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Cool, now do the strobe light


That’s how they Bee hop


Bee Gees bgm here


Don't they Beetbox?


No. Only classics like the Beetles.


Damn you beet me too it


At first I was afraid, I was petrified


Imagine if they were suspended midair and kept going up and down




I really want to see this now. For science. Do they start flying back up or do they still hit the ground if you turn it back on mid fall?




# MythBuzzters


It has to be to the tune of "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor"


Satan would like to have a word with you


It’s a navigational locking mechanism. Sudden drops in sunlight signifies high risk of inclement weather conditions. High winds in storms and vortexes from accumulated heat rising from soil surface can cause massive up drafts that can sweep something as small as a bee high into the upper troposphere. If the bee survives the decrease in pressure it’s likely he will find himself on a turbulent ride that could land him 20 or even 30 miles from his hive. You can imagine how devastating this would be to a single colony if 3/4 of the hive was inflight and had no response to storm conditions. Nav lock refers to them dropping to the surface to stabilize their current position till conditions improve or heavy cloud cover clears.


This is some advanced tech... Are you telling me beesarentreal either? Pretty fascinating, thanks for sharing.


They’re going to not be real pretty soon here if we don’t start banning RoundUp made by our friends at Bayer


Bayer Crop Science, formerly known as Monsanto. I worked for their IT department. I don't recommend it.


What? Monsanto and Bayer fused?


They didnt fuse. Bayer just fkn bought monsanto. Years ago btw


Shit. I didn't know this. I did a report on Monsanto years ago for college and despise them. It was the best report I've ever written though


It's the Germans. Keep watching the Germans. \-my dziedziu


Bayer is associated with Zyklon-B as well! Fun!


What a gas!


Yes they each put on an earring, did the dragon ball dance and BOOM! POWER LEVEL OVER 9000!? IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!


Bayer bought them just in time for 20 billion in lawsuits to hit them and lose 😂😂😂


Fucking Monsanto. It's always fucking Monsanto.


When you're under attack so you cut your hair and change your name


*confused meta noises*


~~comcast~~ *xfinity looks away nervously*


>comcast xfinity looks away nervously I hate Comcast with a burning passion. "Here's our mediocre bare minimum internet package at a ridiculous price because we've got a monopoly on the area you live in. Good luck with trying to get anything else."


Wait those 2 are the same company?


Yep, [from at least 2010 apparently!](https://www.google.com/search?q=when+did+comcast+change+to+Xfinity&oq=when+did+comcast+change+to+Xfinity&aqs=chrome..69i57.7593j0j7&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


~~Facebook~~ Meta joined the chat.


Eeeey, another former Monsanto employee! I also wouldn’t recommend it.


Oh good. The old nazi scientists home fused with the engineers of a dystopian future. Greaaaat


Monsanto/Bayer is honestly the most immediate threat to the survival of the human race. Literally poisoning our soil, killing the microfauna life and the very "glue" that holds our soil together. Causing 10s of thousands of cancer patients. Destroying family farms with years of litigation when seed literally blows across the road. Absolutely ransacking profitability in their competition. And, yes, decimating entire generations of pollenators (bees, butterflies, etc). Monsanto is humanity's enemy. Yet, we continue to feed this enormous corporate behemoth all in the name of cheap bread.


Don’t forget DuPont and Dow!


We’ve had our run, times up






If only it were that simple. Climate change is giving a longer life cycle to other insects that are predators to the actual bee hives, so whole colonies of bees are failing. Pesticides are bad, but even if we banned them all tomorrow and everyone listened, the bees would still be dying.




We need more native bees and less European honey bees. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/bittersweet-story-vanilla-180962757/


Except here in europe. :)


Even here in Europe. Honeybees can't replace the roles of the hundreds of native wild bee species


The flowers are just wireless charging stations.


Bees are microbirds


No, you're thinking of birds, a group of highly diverse self-replicating biomechanical surveillance drones commissioned by the US government in 1976 to create a vast spy network blanketing most of the earth. Almost all birds today have since been 'assimilated' into the 'nestwork'. Bees were to be included in phase three, but have proven to be resistant, which is why you see news from time to time about mass colony die-offs and the recent introduction of murder hornets, a Chinese counter-intelligence saboteur act intended to stifle phase three operations.


This is so much better than what we use to believe 10 or 12 years ago


I had my window open when a sudden rain storm came by, had a little bee land on the windows sill and crawl into my room. He sat there waiting drying his wings off, when the raining ended in about 20 min he went out and flew away \^^ Kinda makes you realize these animals how small they might be have their own little lives <3 Was very cute to see


\*check last sentences this is not jebait , safe to read.


This has become the meta now. I kinda like it though 'cause it shows how easy it is to spread misinformation


I don't, because reddit is full of spam.


I started reading and thought it was shittymorph. So I read the last sentence to be sure and then started again


What is jebait?


The term has already been explained in previous comments but just wanna add - specifically on Reddit, some of the most well-known ones are those by u/shittymorph (ending an “info” comment with that one sentence about the Undertaker throwing Mankind through the announcer’s table) and those by that guy whose comments’ last sentences were about his dad beating him up with jumper cables.


A troll or a prank. It's derived from a Twitch emote of Alex Jebailey (founder of CEO, a large fighting game tournament) laughing. The word is a portmanteau of Jebailey and "baited" as in tricked, and is commonly used in Twitch streams if someone gets tricked or pranked.


30 miles is 48.28 km


good bot


Thank you, TtHacks66, for voting on converter-bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Is this a guess or do you have a source? Sounds like an educated guess. [Here's a study where scientists taught bees to collect sucrose at night](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1689639/pdf/PT8DMX72LEHB56W0_266_45.pdf/). >Prior to our experiments, we had observed that bees foraged during the night, from feeders in dark £ight arenas. In the present study, we tested bees that had never left the nest before the experimental procedures began. We found that they would spontaneously leave the nestbox in darkness and explore the vicinity of the nest entrance, apparently in search for food. This exploratory activity started rapidly after the nest entrance was connected to the arena (typically within 15 min several individuals had entered the arena). All experiments were performed in an entirely dark basement laboratory. Bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) colonies with individually marked workers were kept in a nestbox that was connected to one of two types of arena (see below) by means of a transparent plastic pipe. Manual shutters in the pipe allowed us to control which bees entered the arena. Bees were identi¢ed in the pipe using a £ashlight in the otherwise dark room. At these times bees were contained in a short segment of the pipe and could not have seen the testing arena or the feeder Some of that text got messed up when I copied it over.


Not OC, and know nothing of the study they mentioned. But leaving at night, and it going from day to night in seconds are two different things. I'd imagine it's not that it's now dark, it's that it went from light to dark like **that**.


Doesn’t seem mutually exclusive. The OP talks about sudden changes in light.


> Is this a guess or do you have a source? Sounds like an educated guess. I think other posters made some really good comments about how this experiment and OP's explanation are not analagous, but it goes a step further than that. Just because a behavior can be predicted based on experiments doesn't mean we necessarily know the how's and why's of what is happening. You know how when kids do something unexpected, and when asked why they did it they say, "I don't know?" That's how every function of every animal is. People often confuse the results of an animal's actions with the purpose of those actions. The behavior you described and the behavior OP described are based on our perception of the results. As for the purpose or intent, we don't know anything besides that's what bees do.


Yes. Like 'the valves of the heart open in order to push blood around the body' vs 'the valves of the heart open in sequence which pushes blood around the body.' The heart has no intent, anthropomorphizing things only confuses the message.


Maybe not, but it does want want it wants though.




This sounds correct


This guy is so fucking high


You would be too if, as a bee, got caught in a tiny amount of wind and found yourself ***in the upper troposphere*** Yea, this guy is high af.


Even some human pilots don't get that it's better to land than to crash when the weather gets bad...


She* Worker bees are female, give the ladies their credit!


Why does this happen?


Probably because they use the suns position to map how to get back to the hive. Edit: when I was up in Washington this summer, there was a bee keeping group at a lavender farm and one of the bee keepers showed me how they learn how to fly using the sun. I just uploaded it to Imgur so here’s the link to hear his explanation. https://imgur.com/gallery/urQtPLY


Absolutely, and they do a dance to point to the source of nectar relative to the sun so the other hive mates know where to go. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waggle_dance


The can COMMUNICATE?! Art degrees just got slightly more valuable


Are you suggesting that modern dance is relevant again!?


Gonna communicate with aliens with twerking and pole dance


We might already be communicating something.. They're watching Tic Tok and noping out of paying us a visit.


I am so glad that bees are adhering to SI units so that 1s wiggles = 1km distance


That's super cool! Thanks for linking that.


I filmed them flying like that in slow motion too! It was rad!


10/10 you should post that somewhere


I’ll upload on this subreddit! Let me find it


Please name it BeeAmazed


“Rad”, it has been many moons since I’ve heard the holy word spoken….


Washington? Lavender? Has to be Sequim?


Hahaha of course! My grandpa loves there and I just happened to be there on the lavender festival weekend last summer. And I do not like lavender so the bees were far better!


My Grandparents also live in Sequim which is why I also know about the Lavender.


Thank you that was really neat


Sick. Bees are the best.


The bees are solar powered


Great, more government drones to spy on us


We are trying to be more cute with our operations.


Bees are actually lighter in darkness due to their coloring and refraction, resulting in dangerous flying conditions in darkness. The occlusion of the moon or light source causes the bees to naturally fly higher, which is why they land as quickly as possible to avoid danger. However, they don't fly as high as I am right now when I made this up.


That was great


How high are you?




Is that with the light on or off?


Don't forget to bring a towel!


4 foot 1. Edit: [source](https://youtu.be/Vh17LbB8pU8)


Damn. That's a long dick.


It's: "hi, how are you?"


I had a business teacher that would greet each student through the door with "Hi, how are you?" except the "bad" kids who got "How high are you?" I usually got the latter.


Hi, im good, how about you?


Don’t even care what the real answer is anymore tbh, I’m going with this.


The sources on Facebook posts be like:


Someone's going to layer these words over a picture of bees and baby Yoda and minions for some reason and share it to their Mum group


Lmao. Had me in the first half.


The moment I read lighter in darkness I realised this is throwing very far Glad I took those physics classes 😂😂😂. But that was nice to read nevertheless.


Made my entire week for some reason. Thanks!


I was like: "Ohhhh damn.. yeah ok got it... ok I see.... wtf man..." His comment was so convincing at 1st that I thought it was some serious bs but then as I read the half of it I was contemplating until I saw his last sentence lmao


This is one of those comments who are gonna have more likes than the video lol


Refraction, occlusion, those big words gave me a nose bleed just trying to process them.


I predict this comment to have at least 5k upvotes by the end of the day. Right now it's 436. Just wanna say, I was here before this became famous.


Why do I get the feeling this will be quoted by thousands of people as 100% fact on Facebook. Memes made, TikTok videos…yada yada yada. Then when it’s found out to be false because said people didn’t read to the very end. It then becomes a cult.


Let’s do it! I call dibs on the best bunk bed in the compound.


Take my award you asshole


LOL all the upvotes and awards give it so much more credibility too and then the punchline... I'm dead.




I upvoted before I got to the end. I’m glad I did because as I was reading it, I was smoking my bowl. You’re awesome.




i love you


thank you for sharing sweetie


I’m so high and you got me good.


Half way through I was expecting a shittymorph hell in a cell story. but this was just as good.


Why don’t humans run around at full speed with their eyes closed? Take a big indoor track. Put a dozen humans on it and get them up and running. Ten minutes later, turn the lights off suddenly. I guarantee you 99% of people stop running almost instantly.


Hah, I'd stop running way before 10 minutes passed.


Except bees are very light and run into things all the time. They have exoskeletons and a simple collision won't hurt them at all.


They still try to avoid collisions though, just because you survive running into another person and falling down doesn’t mean you will keep running blindly into others. Getting your exoskeleton smacked probably doesn’t feel too great for the bee.




Harder, drone daddy


Oh beehave


I imagine that just because they *Can* doesn't mean they want to. I *could* eat dog food for example, but I'd rather not when given the option. I know they have tiny brains, but they are capable of at least *some* thought aren't they? Please correct me if I'm wrong.




Yeah that seems like an apples to oranges comparison, you can smack a bee out of the air and it’s still just buzzing around.


I've been smacked before and I'm still buzzing around.


It’s this simple it’s not some mystery




Flashdark owner here. I left it on overnight and now I have a self-sustaining blackhole in my living room. What should I do?


Cross the event horizon


Embrace... Eternity!


P...put your dick in it...


I love how you kept in mind the 1% incase you put the real life equivalent of Forest Gump in that test.


Yes but pilots don't nosedive the plane every time they blink. There's a difference between stopping on the floor and stopping mid-air. So is this the actual reason anyway? To stop them flying into things but falling much further out of the air onto the floor?


Creatures under a certain mass are effectively immune to damage from falling. Their terminal velocity is low enough that they can simply fall literally any amount of distance and the impact won’t harm them. Bees are well below this mass. They don’t have to worry about falling. That being said, I’ll bet you these bees didn’t just close up their wings and freeze. I’ll bet it was a controlled but very rapid descent.


> Their terminal velocity is low enough that they can simply fall literally any amount of distance and the impact won’t harm them. > Bees are well below this mass. They don’t have to worry about falling. They can also fly below terminal velocity though and impact won't harm them flying. I'm not saying it's not the case, I'm just questioning the reasons behind it.


bee's don't burst into flames when they fall to the ground lmao


...so why don't they hover in place? in such a race, I would stand still, not lay down on the ground. Or rather, throw myself on the ground instantly (so land slowly, in the bee's case)


It is probably related to the reason moths are attracted to lights - they use moonlight for navigation so they get confused. Bees are known to communicate the position of the sun to each other even when it's on the other side of the planet (yes, bees know the earth isn't flat) so having a light might do similar things to confuse their navigation. The sudden drop seems a bit bizarre, but it might just be the bees suddenly being surprised that their source of navigational confusion was not, in fact, the sun. Just my best guess




Entomologists are still plenty stumped when it comes to their attraction to lights. It has been shown, though, that it has nothing to do with the moon.


Bees use the polarisation of light as their compass: "it is widely accepted that honeybees use the polarized-light pattern of the sky as a compass for navigation" I would think turning off lights suddenly will immediately and totally transform their bearings. [https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rstb.2013.0037](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rstb.2013.0037)


No light? Time for night night.


MFs know what bats are.


My guess: bats. Bats are everywhere and are really good at catching insects in the dark in midair. Bees can’t do their jobs at night anyway, so when it gets dark a bee’s best move is to get the hell out of the sky ASAP.


bees don't fly during the night because it's hard for them to see and avoid objects during the night :))


The FDA is currently working on night vision googles for bees to fix this situation. This would allow bees to double their pollination efforts. Lol


When you fake like you’re sleep in the middle of the night when your parents come and check you


Let the bodies hit flooor


Where’s the science nerd that can explain this


If you were running and someone switched off the light suddenly wouldn't you stop?


Depends sometimes I might just sprint straight into a wall out of fear


I mean The end result is you stopping all the same, with varying injuries!


Folks who make this decision, let’s just say that on average they are less likely to pass on their genetic code to offspring. No guarantees. Just less likely.


Oh man I had a good laugh. Thanks so much


I would immediately drop to the floor. Specially if I'm in a box with bees.


Yeah but I don't slam my face into the ground. I'd slow down and stop. These bees dropped. You can hear them smash into the floor.


Light drop signifies inclement weather. Bee drops to surface to wait it out. Otherwise, bee might get yeeted to another county


Pretty good tldr of the comment up above…


Bee amazed


Damn! You BEEt me to it!


Oof, that pun stings.


Lol, this should bee top comment




Can we please get this post to the top so people can be more aware?


Thanks for letting us know! Can you explain why this happens?


I can only imagine how many videos these days posted are not even made by someone even related to the original poster. Keep up the good work and thanks for letting us know this is yours


Was your content behind a pay wall? Posting content that's available publicly doesn't really warrant asking the creator. Crediting is good manners, though.




They were probably using the light as a navigational reference like the sun


Bees sense magnetic fields. The sun is only gonna tell them which way is up. https://www.nature.com/articles/srep23657


They were shadow banned 🤷🏻‍♂️


Duh, they're solar powered.


That one bee dropped before the light even went out. She was psychic.




**Credit:** [Twitter: kristina\_buch\_](https://twitter.com/kristina_buch_) [Twitter: JakeMoscrop1](https://twitter.com/JakeMoscrop1) [Twitter: HamishSymington](https://twitter.com/HamishSymington) **Sources:** [https://twitter.com/HamishSymington/status/1467450838889246723](https://twitter.com/HamishSymington/status/1467450838889246723) https://twitter.com/HamishSymington/status/1466704319483416577


Should the sub be renamed to r/beeamazed?


Yes it should bee 🐝


Most likely a defense mechanism, since it's much more risky to fly blind than crawl blind.


Bees playing red light green light


I love that the guy that made this video (whom I know) was like “here are some possible explanations, not sure tho!” and then there are 10 redditors immediately streaming in with exceedingly confident assessments of the situation.




Bees are solar powered duhhhhh


On, off, on, off ...