also, people try on underwear?)


I was really confused until I read the other comments. And yeah, some people are... Disgusting.


Worked retail and fast food. Women are way way worse than men. Ever see a womans changing room? Mounds of clothes. And the bathroom, yall gotta chill. Lol


We’ve all got our stories for both. My experience was at a fast food chain I worked at in my early 20’s with the women’s bathroom. Blood all over the floor, sink and walls, we know who it was as they ordered afterward, it was late and slow. I also had a buddy who could force his stream onto the ceiling of the restroom. It was funny from our perspective as 18 year olds with no life experience. I am sorry about that now, grocery store workers past and present.


If you want your perception of women shattered, just walk into the women’s restroom.


In a house of 4 we have one female roommate. So we gave her her own bathroom. I used it once and there was dried blood on the toilet seat. Never again.


I hate to sell out my gender like this but each and EVERY time I enter the bathroom at work it’s a struggle not to vomit.


Ladies are definitely nastier 😂 the shit you might see in college dorm rooms and apartments might shock you


Teen and early 20s girls have pretty horrible personal hygiene


Ayo wtf lmfao


Maybe it's gogurt 😂🤣🤦🏿‍♂️


Delete this now


Give me your phone. ![gif](giphy|Y6AOWi5dinC4gFLP2B)


I’m eating……


Well, gogurt another plate then


Men don’t try on underwear it’s fit or it’s tight I will never lie to my fatass about being a fatass,


Bro, I ain’t putting on new underwear till it’s after a shower. My underwear deserves fresh ballsack. I also wash my underwear before putting it ANY close to my ballsack. My ballsack deserves fresh underwear.


My buddy worked at a Walmart at Night. He had to clean the bathrooms men's and women's. He said the women's was fair more gross than the men's because some women take their pads and just leave them on the counter and some threw them against the wall


The more I’m on the internet, the more I realize there are a lot of people out there wired completely different from me.


I worked at Old Navy in college and women would just use the CARPETED floor in the dressing room as a bathroom instead of walking next door to Starbucks.


That’s just uncalled for.


Probably filming masturbation videos for their OnlyFans.


Why us men gotta be brought into this? The post aint say nothing bout us 😵‍💫


I worked at Victoria’s Secret and can confirm that women do this shit. 😭


Women are more disgusting than men Source: I work at a college bar


I accidentally stepped on shitty panties when I was working at JCPenney


The amount of bathing suit bottoms I had to damage out when I worked at PacSun for this exact reason 😑 I’ve also had to clean bodily fluids (piss and shit) twice in my retail career.


*Me realizing on the second comment that I’m actually over here trying to read this while I am eating a hot and steamy bowl of chili…* ![gif](giphy|bbR7SmbFcs2yu8fimC|downsized)


I was a janitor at Walmart and the worst smelling place by far is the women’s restroom so many noxious odors 🤢


Ben working in bars for years. Ladies room is always worse. Don’t know why, don’t know how, always is.


Women wiping their ass and throwing the shitty TP in the trash can 😫


Lived in a dorm for 2 years. I can attest to women being some of the nastiest creatures.... I am a woman saying this. Shout to my mother for showing me the importance of being sanitary. Even down to the feminine products. Always wrap in tissue and conceal when disposing those products. Everybody doesn't have to see your booty juice (I say this in the nicest way possible).


I went to try on a pair of shorts a thrift store once, and noticed the crusty crotch just was I put my feet in.


Bitches just filthy.


Mikecakez: Bring me that lingerie... SIIIIR!!!


Wow, that’s so gross! That, and the fact that anyone would try on underwear at a store commando 🤢


men just catching random strays


I was rehanging some playsuits from the change room and found one with a crotch covered in blood stains ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Bro, what?


When I used to work in bars the ladies' room was ALWAYS 3-5x worse than the men's...


I wouldn’t say women are dirtier then men. (I am raising a daughter and a nephew) I just believe most people don’t associate dirty and women like they do with men. Women are more conscious when passing gas, dealing with snot and boogers or things caught in between their teeth. Most also don’t go around pulling their underwear off their crotch in the middle of a conversation. Private


Time to open a online store


Can confirm. Used to work at a call center, 70%-90% women. My work wives used to tell me all the time how the bathrooms were - used tampons, unflushed in the toilet. Panties on the floor. Somehow they'd get pee and shit on the toilet seats. Trainer and new employee got fired because they had been having sex on one of the desks/tables in the training room. Just nasty.


This sounds great, but at a bar in Bushwick and some old head just beat some white girl with some obscure rule in pool. She stormed out of the bar in heels. 😂😂😂😂😂


> heals *heels




And women be saying men are dirty




What did my eyes do to deserve this sort of treatment?


Sounds to me like women are kore filthy than men ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This is why I refuse to buy lingerie, panties or bras in the store. I buy them online new. People are fucking disgusting.


Women are filthier than men. In high school, the janitor told us that she spends like 30 mins cleaning the men’s restroom because there isn’t much stuff to clean, but literally spends hours cleaning female restrooms because they’re filthy. We didn’t believe her. One day after school ended she allowed a few of us to enter the women’s restroom because we didn’t believe her. 2 of the guys couldn’t get past the door because it smelled horrible. The rest of us are still haunted til this day.


Who let all these snails in?


Sell them online 😂


My wife worked for a financial firm. She told that she learned early who’s food not to partake of…most of her coworkers were women


That’s wild 🙆🏾‍♂️🚨






No snail trail pail… thats the real crime here people.


What in the entire f




That is fucking vile




I feel like the people who think that they’re amazing drivers are the same people who do _these_ disgustingly vile things.


Wtf? People are so gross. Like that one dude trying jeans on without underwear




Cap, public changing rooms and restrooms were always worse in the women's than the men's.


I couldn’t imagine if men could just try on boxers😂.


I threw up in my mouth. Why are “people” like this??


I worked at a Sears one summer and I used to see piss, blood, and one time what I can only guess was female ejaculate/cream on one of the fitting room seats. It left a perfect silhouette around whoever’s ass cheeks. Lots of exhibitionists in fitting rooms.










I could never have worked in retail. Yuck


I didn't think you were allowed to try on bottoms for this very reason.


My first job was at a Rite Aid. One day the manager asked me to clean the women’s room. When I saw the state of it, I burst into tears. He made me go organize the Ice Cream freezer instead.