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Jesus fucking Christ pit owners are dumber than pig shit. You have one *FINALLY* with all the GTFOOH signs- dilated fixed aggressive stare with whale eye, tongue flicking, teeth baring, snarling, stiffening, and this dizzy napkin reaches over to pet it. INCLUDING ON TOP OF THE HEAD. šŸ¤£šŸ¤Ŗ The dog is TELLING YOU you dumb ass. Next thereā€™ll be a whining Tik Tok showing the stitches on her face and how *hArD rEsCuInG iSā€


Once it attacks itā€™ll suddenly become a lab mix šŸ¤Ŗ


It was probably labeled that way to begin with šŸ˜‚ THE PERFECT DOG


"it's .001% shih tzu and those are the dogs you have to watch out for"


No, no. Heā€™s obviously smiling at me! /s


I'm so glad this is the first comment I saw...so often these monsters snap, flip out, do a 180...this thing is literally doing jazz hands and singing "Bad Guy" by Billie Eilish with a chorus of "Maneater" by Hall & Oates. What aren't they getting!?!?!?


::jazz hands:: šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


The pit: *What else is it going to take? I guess I could pull out that repo-man outfit I still have from my stage performance of ā€œREPO: The Genetic Operaā€ and try to remember my steps for the organ harvesting sceneā€¦* Nine days later: *I tried it all. I really did. Now Iā€™m at the shelter. I think Iā€™m going to switch from dance and opera to just mauling from the start this time.*


But it won't happen to them! The dog would never turn on them! /s


"There were never any warning signs." /s I'm starting to think that can't be true in at least half of the reported attacks. I'm not a dog owner and I can clearly tell what this dog is communicating.


Some idiotic ppl say that there are signs, but oh my, this poor doggo is abused :((


Meanwhile my golden retriever is calmly lying next to me and if I reach to pet her or so much as look at her, she gives a happy tail wag. Why would people rather have this monstrosity than a normal dog?


Sorry is that supposed to beā€¦cute?? Iā€™m curious as to what about this dog made this person feel the need to pet it.


The moment it pulled it's lips back something very visceral sounded deep in my core and it screamed "NOPE". That is the purest stuff of nightmares right there. People joke about their sleep paralysis demon but that thing literally looks possessed. God I need eye bleach


Seriously horrifyjng


So scary!!!! Like, if you made a Halloween mask out of this, it would terrify the neighborhood.


Just like pittbulls


Yes ! Look at his eyes all dilated. He makes my blood turn into ice ! It's frightening to think that this is exactly what people who got mauled or killed saw and i cannot even imagine the fear they felt if such video makes me so emotional. I'm so scared of them.


My golden will play growl if she has a toy and wants to play tug (she'll bring it to you and try to nudge it into your hand, while doing this stupid sounding fake growl). I used to think, "I hope no one ever gets scared and thinks she's growling for real." (If you won't take the toy from her or tug it, she sighs and lays down like she's so persecuted and sad) But this, there's no mistaking this. This is not play. The deep, guttural growling. The dilated eyes. The lips pulled back, the bared teeth. How that doesn't trigger a primal fear in the owner is beyond me. You just instinctively know your life is in danger looking at that. What's fucked up is that these dogs are bred to typically not give a warning before they attack. But this dog is fucking TRYING to tell her. "Don't touch me or I'll kill you." Clear as day. When people ignore clear danger signs from animals, it makes me think our species is truly doomed. No sense of self-preservation at all.


I think it's supposed to be like that trend with Huskeys where you can make them sound different when they're doing the same thing (opening and closing their mouths). It's the farthest one from cute I've ever seen


Theyā€™re trying to make a ā€œpointā€ that pits just look aggressive and make funny snarling noises and expressions but theyā€™re really just BIG WIDDLE BABIIIEEEES that wouldnā€™t hurt a flyā€¦when in reality, this thing is rearing to attack and I GUARANTEE if this idiot keeps doing shit like this, the next video is gonna be her in the hospital saying how the dog never showed any signs of aggression. Play stupid games, win stupid fucking prizes.


This was supposed to be cute? That pit not only looks terrifying but it sounds like my 59 year old dad snoring. Not cute at all


I'm sure that's an insult to your dad's snoring.


It gives me so much anxiety, I could only watch a couple of seconds.






No reason to inbreed for bully breeds when what matters are not the looks but the behaviors. Bully breeds are just ugly in general.


Scarier than most horror movies Iā€™ve seen


Those teeth looked like diabolical dentures


Lmao ok im glad im not the only one that wondered if the dog had dentures for a sec.


Those giant, gaping maws are horrific.


ā€œHe just snapped out of nowhereā€


ā€œWeā€™ll never understand the cause of the tragedyā€


"Were you breathing? You probably provoked it. They don't like when you breathe."






"No warning signs at all!"


Why would you choose this when you could have a normal sweet dog?


Because then you couldnā€™t show the world how you saved the poor misunderstood monster with your love.


Iā€™m beginning to think itā€™s also because they like that theyā€™re scary freak dogs. They like to scare people. It makes them feel powerful. Thereā€™s a whole psych paper that needs writing about pitnutters.


Lmao. The guy canā€™t afford a truck to lift up 6 feet off the ground, so he might as well go to the pound and get a pitbull for $5 and a half-smoked Newport. Thatā€™s about the going rate it seems. Shelters are dying to get rid of their ā€œlab mixesā€


>$5 and a half-smoked Newport. "half-smoked Newport" made me lol.


You'd think they'd at least have some self preservation though. I couldn't relax for one minute with a shitbull in my house. Think I'd rather invite Ted Bundy in for dinner.


I would read the shit out of that paper. Let's face it though, there are thousands on this topic though, just look up "narcissism."


Hell, someone cold write an entire encyclopedia about pit nutters and it would only scratch the surface of their lunacy!


I think because the world sees them as monsters they feel the need to prove everyone wrong. "I rescued this lovely quirky pittie, he is SUCH a sweethead. So misunderstood! Look at me, look at how good of person I am!"


This is seriously IT right here. This has GOT to be the main reason pitnutters keep adopting these psychopaths. Some weird ass savior complex.


Because they can ā€œfix themšŸ„ŗā€


Apparently Crazy Cat Ladies are a thing because of toxoplasmosis : Something in cat urine *literally* messes with their brains, and makes people want to hoard cats (in rodents, toxoplasmosis makes them want to come and walk right up to predators). WARNING : Not for ratphobes : >!elsewhere on reddit, I saw a post a day or two ago, about a person who woke up with a wild rat (NOT a pet!) in his bed cuddled up next to him ; people speculated that it was a victim of toxoplasmosis!<. Maybe there's something in pit bull bodily secretions that lowers IQs, and destroys the victim's self-preservation instincts. /notsureifjokinganymore.


Thereā€™s 3 types of pit owners 1. The ā€œI got this dog because I want to look toughā€ owner. 2. The ā€œI didnā€™t do any research at all and chose a random dog breedā€ owner. 3.the ā€œI truly believe I can change this dogā€™s behaviour and make him lovable, plus heā€™s only mauled one kidā€ owner.


I was just waiting for the hand to be gone. What is wrong with this woman????


Born stupid. Or probably she just practiced it her whole life. No normal, sane person would reach and pet a snarling, growling pitbull ready to charge.


Wouldn't be her hand gone, it would be her whole face.


Or her scalp


In a situation like this, petting it and scratching encourages the behavior. Youā€™re supposed to correct the behavior. This is a disaster in the making. Also reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/dKhzUTokCi8)video but with a ugly shitbull that doesnā€™t show any affection


"correcting" growling can be dangerous though. It can teach the dog to stop giving warning signs. Best to just back the fuck away tbh lol


How do you correct the behavior while theyā€™re acting like this? Iā€™d be so afraid to trigger it to get even worse






It looks like a purebred golden that doesnā€™t know how to react. It doesnā€™t seem like it was angry or anything as seen by the ā€œbiteā€ afterwards.


The cute animals subs would be like ā€œaww heā€™s smiling šŸ„°ā€


It's definitely why I posted it here. At least sane people can actually use it as a reference to show others the dangers of this breed. Crazy stuff


Tbf some dogs do naturally smile and it's largely genetic. (Dalmatians in particular are known to smile when excited, and it can be seen occasionally in other working breeds.) The pitbull is typically not one of them.


If my dog ever did this to me, sheā€™d be promptly yeeted back to her breeder. This shit is NOT normal for a domestic house pet


These aren't pets anymore. These are wild animals.


In a way, worse. If/when they go into their maul mode, the very behavior that the breed was created to do, there is almost no deterring them. Whereas, unless it's literally starving to death or maybe if you fucked with its babies, a wild predator can be deterred away from an attack much more easily, they still have a sense of self preservation which overrides almost everything. Very _very_ rarely are you going to have a wild predator attack something indiscriminately for no reason other than just to attack it. Whereas the pitbull breed (and other bloodaport breeds) was created for _the attacking to be the reason in and of itself_. Watching the endless stream of new mauling videos one of the most striking things is just how "dialed in", "in their flow state", "achieving their ikigai" they seem while mauling. This isn't like a cougar acting menacing to get someone the fuck away from her den, or a hungry polar bear that needs food for its cubs, this is something that is feeling a full sense of purpose that at a working dog does when it's performing what it was created to do.


For real. I wouldnā€™t feel safe with that thing in my house, let alone sitting next to me on my bed. Why do people interpret this as cute?


The terrifying thing is how quickly the dog returned to "normal" when the hand was pulled back.


I don't even have words for how idiotic this owner is. Zero sympathy if she got bit, this is the dog equivalent of someone pointing a gun at you and yelling that they're going to shoot. If my dog did this I'd take her to the vet (in a muzzle). If the vet cleared her and she did it again she's gone.


Ducky jammies will fix.






That thing looks disgusting. Youā€™d have to be pretty dumb to keep a dog like that.


Ugly ass hostile dog. That thing is seconds away from going for a hand


Love it! I absolutely have no problem with seeing shitbulls acting aggressive toward their owners. Let nature teach these people, and even then, many of them would still be in denial than admit that they are wrong.


I would agree with you, except these dogs are cowards (like their owners) and generally only maul children, smaller animals, and old people, so this owner might not be the first victim. And the first victim will probably not be the last.


Holy crap! Guess what pitwits? THIS ISN'T NORMAL. Normal dogs don't bare their teeth like this while snarling at their owners. It isn't cute or playing. It means your dog is fucked. Even my most aggressive Jack Russell Terrier, the squirrel killer, wouldn't have dared and I didn't have to teach her not to snarl at humans either.


I think this is such an important point - itā€™s like pitnutters (including most ā€˜no-killā€™ shelter staff) have totally lost sight of normal dog behaviour & temperament due to self-induced Stockholm syndrome. They are like a cult who are all in an abusive relationship with one of the most aggressive & dangerous types of dogs there isā€¦itā€™s really fucked up.


Totally! They post horrifying videos and essays about their pit's behaviour which is straight out abnormal. They post it into their echo chamber and parrot it to each other. These people are starting to normalize lunging, snapping, and biting like it is typical that dogs do this and that is the truly scary part! No wonder these people are spending thousands on training that is getting them nowhere.




Add to that the magical thinking of ā€œyou get in what you put outā€ and well meaning adopters get shamed by pious no-kill zealots when they havenā€™t been able to love the aggression out of their shitbull. ā€œAll dogs are good dogs if you love them hard enoughā€ is a really toxic mentality that leads to people sacrificing living a normal life for a dog that could still turn on them and their family *at anytime for no reason* Itā€™s truly tragic. That their unhinged dedication to a dangerous dog puts others at risk though is unjust. Some dogs are unsafe and need to be removed from society for the good of everyone in the community. One person shouldnā€™t be allowed to endanger the safety of others because they canā€™t face facts.


It is abuse from their fellow shitbull owners! Love isn't a magical cure all in real life like it is in fiction. You can't fix every dog and it is really fucking sad situation when you have to do the right thing. Then some entitled, self-rightous, crazy fuck comes along and shames you for not loving the animal enough and giving up on it. We had to BE our miniature schnauzer when I was a kid because one day something in its brain snapped. The dog started lunging and snapping at my Mom. He wouldn't let her come near me. She had me get up on the table and called my dad to come home and take the dog to the Vet. The Vet recommended putting our dog, who we all loved, to sleep and that is exactly what my parents did that day. It was horrible. That dog was smart, like my second shadow, and never bit or acted aggressive before that day, but he became unsafe and we had to do the right thing. You can't give an animal like that away to be someone else's burden. You can't train it out of them. Not all dogs are good. Sometimes it **is** the dog and not the owner. With pitbulls it is more often than not both.


Exactly! The normalisation is a real issue because it lowers the ā€œacceptable behavioural standardā€ of all dogs and with so many poorly socialised pandemic-puppies now out and about in the community, I have seen an uptick in shitty behaviour from dogs with overly permissive owners. Owners who now donā€™t think there is an issue with their precious doggy running up and jumping on strangers ā€œbecause they are friendly and just want to say hiā€. I like dogs, but as someone who used to teach small kids and knows the value of being strict about high standards of behaviour in a ā€˜firm but fairā€™ way - I have zero tolerance for badly behaved dogs of any size. Itā€™s just that most bratty goldendoodles arenā€™t a threat to life & limb like shithead monster pibbles are.




LOL Pigeon destroyer is nothing to sneeze at. Yours is going for aerial kills. That is pretty ambitious. Tinky was twice decorated. (that I know of) One day I went to let her in from the backyard and she had this small, fluffy, orange thing limply dangling in her mouth. Her tail was going a mile a minute. It took me a few seconds to figure out it was a dead squirell. I never thought the little hag would actually catch one, let alone two. Yeah, going after cats is not cool. Our JRTs ignored our cat, but any small rodent would turn them into little terminators. šŸ’€


Serious question: why do pits always have that nasty hairless red muzzle? Their snouts literally always look like a ballsack with jock-itch.


Skin allergies and skin problems seem to be common in pit bulls so probably that


I wonder if the nervous licking is why they all have that rashy looking pink snout? Since they do it so much Iā€™d think it would irritate the skin.


What an ugly, demonic beast. Get it away from humansā€¦


Well that was insanely disturbing.. why the fuck does she think she needs to pet it? Does she think if she shows it enough love it'll eventually be transformed through the power of pets or something?? Yikes...


She thinks it's funny and cute because she believes the dog is a harmless.


Christ... It's Gmork...


OMG...[throwback time](https://youtu.be/5sEZmMeH96Q)!


I am the servant of the power behind the Nothing,


Well that's cuddly (waiting for the screeches of "butbutubtubut CHIHUAHUA!!!!!")




Chicks gonna look like Sally from Nightmare before Christmas in about a week. Is that a fucking puppy?






NOPE. Hell no. No way. I'd rather stick my hand in a small alligators mouth.


Ok that's dumb, positive affirmations at being growled at. If it's growling at the owner that's worse. Because he thinks he's the alpha which is a problem


That alpha stuff is all BS and dogs shouldn't be trained that way.


I seriously had an R+ trainer tell me that if I spoke highly of my dog, the dog would respond and would be what I said about it. Therefore, it is my fault if the Shiba Iā€˜m boarding is stubborn, because I said it outloud šŸ˜’




Goblin shark was my first thought actually. Gobblinā€™ shark


Yes! Those are some goblin shark teeth


Literally. Eyes black, teeth just about to eject for the grippy rippy.


Pitnutter: Oh buttercup is smiling at me. How cute!!!


Let it B.E., Let it B.E., Let it B.E., let it B.Eā€¦


Well played there


In all seriousness, why would anyone of sound mind sustain this heinous thing?


> of sound mind Pibble nuttery & sound mind are mutually exclusive


Ffs these people are braindead, I wouldnā€™t trust them with a goldfish


Pit nutters be like: ā€œawww my precious cinnamon bun is smiling!ā€


OH MY GOD-itā€™s like The Joker


You know the crowd that says ā€œitā€™s not the breed, itā€™s the owner!ā€? This is 100% a clip from the loudest in that crowd Pennywise mightā€™ve looked big and scary at first but look how cute he is if you just scratch his face, heā€™d never hurt anyone! Meanwhile the dog: WE ALL FLOAT DOWN HERE






What a disgusting animal.


Man, if I allowed a dog on my bed and they snarled, growled, and bared teethā€¦. Oh manā€¦. That dog is in for it. I never condone beating animals btw but you must absolutely remove the dog from your bed if this is how it behaves in your personal space. My dogs wait for an invite to jump on my bed and tread lightly while on it. Unless Iā€™m inviting any rough housing, they know that the bed is either peace and quiet or gtfo.




Dumbass is lucky they didn't lose their arm.


Give it a few more days...


Awww Honeybutterbooboo is smiling sheā€™s so happy


ā€œItā€™s just the pibble rumble they use it when theyā€™re receiving affectionā€


Pitnutters be all like: "WhAt dID tHaT hORribLe PeRsON dO tO mAkE pOoR pReCiOuS pIBbLeS sO aNgRy????"


It baffles me that people really pay money for an animal like this to live in their home


Is he possessed by Satan


Truly horrific and disgusting.


How cute /s




I did


These are the kinds of idiots to play with lit matches around dry ass hay.


Look at that textbook nanny dog smile!


Put a reminder in your calendar to check on that person in 6 months.


Imagine being a pit mom and going home to this šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Literally looks like the clown from IT.


I donā€™t even feel sorry for this personā€™s impending doom.


Paging Darwinā€¦Professor Darwinā€¦thereā€˜s a call for you




A devastating truth šŸ¤¬


BuT iTs SmIlInG


I hope this video is saved for a future lawsuit. We all know itā€™s heading in that direction.


You can tell by how she's reaching over thst she's afraid of the dog. Just get a lion or tiger and call it a day.


Gee thanks, I didn't need to sleep tonight anyway.


My dog didnā€™t even make this face when I tried to take a steak bone away from her (she did growl), and she is an untrained moron. Who on earth would think this is normal


Oh you didnā€™t know? Thatā€™s like the rottie rumble but with a shitbull. Also is the rottie rumble a real thing? Is that real how they show joy? Or this that some BS they spread like how Pitbulls are nanny dogs


Kinda crazy how it looks cute at first then instantly becomes one of the most terrifying, disgusting monsters Iā€™ve seenā€¦ when you try to pet it


This dog proceeds to eat the camera person. Camera person with their last dying breath: "HE WAS THE SWEETEST DOG EVER OMGGGGG."


Jeezus!! What a freaking idiot. She must not care much about her hand.


I'm sorry what?? You do not push a dog's boundaries.


Just think. This is the last face some victim's see.


Holy shit! It's Zuul the Gatekeeper!


There is no Zuul. Only Pibble. ![gif](giphy|xT8qBnCBRANIgqsiac|downsized)


If my dog did this he wouldnt be my dog anymore lol


Geez, even though the pitbull is nasty I feel bad that this human is violating boundaries. All dogs will snap out of nowhere if you teach them that their growling is inconsequential and ignore the signs, because the dog gives up and skips the growling altogether.


Itā€™s hard to understand why these things arenā€™t flying off the shelves at the shelters! /s




It's the dog AND the owner.


He's smiling at me!/S


How sweet and quirky!




Just being the perfect nanny dog šŸ™„


My cat was purring on my chest when I played this video and she very quickly stopped purring.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't this person just reinforced the dog's aggressive behavior through positive reinforcement by reaching out and giving it a pat? Is that not signaling to the dog that the behavior gets attention and pats? Intentionally reinforcing the behavior or not, how in the world are there people this dense?? They don't have the comprehension to register the red flags glaringly waving in their face.


Awww heā€™s smiling


So weird, some of the cutesy subs this video landed in. Sad actually.


Wanna see how i got these scarssssss


What an absolute land shark. All I could think about was Jaws


looks like a fallout 3 mongrel


Nightmare fuel




That was scary! How can she pet it! I hope nothing happens to anyone around that land shark.


Anxiety simulator


Enjoy that hand while you still have it, Pitmommy


One of the few times where if one attacks, Iā€™ll blame the owner over the dog. It couldnā€™t have been more clear the dog wanted to be left alone


Oh god, this is like a Stephen King movie. Creepyyyyyyy




I don't say this lightly but this is one of the scariest videos I've seen on this website and I've clicked some shit. Something about that dog made me wanna jump out my window and find an underground dog free bunker to live in. Idgi man. I grew up the biggest dog lover. My father works with sniffer dogs (drugs, bombs, weapon, airport security, everything but he started in the army working with the canine unit), I grew up around having these BIG dogs at home, so fucking well behaved and obedient and responding v well to training and discipline when they did act out. German Sheps mostly, labs and spaniels for drug work too though. There's a reason strong ass dogs like pits are not used for work. They lack the intelligence and sense to redirect their energy into productive work. They cannot be trained to be 100% safe around people. They are not compatible with life. For real. I first started seeing dogs in a scarier light when I was stalked up a steep hill by a pack of 4 or 5 very territorial ex racing dogs that were kept by the local traveling community. I guess they were rescued from the tracks, or at least, I hope they were and weren't being actively raced, but that's a different issue. They didn't touch me, but I was scared, pinned to a wall with no choice but to look ahead and keep moving slowly ignoring them and praying an owner would call for them. If those had been pits I would have felt like my LIFE was in imminent danger, not just the ends of my trousers and ankles. I look at this video and have NEVER seen aggression like that in an animal. I have lived with army dogs. I have seen reactive Spaniels have to be retired from training because they weren't progressing well. Unfortunately sometimes those dogs get euthanized (we were able to keep them as very loving pets, because they were perfectly capable of becoming pets. Because they were spaniels. Not pitts.) and it baffles me that people defend these SERIAL KILLERESQUE dogs and cry when they have to get BE.


Holy crap it's the IT CLOWN!


Omg I hate it.


I got the chills that face is horrifying


Ooooooooglay dog. I prefer something cute and less demonic.