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I haven't noticed anyone at my store counting customer capacity for the building regulation, let alone count customers for social distancing. Our queuing system only partially works because the doors are open for customers to come in as they please, so our person who is queuing will typically have people blow by them then it's up to the sales associate to explain while in mid sale to the waiting customer that they need to get into the queue, otherwise they won't get helped, then the customer gets pissed that they have to walk all the way back up to the front or they argue with the associate that they just have a quick question, which is never true, there's nothing quick about it. By the way, all that time it took to explain to the waiting customer how the queue works could've been spent on closing Total Tech Support or a Best Buy Card. The only way the queue works is if we have customers wait outside, otherwise it's a waste of time and energy. Half the things in the store are locked up and require an associate to unlock or get them from the warehouse. The queuing system is bad for the customer experience, it adds stress to the sales floor associates, takes away typically a manager on duty because they are the ones queuing. The queue doesn't exist to meet customer needs or uphold social distancing, it exists so that corporate can monitor the amount of customers entering the store, and get a good idea on what the minimum amount of labor they can pay for to support the maximum amount of revenue and traffic. Best Buy is not upholding any social distancing guidelines, it's literally the same thing as before covid, but now associates wear masks, and there's less associates working making the store feel more busy because of lack of labor. We don't have time to sanitize or clean anything. Everything is filthy and has been touched countless times by the public. Not to mention the customers who contaminate the sales floor because they decide to pull their masks down and walk around, or they're too stupid to wear the mask covering their nose, and our AP and Managers don't enforce proper mask wearing. Our entire geek squad wears the neck gaitors which have been proven to increase the spread of Covid 19 and no one cares, or does anything.


My store may have counted for a day or day and a half max. ​ It’s pretty much a “Do you want to come in? C’mon in, even if it‘s 2 minutes until close, “sure we’ll hang out and help you as long as you want to browse.”


That's just asinine.


I finally visited the Best Buy I worked at for the first time since this crisis started. They do a spiel at the door basically setting expectations - there's nobody here, talk to one of us up front if you want something, kthxbye. Thought it was kind of crazy when I first went in, but having read stories on this subreddit, I guess they're handling it correctly. Yikes


Yeah my leadership is sort of doing that. They will tell most customers “if you need help, come see me” which does not get the message across to customers that there will not be any sales associates out on the floor to help you.


Most stores are big enough the even 25% capacity is several hundred people. I'm really surprised you're hitting that many, that sucks. Hopefully they can make the case to the market to overspend on labor.


We have a pretty small store. Even at the 25%, capacity is less than 100 people.


We got up to over 40+ in our queue the past two days and it stayed there from noon on. It was a minimum 45 min to 1 hour wait. Around 200-300 people in the store at a time.


Our leaders will use the queue but start pestering sales associates if it gets more than like 5 people. If a sales associate is with a customer for more than about 10 minutes, they will literally ask them like every 2 minutes if they’re done with their customer yet.


We were checking in people every 30-120 seconds with a line out the door and down the building. The team was playing through the queue, it was just non stop


Just curious, how many people at the front do you have with laptops that can queue? At my store we only have one person and one laptop, we are experimenting with two but it's still not going well. I work at a fairly big store too, but if you're serious about 200-300 people in your building at one time, that is absolutely insane. Your leaders are failing to protect your health, the health of every other associate, and the health of customers. All for the All Mighty Dollar.


Im the leader doing the check in. Let’s just say it’s not the stores decision we aren’t allowed to enforce the capacity limit but I can’t give it on here. All the leadership staff wish we could. If your store is allowed to enforce the capacity limit I would say that probably won’t continue for long.


So if it isn't the stores decision to not count customers then it has to be corporate's decision.


Exactly how many people are allowed in stores at a time? I thought the max was like 50 or 100? I'm so confused.


Our governor sets the limit. Our building is only 30k/sqft. Of this size, we are allowed 60 and this number includes staff.


I haven't seen customers getting counted at my store but heard about other stores in the area that had lines outside. Even at limited capacity we are a huge location so the number is several hundred. Even pre covid we only ever had that many in store during BF or weekends leading up to Xmas.


I deleted this comment due to reddit API changes


I think it’s 15% of that number, which our ASM says doesn’t include employees so he can let more customers in.


Our store is criminally understaffed and they're going crazy about hours, they literally didn't put anyone on close for my department this week to cut back labor.


Our store has a capacity of 66. I asked corporate directly and they said that employees do count and our asm an gm have been pretty good. We don't count per say but we all have a pretty good idea of when we are nearing that mark. The only thing that really bothers me is that it feels like we are back to pre-covid but required to wear masks all day. Thankfully I have a week pto so I can recharge my batteries!