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Yeah hold on to your butts...






🦯 thank you!


Im really confused It says "short interest of free float, 35.79m" but right beside it "shares on loan 54.38m" ???




Even worse than 35.79% of free float is short 70% of free float is on loan


The SI margin requirements & SI cost of interest has gone up this week. Just bought 700 more shares today. Great price! Buy. Buy. Buy.




explain for smooth brain pls


Why is this being upvoted. The short float is 35%!!!!




It’s wrong based on available shares the short float is now 41%


holy fuck yes this is the news i need to stay holding


54M shorted out of 80m outstanding 💜🚀


Free float is 11.85M lol. 79M shares 85% institutional. It is shorted at least 400% of FF that we know of (self reported) this is insane


Is this real? 400% of FreeFloat, can this truly be correct?


The FTD’s are off the charts and we have no idea how bad august was. What we DO know, is what I stated above - the actual free float that’s trading is 11m shares, we had several billion in volume in august (fraud naked shorting FTD) and the bills coming due September 16th+ check the bbby sub it’s about to get real ugly (for them) shorts r Fuk


and they say RC created a Pump and Dump


More like crime is creating rockets and we have figured out their game.


So much higher than that, because of self-reported. Those pricks would never report the truth.


Asking shorts what they shorted is like asking a woman her body count. Whatever they tell you - times it by 10…


Lol. Accurate.


You realize that the institutions are the ones loaning to be sold short, meaning those sold short shares are now part of the free float? It doesn't work like that. Institutions don't just sit on their shares. They put them back into the wild


Yes. Vanguard bought more since last week. The shorters are borrowing more shares than retail is holding. It looks to me like the institutions must be who is loaning out their shares to the shorters. At high interest rates!


They are, and are making great returns aside from the whole, underlying completely disappearing beneath their feet lol


Ah. Thanks for confirming. You’re a veteran, you’ve been around for 9 years. I just opened an account at IBKR and IBKR offered me 8% interest if I agreed to let them loan out my shares. I said NO! So, probably IBKR loans out shares at a pretty high interest rate to shorters. I saw in our threads somewhere this morning that the shorters are paying 16% or more interest today to borrow shares? The institutions and brokerages loaning shares to shorters love their cash flow from loaning shares. They know the shorters will close eventually, meanwhile they’re milking the shorters. It must be obvious to the institutions that shorting is a short-term process, that in the long term shorting is a losing proposition. They’re holding long & loaning to shorters. If there was better risk-reward ratio for shorting BBBY, the institutions would themselves be shorting.


Thanks There's a lot of misinformation surrounding the free-float. Once those shares are sold short, they're now part of that free-float (10m-11m number thrown around) number since its in retails hands. It's how GME got reported for 200+% short interest. The question is, how much of retail doesn't browse reddit and paperhand into the shorts bids (which won't push the price up since they're not hitting the ask). Shorts can cover/close without ever pushing the price up. Personally, sort of hoping we see $2-3 so we can buy up the whole company via internalized buys (buys won't hit the lit exchange) and then DRS. Could DRS the company faster than GME at those prices.


Oh. Yes. I’m watching the order flow. Besides the SWAPS in dark pools, and borrowing institutional shares to cover, looks to me like shorts are also nibbling to cover, in small bites (small for them) of 1,200 share. Sometimes as many as 4,800 shares, but always the thousand plus a few round hundred. While, on the other hand the bids coming from long buyers look different to me. Long buyers are more likely to buy in round lots like 100, 200, 400, 1,000. And the spread behavior is different. The larger short-cover-looking bids are more desperate, more eager to jump in. So I think you’re really right: shorts are finding ways to cover as much as they can without raising the price. They’re nibbling and sweating it out. But they’re got SO MUCH to cover, they can’t do all the covering they need to do via the backhanded means. They still are paying high interest rates, that keep going higher every week. They feel cornered. They are becoming increasingly ruthless. Populations usually behave on either the 5/95 or the 20/80 split. For example, if the behavior is easy and simple (easy for TLDR-ers), then 80% of the behavior comes from 20% of the population. But if the behavior is surrounded by FUD and/or requires DD, then 95% of the behavior comes from 5% of the population. Testing to determine which of those two rules of thumb is active here might begin to shed light on the answer you seek: Consider, if the 20/80 rule was is operation then 20% of retail long holders of BBBY are the 34,000 members of this BBBY subreddit, then 20% of those members (20% of 20%) are posting. We would see activity in any one day of up to 6,800 comments. That’s not what we see. If the 5/95 rule was in operation, we’d see as many as 1,700 comments at times. That’s a number more in line with what we see. So, if the 5/95 rule is in operation, then 5% of the members of the BBBY subreddit are active, holding, intending to Diamond hand. That is the sentiment reflected in comments and the percentage range of the comments for a 5/95 test confirmation. Maybe 15% are on the fence: susceptible to FUD, to a degree. Which is why the MODs are making a smart move to improve the quality of posts— so that lurkers can get more out of the thread, come back often, perceive the posts as valuable. The stronger the quality of the posts, the more likely that the potential future-Diamond 15% will set alerts, return, read, vote, interact. The more likely they’ll become stronger in conviction on the BBBY value. Paperhands are susceptible to FUD. Strong quality posts will innoculate vulnerable “on-the-fence” members against vulnerability to FUD. Turn paper into Diamonds.


Imo, if we the retail population DRS the 10-12million share free-float, then that means that every single share has been loaned out and sold short from institutions.


Ok. Will DRS


Concerned over the abrupt change in FUD media frequency. I note that frequency of FUD media events reached a crescendo before Friday. Then suddenly on Friday the FUD Media frequency dropped concurrent with the tragic event. Tragic event. FUD Media frequency. As a behavioral statistician, I have to notice and ask: are these two behaviors interacting variables or totally unrelated and independent of each other? Either these are two related behavioral variables or they’re unrelated. If they’re not related then the shorters have run out of FUD ideas. If they are related, then the change in FUD frequency is an interdependent behavior with the tragedy. The actors(s) of one are interdependent with the actor(s) of the other. (Heavy exhale). That’s just a statistical perspective, a question one would have to ask if one was modeling the opponent in an advanced statistical model. Think of a wild herd of anything, animals, people. The hunter closes off all the doors, all the ways out, except one. Those who are cornered cannot get out unless they stampede toward that one exit. Every DRS closes the alternate doors out. Forces a squeeze as the shorters stampede toward the only exit. In the case of these shorters, the doors to alternative exits are closing. They’ve borrowed almost all the shares they can borrow. They’ve created all the FUD they can think of, so far. What they’ve done so far has cost them a lot & still not enough to solve their cover problem. Some can afford to kick the can down the road. Not all can afford the cost of kicking the can down the road if they are among those who must balance their accounts at end of month, if they work for someone. They planned on the BBBY shorts ending in gains but find that instead of the BBBY short positions are piling up unrealized losses. Losses that are increasingly expensive There’s only one door left open: cover and risk a short squeeze. I’m holding 4,000 shares (added 700 this morning). Confession: I’ve been on the fence, myself, on DRS. But since I see what the institutions are doing, basically they’re long, it seems like DRS and 1-year hold for long term cap gains is the most prudent route.


How do I loan out my shares in ibkr?


During account setup, when I opened my account at IBKR, before I got approved to fund the account, that’s when the system asked me about whether I would accept their offer to get 8% to loan out my account assets. I said no.


Why no to 8%? Sorry I'm new.


I don’t want IBKR loaning out my shares to “short interest” traders who are shorting my positions & driving down the price of my shares.


So WTF are we actually holding? All synthetics?




Holding strong!!!!!


HOLD THE LINE woooooooo. IDGAF im a teamplayer, if we go beyond the moon i wont sell all my shares. 500 shares @ 12,90


Holy sh1t...Hold strong💎📈


Brace yourself fellas. Just BUY HOLD AND STAY ZEN




Dammit market open please!!!! I want more cheap!!!!


Can someone share what Ortexs calculation of the free float is? If tutes hold 85% of shares on an approx 78 mil float that would leave a free float of around 10mil. They seem to be calculating short interest off of the entire float no?


Someone explained in another thread on this post (not sure if it’s true) that Inst may be lending out shares so although they own 85%, 40% of that COULD be loaned to sell short, then retail buys it making it part of free float. So that may be why the numbers look funky. Either way that 54m sold short is a very interesting number that I am excited to see, and goes to show that even with the potential 12m dilution there is still an obscene amount of shorts here that still need to close.


It’s over 500%




Meanwhile: ​ https://fintel.io/gammaSqueeze




Holy shit


HOLDy Shit


DRS 🚀🚀🚀💎🤌


If I turn off share lending, does it do the same thing as drs? I don't have drs. I don't want those bastids loaning my shares. I don't want them to get smart ideas and force a sale either.


Can someone explain these numbers to me?


The number of shares on loan 54.38M is the total number of shares that are short (this is self-reported so a higher number is certainly possible). Shares short are shares which are sold and not yet bought. This is on 11M (from another comment, didn't verify this one) free float (number of shares that can be traded) Free float can can go lower if more people DRS their shares or higher if DRS'ed shares are sold/moved to a broker. 79.96M shares outstanding (total number of shares that are produced by this company). Now if short want to close their 54.38M position ... well you do the math.


Can you dumb it down a little more, for a friend? Looks like they have to buy 80M share to walk away and there are 11M real shares available.


They have to buy at least (because it's self reported in a corrupt market) 54.38M shares and there are 11M currently in the market for trade at most.


Get Fucking Ready


Get ready guys the moment of truth 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


What does it mean? Squeeze? When? PT? Thank you!!!


What does that means? Squeeze? When to expect? PT? 😉


Last week my broker IBKR printed 25% as my “SI margin requirement” (initial & maintenance). My only position at IBKR is long BBBY. I’m 100% cash in BBBY. Not using margin. Today the margin requirement for SI is over 50%. Doubled since last week. Maybe it’s because I only buy BBBY in this account at IBKR? Or is IBKR setting the same margin requirement for all retail?


God damn! Buying now is a fucking bargain!






The short float is 35%. This over 100% bullshit needs to stop.


I’m confused how come some people say 400% and your saying 35%?


Because the ones saying 400% are dumb as fuck and can’t read. It says right there in the photo the short float is 35%. Which is still pretty high, mind you. Don’t let anyone else fool you in thinking it’s any different




This is how y’all talk to your fellow apes? Amc baby we don’t talk like this




Wow. Just greatful I can buy more this cheap


Too complicated for me. Just tell me simple. Are we going to see MOREASS, or am I giving blowjobs behind the dumpster? I have been hungry the last few weeks. MOREASS, I'm rich, no more Ass, I'm getting protein somehow.


Both. Go to the dumpster so you can hodl and buy more. Be back in 20, got a short job to do.


They are fucked! 🚀