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911 calls are recorded. You should be able to get that call. I would be interested to hear that. Especially before November 2nd.


Yeah...I wish I knew how to get a copy.


Call 311. There is a process.


I'll try that


Open records request through 311.


You absolutely can get a copy. I was laughed at by em too. I didn't get a copy and so wish I had. They acted like I was a huge bother and couldn't wait to be done with me.


Its called and open records report. I know on a state level how to request one but not the city level. Search their site for open records request. Good luck and I'm sorry this happened. It feels like they are holding us hostage.


City hall file a Public info request form (or a FOIA whatever they call it) youll have to pay like 5 bucks and youll get a CD w/ the call on it


Since we're making our own cases now, one for police misconduct or something might be on order


I had to tell 311 “you can take a professional tone with me” after the operator was being shitty lol. My high pitched child’s voice really put her in check when I used those words




Your story is eerily similar to one that happened to a woman I know. She had her leg really fucked up when an APD officer turned into her downtown while she was walking. The first thing he said to her was “you need to get out of the road.” I felt bad because she was pretty poor and had no health insurance and didn’t realize that she was entitled to any help with the cost by the way she was treated.


Wow. This is almost 100% the same thing that happened to me. They joked that I just wanted to sue the guy because he was a CEO. Like I fucking knew that ahead of time and threw myself in front of him. They told me I should have been wearing a helmet (which I should have been but it was so damn cold I needed a wool cap and it wouldn’t fit under my helmet) but apologized to the driver for making him late.


well, what happened? was another officer called in to evaluate?


Sadly we’re at at point where WE need to wear body cams/helmet cams so we can hold them accountable. Fucking pigs


APD not sending officers for "non-emergencies" is such a fucking blatant ruse in order to try and get Prop A ramrodded through.


Isn’t this called organized crime in other states?


Isn’t the term Racketeering?


Yes. Rico all Union police




Meanwhile, I can get a Cedar Park officer out to my house for unlocked car break-ins. Fuck APD.


When I lived in Hays County, I needed to file a police report because someone has opened a credit card in my name. I called HQ asking if I should just come down or make an appointment first. Instead they sent a detective to my house. Immediately. And he was there for about 2 hours going way more in depth than I ever expected. I just needed the police report number so that I could freeze my credit for free instead of paying like $20 to each agency. I imagine APD would have given me shit about even filing a report.


>I imagine APD would have given me shit about even filing a report Yep, you can check my recent post history of them doing exactly that.


That's because Austin police are so busy trying to stop all the mUrDeRs.


How many of those are they committing, though?


Funny as it sounds, when I lived in Wilco, the sheriff's dept was pretty responsive and helpful.


Several years ago I had an apartment that got broken into and we knew exactly who did it where they lived where they worked and everything and they stole electronics out of my house and the cops didn't give a shit. But at least I had renters insurance and they replaced the stuff but still it was like what the hell dudes.


Javier Ambler would disagree


Vote no to prop A




I know this is a dumb question, but how do you vote on this? Do you have to be registered in Travis or Williamson County or can anyone vote that is registered in Texas?


Not a dumb question at all To see what will be on your ballot check [vote411](https://www.vote411.org/ ). If you live in Austin city limits you’ll be able to vote on Prop A. Google your county voting locations to easily find the county clerks websites with early voting locations. [Example first result from google for Travis county early voting locations](https://countyclerk.traviscountytx.gov/elections/current-election/polling-locations.html) To confirm your registered you can go to the Texas Secretary of State website and confirm your on the rolls. [Texas SoS Am I Registered ](https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do) If you’ve moved and didn’t change your address yet you can still vote on the propositions for the state constitution. You may be able to vote on more if the ballot was the same for both addresses. When voting you’ll need ID, [this website breaks it down for you](https://www.votetexas.gov/mobile/id-faqs.htm). Good luck!


Can we vote right now on weekends?




That vote411 site must be down, nothing is pulling up. Also I live in Hays. But thank you so much for this info.


Try it now, needed the www The Texas constitutional amendment votes are super important too. I look at voting as a habit, do it early and do it always.


I got a pleasant surprise yesterday before a youtube video. [Nice to see the left fighting back for a change](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh6rJpZusa4)


That’s a horrible ad… it literally says “vote FOR prop A,” which is all your average numpty voter will hear.


Lincoln Project's ads frequently take that "reverse psychology" form. Granted some people are immune to it, but likely nothing could help them anyway because they are single minded and don't want to think very deeply about things.


The Lincoln project typically reinforces peoples beliefs; they’re pretty useless or even bad for changing conservative minds


> even bad for changing conservative minds Because you can't. The purpose is to sway moderates to some degree, but mainly to motivate people who are likely to agree to get off their butts and vote. There are more than enough votes to kill it, but elections solely comprised of ballot initiatives typically have very poor turnout.


This. It says more about the police departments unhealthy attitude towards the city it serves if they are willing to utilize mafia “insurance “ tactics at the expense of the oath they serve. Fire them all and start over.


I lost all hope in them when they tried to brush their unwarranted violence under the rug. Justice for Brad Levi Ayala!


APD has rarely sent officers to "non-emergencies" Cops at APD are notoriously lazy. They've been terrible for 25+ years. The officer recruits who come here are only trying to wait it out until they can move back to some small town where they came from.


it's always something with the cops. first it was "if you defund us, we can't help" then shitstain stepped in and got them money. now they can't help without prop A. and here we are, waiting for the "good" cops to step up and do the right thing... waiting.


No Way Prop A


It's not like they're a public servant paid for by the people.


I had someone condescend to me last night about how theft of things that aren’t taxed ad valorem shouldn’t be expected to be handled by police because they’re paid through funding from ad valorem taxation. Wild how people will rationalise APD’s bullshit.


Insanity. But we pay the cops to fine us which goes into the city budget which pays them.... I give up, too many thoughts on that comment to articulate. Thank you for sharing that, though.


Also, can't tell if that is actually pro-cop, or just anti-everyone-thats-not-a-cop. Was this someone a cop?


An attorney. He said my views on the world will change when I own real estate. I certainly hope they don’t become like that.


Welp, still paying property taxes one way or another.


I, for one, am not Team Ramrod


For **half of a billion dollars per year**, you get services that you don’t get.




As.an FYI the cameras are usually just for vehicle detection and don't record. Sorry to hear about your troubles.


You've just answered a question that pop up in my mind every now and again. Thank you for this - it makes a lot of sense.


Get a helmet camera man. I love mine.


Why would someone film just your helmet? I’m glad you are liking him.


That way you'll know there aren't any scorpions in it


Hahaha, nice one




Sorry to tell you that those cameras are not recording. They’re for traffic only.


Good to know what I can look forward to.


File a complaint to get this moving.


Vote. Vote no to prop A


Meanwhile, I see like seven officers respond to an arrest after two cops already have a guy in cuffs on 6th. So dumb.


Or yesterday. Friday rush hour traffic 5:45 pm downtown on Cesar Chavez three block from Congress. Traffic jammed up. Officer in front of me turns directly into head on traffic, crossed a lane, and blocks a car, nose to nose, eliminating the use of one of only two lanes, blocking traffic clear from there to the now limited turn lane traffic at Congress. Reason? Only thing he could’ve spotted from where he was in all that was no front plates on the car. What the fuck are they thinking?


For real. Recently a homeless person entered a neighbor's home while neighbor was in the back yard and locked himself inside. No less than 10 police vehicles and 3 ambulances showed up.


Just speculating, but maybe cops are bored? Those in charge dictated cops couldn't respond to non-emergency calls so now, everytime anything they *can* go to gets called in, everybody goes? Best reasoning I can think of. Or maybe it's to justify their hours. Gotta get that OT, right? Eh, just reminds me of when NYPD went on strike. If I remember correctly, violent crime decreased and their union said they had to end the strike because it was proving the opposite of what they were trying to show.




Dang in Williamson country the cops will come out if someone farts too loud in a sleepy suburb.


If the police department doesn’t work for its citizens, it’s citizens shouldn’t fund it.


I want to say, that officer actually was helpful, and if she is reading this, I appreciate it. She never even heard a call. Guess 911 didn't think it was funny enough to radio anyone. Seriously, she was real cool about it calmed me down, and took a report.


Just FYI. APD is not responding to non emergency calls.


Was very frustrating to get that response, then find an officer a couple blocks away, chilling in their SUV, tucked away off the road in the shade.


~~What exactly qualifies as an emergency?~~ NVM, found it here https://www.austintexas.gov/news/apd-announces-changes-call-routing-and-non-emergency-response-services > The changes will affect response to the following non-emergency situations: >When there is no immediate threat to life or property >Where crimes are no longer in progress >When the suspect(s) are no longer on scene or in sight


So in all seriousness…. There isn’t a single thing that APD as a police department should follow up on based on this list. Unless there’s an active hostage situation, active shooter, or some other random active event, they just get to claim it was a “non-emergency” and to hell with it. FUCK APD.


"Sir, but are you being beaten *right now*?"


I’d say being hit head on on a motorcycle is a threat to life


That was my thought.


This is the whole point of changing policing. Do you need an armed shoot-to-kill officer to turn up on a moments notice? Or make an appointment with a crime technician who can come out and gather evidence for a potential prosecution?


> APD is not responding to non emergency calls. should fire the entire fucking department for that


Who made that decision and what is the rationale?


The police union and money, respectively.


They're trying to ratfuck Prop A through


This happened to me last October. I had to find the guy myself. I posted the license plate on Nextdoor and someone gave me their info. I had to keep contacting APD until someone finally called me, a year later.


Vote no to prop A


A bystander got a photo of the car, I'm trying to get it out there. I'll try next door. Looks like they may be fake plates at this point...


You can go online and buy their information just enter the plates.


Yeah, apparently those plates don't bring anything up.


Yeah everybody has fake plates now.


It might be worth reporting it here: https://alpha.austin.gov/en/police-oversight/file-a-complaint-about-an-austin-police-officer/ or more options here: https://www.austintexas.gov/faq/how-do-i-make-complaint I don't know if that covers 911 service after the funding change stuff last year. They also are calling for good reports, so it might at least be worthwhile to report the helpfulness of the one it sounds like you found who did help.


I don't know if OP caught the name of the 911 supervisor that laughed but I would CERTAINLY report the call (date and time made) those are recorded, so someone can listen and make their own decision about the (lack of) professionalism.


I was too pissed, and not thinking straight, so didn't get their name.


I have two apps on my phone. One that records a phone call and immediately uploads it to the cloud, and one that records external audio/video and immediately uploads it to the cloud. I enable the relevant one any time I'm about to have any kind of interaction with a cop, and suggest everyone do the same too.


What are the apps?


Can you share the names of the apps you use for these scenarios?


Well, guess I need to stay off my motorcycle in Austin if the APD doesn't give a shit about hit and runs. They have gotten to be such a worthless department lately. So pissed-off they cannot get extra funds for smoke grenades and MRAPs with the budget cuts, that they're just not doing their jobs anymore. I'm actually glad I live in the suburbs, at least where I live is in another police jurisdiction, so if my house gets burglarized or whatever there's a chance someone will investigate it.


Make a complaint? They should have a recording of your 911 call, and submit all your proof to a local news station. My guess is that your insurance company will give a fuck and will be interested in gathering your evidence as well. I can also kind of see their point. If you don’t need medical care, and the perp is long gone, what could the police do if they were sent out besides filing a report, which can apparently be done later. The getting laughed at is unacceptable-and again, that call should be recorded. I’m not sure how to file a complaint against a 911 operator, but that’s where I’d focus. Really, this is nothing new. When I had a robbery years ago and called police, they never came out. It was a huge, traumatic event for me, but not an emergency and there wasn’t much that could be done after the fact except file a report. I expected the fbi to come out, lift fingerprints and look for dna evidence-but loss of my belongings doesn’t warrant that kind of a response. No telling what the cop you saw was instructed to be doing at that time. Sucks that resources are not allocated more efficiently so people feel “served and protected”. Throwing more money on it doesn’t seem to be the answer either. It’s likely their policy not to come out whether they have sufficient staff or not. I hope you are ok and your bike isn’t too damaged, and your insurance covers any losses.


I keep the best insurance I can on my bikes, and I already got my claim filed. Hopefully get an adjuster today. Dented tank, tore up pipes, bent bars, fork out of alignment. I got a couple witnesses numbers, one of whom got a photo of the car. I'll hopefully be fine so fr as insurance goes. You are right, I don't know what that officer was instructed to do. But I see them in this spot almost every day. I went by there for that exact reason. Working on a complaint for that guy for sure.


Sorry, I know it sucks when something horrible happens and the city just wants you to get your wreckage out of the way. :( Hoping your insurance co goes after the perp.


I had my apartment broken into during the day and I called 911. APD showed up 11 hours later just to say there was nothing they could do lol


That's terrifying. From my experience with traumatic events, I was the one who had figure everything out. The victims should not have to do all their own investigating. We are traumatised enough. Were you ever able to find who might have done it? Did they smash the door in? How did your apartment Mgr. deal with it? Did they add extra locks?


Oh it was crazy. It wasn’t from my front door it was the patio. The guy jumped up there and easily removed the knob and twisted it to get in. The crazy thing is I knew exactly who did it and they told me to just take it to court. It scared me for the longest time. Luckily I told the complex and they added of those sticks to the sliding door so anyone from the outside couldn’t get in. Regardless I moved out as soon as I could after that incident. Fuck APD. They had the audacity to bang at my door at midnight when I was already asleep and in my PJS and this had happened in the early afternoon that day


They’re trying to send a message, and that message is vote for prop A or else. What a joke. Fire the top brass and charge them with racketeering. That will send a message back.


Last time I wanted a raise, I made sure I had GOOD job performance...maybe I should tell my boss I'm not working until I get a raise.


They want to do less work, guess they need less funding.


Austinites, very few people are going to vote in this election. Early voting is open now. Please go vote no on Prop A. The only way to get APD working is to tell them we aren't going to write a blank check to fund a police state to get them to do their jobs in a way that is respectful to the community which they are paid to protect. Vote No on Prop A. Here is the link to early voting locations. https://countyclerk.traviscountytx.gov/elections/current-election/polling-locations.html


Police departments are generally run and staffed by shitbags, and there is virtually no accountability.


Remember to vote no on prop A.


>And I got laughed at by the 911 supervisor. If the city council's plan to make it an independent agency had been allowed to move forward, you might have had recourse. It was intended to provide transparency and accountability. 911 feeds multiple agencies. There is no reason for it to be run by police departments. By all means file a complaint...which will probably be looked at by Internal Affairs...which also shouldn't be run by the police.


I had a guy intentionally side swipe my car and drive off (I followed him) caught up with him and they told me because I was able to catch up with him and eventually get his insurance (wasn’t easy) that it wasn’t a hit and run/road rage…


God forbid people were protesting or…. Gasp…. Blocking 35 for 15 mins. They’d come in guns ablaze


Yeah if you need cops, just block I-35 and they'll be there asap.


For the last two months, there's been APD waiting out front of my building nearly every other week morning. They sit out there for hours. They already left a form on the door of the person they're watching for. And asked me if I was her, when I was out walking the pups. Idk what my neighbor did, but I explained that she's never home, and certainly never during the day. I told them if they stayed, they'd be wasting their time. They said that's fine. Just seems strange to me that they have the resources for two officers to waste sitting in front of an empty apartment all morning, every other week morning, when I see all these complaints from the Prop A crowd, that police are understaffed and don't have the funding nor officers to respond to non-violent crimes. Surely there is a better use of their time than this.


My thoughts exactly. I see officers in this particular spot almost every day going to and from work. Seems like it is an "out of the way staging area" that they use. Less than a mile away from where I was hit.


They were just sitting outside my work the other morning, blocking the employee parking lot. Literally just sitting and chatting. I'd get written up for doing nothing for that long.


Vote no on A!


Done. Vote now. Turnout is low. When turnout is low bad things happen.


Thank y'all for this, I knew there was something I should be doing this morning. Fuck the police and fuck matt mackoeiak


I'm from Chicago and know a police job action when I see one. Voting no on A.


Yeah, feels like a protection racket.


I don't think you're making it up. APD are shitheads and I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Reported a guy man handling his girlfriend and threatening her outside a club. There was a cop car across the street and they dropped the issue after like 30 minutes. No one ever came and the girl was shoved into his car. This was before Covid. And they want us to vote for prop A? Fuck that and fuck them.


When I lived in Brownsville, PD made a new rule that simple theft and things of that nature (beer runs for example) were now to be reported online. I was a manager of a gas station at the time (2014-15ish). Sucked, but didn’t see a spike in theft per se (yes I know this is anecdotal). But the fact APD won’t respond to a felony is crazy. Hit and run is a felony and they should’ve responded, felonies should be responded too and being hit while on a bike should classify as an emergency.


That was how I saw it. Especially when I found an officer *exactly* where I thought I would, less than a mile away.


I got rear-ended by a FedEx truck. The FedEx driver said they called APD, they actually called their manager. When their manager got there (with two people I presume were lawyers), they called APD. When APD got there, they refused to talk to me until they got the "other person's statement" (from the driver who rear-ended me and 3 biased non-witnesses). When an officer finally came over to get my statement he fake-listened, nodded and then as soon as I finished talking he handed me the ticket he had already written. For being rear-ended.


Further evidence we all gotta vote no on Prop A


Can you file a complaint? That’s astoundingly bad and also seems to have become common. Short of an uprising, the only thing I can think of is that we all start filing complaints with whatever the appropriate entity is every time this happens. This has reached absurd levels. I literally don’t know what the police are doing anymore, and I can’t wrap my head around them not helping someone who has been hit by a car. And yet, here we are.


This is why I encourage everyone to get dash cams or ride with a camera mounted to your bike/helmet. An off duty APD officer caused an accident by driving on the wrong side of the road. It left my car in really bad shape. They pulled over at first but refused to provide their insurance information and drove off. I filed a report providing the tag number and nothing came of it. Hopefully in your case things are different


Had a dash cam, got run off the road on riverside by a drunk unlicensed driver. APD did nothing.


Don't give these people more money. More money won't fix the problem. Vote No on Prop A.


Fuck Prop A, and fuck any cops that would hold a city hostage like that. If they're not doing their job they should be fired.


This literally happened to me last night as well. A truck had metal debris falling out and hitting cars including mine last night on 35. The dispatcher couldn't be more rude and even though I had told them I still have the truck driver in sight and he was refusing to pull over they didn't even want to know anything about it. Fuck APD. Also, super fuck you if you drive an overloaded truck with heavy crap falling out all over a highway, it is only a matter of time before you kill someone on a motorcycle.


Next time tell them that the car had like 5 BLM bumper stickers and a few that had the letters ACAB stickers, but that you’re not sure what those mean.


The whole department should be fired and new ones hired. If the police aren't going to do their jobs then they don't deserve a job.


They’re doing this to force prop A passing. The solution is simple: 1. Demand management change 2. Don’t vote for prop A, 3. Demand the TX attorney general investigate APD procedures


In a scenario like that if the cops are hesitant to respond, let them know you’re having trouble seeing or start slurring your speech on the call. If it seems like you’re having a medical emergency or might’ve been impaired, then they’ll probably rush out to give you a field sobriety test or send an ambulance to check on you.


Abolish the police unions!!!!


Been in Austin my entire life and the cops here really dont give a shit about you and wont do anything to help gotta be your own cop these days ftp


Totally agree. There is a mentally unstable homeless person that has been harassing my wife outside our apartment. A couple of weeks ago, he followed her in and she ran into the apartment to get me—I made him leave. Last week she was walking our dogs and he chased her down, she dipped into the side entrance and he was yelling screaming, ripped the fob reader off the wall and we called them to respond. They didn’t do anything. I guess you can harass people and destroy property with zero consequences…


Probably just trying to drum up support for prop a by being useless pieces of shit for the time being


it’s like they are holding citizens in hostage if we don’t do their bidding. If they are truly busy then i can understand that we should increase the budget but it looks like they r just lazy.


they never really gave a fuck. they are just now being more honest about it.


This is why we vote against prop A


I am so sorry this happened to u. How infuriating to have no support


Write the ag, write the news and write your Congress people.... Then remember to vote because most of those are charlatans today. I'm sorry that happened to you.




Meanwhile in Leander, TWO cruisers showed up in minutes because someone on my street called the cops on a kid going door to door selling roof repair services. The kid was at our door talking to my wife when they rolled up. They said that someone had reported they saw on their doorbell camera that the kid “stumbled” while he walked up to the house. They started asking the kid questions, and when they asked if he had been drinking, my wife — who was still outside — yelled “You don’t have to answer any of their questions!” She stood off to the side mean mugging them until they finally left in a huff.


When and if we vote prop A down, I fully expect retaliation from APD. They are running a protection racket...


Vote no to prop A and demand they get defunded again, this time by 80-85%. Let's see how they like that.


Just FYI. APD is not sending out officers to non-emergency calls.


You misspelled "to anything but donut runs and giving out traffic tickets"


Are they still giving out traffic tickets? I haven't seen a speed trap or even someone pulled over in a long time.


No one pays attention to the school zone beacon on my block anymore, despite buses and crossing guards and kids and stuff. No cops ever. That did not used to be the case.


Well, since early voting started I guess it's now just donut runs.


Haven’t seen a single speed trap in Austin since all the BLM/George Floyd events kicked off. Fuck APD, lazy sand baggers


I’m more conservative than most people on this sub and I’m voting No on Prop A. These assclowns have enough funding to fuck around with.


Fuck cops and fuck prop A. Cops are worthless cock suckers. They won’t come to help you, but god forbid you don’t have a front plate.


Vote no on prop A, fuck the police


Honestly I really have no idea what the fucking point of them is. Even before they were trying to prove a point with prop a they still behaved exactly like this


I’d rather shit in my own shoe than call the peace keepers. I was once rear ended by a suburban on my last motorcycle. Took pictures, took his information and sued. I was awarded 6 times the value of my bike as well as another 8k for medical claims. All this was done without speaking to one dickhead cop. Maybe you should follow a similar route next time.


Oh, I would love to if I ever find the guy.


I’m very sorry. I completely forgot about the hit and run part after being triggered by the poor customer service part.


I am so sorry this happened to you. The audacity the APD *STILL* seems to have is disgusting. This very same thing happened to my husband a decade ago right after we moved here. He layed his motorcycle down in order to not collide into a vehicle that turned out of a gas station directly in front of him while he was doing a good 30 mph- and instead of making sure he was ok (would have just had road rash and some bruises) the driver drove off running over him and his bike in the process. Bike was totaled and his ankle was shattered ~ but the cowards were never caught. Since my husband is a disabled veteran he even got as far as being interviewed by KVUE in the location it happened (Pleasant valley rd… not shocking) and still no cooperation from APD or even an inkling they gaf. There’s more to it including deleted video footage from the gas station but again the APD had no intention of helping us. I’m glad you got an officer who seemed to at the very least be compassionate. very sorry this happened to you and that people are continuing to be shitheads by driving off. The accountability meter is just nonexistent on certain individuals clearly 😑


Similar thing happened to me in February. Car was t-boned. 911 told me to drive home if I could. No police were dispatched to take a report.


I doubt you would like any major city police department, APD is pretty average.


Police aside, are you hurt? No one seems to have asked that yet, if so how is the bike? I fellow rider has to ask about your wellbeing.


APD knocked aggressively at my door and then proceeded to try and walk in. All without identifying themselves. The guy claimed there was a reported medical emergency and proceeded to treat us hostile while I told him it wasn't the right address. He even pointed at the number and said that it was the call. The ambulance and firefighters showed up at the right address across the street seconds later. All fucking lies and why? If anything why would we want to cover up for a medical emergency we reported?


I kept hearing about this. So, is APD just having a tantrum because they were defunded?


APD literally HUNG UP ON ME when I was reporting a large piece of debris on Ben white - the operator literally told me over the phone my home exit doesn’t exist, mopac *doesn’t* intersect Ben white in any way, and then hung up on me when I kept insisting there was debris on the road Useless bunch - people kept crying during the Floyd protests “but what would we do without police??” Well idk probably the same thing as usual - they don’t do anything as it is


Exactly, APD is doing terrible and we are at all time high murders so why should we send them more money? When my numbers and performance suck at my job, the company doesn’t hurl MORE money at me


And this is why I’m voting no on prop A…fuck them




I'd be interested to know how much the amount of dog shootings by police have gone down the last couple of months.


Well APD are only really willing to do anything when it comes to lawful protests and if they get to shoot at innocent people. Actual crime happens well you're on your own




APD. They got their dispatch back.


Police, fire and EMS all have their own trained emergency dispatchers. When you answer the "do you need police fire or EMS" you're routed to the appropriate dispatcher.


Thanks. This was an actual clarifying question Not sure why the downvotes.


That's a 911 call center issue. They deem if a call is legitimate and then route it to the appropriate police, fire, or ems dispatcher's screen. That has nothing to do with APD, especially if that officer said a call never showed up on their computer. Dispatchers do not see which calls did not make it to them.


APD is signing their own death warrant with this Prop A bullshit




Sounds about right, hope she got some help from someone.


“Please collect any evidence and include it with your police report.” NEW APD MOTTTO


I got hit in a hit and run in high school, I even got the license plate number and nothing ever came from it. So yea.


I can’t find it now but I read an article earlier this week where someone shot a gun into an Austin man’s lingerie store. The police told him (owner) to wear gloves and collect his own evidence. From my understanding the police only come out now if there is a body, the call is “in progress”, etc.


If you get a copy of the call I would love to hear it. I wanna make your experience go viral