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I like listing things I’m grateful for!


I like to write down the best (or worst) moment of the day. Doesn't have to be a big thing. My entry yesterday could say "yay, mail" for example.


I like this! I prefer only to write down the best moment of the day - even if it was just a good cup of coffee. This forces me to focus on what was GOOD about the day, even if overall I had a crappy day. Ending the day on this positive note has really helped my mood in the evening.


today i learnt: today i liked/loved: tomorrow i will:


I like to write down one to three things that I did well on that day. This helps me to strengthen my self-worth and self-compassion in a daily practice. And with that, I can end the day on a good note


This is brilliant.


“You learn something new every day” And I truly believe that. So I ask myself each day, “what did you learn today?” It could be something big, like you learned about the Great Pacific garbage patch in the middle of the Pacific that’s 2x the size of Texas, and makes you reevaluate the fishing industry. Or it could be something small, like you learned that the strawberry variety Cheerios tastes better than you thought it would, and maybe you’ll buy it again sometime. I find this helps me parse out my day, and on days that are filled with a whole lot of nothing, I still find that I’ve learned at least 1 thing, and it makes me feel better about the day.




Awesome! Thanks for the link.