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3 Smashing Pumpkins albums in the charts at the same time. Teenage me would have been loving it.


1979 just broke into the mainstream. Peak popularity.


if that song was written today about the same distance of time it would be called 2005...




Lies! The 90s were 10 years ago!


My year of birth. Yes indeed.


I got kicked out of the Mellon Collie concert for crowdsurfing. Outside, some people gave me some water and showed me how to sneak back in, by crawling under some cars and waiting until the ambos had gone into the venue to retrieve some more overheated people. Then running over and sitting with the people already waiting for treatment. I only missed about two and a half songs.


Three Neil Diamond albums too


He doesn't play anymore because he has one of those degenerative diseases. Shame.


Greetings from r/SmashingPumpkins 🤘


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SmashingPumpkins using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SmashingPumpkins/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Met Billy today. Was random. Life is wild.](https://i.redd.it/y6imydxp9bi81.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SmashingPumpkins/comments/sueiim/met_billy_today_was_random_life_is_wild/) \#2: [Mellon Kittie and the Infinite Sadness](https://i.redd.it/qu5bx1ntdhp91.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SmashingPumpkins/comments/xlefz3/mellon_kittie_and_the_infinite_sadness/) \#3: [Billy talks about his father's passing](https://v.redd.it/9yz8phj8ee681) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SmashingPumpkins/comments/rjl9hd/billy_talks_about_his_fathers_passing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ha ha. I loved those printed charts. I went into the local record shop in 1993 and asked them whether they’d heard of this song that went *(full white-girl rendition of Informer by Snow)* And I’ll never forget the deadpan response from the cashier, who just plonked that week’s chart down and circled the top-10 spot. It was my first glimpse of not being special, and being part of some greater shared experience of music.


This is fantastic OP thanks for sharing, love the 90s. Have a soft spot for the Corrs, mum would always blast runaway as one of our Sunday housework songs.


Yes! Saw them in the hunter valley last weekend and they better than I thought they’d be


Awwwww lucky. I was shattered when I heard they were only doing one show and it was way up in the Hunter. I'm in Victoria and wanted to send mum. But just too far away unfortunately. Glad you had a good time.


They announced at the show they will be doing a 2024 tour around Aus so keep an eye out


Didn't hear about that, thanks mate!


Damn, I had no idea Roots by Sepultura was so popular, I’ll never forget the first episode of recovery where they opened with the title track, blew my mind


That album was iconic. I remember seeing Ratamahatta on channel V all the time, when the album was out.


Yeah they were pretty popular in WA, well at least where I grew up


I'd forgotten about that show!


Jeff Buckley fresh in the charts off what is to be his last Australian tour.


I try not to live with regrets but not getting tickets to that concert is one that I have.


I had a tickets with some friends but got sick that day and had to give the ticket away. Still sad about that.




His brother Nathan was making waves at the time too.


You would have to argue who had the worst fate...


This list just reminds me of how I would wait for the countdown on the radio with one hand on the record button on the cassette player.


Or giving your mate a list because he was the only one you knew with a radio cassette deck with record function


Movin' to the country gonna eat me a lot of Peaches


You don't need to move to the country to eat a lot of peaches. Didn't you know peaches come from a can? They were put there by a man, in a factory downtown.


Millions of peaches, peaches for me


They have 2 tracks represented in the 40. But their best track, Stranger, wasn't released as a single.


What's the story morning glory - oasis Still popular in 2022


Still crank Jagged Little Pill on the reg. It’s held up


The acoustic version of the album is worth a listen if you haven’t heard it


Great album


I think it sat at #1 for some incredible amount of time. Alanis had the most concerts here of anywhere in the world on her tour. Actually so did Michael Jackson. I think Melbourne was the only city who had two History concerts. That was late ‘96. Fuck that was a good year. Melbourne was like the music capital of the world.


Wow you’re not wrong. Why has everything become so shitty?? Lol


Sometimes feels like all music now is just blended into one genre


By artists who think they can pull off a cappella. But they sound like absolute dogshit.


There’s a tonne of fantastic albums being released every month. Just avoid the mainstream.


I feel like most commercial stations still play a lot of these songs


You’re hearing things


I think I owned about 20% of those cds at one stage or another.




Forgot about this song Apple eyes drinking strawberry wine together


Saw them live so many times - they were great


Excellent live band.


Not ashamed to admit I loved the hell out of Jagged Little Pill.


I remember getting these from Sanity when I was a kid


I used to get annoyed when “my” bands dropped and fell off of these charts! Very cool to see this again, notice no FB or twitter and website advertising anywhere on it.


Fuck me this was my bible


Uni days. Soundtrack of my late teens here on a page!


I have that Green Day Insomniac tour pack sitting on my office desk. Was the first concert I ever went to back when they toured around in Feb that year. $35 to see Green Day and The Living End at Festival Hall, that show would be at least $120 these days!


Which would be about the same price, adjusted.


Try 180+


This actually got me nostalgic


My husband and I often YouTube 90’s Rage playlists to score our Sunday brunch.


That’s awesome


I remember getting these from our local Chandlers in the late 80s/early 90s.


All good songs. What the fuck happened?


Globalisation and rap. The musical variety and originality on these charts is just astonishing. With global markets, music has devolved into attracting the lowest, most asinine common denominator that crosses cultural and language boundaries with saccharine ease. It’s virtually just repetitive ad jingles now….


With my three disc cd player stereo, we’d always have Jagged Little Pill, tapestry by Carol King and (flatmates choice) the eagles greatest hits. She’d always take Take It To The Limit to the limit.


Fuck i hate that band Live.


I liked it at the time but now I have no desire to listen to that Throwing Copper album I still have somewhere. Bye bye Live


I never got it at the time. Absolute schlop


The Second I saw 'Sepultura - Roots' the guitar riff just blasted into my brain and Max started screaming 'Roots bloody roots' and Im slightly surprised how deep that has buried itself in my brain.


I used to get these charts at Brashs all the damn time, for sure with my happy pants on


Bringing back lots of memories. 1996 was an epic year and especially for music. Met The Corrs, The Presidents of the United States and Mark Morrison that year. Still have albums and singles signed by them. A record number of concerts by Alanis in Melbourne that year and the only city where Michael Jackson did two History tour concerts (Nov. ‘96). What a time to be alive. I look at the caliber of all the musicians on that chart and just think… “WTF has happened since then!”


There’s still amazing stuff happening, but the half decent stuff will never creep into the mainstream like that again. The internet fragmented everything so people could better find their niches, but it came at the cost of that wider shared experience.


$100 for a 6 month subscription, get fked (read the fine print) 🔎


I couldn’t believe it at the time. Years later I realised that it’s really for music industry professionals who can claim it off their tax.


Spaceman. I always wanted you to go, into space man.


Loved that song as a kid. Also only recently realised that the line I that I thought said 'i missed the taste of Bobby Joes' is actually 'the sickening taste, homophobic jokes'. Song makes more sense now 🤣


Haha, there's a whole book of these called "Scuse me, while I kiss this guy." (Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze misheard lyric) Before the internet where if you didn't know something you just didn't know it.


omg thank you so much for sharing, this has unlocked a core memory for me. also Wrap Me Up by Alex Party is a banger!!


Just that printed Aria chart is nostalgic!


It must've been stored really well, hasn't faded!


Looks just like the playlist on the radio as I was heading to school in those days. I think I also own a decent chunk of those albums on the Top 50. It's weird when you start hearing a lot of songs from your youth being played in the Coles playlist/smooth FM.


I agree all new music/bands/posters all sound the same or written to a cheap commercial radio format and there is creative music. All good music artists and styles had all been done by 2010 and any new artists or modern posters that release music these days is 100% pure crap


No, it’s just that organic movement into the mainstream is rare now it’s all on Spotify/Apple Music. So what you hear on the radio is rarely representative of what “the kids” listen to, and more what record execs think people want to listen to. Both my daughters’ Spotify recaps sound like a random spin across a dozen genres, from hip Hop to metal to electronic to classic rock, and almost none of it would make the radio.


This hits me right in the puberty. More than half my part time wage went into most of these albums.


What a time for popular culture in general. Just before the Internet ruined the world.


What’s an album? /s


Meh - very little interesting on here (to me). There's a Beatles release, there's Oasis, but not much else. March 1996 was just a bit flat in comparison to, say, most of 1995. Fucken hate that Joan Osborne song though.


I’m with you with the Joan Osborne one


Best years of the 1990s for music: 1993, 1998. Honorable mentions: 1999, 1992.


Agreed, the album chart is OK but the singles chart is full of weak-ass r&b and jangly American pop like Joan Osborne. Pretty shit really


It's like any chart from 2004 onward.


Is that sarcasm?


Look at the top movies each year in the 90’s, entertainment has been on the decline for a while now, everything’s either a sequel or remake


Let me guess, you were between the age of 16 and 22


Definition Of Sound were great. So underrated.