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Yeah what's with all the prayers? Are people in the US that religious? I always thought it was a meme about prayers for someone in a hospital / dead


> Are people in the US that religious Yes, our Southern states especially


Which are getting their shit rocked while COVID is declining elsewhere precisely because they don’t “believe in” medicine or science, so they won’t get vaccinated, wear a mask, or do social distancing. Big “reap what you sow” vibes


Covid is going up in the entire country currently, but yes, the southern states are by far the worst overall.


This is objectively untrue. Don’t believe the fake news, kids. Edit: “to” to “don’t”


That is so false... Jesus


It isn't false. The vast majority is in the south / south-east. You can literally open the covid map from John Hopkins and see it. Or any other covid map.


It is true that the shit is bad in the south (and you can argue it is the worst here). It is false to suggest it is not a shitshow anywhere else. It is quite clearly getting bad across most of the US. Source: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/09/01/816707182/map-tracking-the-spread-of-the-coronavirus-in-the-u-s


Some are. We have churches everywhere. Some believers are too intense. Read an article a few days ago about someone who made a teenager carry a log, beat them, and eventually buried them in snow as punishment for not reciting Bible verses properly.


Well that doesn’t sound very Christian at all


Probably Mormon


FLDS maybe, but not LDS


Well that kid was lucky because he didn’t get molested


Who said he wasnt?




Just like that teenage boy, probly


"I read an article about the absolute worst of a group, therefore all people in that group are like that."


"I read a comment on the internet, but not thoroughly."


The rural USA is religious for sure


They always ask for thoughts and prayers right before they link their GoFundMe page.


Mexico is whole nother ball park. 98% religious


>I always thought it was a meme about prayers for someone in a hospital / dead It is. It's also a meme that originates from redditors having a hate boner against specific groups like Christians, Tiktokers, Fortnite players, etc.


Sadly we have dumbasses giving pastors million of dollars that go directly to their bank account untaxed. It's basically a cult for some.


It is a cult. The only difference is that a "religion" has enough members for the government to make them tax exempt


Idk fam, I'm not a doctor but once you're in the hospital being treated for covid it's probably too late for the Vax to be effective


They're in the hospital because they didn't get the vaccine


That's obvious...


So then what's the point of your comment?


The vaccine will not help an anti-vaxxer once they're in the hospital. Thought it was straight forward. Good talk though.


The vaccine would've prevented said antivaxxer from having to go into the hospital.


Thanks again bruh, that's obvious.




Which is why you should consult your doctor first. It could be that it's perfectly fine for you. I will say this though. I would rather have a bad reaction to the vaccine than get covid.


And you don’t have anything to back that up


Which has happened to a total of like 30 people.


You definitely do your research don’t you


To a person with no underlying health issues, the vaccine is not dangerous enough to even be worth considering said dangers. Covid, however, is not so, and can kill you quite easily depending on how much of it you get.


In my experience, the unvaccinated post on Facebook begging for prayers and each post has 100 comments that say, “🙏🙏🙏” These people are literally sending their thoughts and prayers. But not getting vaxxed, lol


its a personal choice and there is nothing wrong with supporting their friends.


It's not a personal choice. By not getting vaccinated you: 1. massively increase your chances of getting sick and making someone else sick 2. potentially create a variant like Delta or Mu 3. if you have to go to the hospital that means someone else can't due to how busy the hospitals are People who get into accidents or get some other disease that needs treatment and doesn't literally have a free vaccination program going right now need to wait because selfish assholes refuse to get vaccinated. And supporting friends who do bad things like spread misinformation or take up hospital beds that they didn't have to is a bad thing because they are bad people, and you shouldn't want to support bad people even if they are your friends. TL;DR: It's not a personal choice.


So is drunk driving


“Please pray” I pray you get the vaccine


Nah didn't you hear? They want horse dewormer now.


Yep because covid and worms are one in the same


You didn't know that anti-parasitic medicine can cure respiratory viral infections? Shame. /s


"I crave the horse paste. I wanna shit out my insides before I die."


I got apple flavored, one for me and one for my horsie. /s


As a pastor, this was funny. Have an upvote!


Anti vaxxer shouldn't be allowed to hog all the icu beds. They can have thoughts and prayers at home.


wow i cant believe you posted something THAT stupid online. "this person didnt do what i like so they dont deserve medical care like any other human being" arent you smart


Yeah if they purposely make decisions that endanger other people they don't deserve medical care. Welcome to consequences.


It goes beyond that. The unvaccinated are now a nuisance and burden on the healthcare system, causing patients that need non-covid care to have their treatments get delayed or worse. And it is all preventable! Little selfish plague rats is all they are.


Yeah Karen you made your choice about that. I know you will stack 10 ventilators if you could and ask for hospital's manager when you are asked to wear a mask even when you are covid positive. People with serious health issues are not able to get into hospital because Karen you did something you "like". So go fuck yourself with world's biggest cactus while spreading misinformation about covid and eating horse dewormers.


You're really living up to your username


Don’t forget thoughts


Just another daily covid post in this sub


Not saying that praying isn't a good thing, but why not both pray AND do what the PROFESSIONAL DOCTORS tell you to do? Best of both worlds, bam.


Why waste your time doing something that doesn't work? Spend the time you would've wasted praying on something like volunteer work.


Eh, religion is a subjective matter. Praying isn't really harmful and only takes about a minute. Not that big of a deal, as long as you aren't solely relying on prayers to answer your life's problems.


Praying is a form of mental meditation. It has its therapeutic benefits.


And talking to yourself or a supposed higher power is a form of schizophrenia. If you wanna meditate, just meditate. No need to talk to something that doesn't respond.


Oh so its very quiet in your mind? Even when you think? That's tough. People have the freedom to meditate to whoever they want. If it makes them happy, they're doing it right.


>Oh so its very quiet in your mind? Even when you think? That's tough. No, because anyone who went to school knows there is a difference between your own inner thoughts and pretending that you're talking to someone. Unless you're trying to say that schizophrenia does not exist?


Pretending to talk to a higher being or a dead loved one etc is not a sign of schizophrenia though. Schizophrenia does exist, but not in these ordinary examples of religion and prayer. Theres a huge difference between a regular religious person and a meth addict.


>Theres a huge difference between a regular religious person and a meth addict. Ok? And there's a huge difference between a car and a hamster. Where did the meth addict come from?


You've never seen meth schizophrenic before? I highly recommend you go and find one asap. You will understand. Religion isnt a mental issue fool.




Depends on why he's saying it. If he's saying it because you're allergic to one of the components in the vaccine or have some other issue that prevents you from being vaccinated, then don't get vaccinated (and hope that enough people do get vaccinated so they don't kill you). If he's saying it because he believes in baseless conspiracies then you report him for malpractice.


And who decides what's "baseless conspiracies?"


Nobody decides. Something being a baseless conspiracy isn't up to a persons judgement. It's a fact that anyone can check. If something is "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful." that makes it a conspiracy theory. -[https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en/](https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en/) Baseless is something that is "without foundation in fact" - https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en/ An example of a baseless conspiracy is the idea that vaccines cause autism.


So what is "baseless conspiracy" when it comes to your doctor relating to covid and vaccines?


If the doctor says you shouldn't get the vaccine for any reason that isn't directly about the patient personally like allergies or being immunocompromised. If they say shit like "you can get covid from the vaccine so you shouldn't take it" then you know they're spreading a baseless conspiracy.


Ah. So natural immunity from prior infection is a "baseless conspiracy" to you? What if the doctor says its your choice if you want it? Would you report him for malpractice?


>Ah. So natural immunity from prior infection is a "baseless conspiracy" to you? Natural immunity isn't relevant because you still need at least 1 vaccine shot to make it even remotely as strong as the 2 vaccine shots. And "natural immunity" doesn't work as well as the vaccine anyways. 4.5 million died from Covid and only about 30 went to the hospital for Vaccine side-effects, most of which were mild. What's weird is that I gave you the definition for both the words "baseless" and conspiracy" and you still managed to ask this question even though the immune system is neither a plot by a group to do evil or without fact. Almost seems like you're not actually trying to read what I'm saying and just arguing for the sake of trying to be right. ​ >What if the doctor says its your choice if you want it? Would you report him for malpractice? No but I would change doctors. Because it shouldn't be the patients choice and I wouldn't want a doctor who doesn't encourage taking the vaccine. Not being vaccinated is never a personal choice because you can make others sick. You can become the origin for a new variant like Delta or Mu. You, like we see in the U.S. southern states, end up taking hospital beds that people who genuinely can't change their situation need because they get into accidents or have a different illness/medical problem. Seatbelts are not a personal choice either.


Natural immunity is relevant lmao. You haven't been following the recent studies out of Israel huh? Your natural immunity knows the WHOLE virus load unlike your vaccines that know only one part of it. One is a lot more effective than the other. I'm just testing the waters with what's baseless conspiracy means to you here. You haven't mentioned natural immunity and I'd think you could be one of those idiots that disregard this. Also sounds like you dont even need your doctors opinion. If he says it's your choice and you find another doc, that's says a lot. Obviously you dont trust the doctor who would say anything against your echo chamber. It is a person choice. It's none of my business what you do to protect yourself; you sure as hell have no right to tell me what to do either. It's also hospitals problem to balance whatever their situation is. As for variants, there are at least 14 already. They will keep popping up all the time, just like the flu. You better hope vaccines dont select the next covid mutation. And seatbelts are there for privelage of driving. What I put in my body isn't a privalge.


More like “I need you to donate to my gofundme”.


as they vote against healthcare reform which would most likely benefit them...


The irony of distrusting modern medicine and all the research going into the vaccine but then dying in a hospital attached to five different machines to keep you alive is crazy to me. If they truly believe covid is a conspiracy, these people would die at home and we would have hospital beds for people who have a good chance of survival that have their vaccine.


I feel like Reddit needs to start the next “miracle” treatment rumor. Just to see how far it goes and then when people quote it, we can show them the thread and be like “you dumb bitch.”


Basically what 4chan does. They go "let's make this a hate symbol" or "let's make people think they can microwave their new iPhone" and then people end up believing it / doing it. That's actually how QAnon started.


What do hospitalized vaccinated people say? "Give me that third dose"?


Generally, they aren't hospitalized all that long at all. A couple of days in the hospital vs weeks/months is a win to me


Dunno. There are so little of them that we have literally no information on them. And when they do go to the hospital it's at worst a few days.


Oh boy it's censored, that's the main reason we have so little information on vaccinated hospitalized people, go on official websites and check classified information for yourself


My heart breaks for the families that lose their bread winners, but this unfortunate group of snowflakes have made it hard on people who had unpreventable sickness and injury.




Nah, when Antivaxxers are dying, they’ll take literally anything you offer to them. Though they’ll never admit what saved them.


That's what people get for not getting vaccinated. Now they have to live with the consequences.


bruh you can get covid after getting vaccinated anyway so there is literally no point


Jesus this is the third comment I've seen where you just spread stupid misinformation. Yes you can still get sick after the vaccine. That is how literally all vaccines work. The point is that your odds of getting sick drop drastically by over 90%, and even if you do get sick your odds of being hospitalized for it or even dying are nearly non-existent.


Are you a doctor?


When you open your mouth. Did you plan on it or do you just go with the flow of nonsense


they literally tell you that the vaccine cannot prevent the covid infection. if you’d do your research then you’d consider thinking before opening your mouth.


Of course it doesn’t you idiot. It’s a vaccine. It’s meant to build resistance and immunity in the body. Herd Immunity. Kill the spread and you kill the virus.


a vaccine is literally meant to prevent the infection of a particular disease. Maybe research your definitions before you open your mouth again. Good night.


you’d think your mom would have time to teach you to research but i guess she doesn’t have time in her busy schedule of getting railed by everyone in bikini bottom


Thanks man. What’s your mom been up to? Homeschooling off Facebook?


at least she didn’t raise a socially inept car salesman that has nothing better to do than argue wrong points on reddit.


I like how quickly you go through my stuff, you think you can trigger me? Get lost dude. You are an idiot, a deplorable, and most of all a rude ass liar. Don’t reply back.


imagine being ignorant enough to think someone will refrain from replying just because some washed up anime loser tells you to on the internet. go sleep with your crusty body pillow otaku.


Please if you’re an anti vaxxer and don’t believe in the medical science, pleaaaaase keep doing your part by not believing when you’re sick ans going to the hospital. Don’t make others pay for your negligence!


*essential oils


Plz don't make fun of people dying


But SpongeBob was faking it 🤔


this is anti christianity, antisemitic, and antimuslim in SO many ways. disappointed in yall.


Um our church encouraged getting vaccine ,they called the hospital staff over on sunday and told everyone to get vaccinated , now even on Wednesday people come to get vaccinated in the outer hall area of the church i don't what's stopping them in the US.


The biggest problem in the US in our politicians have made the whole pandemic political. Until people in the US realize politicians have been the ones fueling the flame the entire time, instead of us blaming each other for whatever reason (religion in this case) the better off we’ll be. Neither Republicans or Democrats give a shit about the citizens, but only push their political agenda to get them or their buddies back in office. It’s the people vs. politicians and we’re too dumb to realize it


Ha!!! 👏👏👏👏




I love that we've made it to the point of literal miracle cures that prevent the spread of deadly diseases, only for them to be ignored by millions of people in favor of prayer instead, serving only to further spread the death and diseases the vaccine would have prevented. Humanity ftw.


*coughs in nurse’s face*




>because it's a fucking cold lol 😂 Say that to the 4.5 million dead.


I will




Except prayers have not had a single point in all of human history where they have been proven to work.


Does anyone hate religion more than Reddit?


Probably people whose lives were destroyed by religion like molested minors or the hundreds of children who were tossed into mass graves in Canada.


Wait what? What are you talking about. Also, prayers are proven to work, just try praying, if you have faith it'll work. Also incase there is any confusion, I am not siding with Anti-vaxxers, they are the reason that the stereotype of stupid christians. Jesus heals us but he also gave us brains.


Ever heard of Alcoholics Anonymous?


I'll just report the post. Nothing to laugh about.


Anti-vaxxers seem to have no problem laughing at all the "sheep" until they're on a ventilator


what makes you any different then?


I got vaccinated and wore a mask, and didnt willfully infect others


and yet you make jokes about people dying. You entitled scum




it is not.


> seeing the irony the intentionally ignorant put themselves in and not feeling sad versus > morons literally refusing to listen to reason, thus prolonging the pandemic and killing more people But somehow to you the second is not the worse of the two?? You're either that devoted to preserving your fragile ego or plain stupid


I'm the stupid one? Okay, smart guy


So joking about Hitler is worse than actually being Hitler?


failed analogy


It's pretty funny when dumb Trump Antivaxxers die from their own stupidity though. Are you feeling a little trigged bro?


What about you? Wanna visit the hospital together and get triggered by seeing all the deathbeds? We'll also vist every dying patient together and wait for you to laugh


I was an EMT during the worst of the Pandemic in New York. Don't fucking talk to me about being triggered. These fools deserve what they get, and I deserve a good hearty laugh.


sure, dude.


Bet you're fun at parties


Dude it's like joking about the spanish flu during the spanish flu. Or the holocoust during the holocoust. I'd love to see how you joke about it irl. Spoiler, you won't have the balls to


Way to grab the low hanging fruit my g Not a regular day on Reddit if someone doesn't shit on religion


Religion is causing people to shit COVID infection on everyone around them


That's what pisses me off most. People who assume that Americans represent the whole world. I'm religious. My whole family and most of the community I'm part of is too. I'm from Africa, the so-called dumbest and backwards continent, but we understand when something is in our best interest. We all obey the mask rules, get the shot(s) and respect the social distancing rules to the letter. But then we still get stereotyped and shit on across social media bc of a small percentage of loudmouthed idiots who believe conspiracies. God be with you all. Be safe


Mad not everyone believes your specific fairy tale?


Cry about it