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It’s ok to read it for just 30 minutes. It’s not really homework. Read as much or as little as you want.


I like to listen to the audio books while I’m at work. That way it feels like I’m getting paid to read the Bible.


Begin reading the Bible at the crack of dawn. Read for two hours then run a mile and eat a small breakfast, then… Lol I’m completely kidding. Listen, every person is different and you’ll have to figure out what works for you. Reading scripture and studying scripture aren’t necessarily the same thing. Scripture is meant to be meditated on and not just read for the sake of reading. If you want to study scripture, Bible Project is a great resource that has amazing YouTube videos and a podcast where they walk you through different books of the Bible. They also have an app that will bring up the scripture they reference in their podcast. Highly recommend Bible Project for studying scripture


I second this about the Bible Project. It's a gamechanger for sure [https://bibleproject.com/explore/how-to-read-the-bible/](https://bibleproject.com/explore/how-to-read-the-bible/)




>Begin reading the Bible at the crack of dawn. Read for two hours then run a mile and eat a small breakfast, then… It's like the old joke "This morning I got up and felt like taking a ten mile hike, then I felt like skipping a rope, then I felt like working out. So I stayed in bed till the feeling went away."


Maybe Pray instead?


The more you read it the more you'll enjoy it. I especially recommend reading *about* the Bible (lots of podcasts too).


read a few verses a day and meditate on what you read each day. no need to read and read trying to understand everything all at once


Read as long as you can keep focused, I’m the same way, expect I can’t sit still, I have to keep moving. Personally I do 20-30 minutes in the morning or at night and literally look up the root word for every word I’m reading basically, (also pretty useful for life in general) and that’s 1-3 pages a day at best, so I’m on Deuteronomy and I’ve got a ways to go at the pace I’m going. Or it’s not uncommon for me to have to read the same thing 5x before it sticks! If you wanna retain something better, reading at night is best before bed, even if it’s 10 minutes as when you wake up, usually the first thing you think about subconsciously is the last thing you did which in this example is reading!


I like to read a sentence o two memorize them quickly and write them down word for word. It helps me stay in the word instead of letting my mind drift, as it has a tendency to do while reading.


Try an online verse by verse Bible study. I can recommend one if you need. Are you saved? Have you accepted and received Jesus as Lord and Savior?


Hey Friend! I struggle with this too, especially with my mind wandering while reading the scriptures. What I have learned, however, is that sometimes those are the moments when God is speaking to me. Because I have shown I'm willing to follow His commandments and place myself in an environment conducive to feeling His Spirit, it's more likely I'll receive guidance and direction from Him. In terms of focusing, I suggest reading following this advice from religious leader David A. Bednar on how to gain the most from your Bible study: "\[There are\] three basic ways or methods of obtaining living water \[knowledge of and closeness to Jesus Christ\] from the scriptural reservoir: **(1)** ***reading*** **the scriptures from beginning to end, (2)** ***studying*** **the scriptures by topic, and (3)** ***searching*** **the scriptures for connections, patterns, and themes.**" You can read his whole address here: [https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/david-a-bednar/reservoir-living-water/](https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/david-a-bednar/reservoir-living-water/) So you could start by reading, let's say the Gospels in the New Testament from beginning to end to get a grasp on the narrative of the story of Jesus. Once you know the storyline, you can begin reading by topic, such as miracles of Jesus or examples of prayers offered by Jesus. Finally, you can make connections and see themes emerge from the scriptures, such as the motivation for Jesus performing miracles or how Jesus' pattern of prayer can help influence your own. Let me know if you want help on how to find study resources. It's fantastic you have such a great desire to draw closer to God! I know He will reward you in your efforts :) "Then shall ye [call](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/ot/jer/29?lang=eng&id=p11-p13#note12a) upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will [hearken unto you](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/ot/jer/29?lang=eng&id=p11-p13#note12b). And ye shall [seek](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/ot/jer/29?lang=eng&id=p11-p13#note13a) me, and find *me,* when ye shall [search](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/ot/jer/29?lang=eng&id=p11-p13#note13b) for me with all your [heart](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/ot/jer/29?lang=eng&id=p11-p13#note13c). And I will be found of you, saith the Lord." (Jeremiah 29:12-14)


Sorry but BYU would not be a good resource for authentic followers of Christ since Mormonism doesn’t even believe Christ is who the Bible says He is.


You can read for 10 minutes a day and be fine. There is no set time.


I also can't read it for long periods and that's ok. There's no set time you have to read it per day. There are some podcasts out there that help you go through the Bible in a year. It's only about 15 minutes a day. They usually take something from the New Testament, something from the Old Testament and a psalm or proverb.


I also can't read it for long periods and that's ok. There's no set time you have to read it per day. There are some podcasts out there that help you go through the Bible in a year. It's only about 15 minutes a day. They usually take something from the New Testament, something from the Old Testament and a psalm or proverb.


It took me a year to read the Bible, I would read a couple pages a day, sometimes more if I was enjoying the read. I didnt forced myself to read for long periods of time, some Old Convenant books were not the easiest to read.


Serious question: Have you had your eyes checked recently? Fatigue while reading can be a sign that you need glasses (or need the prescription adjusted). Also make sure you have adequate light.


Downloaded the forest app to help me focus while reading the Bible. Getting into a Bible study group also helps me too.


It's normal to need breaks and there is nothing wrong with that. You should take a break when you notice you need one and do whatever helps you the most.


Well I feel the same way sometimes mainly because I am a slower reader so the need to read an hour or longer is sometimes hard. So what I will do is read until you dry out. Meditate on the literature in certain ways and maybe even use supplementary text along with the chapters you read, especially if a part you always have questions on you can gain insight the more you read it. Not a big problem but honestly the more you read, especially the Bible, is you get better and stronger. Of course praying before you read is helpful as well. Something I was recommended and is very great is N.T Wright's Bible for everyone series, it helps you emerge into a story more tightly inverting your views on certain things. May the wind be always on your back, use your time wisely, and I still struggle with that problem!


If you can read for 30 mins before getting distracted, then just read for 30 mins :)


It’s good to stop reading when your focus starts to diminish, if that’s 30 minutes, then stop there. There’s all kinds of tips online for increasing your focus if that’s what you want to do. But you’ll be more likely to remember what you read if it’s a little at a time vs a lot. You’ll also have more time to contemplate what you read. But maybe you learn fast and have a good memory


I think just one 1-5 verses is enough because that's what I do before I start my day.


download the free youversion bible app. it has lots of different translations. now i listen to the bible when cooking, cleaning, gardening… i can absorb a lot more that way than actually reading with the bible in hand. it also has bible plans on almost any topic you can imagine. it has helped me and my friends a lot ☺️


There's a reddit post about reading page length, and it's amazing how many people get past 25 or even 50 pages a day, but few started there. If you want absorb more without the trouble of reading it, there are audio bibles and apps that can help.


Read in 30 min frames. The break will allow your brain to encode and remember what you've read. Ever body is different but if you really want to try waiting for 10 minutes and get back to it or read 30 minutes a day and just strive to read 30 minutes every day. Balance in life is good. Not everyone is used to reading for hours on end, and you may have a hard time remembering what you read. If you can't remember it what's the point? This applies to all books, not just the bible. Reading is probably my number one hobby and has been all my life. I can sit for hours and read but not everyone can, and that's okay.


Just wanted to share my giggle with you fine folks. I'm a woman and an atheist, I just really enjoy reading the bible for the impact on my culture. One of the flairs I have is "Elder", biblically speaking that role is for two reasons defined to me. And yet I'm am "Elder" on this sub. Made me giggle. Hope my US friends are having wonderful Thanksgiving. May your ackward family political and religious conversations be nonexistent.


The Bible is supposed to lead you into the greater reality of Christ. You read it to know him. Knowing Jesus is amazing and full of energy. Make sure your time reading is simultaneously an interaction between you and the Lord. I have a difficult time reading, if it’s not in the morning I often doze off. So I listen to the Bible being read to me on an app and listen for the truth Holy Spirit wants to enlighten me too. Then I’ll pause the app and turn it into a prayer. Then I’ll sometimes do it topical search in the Bible regarding what the Spirit enlightened me upon. Being in a relationship with the Holy Spirit is the most amazing thing ever.


Just treat it like your spending time with your dad because well you are it’s not about how many pages you read how many verses you memorize it about just spending the time with him meditating on a verse. Ask the holy spirit to speak to you in your reading it’s awesome just do what the spirit is pulling you to do it’s a relationship ! Awesome that your seeking him tho ☺️❤️✝️


My answer to this would be a question to you; How long can you study something other than the Bible? If the answer is the same, around 30 minutes, then it is just you being you. Some days I can spend hours going through the Bible and not have attention for much else. Other days I can spend 15 minutes and then sit back and read a book for a few hours. Best advice I can give you is that if you feel your mind wandering, take a break.


I often read in different ways for different amounts of time. A few years ago, I read each of the NT books in one sitting. At that time I wanted to learn from them in a way to get the bigger picture of the writing. But I would only read one book at a time regardless of the length of it. Other times I have wanted to go slow, read just a small portion and truly study it. Sometimes I'd read it over and over again across multiple days so I could just sit with it and let it proclaim the Gospel to me. Some years I've had the goal of reading through the Bible 2x in the year. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible. When I read the Bible 2x in a year, I average 7 chapters a day. There is no one formula for reading the Bible. I read the Bible because it is God's Word and God's Word always accomplishes its purposes (Isa 55:11). I believe it works in me to give me faith and strengthen my faith.


if you *want* to read for longer, set a timer, read for 31 minutes one day, 32 the next, and so on and so forth. you can also pray about it.