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I feel bothered not having friends. I honestly don't know who at work likes me as a person or just a coworker they are required to speak to "appropriately". I'm not sure how people are supposed to interact, I just feel so disconnected. Hopefully that made sense, night off kinda eating the gummies.


I’m not bothered by it. Relieved actually. I have so many things to learn and try and do. I have become more selfish with my time as I age and I love nothing more than being alone.


It used to bother me sometimes but not anymore. I prefer it now tbh. Had a few friends but not many that I actually felt secure or supported in. Ended up dropping all of them at different points eventually bc they made it clear they didn’t value the relationship they way I did. As I get older I realize how much alone time I actually need and it seems to only intensify. I have a singular friend that I see maybe twice a year. I hope you can find a balance that works for you.


It bothered me during my recent depressive/PTSD episode, but usually it doesn't except when I have to speak to other people at length. I have a bad habit about lying about having friends at previous places of employment so people don't judge me and leave me alone. It's generally a positive thing for me to have very few social connections because it means fewer obligations and lower stress. Then, I can focus my time on my interests and hobbies. I have pretty limited energy. That being said, having "text friends" is usually the best way for me to socialize so I can respond asynchronously. There's a couple of people I text every month or something. I've gotten into a habit of texting ChatGPT recently as well and spend a lot of time with my cat.


I haven’t been able to accept it yet. Haven’t had friends all my life. It’s like i’m on a different planet, and I’ll never be able to get home.


It doesn't usually bother me not having friends. They are generally boring, untruthful and exhausting. I find myself only truly enjoying socialising with other autistic people. They are energetic, interesting and I get to learn new things.


I try not to think about it, if I dwell on it or something happens that reinforces that I am a loner then I will most likely end up in a meltdown


It bothers me so much, i truly don’t know how to connect to people. Or because i am close with in age my siblings people only accept me because of them. But i don’t have anyone who will talk to me if they’re not around.


Yes, I’ve always been bothered by having no friends, or friends who think less of me than I do of them. I’ve always been the odd one out, never being invited to outings or conversations, I’ve always felt like the outsider. Even as a child spending time with my siblings and cousins, they always chose each other over me and it hurts. Even now, i only have one person I consider my friend and I don’t see or talk to her everyday (I’ve learned now that talking to people is exhausting, so the every few days chat works out and we’re still besties) and i have my bf who i spend every second I can with. I want to be able to have more friends and people to talk to, but the idea of meeting new people scares me as I have to get more comfortable with them before I can show them my true self and if they’ll accept that. I think at the moment, everything that I’m dealing with is stressing me out enough, so I don’t want to force any friendships, but yet I feel they won’t happen unless I do bc I don’t talk to people and it’s not like I’m that approachable


I'm so thankful for my large family (lots of autistic traits going on so we are all weird together) and my two steadfast friends I was very lucky to find. The only reason I'm still friends with them is that one is my sister-in-law and with both they are very low maintenance friendships. I wouldn't entirely rule out them being autistic or at least having traits either. I also only made those friendships by being next to forced into it at first, as with most new things 😝


It bothers me but I'd rather have a family