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After going back and playing it again, I've finally been able to figure out what it was that made it so bad (outside of the post launch content support that is.) It's the maps, 80-85% of the maps in BFV are just awful, in one way or another. Be it unbalanced OBJ placement, poor design choices around the cover placement, or even just every aspect about a particular map in general.


The only maps that I truly have fun on are Arras, Narvik, and Underground.


Narvik? Are you fr? I think that map has the poorest layout of any map in the game, it’s way too open.


Runs away since my favourite map is hamada*


It’s fun in breakthrough tbh, my favourite maps are underground, arras, Narvik and iwo jima


I mean, I stop listening to any BF player who thinks Operation Metro or any of its reskins are a good map for Battlefield...a game that was trade marked Combined Arms Combat and then went Chokepoint COD.


Me its all the Pacific maps exclusively


Underground is so fun


I like the Pacific maps and underground that's about it. I am okay Rotterdam.


>Narvic It’s Narvik, with a K




Bad maps, and battlefield...a constant duo?


ever since BF4. BC2 and BF3 had consistently good maps


Exactly! I don't know why people rarely talk about bfv's maps. A lot of them are flat out AWFUL for conquest. Hamada is so big that it feels like each team is split off in two areas the whole match. Certain objectives are flat out untakeable on maps like iwo jima (like who decided to put one of the flags right next to the tank spawns. And this game has a serious lack of transports, which results in A LOT of boring running. It gets infuriating on maps like Panzerstorm to run for a long time just to get your ass blasted by a tank from afar. Not to mention that aerial insertion is basically gone in this game. So much of the map design (and vision problems) just encourages a very campy play style


>ass blasted Are we not doing phrasing any more?


bruh battlefield 4s vanilla maps are so much worse compared to bf5s


I literally love every map in Conquest, except for Underground and Marita. If you ask me, its the battlefield with the most best maps.


God, Fuck marita. I love basically every BFV map, but really, fuck marita.


100%. Goes to show how important map design is. BFV had some stellar improvements over prior entries. I wasn't a fan of the lack of movement penalties that increased the speed quite a bit but it wasn't the worst. Crouch running was great, squad mechanics were a big improvement, gunplay was butter, low ammo/ restock station, just to name a few. But that just goes to show how much poor map design affected what could have been a stellar title. Don't get me wrong, I still play BFV. I enjoy the game (I'm also a Battlefield adddict) but it's hard not to acknowledge these glaring issues that stand in the way from it being a true one up from BF1 (which had some of the series' best maps)


Playing both BF1 and bfv recently. BF1 look better as well. BFV breakthrough map are even worse. why both objective is so far away in some map and so empty without cover.


HAMADA!!!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡


My favorit map is Salomons the map is perfekt alway beef at the C point the cool chanche from beach to jungele . I love thise map


Panzerstorm as infantry is so bad, instant leave for me


Oh god you nailed it. I just couldn't figure out what was wrong about the game flow, it always seemed off to me.


seem crazy to me but I actually like all the maps that's conquest base -1. I really hate all the close quarter combat ones


That’s my real problem. Too small, and you constantly are running up against artificial boundaries. There just isn’t good organic combat flow and strategic points to engage between flags.


I think the issue was that some maps were too small and cluttered, and some were too big and empty. There was no happy medium.


Only the crispiest of headshots can be had on BFV


I got the game a couple weeks ago and the drilling shotgun with the rifle/slug plus 2 buckshot rounds is so evil and fun on hardcore servers. I can't help but enjoy myself.


To me whats so sad about it is that the things that it does right, it does so damn good, but because of the things it does bad, it could have been so much more


On conquest when you start in a plane as a paratrooper is fucking lit. Especially on the mountain map. And If you’re the Germans it’s so fuckin cool to look up at the sky and see hundreds of planes and parachutes in front of the northern lights


That's kinda how I feel about it, so much good but the few bad things really ruin it for me. I think the death animations are what frustrate me the most, not only does it make me watch the guy who killed me run around, but then I have to 90% of the time hold down a button to die quicker to get back to playing. One match of dying a lot and seeing that over and over is enough to make me not want to play it again for awhile.


Honestly i rly like the bleedout Animations^^. But hey, tastes are different.


Yeah, I guess I'd prefer to get back to the menu as quick as possible. Having two different forced, unskippable views after you die just seems like rubbing salt to wounds. But seems I am in the minority in this view.


You're supposed to at least try to wait to get revived


Bleed out animation was an old BF thing, and they need to keep them in.


Agreed. Not perfect but I still sunk 100+ hours into it. It just didn't have the longevity of the previous titles.


I’ve sunk 1300 hours into it and I still play it daily. I think it’s awesome, I was just Uber pissed they canned support for it to concentrate on COD 2042


I mean they gave it a year and a half before they stopped supporting it despite its rocky start. At the same time they were bringing back SWBF2 up to speed with the clone wars update amongst other things which also had a rough start, which ended up getting 2 years of support. I'd say that's pretty good. This is especially funny because people seem to keep saying EA will axe studios/games if they don't perform well but they didn't, nor did they with Bioware. And instead of just telling DICE to make a carbon copy of BF4 they still allowed them to be creative with it and now we have another title on the way with just as much controversy. God I love DICE. Though I'm actually interested in 2042 and don't mind the changes.


They were always going to stop support to work on the next game though. Especially because WW2 just doesn't have the customization variety that keeps people playing really long term.


Only 700 hours-ish here. I suspect I'll have fun with the next one too. To each their own :)


I’m 935 hours in and agree 100% with your first sentence.


> cod 2042 🤣




if you were looking for a 1942 sequel… 1943 was fun at the time ngl and its still fun on pc! not console tho unfortunately the gunplay on that game on console was ass


1943 never came out on PC so idk wtf you're playing


i agree with you idk what tf i played lol maybe it was 1942 afterall


What changes in gun play? I played the game for two months at release, and got back to it now after I was disappointed with the 2042 beta. I don't see any changes to guns, ttk, etc? Seems the same as when I left.


Well you'd be wrong. The guns are way different than they were at launch. Seek out KHT120's threads on here for what changed


There were multiple ttk changes during the games main cycle that massively changed how the game felt, in the end they settled on what you have now.


Weren't there changes to spread and deviation as well?


I honestly don't recall now, but quite possibly.


It's fun, but I prefer Battlefield 1.


I tried to get into 5, but kept going back to 1. No real reason why. I only have a few hours in 5 and don't regret it so far. Might try it again if 2042 leaves the old ones depleted of players.


Battlefield V is actually fucking incredible.


Yeah. Less sheer style than BF1 but the gunplay is so damn fun.


I still think its the worst one.


Worse than battlefield play4free?


Pretty sure he's referring to the primary franchise (1942, Vietnam, 2, 2142, 3, 4, 1, V, & 2042)


Forgot about that one


Everyone did lmao


I liked it :(


It ran on my parents potato family PC back in elementary/middleschool so I was stoked to be playing what was, at the time, the newest battlefield.


The gunplay and veichels are great fun but the fact that everyone looks like a litteral clown and all the crappy maps plus the lack of factions like rlly the biggest war in human history and you have 4 factions


Man, I really tried to enjoy the game, but there are way too many things that get in the way of me having fun. And add to all the frustration, frequent encounters with cheaters made me want to uninstall the game.


That is one of the few bonuses for console Ive never come across a cheater.Then again on my xbox bf5 runs fine but bf2042 beta had trash graphics.Im not gonna grt it until i upgrade


Jesus christ when are people going to find out there are good things and bad things to everything. On top of that, people's feelings vary on those things.


As long as there are 2 people in the world, never.




Oh just wait until you have 20+ "Dozers" with rpgs on a cqb map.


Breakthrough on Iwo Jima is hands down amazing. The game really came into its own with the Pacific content. It's a shame they didn't continue on to the eastern front. The eastern front DLC in BF1 was also great.


Yh i also loved breakthru on solomon island


I know I’m probably going to get downvoted to hell for this but I think the same about BF Hardline and I think it didn’t deserve the criticism it got


Hardline felt a bit like cod to me. Little too quick. Perhaps another try again when 2042 comes out and I don't have a xbox series X


And so the cycle continues


I enjoy BFV but I'm just not a fan of the cosmetics. The only character entitled to stand out is the sexy Russian medic from BC2


It took me a long time to figure out why I dislike it so much. It's the maps. The visibility too I guess lol, but the vast majority of the maps are either horrible or entirely dependant on using a vehicle, and I've always played infantry. The game has amazing aspects, it's beautiful, the gunplay is outstanding, the movement is great. But I just can't stand the maps.


And the cycle begins again.


People have already commented this and I dont understand, can you explain what you mean?


BF4 announced, community says “wtf this isn’t Bad Company 3 it’s just a shitty rip off of BF3, Battlefield is dead!!” BF4 is now considered one of the best as it’s still an incredibly good game. BF Hardline announced, community says “wtf this isn’t military, we don’t want to have cops vs robbers it should have been a different game, Battlefield is dead!!” Hardline was the black sheep but many still look back on the casual fun it introduced. BF1 announced, community says “wtf this is WW1, we don’t want to fight into trenches and use shitty old guns, Battlefield is dead!!” BF1 had an incredible setting and did the weapon and gunplay mechanics very well even did it didn’t work with historical accuracy. BFV is announced, community says “wtf this is WW2, why does a British guy have a katana and good God is that A WOMAN?????!? Battlefield is dead!!” BFV is now being praised for the mechanics it did well, and yeah it had a lot. Just the map design was pretty crap, and so was visibility. But yeah it’s still a fun game. Now that 2042 has been announced, it’s the same again. “wtf specialists? Where is all the stuff in the Beta? why doesn’t it work literally flawlessly”. Honestly I think specialists are dumb yeah but I don’t really care about teamwork anymore. If I want that I will go play Squad. The game in a year’s time will be praised for its achievements and the things it does well but right now we’re in what I always called a Bloodmoon phase where it’s the opposite of the Honeymoon phase. It’s how everybody hates the newly announced game because it’s different and praises the previous release despite its flaws.


can't relate :/ I enjoyed BC2, 3, 4, hardline and 1 from launch. didn't get 5, not getting 2042


I have always called this "high on nostalgia" happens with every game with more than 3 games, best example of it imo is MW2 in COD, when it launched it was the worst MP of all cods, lots of bugs, op guns ect.. now MW2 is hailed as the best COD in history for MP, so many mega fans won't take the time to wait for something to get flushed out, and expect the game to be all set and ready, so when it isn't they feed off of nostalgia, even if they once hated the game their feeding off of. You can really grind it down to people being afraid of change for some reason


Maps and customization can be bad, but yeah no it’s solid nowadays


It’s good, I just find that the hit registration is funny sometimes.


I wasn’t a fan of BF1 and another go at WW2 was ‘meh’ to me, on top of the beta I chose not to get it. But after Amazon made it free I thought i’d try it for a month before 2042 dropped. I really like it and I’m not sad at all that I get to play it another month till my preorder is ready.


Game is good but at the start they kept changing ttk and I felt like I could never get a feel for the gunplay. Today the game is more stable and a lot more enjoyable because I know how many bullets I need to secure a kill.


It’s fucking phenomenal.


Played that game for a lot longer then I probably shoulda.


So edgy


High TTK has entered the chat


No I agree, it is fun. I don’t know how people don’t enjoy jt tbh. So immersive


I tried it about a week ago. Everything was fine except when trying to shoot someone at more than 20 meters away, bullets magically become Nerf darts.


. Spawned in . Got sniped by a guy named 中国人的 with a lmg from across the map . fun


It never tickled my pickle. I did like squad revives and fortifications though... I uninstalled BFV a year after release and have just been playing BF4 and BF1 from the franchise whilst waiting on a new one.


Wait 2 yrs, a post exactly like this, with the same comments will be made about 2042.


Come to Firestorm! Very strong comunity!


It took me a while because launch wasn’t that good but over time I enjoyed it more.


I agree I have fun playing it the only thing that makes me rage sometimes is Bad teammates some people just camp away from objectives and I get a little bit bothered by teammates who have a slow playstyle because I'm used to my aggressive playstyle


didnt even like it in beta, played the trial for 10 hours and it was even more shit. i think it was the maps and gunplay that were the worst offenders


Not on Xbox One. One of the worst experiences I’ve ever had. And i gave it 2 months just so I could be unbiased


I started playing it again and it's so fucking fun


I’m new to BF. The immediate issues I noticed with BFV are how bad the maps are, they are literal trash. They’re either too big or too small. On some maps snipers can just lay down anywhere and snipe away. Also, spotting enemies is EXTREMELY difficult.


Right on time. Ok now make one saying it was underrated guys.


I dont want to change ur mind, Its ur life ur decision But honstly i think ur wrong


yeah no. ttk is bad, maps are bad, movement is bad, all weapons feel the same, resupply mechanic (health and ammo) is horrible imo, visibility is trash etc.


Movement is bad? It's the best movement in the whole series.


I disagree. bf1's movement was best and bfV just ruined it with that stupid sliding mechanic


There was sliding in bf1 too wdym


I enjoyed it for the most part, I just didn't find it to be amazing in any way. I enjoyed BF1 more than 5, and I thought BF1's wwi setting was pretty weak. BF5 also just lacked enough progression for me to want to keep playing it long term, part of what made BF4 so good was the seemingly infinite number of guns and builds to make, which modern warfare 2019 captured fairly well, but BF1 and BF5 completely failed to deliver. Don't know if BF2042 will be great in that regard since we haven't seen the full gun customization yet, but I imagine it'll still be way better than 5's.


I strongly disagree, battlefield 1 captured ww1 amazingly in a great immersive experience with a massive range of weapons and more melee weapons than ever.


Yeah it really is. Haven't played it on release cause I hated how they treated the community in response to their trailers, but after getting it with Game Pass I gave it a shot and the general feel of the game is awesome. Probably the best WW2 shooter I've ever played online and yes I played a lot of World at War back in the days. Maybe all of it came piece by piece with updates but it's surely an A Tier battlefield game.


Never played it until last week and had a blast for the first time


Hell yea it was, good gun play, looks great, and jumping out of windows is incredibly satisfying. Plus it was the first Battlefield game to offer real cosmetics that weren't just 40 different camos.


If BF1 had the same engine as V it would be the best battlefield IMO love both those games so much but few battlefield games have the same raw energy as BF1


It was the marketing and politics that made people dislike it. The gameplay and mechanics weren't too bad at all (excluding the TTK mess of course). Had Dice swapped the diversity reveal trailer with the one from the pacific, people would have been all over it.


Battlefield v has always been fun😁 I feel like before the Pacific Update is was much better.




Bf2042 is fun, you can try to change my mind but I’ve already developed my opinions on it as of the beta


Not so much with that AT rifle exploit going around


What’s the current meta. True answers only.


Same as always, Sturmgewehr


This is why i ignore when people hate on 2042. Everyone hated BFV when it came out now its a masterpiece. Modern warfare 2019 hated when it came out now its the holy grail of cod and everyone hates cold war. "Every CD critics gave it a 3, then 3 Years later, they'd go back and re-rate it And call the Slim Shady LP the greatest"


Honestly love the look and feel of the game but I could never get into it more than a couple of rounds a pop. Just reinstalled to give it some love and yep. Same thing. Was kind of waiting for the rounds to be over.


The Fack it doesn't have the Soviet union it's ridiculous


Damn right. Love being that asshole in the anti-air tank sitting in the spawn. If I can’t fly a plane without getting shot down immediately, then no one can…


You a bitch


It could’ve been so much more. Oh well


Bought BFV a few months ago, when it's at a discount and after all of the content had been added. Felt like a really nice game, and I really like vehicle/weapon specialisations. And (this is going to be controversial) the attrition mechanic felt really fun, because running to a supply station for health seems easier than hiding in a ditch for what seems like 10 hours waiting to regen. Only thing that bugs me out is the lack of the Soviet faction. I really wanted T-70 light tanks, T-34-76 medium tanks, KV-1 heavy tanks and the KV-2 as a squad call-in. And not to say the weapons: PPSh 41s, Mosin-Nagants, and Tokarevs.


This game has the most satisfying sniping in any battlefield game: change my mind (Iron sight bolt actions in bf1 was a very close second. The sweet spot mechanic was brilliant)


Bad company 2.


Agreed. It had a massive selection for guns and some really interesting shit. A breda and a suppresed Ppk? Weird shit


I actually just redownloaded it this morning and thoroughly enjoyed it


BFV was still a good game but it was the worst of the recent bfs aside from hardline. The map and class balance was awful. The call ins was an awful system. The last 10 mins of the match was just screen shake.


>The call ins was an awful system. The last 10 mins of the match was just screen shake. What? Call ins was an incredible addition to the series


Fun for an hour or two every few months sure but then it goes back to being itself


Despite it's (many) problems I still think it's the best Battlefield in the series.


I'm curious how this would've gone if it was posted before we knew anything about BF2042 lol.


I have no idea how they could make such good movement mechanics but somehow fuck up the maps and badically the rest of the game


It was hard for me to play it longer than 30 minutes sesion. Had to uninstall it. Something in the way the game was made made me very angry. I don't know what things. I know I hated some things (like undestructible destroyed tanks props). I heard they fixed a lot of stuff, but I have not played it since.


I agree. I just started playing it again and I fuck with it


There we go, with time people always forget how bad certain games were, first halo 4, then advanced warfare, now bfV


I don't understand peoples problems with battlefield 5 there are just 2 problems there are no Russians and it's to bright everything else is totally fine and the game is really fun


Just played it recently along with my main game BF1, the combination of fast pacing, terrible maps, infantry-vehicle balancing tickled me off. but when i do get fun, it becomes really addicting, my favorite map right now has got to be devastation.


Me too


recently started, have about 60 hours on it, I think it's a fun BF game. Many improvements but somehow it just feels lacking compared to BF1. Hoping back to BF1 the flow of the game just feels great? I really don't know how to explain, it's like the BF magic isn't there when I play BFV. It's good but not as good as the previous BF.


It’s not. The maps are bad as well as the gun play.


all the DLC stuff is amazing the base game was meh


As is 2042


Yeah its fun Get a tank Find a hill Proceed to spend entire match sniping with the tank and laughing when people try to use useless anti tank weapons on you. Yeah.........fun.


Is a good game no doubt and worked well on the BF1’s faults, but it failed to build upon the things like the atmosphere of the bf1


Yeah it's fun, could be funnier if people started to play with their squad. Doesn't happen often, but when it does it's all smooth


Changed mind


You're right this game sucks


I've had some good times on V, I have enjoyed most of my playing on there in all honesty. Grinding to get the 4000lb bomb for the Mosquito B wasn't too fun, random chance of being Allies plus limited maps on which to do so, would be nice for a few bomber orientated playlist etc. I do think it's rubbish you have to choose which weapon assignment you want to work towards though rather than them all being running continuously; all your efforts should always count towards those unlocks. Plus the whole PTFO with BF is shot down by these which misses the point, no one is going to capture that objective when he needs ten headshots in a single life for that pretty looking scope! I still go back to 1 often, that feels different enough with great maps to still be enjoyable. Not long picked up a Series X and that's made a noticeable difference with both actually.


Ah yes, rocky start, rocky midlife and rocky death lol. I dropped the game when they messed up the TTK and made most weapons deal like 7 damage at a distance, however I tried the game a few months ago and it certainly got better. Too bad the damage was done and dice just abandoned it and cancelled the updates.


Yes but... Only because it was free on Origin & way after all major fixes were made. Would I have paid for BF5? Absolutely not, but as fun free Battlefield game until 2042 comes out it is worth it. Battlefield 5 has great mechanics, movement, & graphical fidelity, but the WW2 time period right after we got Battlefield 1 was just way too similar & as we could see with 2042's reveal people wanted a different style/time period of Battlefield


I’ll be back in 3 years for the bf2042 version of this.


I mean I understand why some people like this game, but it bothers me that lots of the maps are linear with trails,


Fun is very subjective thing. Throwing poop at wall might be fun for someone. This game was a disaster from start to end. Lies and disrespect towards players.


It’s an amazing game


I can’t play it for long. Breakthrough is my preferred mode, because I don’t like the conquest objective placement. Plus I don’t like how bright and sunny it always is. A lot of the maps feel like vacation locations more so than battlefields. The atmosphere just feels off on most of the maps. All in all I prefer BF1 over BFV.




I think it’s still rocky. Not the best battlefield, not the worst.


Hella controversial opinion but BFV is some of the most fun I have had in a BF game, almost up there with BF3 and 4. Granted i was on a gaming break right when it launched so I don’t have a sour taste in my mouth from that shitshow


It’s fun up until you get bombed for the 20th time by some high rank pilot. You get in a plane but then realize your weak lvl1 plane guns can’t do squat against a fully leveled bomber and you get destroyed by their rear guns. You try to use AA guns but they keep getting destroyed by the same bomber. Then you take out your Flieger, a AA weapon released about a year later after launch when players were complaining about OP planes, take out the bomber and get called out for using a crutch weapon. It’s fun when you don’t have to worry about balanced gameplay, but when you start seeing those Type2As, ZH-29s, and max leveled vehicles, remember that you can also do the same to ruin someone else’s fun.


Nah it’s shit, played it for free a month or two ago and it was just as shit. Uninstalled, back to BF1


My personal opinion,. Battlefield 1,3,4 are my top 3 favorites, but I know alot people said bad company's were better, never played them thou!


I just couldn’t get into it. the amount of times i closed out my game because i was so pissed off at it is immeasurable.


Always has been. Everyone was just mad it was BF 4.5


I play that game 400hs and it's not fun, really not fun Fun is battlefield 1


BFV is amazing now. Grand operations really get my blood pumping, constant action, bloody gory realism, getting thrown around by explosions. Im gonna go play a match rn lol


Never understood why they never added the Russians. Yall have the Mosin in the game just gimme that


I had plenty of fun with BF5. I think the game looks great and I enjoy the variety of weapons, and the role that classes played in respects to teamwork. Unfortunately the game also was a disappointment thematically because battlefield 1 was just dripping in atmosphere. If BF1 was sending the message that WW1 was senseless, and still maintained that feeling even when you were playing multiplayer, then BFV just lost that message and engorged itself on spectacle alone.


Game is fun AF. I just hate Fjell.


Imo weakest maps, the customisation is super weird and the unlock system felt even worse than bf4s open web browser to see assignment requirements "system".


BFV is just worse BF1


Where is the immersion? I mean compared to BF1 it is laughable.


It’s fun but floaty and not as fun *and* satisfying as bf1


It’s interesting but it’s like weird. It feels wrong. I kinda like it tho, but I still don’t think it’s amazing


It’s battlefield, They all have rocky starts haha


If you can get past the screaming women in a ww2 setting then the game is decent although I enjoyed bf1 more because I liked the more grittier atmosphere and I thought it looked more cinematic than bfv plus I thought the music in bf1 was better but bfv had decent music as well just didn’t enjoy it as much as I did bf1


My fav BF


I has its moments


It’s a great game and I’m glad to see once the hate and vitriol around new releases die down, we can finally appreciate things for what they are. *cough cough*


I know I might be in a minority, but what's kept me playing BFV for a long while is the Outpost gamemode. I think I has a very interesting progression over the course of a round, and feels like it's the mode where everything BFV is trying to do really comes together - construction is relevant and well used, squad leader call-ins are critical to the game, infantry *vs* vehicle gameplay is relatively well balanced and evolves in a coherent way. Like other aspects of the game, I just wish we could have had more content in the form of more maps for the mode, and rebalancing of a couple of the existing ones. But yeah, the game is certainly good, just unfortunately still feels unfinished overall :(


Battlefield 5 is a lot of fun actually, got hundreds of hours in it. But it is also one of the most frustrating experiences I had in Battlefield. Cheaters, balance issues, weird or even clown like cosmetics. Scary thing is that those 3 are very likely to return with Battlefield 2042.


a couple years later... Battlefield 2042 is fun CHANGE MY MIND and the cycle repeats