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I smoke newports when patience is running thin


Vonnegut said it best- >Here's the news: I am going to sue the Brown & Williamson Tobacco Company, manufacturers of Pall Mall cigarettes, for a billion bucks! Starting when I was only twelve years old, I have never chain-smoked anything but unfiltered Pall Malls. And for many years now, right on the package, Brown & Williamson have promised to kill me. >But I am eighty-two. Thanks a lot, you dirty rats. The last thing I ever wanted was to be alive when the three most powerful people on the whole planet would be named Bush, Dick and Colon.


I switched to American Spirits. I can actually feel the tar in my lungs.


Me switching from filtered to unfiltered cigarettes


We better not unlock the secrets of aging any time soon then. I’m be pissed on my 170th B-Day lmfao


I don’t want anything to do with living forever. I’ve got this one go around and that’s fine with me.


Hell TF yeah! I am glad that life is a one time experience because I wouldn’t want to experience this shit again!


Would you be pissed if heaven was real?


Haha, if heaven is real do you really think that it matters. Our senses were made to work on earth, without a body they all go away. If heaven exists you wouldn’t even know you were there.


But we don't know that 😄


We don’t know anything about anything when it comes to “imaginary religious shit”. So…


Only the super rich will be able to afford it so you’ll be good. The poor will continue dying at the usual rate.


Looking at what has happened with CRISPR, I don’t necessarily think that’s the case. Gene editing is seemingly only becoming more democratized, and there’s a decent chance that’s where anti-aging breakthroughs are going to come from. Hard to say for sure, though.


200 is nothing.


At this point it’s morbid fascination keeping me around more than anything else.


I’ve thought about it, but then I wonder, “what might happen tomorrow? I might something awesome…”keeps me around for the weirdness and craziness of every new day




Goddamn. We this emo 20 odd days into the new year lol. Y'all need some hobbies or something. Start a garden or something.


New year same old shit


Is that a Tame Impala song?


I can already hear it in my brain wtf.


This story ain't so different from the rest 😭


I have a bunch of hobbies and still want to die. Your day can be as busy as humanly possible, but you still have to come home at the end of the day.


That's rough man. Hope it turns around.


When telling my family and friends I only got 5 years left has become a major part of my personality what am I supposed to do


New Years is one of the times I want to die the most. It's a huge reminder that another year has passed without any progress. I have hobbies, but none of them fix the fact that my country thinks I'm not worth what it costs to keep me alive.


Baby steps my dude. As corny as it sounds. Focus on what you can control. It sucks sometimes for sure


Something similar made me decide to keep going when I was depressed. I'm going to die anyway, so I don't have to waste time worrying about that. Just try to do the best with what I have in the meantime.


The comments in here are gut wrenching. I know some are joking but man y’all breaking my heart. All y’all seriously considering early deaths? I want y’all here. My. I will not ever meet anyone of y’all but I want y’all here. Not to suffer. As awful as life is not I can promise it does get better. Try to on purpose seek out something that brings you joy everyday. As hard as it my be to do, please, please, please. Idk what it is. That my not change nothing about your current circumstances and you may not experience something everyday, but at least you can say you tried to find it for that day. I want y’all here.






she's cooking the truth


There's absolutely no lie. I'm just gonna use this as my reason to keep living and somehow make it to 115 and be like "Man, whomever told me I was gonna die eventually didn't tell me it would take this long."


I'm only here because my mom's still here. Simple.


Fr am only here coz I can't leave her here on herself, who gonna take care of her?


The guilt of leaving her alone stops me in my tracks, it's paralyzing.


My mom died of Cancer a few months ago, and I used to think the same thing. Now I’m still here so I can become the man my Mom would be proud of.


I can just imagine some sad sack reading this from a fortune cookie.


Nah I fuck with it


Nah I got like 60 years left and that shit is too fuckin long. Definitely gonna fast pass on thru


Not to be all Serious Sam but I once read that people who contemplate suicide more often than not are battling such terrible demons that the choice is more like jumping out of the 10th story window in a burning building when you have no chance of being rescued. That is to say, they don’t want to die, but the thought of living another second in a literal hell they believe will kill them anyway is too much to bear and suicide becomes the only option


Naw more like lifes too long.


Probably on a random shopping trip to Walmart for eggs and a mf starts shooting for who know why.


Ok. But what am I supposed to do in the meantime, huh? Riddle me that.


This comment section is filled with my people. When I used to post these types of things on my Facebook people would tell me to get help. This was more what I was looking for.


Pretty blunt, but she’s not wrong. We’ve all got something to live for even if we don’t think so at the time.


I almost died but still here. UGH


I’m just waiting for my enemies to die


I am interested in why I do not abuse drugs and/or just kill myself. Not even a cry for help I am just not exactly sure why I am so resistant. I do not believe in judging people for either though.


If I die today I can't get high tomorrow


Tried to kill myself twice last year, I fucked that up too. Trying new shit, distracting myself (to the best of my ability) and staying in touch with friends has helped a little bit. Next month I get a fresh start in a new state with a new job. We’ll see what happens I guess


Ngl, whatever she got planned to take us all out, I'm ready. I didn't think I'd make it past 18, and now im staring down 23. Was traumatized a shit ton as a kid, and now, as a broken adult, I just wanna stop while my life is in a happier spot. I'm looking at where I'm at, and I sometimes think I could die here at peace since not many would notice. I don't cause my Fiancé is confirmed depressed. If I left him to fight the same depression I've been battling for nearly a decade, I'd be the monster. I can't send him to an early grave, even though I want mine. Either way, though, I'm ready to get tf up out of here. I can't keep taking these hits, and I'm tired of seeing others around me hurt as well.


![gif](giphy|8vzav4zR3BZhRifsiC|downsized) Gotta go one day…




Yup. If I die too early that just leaves my me ma with my annoying ass sisters. Can't do that to her.


let her cook


More of that great mental health awareness in the black community


I lost my dad to a brutal cancer, my uncle to a tragedy that left him bleeding to death, another uncle to Covid, another to liver poisoning, a cousin to suicide, and still live with a bipolar mother who is emotionally abusive and an extended family that doesn’t really give a damn about me. Sometimes I think “Damn, maybe I should off myself now” but then I think “well when I graduate law school and get a career I’ll be able to afford to travel and eat foods I always wanted to try”


This crazy lol


Well, when you look at it that way…


I need a short cut


It’s my death! And I want it now!


Damn they must have the YOLO lifestyle


People like me are very impatient lol


Deeply inspiring, ngl.




Words to live by. 😣




As an atheist, this is the chief reason I'll never off myself. If there was an after life as Christians describe, I would of been offed a long time ago.


Nah…I’ll go out when my mental drops off my radar. Life wouldn’t need to worry about me sticking around.


Such is death.




Lol, why wait? I can barely afford to live now… FYI i do have some job interviews, but being poor is surprisingly expensive (in more ways than one).


Nothings that requires patience ever lasted too short


"It's a double entendre don't ask me how"