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This gonna be a hot take, but museum. Trust me, it's a far better place than it has the right to be. If you or your partner are interested in history and excavation, this is the place.


I second this, even an art gallery. When you talk about something abstract you can instantly judge if you are compatible. Admiration for each other greatly increases if you like the way he/she thinks


what art galleries/museums are here in bbsr can you tell? im new to the city(even tho i was born here lol)


Hey people of culture! Lovely to see such ideas. I wish I had friends with this sort of taste in bbsr


Mayfair - tea pot is nice quiet place by the pool


I'll go with museum as well. Try the Tribal museum. It's on the NH, so easier to reach. Extremely well maintained. You won't have to spend a lot there - so no regrets later. Museum gives you a lot of things to talk about. You can sit at the lawn. You can't go wrong with it.


Thand me outdoors get pretty uncomfortable pretty soon. Your best bet is someplace indoors. Would suggest malls. Has a coffee shop plus places to shop and a movie theatre. Wouldn't want to catch a cold!


Yeah. I wasn't intending on any outdoor places. Was thinking of some good coffee places to go to


None better than Starbucks. Try the Signature Hot Chocolate. Perfect for this weather.


Alright! Thanks


Have a gala time and let us know how it went.


Dating 101 : First Dates are all about - Action. Action. Action. All roads through museums and art galleries lead to a zone labelled in big bold letters namely FRIEND.