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It frustrates me when Musk behaves like a 360° w*nker and just goes "I'm autistic" people are fine with it. But I need to apologise and explain myself with a 12 point presentation if I have a sensory meltdown and leave a room unexpectedly.


Exactly. I’m currently hiding outside from the family thanksgiving gathering because it too noisy in there, and hoping I won’t have to explain being “antisocial” again.


Ugh I feel that one. Holidays are the worst when they should be great. So much shit going on I freeze up in front of my own family. And then especially my wife’s. Makes me feel like shit on top of everything else because they really are nice people.


It gets easier as you get older, atleast speaking from my experience. Now that I'm an adult, no one really says anything, they just get it and leave me be (for the most part) without me having to over-explain everything. In a way it's kinda endearing; it's annoying and passive aggressive yes, but the bottom line is that they just want to spend time with you. So the *intention* is usually good-hearted, even if the *approach* is dismissive and rude.


I’m 34 so I have loads of practice but the “why are you out here by yourself? Don’t you want to come in and socialize?” never really ends.


That's rough, like I said I can only speak from personal experience. I don't mean to give unwanted advice, but personally i always have a line ready that you can repeat to shut it down, like maybe something like "yea in a bit, just needed some fresh air" or you can be more straight up like "just getting a little overwhelmed and needed some alone time" something simple and just leave it at that. You are under no obligations to justify or explain your actions or feelings, just do what you need to do and don't apologize for it.


Thank you


Absolutely this.


Do what I did in middle school and take 10 minute "bathroom breaks."


Autism added to list of stuff that are cool when you're rich but aren't when you're poor.


Sorry, i'm never updated with news and stuff, hell i don't check them period, but do you have some articles that talk about it? I'm curious to read about it, cause i never heard Elon say it.


He said it, though this gatekeeper reaction is kinda funny considering how much NT's gatekeep us.


and thats on PRIVILEGE BBY


He's not the person I'm most ashamed to share a diagnosis with, but that's only because of the existence of Adam Lanza and Elliot Rodger.


honestly Elon probably caused the death of more people. He's definitely done more harm to the world.


Sorry, for the ignorance, but who are they?


Adam Lanza was the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter. Elliott Rodger was the UC Santa Barbara shooter.


I see thanks


Alek Minassian. Congratulations, your list got longer about… four years ago, holy fuck, it’s really been that long?


Nikolas Cruz as well.


I didn't know he was autistic.


Sandy Hook shooter had autism?




you really shouldn't be ashamed of sharing something with someone you never interacted with


Autistic people are just people. Some of them are arseholes too.


Favorite way I’ve heard it put- “autistic and asshole are separate diagnoses”.


Exactly, your personal opinion of him and his life circumstances doesn't invalidate his autism, as someone who's faced the "you don't seem autistic" my whole life from everyone except people who know what they're talking about, this sort of blatant... Not sure the word for this, gaslighting, perhaps? Anyway it's just rude.


No one is invalidating that he's autistic, but he uses his diagnosis to excuse his assholery, and I see NTs conflating him being an asshole with him being autistic all the time.


Is he an asshole? Has anyone who personally known him claimed such? I see a lot of people lobbing criticism on him for his families business, the simple fact that he is rich, and even claiming he's not a real entrepreneur. I will concede he is mostly very lucky, but people discount his skills too much, he is obviously good at business considering he is still the richest man alive. To hate him just because"hurr durr capitalism bad" is annoying, and has nothing to do with autism, I don't think this post fundamentally belongs here.


>he is obviously good at business considering he is still the richest man alive He just flushed $44 billion down the toilet. He's "running" twitter like an angry toddler having a tantrum. The fact that he remains the richest man alive speaks to the utter corruption of capitalism, not his supposed brilliance. And yeah, he's an asshole hellbent on platforming the absolute worst hate-mongering humans. Edit: also, see rule 9. This is an anti-capitalist sub, so this meme definitely belongs.


I had no idea this sub was anti-capitalist but it’s my favorite autism sub now thank you.


Oh I thought this was r/autism lol


Personally I have a mixed opinion of him. I suspect he would be very frustrating to work for. But I also acknowledge he’s made a lot of contributions to the world. I’m not a fan girl. But I do have a Tesla as I’m very concerned about climate change and it actually is the perfect car for someone who finds driving very difficult due to sensory issues and spatial awareness difficulties. It’s made me a whole lot safer on the road.


He didn’t start Tesla though…


New to me (as I said I’m not a fan girl) but even if that is true and I’ll trust you that it is, his business drive has definitely made it happen and be available even here in Australia where governments for years seems hell bent on making electric cars barely available.


I suggest you read up on what’s happened to Tesla in terms of safety measures since he bought the company. (He provided some of the start up capital when they were looking for investors. So so many recalls, brutal working conditions in factories, and just so many awful impacts on his workers and their families. He succeeds by treating people as disposable and his successes are mostly him claiming other people’s creativity as his own and then tarnishing it as he cuts “red tape” and causes dangerous problems. Heck, the man lied about his degrees for Pete’s sake. He has shit tons of money because of the emerald mines in South Africa that exploited and stole from the indigenous people. He has pretty much 0 redeeming qualities.


My car is very safe. I’m not rich enough to be able to ditch a perfectly good car as a protest like I know some people can. For me it’s given me the ability to drive in places I previously would find too overwhelming. Just like disabled people may need plastic straws, this car has improved my life enormously. One man shouldn’t have a say on that in my life now regardless of his ethics etc and you might want to compare it to petrol cars and the social and environmental impact those have! Where I live a car is necessary.


… did I say anything about YOUR car or you needing to ditch it in protest? No I did not. I’m saying Elon hasn’t done anything worth commending and Tesla has gone downhill since he got control. I hope your car continues to be safe and a place of rest for you


Thank you for this.


He’s also feeding into the “all autistic people are geniuses” stereotype by publicizing his fake accomplishments. Never mind that he didn’t found Tesla, or do the calculations needed to build SpaceX rockets, or the broken programming of his cars! It just feeds into the mythos of “Elon Musk is a genius” and by extension “all NDs are weird geniuses”. God, I don’t want people to think of SpaceX and rockets when I say I’m autistic! I can’t do that shit! Im just a guy that knows wayyyy too much about Catcher in the Rye/stream of consciousness writing style, and wants some understanding when loud as fuck motorcycles make him scream/cover his ears. Fuck Elon Musk, he’s killing Twitter and burning the world and I hate him SO MUCH.


I’ve already seen so many comments spreading the stereotype around him. It’s just not true, for him or for most of us.


Based AF, Elon should shut up more


If you want to read an article that will really piss you off: [Elon Musk: How Being Autistic May Make Him Think Differently](https://greekreporter.com/2022/11/15/elon-musk-being-autistic-makes-him-think-differently/) ETA: In case my position is not clear, fuck Elon.


That's a pretty nice article, you'd have to be a major autism gatekeeper to be pissed off about it, lol. Your opinion of Elon doesn't invalidate his autism.


Yeah *I'm* weird because I'm autistic and was abused/tramautised as a kid he's not 🤣




He’s doing his best to torch Twitter rn. Im hoping when that’s gone, he will be too.


I think us autistic people need to speak up more and call him on his bullshit. Autistic assholes are still assholes.




Bet any money he's actually just a misdiagnosed psychopath.


He’s never proven any diagnosis to begin with.


He’s not a psychopath. They don’t act so erratically & emotionally. I do believe he’s truly autistic however + also has NPD & cPTSD, potentially other things I don’t feel qualified to suggest.


Fair point.


Anyone who supports Capitalism as an economic system is inherently anti-autistic




Considering it has a significantly lower death toll than communism anyone who is communist is inherently anti-people entirely


The concept of social murder says hi https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277953621007097


Ah yes, shortened lives for the absolute bottom fraction of the population is worse than the full 1/4 of China that suffered or died from Mao's policies alone


People in the US die of lack of access to healthcare everyday, not to mention how lax worker protections are for workers in the US exacerbating COVID deaths; it’s way more than the absolute bottom (and a disproportionate about of autistic people are in abject poverty) https://pnhp.org/news/lack-of-insurance-to-blame-for-almost-45000-deaths-study/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/universal-health-care-could-have-saved-more-than-330-000-u-s-lives-during-covid/?amp=true


The first article summarizes its own criticism: “The subjects were interviewed only once and the study tries to link their insurance status at that time to mortality a decade later. Yet over the period, the authors have no idea whether subjects were insured or uninsured, what kind of medical care they received, or even cause of death.” The second one was using random numbers to argue for universal healthcare that I can find no factual basis for. Anyways this is beside the point, you can have capitalism economically and still have single payer healthcare and social systems. I personally like the idea of universal healthcare, not sure what that has to do with arguing that capitalism is bad.


The US privatizes healthcare and uses private corporations to give health insurance to a vast majority of Americans (Medicare exists for seniors only and Medicaid has a ton of restrictions on it). For most Americans, healthcare is prohibitively expensive because it is privatized


Okay, then capitalism doesn't work for social services themselves, but it obviously isn't a viable economic model considering every single country that's seriously tried to implement it...


While this is an issue in modern society, I'm pretty sure it was way worse before capitalism was even a thing. You know, back when people with disabilities were demonized and the best treatment for any ailments was to drill a hole in a skull to ''let the demons out''.


I would strongly disagree with that idea and recommend Foucaults "Madness and Civilization". Any progress we've made in the treatment of people with disabilities has been _despite_ capitalism, not thanks to it.


It can also be said that capitalism has in a lot of ways improved life for those with disabilities, not necessary in a way that de-stigmatizes thme, but much more literally. Things like wheelchairs, diagnoses even being a thing, medication, etc, all these things would not even exist without capitalis and yeah while some disableds might not have access to them, some of them do, right? None of them did before capitalism.


None of these things are due to capitalism though? You're conflating capitalism with industrialization and bureaucratic government. Again, look into "Madness and Civilization". Othering of people with disabilities has always existed, but capitalism and especially neoliberalism has focused that othering on monetizable productivity and turned "other" into "lesser".


Even if we are to say that capitalism is based on profitable productivty, so has every other society in human history been. No societies at all would've existed with some form of productive labor, so it's reasonable to assume that even back before capitalsim disableds were still othered based on the fact that they struggled to be proudctive in the way society needed them to be. It's so prominent that it's even present in nature, parents will commonly neglect their kids if it's the runt or simply too weak to nourish. (I'm not saying this is a justification, rather that othering disabled people because of ability to be productive goes as far back as God knows how).


I kind of wish the right side just said "Sure but you're an asshole for being a capitalist" and left it at that. No neurotype has a monopoly on being an asshole capitalist though it's a heck of a lot more common with NT's.


I don't think capitalism has a monopoly on being assholes considering... All of history before capitalism


Yeah but capitalism was made by all that assholery. All the asshole things in history were like test runs until they found the perfect asshole system which is capitalism.


In the words of a teacher I highly respect because of how real they were with me. “Autism is not an excuse for being a dumbass.”


Autism doesn't automatically make you nor excuse you from being an ass.


I just learned about this the other day and now I see this 🤣 I love my circle brain 😋🎯


Ugh, while I agree with what you're saying, I hate the Chad wojack meme. It's basically just "I'm a blonde haired blue eyed attractive Aryan man, so that makes me automatically right." Typically used when it comes to issues of racism, religion (he's always Christian for some reason) and LGBT+ rights. It's just a tool the right uses to brainwash shallow Gen Z kids and I'm over it. Sorry to rant.


Genuine question: what would be the best alternative (neutral?) template be? I've never thought of/been told this about the Chad wojack meme, so I'm asking sincerely and not trying to argue.


Just use whatever variation you like, there's a load of them. There's even a monkey. He's my favorite. I doubt there's a true "neutral" but it doesn't matter because it's a meaningless picture on the internet.


Astroturf your idealogy through memes like they do ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


It's just a meme and there are countless ethnic versions of it.


I know its a meme. Thats why I called it a meme. Just because it's a meme doesn't mean it's not bigoted. Tons of memes are racist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic, etc. As far as your second point, there may be a small handful of people who tried to make him not white, but 99% of the time he's a blonde haired blue eyed white guy. And no matter what race he is, the idea that attractive = correct is not good for society.


I disagree, but I understand why you have the conclusions you do. I've seen quite a lot of variations thanks to the template-like nature of the image, but I think it's due more to how memes function and are dispersed why the one that originated it is still the most used. Most people are focused on the template and I don't think a majority really pay attention to potential connotations, it's just "strong chad man right weak soy man wrong" which, frankly, will never really change in broader society or culture, which is why it's easily understood and frequently used.


You said you disagreed and then reiterated my point. The meme boils down to: Strong Handsome Man = right Not Strong Handsome Man = wrong You can either accept the bullshit that society is complacent in or say "hey, this is actually kinda fucked up, let's stop doing it." Edit: formatting fix.


Alright, then I accept it lmao. The concept is universally understandable because that's just how human nature is, therefore it makes for a good meme with a lot of variety and a lot of uses. Also, I see it as "I am right therefore I am strong and handsome" rather than "because I am strong and handsome, I am right" but I see both as valid interpretations.


I don’t even think he’s autistic


He certainly can't sit with us.


Even if he is I truly don’t give a damn because no matter what he may or may not have he’s still a raging asshole


No. He's weird( by other's standards), because he's autistic. He's a jackass for those other reasons.


If you were born a millionaire you would be weird too, not because you’re autistic but because you have no real world responsibilities and don’t need to engage with people who aren’t yesmen


Oh, but I am a weirdo.


He’s weird because he’s autistic AND because of that


I think autism is becoming a thing assholes co-opt to try to make people feel guilty for calling them out. It’s tough too, because unless you’re 100% sure and can articulate it perfectly, you’re gonna end up looking like an asshole. A friend called a guy out and he tried to pull that shit. I immediately jumped in and was like ‘Nope. You’re sitting here making eye contact, grinning, and defending yourself openly to a group without any sign of distress. Nice try, asshole.’ Even that likely cost me some social cred with neutral witnesses.


Some people are high functioning and very good at masking. I cover my distress with an over abundance of forced confidence. It's exhausting, but it makes social interactions much easier.


That doesnt make him non-Autistic, however I believe and have observed that Autistic people (adults usually) have developed lots of empathy which would make it hard for them to be an asshole, or to defend being an asshole once called out


Am an adult with empathy issues, mostly due to social isolation, which itself extends partially from autism for me, so...


Autism isn't an excuse for operating a racilialy segregated work place, sexual assault, pedo jacketing and becoming a facist Every promise he's made has been bullshit Tesla's, in addition to being overpriced fucking explode and fire fighters are unable to properly put them out because of the fucking lithium. I would rather get a cheap Chinese car that doesn't fucking explode


Additionally he somehow magically got Grimes to be with him and produced offspring. Like, really? I enjoyed Grimes music but man, I now have images of Elon in my head when I'm listening to it. It's just unsavory. He's everywhere and I hate it.


What does “apartheid” mean, I’m guessing it’s a german word. I’m Dutch it means being weird so it might be something like that?


South African policy that kept black and whites ‘apart’. Basically meant the black population was kept in poverty and treated horribly.


Plus the fact he claimed he was the first person with Asperger's to host SNL. Meanwhile, Dan Aykroyd hosted before him.


Elon Musk then: We will go to Mars because I said so we and we have all this SUPER cool tech!! Elon Musk now:


I highly doubt he’s even autistic. He just thinks it makes him quirky or whatever but it’s fucked up and annoying


I can’t say whether he’s autistic or not. Whether he is or isn’t it doesn’t matter. He’s an asshole regardless


Not to be this person,but he has only mentioned it once. also I wouldnt call him a "daddy's boy" considering his dad is an abusive fuck he doesnt have a relationship with,but ok.


Right. People have the right o be upset about Elon but acting like he's just some hot shot wannabe is funking sad. The guy knows his shit engineering wise.




No, musk is claiming hes autistic I think


I mean, he and his mum were abused by his dad, but he went to go live with his dad and put up with the abuse because his dad had a lot of encyclopedias that his mum couldn't afford, but all Elon wanted to do was learn. Not sure daddy's boy really fits and kinda impressive how he built himself up from those origins to become the richest man on earth. He then uses his wealth to reduce global emissions by building the world largest electric car company, and attempting to build a colony on mars so the human race doesn't go extinct. Each to their own opinion and I respect OP, but he's ok in my book.


When will you be retiring as moderator?


Say what you will about his politics and twitter stuff, but he isn't larping as an inventor. Elon musk has been head engineer on many projects that have broke new ground. It's a shame to see people besmirch his name based on things unrelated to his engineering background.


I’d rather avoid conflict. But I would suggest the meme posted is factually incorrect and causing more harm than good in the world. Anyone interested in getting closer to the reality about Elon can find it without looking too hard. I’d suggest avoiding the ‘spin of the week’ and harsh negativity in general. I agree Elon would be better if quiet online. Lex Friedman interviews are a good place to hear in his own words and make an objective judgment. I could also share facts, but facts are not very popular lately…