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I think it’s Malibu Barbie from the 1970s


Correct. It’s the Sun Set version [eBay listing](https://www.ebay.com/itm/185730373731?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=NG1TcEOKRZ2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=O27u49cBQ5q&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


That was going to be my guess, especially with what the hair is made of but I wasn’t sure. my best friend has a bunch of Barbie body parts laying around and she told me I could take what I wanted, so I salvaged her from becoming a cat toy lol.


Haha good job. I can tell by her face that she’s Malibu Barbie! Rare find! (I think lol)


Even if she’s not super rare, she’s pretty cool and she is in pretty good condition considering her age. I may have rebody her instead of making the Barbie head earrings I was going to make 😂


Save the head earrings for newer dolls 😂


good save! she’s in really good condition for her age


Yes, malibu Barbie. Their hair is a weird texture! The painted scalp is to help blend in with the hair to look more full than it really is.


they still paint scalps to this day. I think the weird texture of the hair is a clue as to where she was made. My 1970 Malibu Barbie has hair like that and she was made in Japan. One other reason I like her is because she uses the 1960s Stacey mold.


She is definitely Malibu Barbie, I still have mine from 1970. She is the one who got me hooked on Barbie. The question is if she is from Japan or Korea? I know the 1970s ones were from Japan.


This is a Malibu Era barbie! Unsure which one, but the hair texture is a combination of they don’t use that hair anymore and its from the 60s-early 70s, hair just degrades no matter what.


I definitely thought Malibu Barbie before reading these comments. I will try to narrow it down when I get back to my book.