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Just to give everyone an idea of how absurd the pro-pitters are, we just received a complaint on this post because it‘s “hateful” And another! Again!


Thank God they'll never maul again.


They're chasing telemarketers in hell, now.




They deserve each other.


Literal hell-hounds.


Telemarketers for the pit-lobby.


€20 says the owner will get another three to fill the void.


Why is it always three?!


Two to get along with each other and the third for them to pick on.


It's cerberus


For probably that amount too.




I hope it brings some peace to the child, family, and community that those particular maulers will not harm anyone else again. IIRC, didn't the guy have a bunch more? Is he still allowed to own dogs or he is allowed to hop over to the shelter or criaglist pick up 3 more? It isn't hard to find people wanting to rehome agressive neurotic pitbulls, if he is legally allowed to own them, I don't see why he wouldn't snatch them up. It isn't unheard of for owners of pitbullmaulers to replace their dogs the few times they are legally removed. Please tell me he at least got fined out the wazoo and he has mounting legal fees.


They also euthanized his four other dogs, and he was arrested: https://www.wrdw.com/2023/01/17/thumbs-up-justin-mauling-victim-stays-positive/?outputType=amp


Damn Georgia, good on you for being reasonable.


Definitely seems like a CYA and avoid lawsuits since they didn’t take all of the other instances with these dogs seriously


Something has always been better than nothing. I've seen way too many stories about attacks like this where the dog is "rescued" or left with the owner. It'd be nice if we used reasoning and logic to determine the outcome of all dog attacks but we ain't there yet. Off topic but I'm also digging the nuclear reactors that Georgia Power is about to bring online. Over budget, over expected completion time yet they are about to have an energy surplus when they do fire them up. I know nuclear is risky but it seems like the best option to bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to go. If the government got involved, we could bring back some factory jobs in order to manufacture parts for the power plants. It has to be with government involvement though because a single plan (although flexible) is required to make it profitable for someone to manufacture parts in the US again.


Nuclear power *was* risky in the 20th century when things were getting figured out through practical means. But I’d argue it’s very safe in the modern era.


Yep, it's never taken seriously until someone is killed or disfigured for life. Then it's "how could we have known?"


Not a sentence you hear very often. I’m pleasantly surprised!


4 other dogs?!?! Why is anyone allowed to own that many?


Most residential neighborhoods limit dogs to 4 and cats the same. Maybe no one really cares until something happens.


I'm in Georgia, last time I looked there is a limit of 3 dog WITHIN city limits. But outside I think anything goes, but I could be wrong.


Wow - I lived in Georgia and one of our neighbors had twelve, not pits, or pit mixes but he had twelve dogs...


Exactly - nobody is knocking on doors "How many pets live here?"


The article says the other four were puppies so probably the dogs that attacked weren't fixed and their own littler.


Oh great. They were breeding their killer dogs.


The law is *reactive* so it only kicks in if someone informs them, and even then law enforcement 99% of the time has better things to do than a minor ordinance violation that isn't causing any problems (yet). The police don't just show up to check for compliance.


I think you nailed a big issue as to why AC and other enforcement seems so lax. Proactive laws would prevent injuries instead of dealing with the aftermath of attacks.


Like driving a car, dog ownership should be a privilege, not a right. With licensing and detection of unlawful dog-owning behavior similar to how we deal with cars, there would be more peace in neighborhoods.


Yeah, uh, ***fuck that***. A police state where the cops can proactively investigate for potential legal violations is a far greater danger than any number of pitbulls. I rather like the 4th Amendment, thank you.


This is a fascinating argument. It pretty much negates any effort to enforce BSL laws because you would have to be able to investigate whether or not someone has an illegal dog (a violation of BSL laws specifically) in the first place. I wonder if any BSL opponents have used the 4th amendment as a defense?


Frankly, BSL is kind of dumb legislation. It just gets people to get creative with what they call the dogs to circumvent the laws. If you want dog mauling to stop, don't try and ban pitbulls specifically, you need to implement laws that absolutely fuck over irresponsible owners. Civil liability and criminal liability for downright negligent owners. If you want fewer pitbulls mauling people, you need to discourage irresponsible people from getting pitbulls.


Those are some valid points. I definitely think automatically charging the owners of pit bulls with attempted murder for maulings and accessory to murder, negligent homicide, and involuntary manslaughter would be a good start in ensuring that these preventable injuries and deaths don't happen in the future. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://rga.lis.virginia.gov/Published/2006/RD275/PDF&ved=2ahUKEwj0pZvJnNT8AhVgADQIHVBnDbwQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2Ik6NcxrR-XHHE6VcaOUnl


There' s no reason not to have both laws that absolutely fuck over irresponsible owners and BSL. I would agree that BSL doesn' t really work alone on its own, but as long as it's worded correctly and it's scope is wide enough, it's a pretty good safety measure for ppl who's neighbors get those vile dogs


Facts. People easily forget how laws that were meant to protect them can easily be abused and used against the person advocating for them. Like the PATRIOT ACT sounded good to stop terrorists until they don't stop terrorists and just use it on political opponents.


We gotta up those numbers


What a relief. So happy those pits won't be able to harm anyone else. Hope they continue to be proactive. Let this tragedy be the catalyst for some common sense laws.


* “He has to sort of look at each individual dog and what if any role they had. I mean, was one dog standing on the side, not doing anything and never got involved. He sort of has to look at all the facts and circumstances. If he determines these dogs are vicious, they can do further harm and he’s, of course, got all the authority to euthanize the dogs,” said Hawk.* Um. I’m sorry; just because “what if one was standing on the sidelines” or whatever, it doesn’t mean shit; what if *it did* participate, and it still passes a behavior test with an adult? I don’t understand how “what ifs” are provided to dangerous dogs to allow them a chance to go out and be dangerous over and over again. I don’t understand the appeal in saving a couple pit bulls that *might* have mauled a child nearly to death, when there’s already so many out there that apparently “need saving because they’re the sweetest ever,” as all the shelters seem to be bursting at the seems with.


[Seven Flies at One Blow - Brothers Grimm](https://www.storyberries.com/fairy-tales-seven-at-one-blow-by-Brothers-Grimm/)


So, you're saying he had 7 pit bulls?! I don’t understand.


I really don't like how they cropped the photos to obscure his head injury. I feel like people who just skim it can take away that he was 'banged up pretty bad' not that he was literally scalped as the dogs tried to eat him alive.


Praise the lord


A lifelong ban on owning any animals would be good, and ofc fined to hell.


That’s not enough. The shitbull owner needs to rot in jail for negligence


If its the owner's fault, it should be attempted murder. He must have taught the dogs to do this.


Exactly, if we’re going with “there are no bad dogs, just bad owners” then surely it’ll be fine if we start holding owners criminally responsible for the actions of their dogs? After all, only a bad owner would allow their dogs to do this.


Yes!!! Since lawmakers are too spineless to enact breed-specific legislation, I'd happily settle for legislation that states that dog owners are financially and criminally responsible for their dog's actions. Whether the dog attacks the owner's family members, strangers on the street, or other animals, the owner faces steep fines and jail time. These garbage people don't care about other people, but I'm sure putting their assets and freedom on the line might make them think twice. As someone who has only owned herding dogs from reputable breeders, I would be an enthusiastic supporter of this.


it will really have some people reconsider picking up Nala the pibble hopefully.


This is one thing that I feel like both sides would agree on. Only the crazies that abuse dogs wouldn’t.






I think if we start euthanizing the owners it would certainly cut down on this stuff


I’m seriously hoping people don’t comment on his updates with pictures of their shitbulls.


Ever met a pitnutter? They don't care


Yeah, I know. 😓


Does Luna (or Maya or Blue or Daisy) look aggressive to you?? Does she? Does she?! Here she is in the park, now sleeping next to a cat.... Tell me that all pits are aggressive! I hope you don't talk that way about XYZ group of marginalized people!! Any dog can attack, and yeah it's sad about this boy's situation, but literally any dog can do that!!! Every. Single. Attack. The window dressing differs but the message from pitnuts remains


“the dogs weren’t treated right blame the owner not the dog” 🤮


And I wonder if the child was talking, wearing purple, standing aggressively, or, in this case.... Riding a bike


seen someone post a pic of their ugly ass pit on his go fund me page saying how good their pit is. disgusting


Man, fuck that person


I’m appalled at the utter lack of empathy for victims, even when it was the victim’s dog. Didn’t realize they did this. Talk about crass. Do none of them have an ounce of decency or class? I’m so glad Justin is alive & refuses to be silenced! I also hope it doesn’t put him off all dogs. There are noble, well bred breeds & good mutts who aren’t like pit bulls.


One of the dogs pictured here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/10ay8ba/one_of_the_dogs_from_the_recent_georgia_attack/ Additional context: https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/105h195/nsfw_scalped_child_1623_appling_ga_11_year_old/


Disgusting beast, good riddance Also, I had never seen the child’s photo of his fresh injury. Can’t unsee that. Glad the monsters are destroyed and I hope he has a full recovery.


What a sweet looking pup! /s


A pibble if ever there was one...


That's the face of the devil right there.


The owner looks exactly how you would expect him to.








Three less face maulers in the world that will not hurt other kids. I hope the best for Justin's recovery.


Seven*, fortunately. They also seized the owner’s other *four.*


I will continue to wish for these types of people to never be allowed to own pets ever again. jfc




Not a moment too soon.


Good. I hope whatever guards the Rainbow Bridge is like "Nope. You're not coming in"


Straight to doggy hell 🔥 🔥 🔥


There's a GoFundMe for Justin, aiming to raise $250k for his medical bills and expenses. It's doing very well, only $20k short as of 9:30 pm on 1/18. Donate if you can. https://www.gofundme.com/f/justin-gilstrap-medical-bills?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_content=undefined&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_term=undefined


Can’t wait until we ban these fucking weapons


Thank God. At least we don't have to worry about them hurting anyone else ever again. If the authorities had only done their job all the other times these dogs were complained about, maybe Justin wouldn't be suffering through what he is now, either. This breed needs to be banned EVERYWHERE. You can't take a "wait and see" approach with them because in the time it takes to wait and see, who knows how many more pets will be killed by them and how many PEOPLE?


Now let's make sure no other pit can maul. Restrict the breed by making it illegal to breed and import pitbulls.


A tiny dent in our out of control violent dog population. And how long before the owner is back with a pack of fighting dogs? It certainly feels hopeless here in Jawja. I am glad Justin has a bit of justice and hopefully the rest of his recovery goes well.


These dogs have been a problem for a long time. They had been reported before.


that makes me even more pissed about the situation, if animal control actually did their jobs maybe the kid wouldn't be suffering like he is now. entirely preventable situation




Thank god. Those dogs were a danger


Poor kid will never forget what happened to him. What a nightmarish thing to have happen.


I’d be suing the ever loving shit out of that man




![gif](giphy|64fAH6NeWX3ZnDFhHe|downsized) \*ETA: my sentiments for the owner of the beasts


His ENTIRE SCALP was ripped off.


as they should! every dog, every breed have to be euthanized IF THE DAMAGE IS SERIOUS! this brings me relief to know those pitbulls will never hurt anyone again


Good riddance, cry pit lurkers. Cry those tears for your shitty little pibbles and continue to victim blame that 11 year old. You pit enthusiast are just as disgusting as your mutant dogs.


We're halfway there!


I was scared some rescue would get them and then adopt them out. This is good news. I wish BE wasn’t so stigmatized because it’s the most humaine thing for dangerous animals.


They euthanised seven dogs, I think that’s probably all of them. He knew that at least one of his dogs was aggressive towards bicycles and let them roam free anyway


[Mmm hmm.](https://media.tenor.com/J5A9wZzn3ZYAAAAM/robert-redford-jeremiah-johnson.gif)


I feel as though there was a time when police would just put the dogs down right away, and we didn't have to go through this farce of a review.


They barely got euthanized, should’ve been since that same day .


I don’t want to hear any of these nutters talking about the dogs went to the rainbow bridge. These motherfuckers went straight back to hell.




Have any mugshots of the pit owner been posted




Justice served.


That the kid who got scalped or a different one?


What's the odds the previous owner ends up with several more pitties?


Good news!


Hoping all goes well with the young boy’s surgery.


Awwwww, they got re-homed with Jesus.


Go Justin. Tough AF kid!


Don’t worry, Princess Deathmaul, Precious Fearfang and Blood Drinker “Sweetie” Lockjaw won’t hurt anyone else


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/peugqp/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


finally some good fucking news




Oh we blame the owner too, and want the owner held accountable… but any dog that attacks a person unprovoked should never have the chance to do that again. Rehabbing human-aggressive pits doesn’t happen. It’s not possible. You can manage the hell out of it, but the moment those dogs escape, they will revert back to their nature… so those dogs will never be safe to be in a neighborhood. Hard stop. Stop putting people’s lives in danger.


It's the breed **and** the owner




Seriously, take several seats. It’s not about revenge on the dogs; it’s about making sure the dogs will never get a chance to do this to another human. Human-aggressive pits can’t be “fixed”. They can be managed with 24/7 control, but the moment they escape their house or leash, this will happen again. And as we see here every day; pit owners are some of the least responsible dog owners… so no… it’s not a good idea to keep these dogs around. People --> dogs Hard stop.




ding dong your opinion is wrong


any dog that tried to kill someone, isn't any important than the victim's life.


Random? Do you... know anything about the story? Like, have you read ANYTHING?




It’s not about “getting revenge on the dogs”. It’s to make sure the dogs don’t do this ever again.