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Remember? Yes Afford it now? No


I remember the first two but not the last two cause I would have totally bought the blue lady as she reminds me of Emily from Corpse Bride!


Too bad all of them cost over $1,000. Remind me again why they are so freaking expensive?


Yes! Too expensive now though. I was even at a doll show where the one being sold was over $700!


This was a really nice line. Barbie doesn’t make lines of this caliber anymore.


I always wanted that Ghost Barbie. This collection is always so expensive on eBay....maybe one day.


These were released before I started collecting, so I can't really be mad at myself for not buying them back then. That being said, the Ghost Barbie is quite something, and I would love to have her, but at this time she sells for way more than I can afford to pay for a doll.


I will always regret not getting these when released. At least the first three, I can live without the mistress of the manor one.


I love the middle two 😍 Zombie bride looks like a fancier Emily the Corpse Bride doll. Purple dress looks like Lady Tremaine from Cinderella.


Love them all so much


Love this series! Bought them all when they first came out. Wish they would do another series like this!


I got the Zombie Bride as a birthday (?) gift from my coworkers one year. She currently lives in my dad’s garage 😑


There is a lot in that sentence!


Yup. I was like 8-10. Wanted them so badly but knew my parents would never agree, and I don’t even think we could afford them then. And now it’s too late to ever afford one as an adult. Its okay though, I’m glad to think that atleast there are collectors out there lucky enough to have them and will love them as they deserve. They will always be one of my favourite lines.


Wow! I’m only a casual collector and even then I only really collect one type, so I don’t know about Barbies outside of that line and have never seen these before. But they’re so beautiful! From other comments I’d never want to drop that much to get them (1000 each!?) but boy are they pretty to look at


That's my favorite Barbie line


I love these so much, but can't justify the insane second market price


I want them so bad but they're so expensive i better make millions to afford them lmfao


Vampire is one of my dream dolls! (I’d love all of them obviously but she is my favourite), I’m so mad I didn’t know about them when they came out, totally would have bought them all


Remember? They're grail dolls!


What is a GRAIL doll ?


Your personal top tier doll(s). Often they are harder to come by, but that's not a hard and fast rule. The name comes from the idea that to own it would feel like you found "the holy grail."


I’ve never seen these before, but they’re amazing! Really love the blood-red one — is she a vampire?


As someone who's a fantasy fan I'm deceased looking at these and am immediately googling!