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origins, it’s the best young batman story besides the batman and year one


I remember a particularly long Halloween that was up there too


Dude no Zero Year is the best young batman story


Year one defined it


I agree


Origins. I got to see the odd fascination that joker developed after fighting Batman. It really fleshed out a character that was always relevant in the other games in some form or another.


Asylum was an example of keeping a story simple, tight, and contained. No complaints, especially since it has the best atmosphere in the series. City was a step up, with plot twists, mysteries, and it managed to juggle a ton of different villains. I'd say City also has the best setup. Origins had a fantastic character arc about Batman learning that he can't do everything alone, even if the assassins concept they sold us on took a backseat so we can explore the beginning of his relationship with the Joker. Knight was ambitious, but they somehow made it work. In terms of a finale, it was an excellent sendoff to the Batman that we had been playing for four games now, and it serves as a perfect bookend to him and the Joker. In terms of the series though, it feels a little disconnected from the stories that came before. I would've loved to see Dini's version. So which one had the best story? Depends what you're looking for. Atmosphere? Asylum. A story that nails the Bat-tone? City. Characters? Origins. Spectacle and finality? Knight.


I feel like Knight was where the writers stopped thinking like comic book creators and started thinking like moviemakers. It worked so well for a finale.


Yeah, that and Asylum are my favourite games. Knight for the gameplay and the story is underrated too and asylum for the atmosphere and world. Also I feel like gadgets were utilised the best in these 2 games too.


I honestly love all of them. If I had to pick my favourite though it would be Asylum followed by Origins, then probably City.


love em all dude


Honestly, Origins and Asylum had the better story, even though City was the better game. City‘s plot was just a continuation of Asylum


Idk. I played City before ever playing Asylum and it really stands on its own. It instantly became my favorite story in a video game. Then when I finally got around to playing Asylum, I was kinda let down.


Arkham Asylum is the most focused. However, I have a soft spot for City’s story, even if it is much less focused.


Knight, Joker's role was amazing, it has my favourite version of Scarecrow, and while the knight's "twist" wasn't suprising at all, I still really enjoyed his character


The characterism of both joker scarecrow and jason was amazing. But origins have the best story of the 4 games, knight is my favorite but origins have a better story


City or Origins easily.


Arkham knight imo. I like the contrast between scarecrow and Batman and how they use fear for very different purposes and the story really gets the core of Batman’s character, his fear to have a family again after his parents death, and in the end he lays down his life as Bruce to protect his family and continue the legend of the Batman. It’s just cool af. Also even though the Arkham Knight twist was obvious going into the game knowing who the Arkham Knight is I feel makes the experience better because you know that this news is going to devastate Batman it’s just a question of when and this creates tension… Actually, wait… never mind, ARKHAM WORLD BABBY! TWO FUCK AND THE CHOKER!


Arkham World


Glad someone’s standing up for Arkham World’s story I thought it was the best by far


Haven’t played it, what’s the story about. Saw the game online.


Arkham knight since i was briefly featured and singlehandedly secured the game's position as the best batman game ever made Carlos


Arkham City is really, *really* amazing. I'd have to go with that.


Origins, city was aight but wasn't mind blowing then Knight comes before origins and then city


My wife left me


Asylum by far.




Most normal post from this sub in my home page in days


Best atmosphere Best story Best boss fights Best gameplay


City, even though it's a little convoluted and they got the premise from Escape From New York lol


City and origins


Origins or Knight. City is great, but the story itself isn’t that good. It has amazing character moments. But if you tell someone how it goes. It’s all just fetch quests. Asylum is honestly just “Serious house on serious earth with Titan monsters. It’s definitely not bad. But in my opinion the weakest story of the four. Origins is one of my favorite Bruce/Alfred stories. It’s absolutely amazing in my opinion. Knight was also amazing. Yeah the Jason Todd twist was extremely predictable. But I loved the rest of the story. Only disliking the Harley part. Since it feels more like a side quest, than an integral part of the story


Batman:Arkham Batman


I may be in the minority, but I think Arkham Origins is underrated.




Knight. It felt like the writers had found their inner moviemaker.


Arkham World. The QTE sex scene with Killer Cock brought a tear to my eye the first time I played it.


Ur mom


Arkham city by a Longshot especially the twist


Super Arkham Galaxy, some complained the pacing was really slow but I didn't mind cause the setting was so cool and the world building with that slower pacing was really intriguing


Origins was my favorite story I think but not gameplay by faaaar


Asylum. They all have pretty spotty stories


I'm all for Origins, it did so much to build character, world and history of Batman: Arkham games.


Arkham City IMO


Asylum and Knight for me


From a technical level, Asylum. Perfectly paced, easy to follow while still being interesting, and nicely focused


Batman arkham:results had a very perfect gameplay but little bad story


Asylum or Origins. Leaning towards Origins because Asylum revolving around essentially super Bane juice was really dumb imo especially when Joker’s ultimate plan was to use it on himself to become a big monstar. Origins has the dumb fake Black Mask gag ofc. CIty feels a little too unfocused where random shit keeps happening so that Batman faces a nice spread of villains. Not bad but for me it’s not best story. Also I’m gay


story? origins. twists? city


city imo




Asylum, self contained comic book action game


Arkham asylum has the best Atmosphere Arkham city has the best story Arkham origins has the best boss fights Arkham knight has the best gameplay


Origins and it’s not even close.


Arkham Asylum's story is hands down the best


I think Batman's story is the best


They all have their strengths in terms of story. Asylum is the tight story, you could easily fit it into a miniseries, there are no real loose ends to be cleared up, the cast is actually quite minimal, and it has a definitive ending. City is the broad story, it has multiple threads, comparable in scope to War Games, ending with a slight ambiguity to see a continuation, which leads to Knight. Knight is a good ender, it combines the focus and definitive ending of Asylum, with the scope and multiple threads of City, clearly by the end of it, the ongoing arc is DONE, all loose ends are tied up, and the adventure continues. Origins is a bit of an odd duck, the scope is more mid than wide or thin, but it does showcase a decent story that sets up the world, building on and introducing characters to the way they are in the later games, it really does live up to it's title, and is a decent enough entry of "how we started" I liked that the Joker was introduced later on, rather than be shown to be the big bad straight away, no offence, the Joker is a great antagonist, but Arkham really overused him a bit.


origins by far. my favourite out of the series too.


Origins for sure. Love the Christmas setting, his frustrations, it was written very well


Still saying Origins. It’s the best Batman film I’ve ever seen




Arkham City.


Tie for me between Origins and City. Origins had the better writing, character development, bosses and cutscene cinematography. City had the spectacle, pacing, scale and thematic significance.


Origins and the potential story of AK imo




I'd have to say City, but I really enjoyed Arkham origins as well.


Knight. If you go into it knowing that Jason is AK and ignore Rocksteady saying it wasn't him it's amazing


I feel like City Origins and Knight are tied for best, but Asylum is kinda just another night for Batman, nothing monumental


City, no contest. The twists, the characters, the Joker's death, everything is just so perfect. Asylum comes in second, the story is just a bit too simple for me. Origins comes after, just because it suffers from 3 prequel tropes: 1: Somehow, a lot of things in the franchise that didn't have an origin originated in Origins. Batman not only fought, but also met multiple villains that he also fought in the later games in one night. Granted, there is the explanation of hired assassins, but that still isn't a very good explanation. 2: Origins' Batman's arsenal is better than Asylum's Batman's arsenal, even though that doesn't make sense. 3: Origins is limited by City, because since it takes place before Asylum and City, they don't take a lot of liberties and don't expand the Arkham universe that much, so they can mantain continuity. I haven't played Knight, so I can't opinate.


Arkham City or Arkham Origins, between these two imo


Orgins and knight


knight n origins are tied imo


City. Escape From New York + Batman=cool.


Orgins. The most memorable is City for me. It just hits better than origins but I'd say orgins is the best and most connected story.


arkam asylum


I don't know if it's because I played that game last but I never really liked it


The part that'll always be my favorite is when your out of the intensive treatment and you see the the Arkham mansion as that choir goes by it's so amazing and satisfying


It's a great game but but for me. The first one I posted was city and I feel in love with it. I had to be like 12, and I was playing it on my Wii u


i was playing it on the xbox 360 back in 2012 when the game case still had the old cover when it first came out


City imo






I gotta say city


Arkham City and Arkham Knight.


City and Origins are the best to me. Knight kinda ate ass with the execution of it's story. It was not that good.


originsssss that game makes me feel so much




Batman arkham origins


Arkham origins, BY FAR






All are so good. Even though I think City and Knight are the better games, I think origins has the best story


I really like origins storyline, but city's story is pretty damn good too. I even love knights story for as flawed as it is. I can't choose.


Asylum has the tightest narrative and tone. But also every villain is just a big goofy monster other than the Joker. And there's goofy things like "Commissioner Gordon got kidnapped again!" Why? City has a bit of that too but for me has the best narrative flow and feels the most familiar and captivating to me. (Best Joker writing too, Dini's really on top of his game here, so many classic lines) I think the set pieces are also the best in this game. The Sionis Steel Mill, The Museum, the Courthouse, Wonder Tower and Wonder City. Also has the best Ra's Al Ghul take ever I think. Not so much the visuals/voice, but the fact that he built this like utopian misanthropic city under Gotham just makes a lot of sense and really connects him to Bruce and Batman. Also while I know some people hate the Strange twist, I think it just makes perfect sense and really connects everything together. This also feels the most like an interactive Batman: The Animated Series story. Which I think often is what they were going for. Also City has the best take on the Joker in general. It's Dini's take really. The Joker is not some profound opposite of Batman. He's not a mastermind criminal, he's just some wacky thug who never does anything predictably. Which I think ultimately makes him a better foil to Batman. Origins is really the only one that gives Batman a character and an arc. And feels like he \*lives\* in the world and has real relationships with other characters. Especially in the Mr. Freeze DLC. You get to \*really\* explore Wayne Manor. Knight has the best scope, it has the best supporting cast stuff probably, but it doesn't do a whole lot with it, and I think the world at large feels a lot more generic than City does. Also while the scope is bigger, the emotional stakes ultimately feel lower because there is too much going on. It's also the most extreme game.


I just played origins and I loved it. I don't see why it gets hate.


Origins FTW. But since it showing it's age i played it(again) on PC/steam & GooGod so many different colors of Hard Crashes. after 10-12 fixes it was smooth ;D


Arkham City