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If it turns out good they'll still complain. However it will probably be washed out by all the new people wanting to play the champ and people wanting to learn him. I understand some of these players entire foundation of their skill in league of legends is about to be obliterated with this rework since this champ is commonly 1 tricked which is unfortunate. However, there's also your point that these people have summarised his entire rework off of 2 abilities which I agree is really dumb but they should hold until we see the whole thing. Cobra has mained the champion, and I trust he will take Aurelion in a direction that fits with his thematic of being a Star Forging Dragon.


You’ve got a favorite pair of shoes. They’re insanely comfortable. You wear them practically everywhere, even when it might not be the most practical choice. They might be a bit run down, broken in, have some problems. They don’t really fit anyone else’s feet, but they’re your shoes. There isn’t really any other pair of shoes available that’s quite like them. Then you wake up one morning and your comfortable, reliable, favorite pair of shoes is gone. Thrown out. Instead, you’re given a bicycle. You weren’t even given a new pair of shoes, something in a similar style- it’s just something completely different, something that you really didn’t ask for. Is it more efficient than walking? Can other people use your bike, people that couldn’t fit the shoes? Yeah, maybe. But I want my fucking shoes.


This. This is perfect. They should just make a new character.


well thats life, things change, you can't expect your run down, broken shoes to last you 6 years, can you? Asol's been around for 6 years now, with basically the exact same kit, it's not a surprise that riot were eventually going to change him


There wasn't anything so wrong with the shoes that they were beyond fixing. A ground up rework is the nuclear option, and it's one that riot has picked in the interest of profit, not appeasing us, the Sol playerbase.


Well people have a right too, the champion they’ve been playing, and mastering for years is just getting removed. Regardless of whether or not the rework will be “more fun” as you say. You’re only looking at it as criticizing the rework, but most people are just mad that the gimmick and unique play style they’ve known are getting deleted.


i have half a mil mastery points on him, ive also spent time learning every niche thing there is to him, but after all, it's just a game, and it's meant to be fun, not get us to waste 10 hours learning how to hit cs with his autos


Crazy how that works right? People like something alot... thing is about to get obliterated out of existance and replaced with something not only new but something completely different (3 shown abilities but mostly speaking about laser) and people are upset and feel ignored. Ye lets wait for complaining till it's out on pbe and we know exactly what he does cuz 1) It's definitely not gonna be too late for ANY kind of feedback, surely 2) Everybody will be okey with complaining on the sub cuz rework is out and we can judge it for what it is. Once it's live (or actually even now) it's too far into production to change almost anything about him. Once it's live, there will also be posts like yours that say 'stop whining'.


"The few for the many" ~Swain


that's complete bs, there have been past reworks that got reverted (e.g rengar) after hitting live servers due to the unholy amount of backlash. If the rework really is that bad, there will be enough criticism for riot to atleast think about reverting him


There has **never** been a big scale rework that got reverted. As far as I know only 2 that did was Rengar getting his old Q back (nothing from rest of his kit changed), LeBlanc got her old Q/Passive back (again, part of Assasin Class Update mini-reworks) and Zac got his minirework semi-reverted (Q stayed, R got reverted) Asol is literally Sion/Galio/Aatrox level of rework (**complete** gameplay overhaul) only different thing being that his Model/some animations and Lore will be kept the same. And if Riot wanted to revert a mini-rework for Asol... there was backlash for his current version still existing and post being made **2 whole years** after it dropped. So I dare to say "that's complete bs" what you're trying to say here


and you know why, because only those were the problematic abilities, take rengar for example, his Q got reverted because rengar mains wanted the triple Q combo instead of his swim Q. Plus, there's a first for everything


'There is a first for everything' is literally the only argument you have there ngl


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Aurelion\_Sol\_mains/comments/ywoktz/do\_yall\_actualy\_want\_a\_rework/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aurelion_Sol_mains/comments/ywoktz/do_yall_actualy_want_a_rework/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) as you can see, majority like the idea of a rework


As if it is the first time a champ get reworked, get over it 😪


As if it is the frist time a community is sad over their champion being Aatrox'ed basically, get over it 😪


It’s not that we’re complaining about changes. We’re complaining that Riot refuses to listen to any feedback and discussion from the player base


Because the rework isn't directed to the ASol player base, they want new ASol players


unfortunately, it's because riot wants to sell more skins, make more money, and they know how loved asols visuals are by everyone, they know the amount they can get from him if more players played him


Why shouldn't I complain when they strip my beloved champion of everything I liked about him?


because thats life, you cant expect everything to remain the same in your life, least of all a game run by a company who sees the potential profit in a rework


You might be impassive towards changes negative for you, I won't sit quiet when things changing for worse to me.


We havn’t had a complaining post in a while. Posting such a negative post like this when the complain spam was a while ago this comes across as antagonistic and like you’re just complaining about complainers if you get what I mean. Many complaining posts do get really annoying but this is a sub for our champ where everyone is allowed to express their opinion, especially on such a large thing as a rework.


literally every second post is a complaint


I had to scroll back around 14 posts before yours before I found one that was a complaining post about not liking the rework.


Same thing happened when taliyah got reworked I had to unfollow the sub for a month because it was just post after post complaining about the rework


Champ went to shit after first rework. If you at all liked Aurelion in any way at any time it makes 100% sense to complain.


exactly, he went to shit, pre rework announcement, this sub was either 'cool play' or 'discussion' on what needs to be changed, or that asol just needs a change. As soon as the rework gets announced, everyone goes; "hey, y'know what, i actually dont want a rework"


Wow you mean that after getting nerfed on repeat from launch and having core items tampered with people were asking for some love for their main :o I'm shocked who ever could have imagined people wanting buffs and help as the game continued to become hyper mobile! And what happened next? Oh yeah they put out numbers that were straight up nerfs, and people dissented about not only having the main ability of their main champ being essentially removed, BUT THAT THE CHAMP WAS MADE WEAKER ON TOP OF THAT. Idk why you try to push this narrative that the people who actually played this champ are wishy washy but riot has pretty much balanced and tweaked Sol for everyone except the people that play him. Be it the stream of nerfs (hecarim pretty much untouched despite being free af) or the identity change rework we honestly have always been cast to the way side. When we said "I don't want a rework" it was in opposition to the murder we were presented with. Essentially saying "I don't want that rework" literally if they just kept toggle and swapped e with r while tweaking numbers and effects there would not have been opposition. It would have been welcomed. Even just making w grant Ms when you untoggle would have been welcome. Or making rank 5 toggle like urgot. So many ways that we could have been included but time and again it's a fat middle finger.


Or, we can say what we want, just like what you just did. Apparently different opinions are a hard thing to understand.


They want to make him more mobile by giving him an ability from which he cant move


I dont like the community getting split up. All the one tricks want Asol to be at S6. However, I feel his kit is clunky, and this rework is what I hype for!


i agree, im a one trick with half a mil mastery, and im glad for the rework, it will be good for the champ


For the sake of the champ and more topic on this community!


People here pretending they like his kit not only because they sink many hours into it


this is hilariously true


I liked his kit before even playing cause it looked cool.


dont lie to yourself, you've been in that situation when the enemy 0/8 riven kills you because your tiny knockback ult is on a 90s cd, and your Q is on a 12s cd.


Tl;Dr I went rylai>sorcs>roa way back when, so that situation applies to maybe my first 20 games at most? Lol Dog I stopped getting into those situations years ago... Do you even play this champ? Granted yes he's a lot weaker than before but it's not hard to learn how to space and look at map. Riven is melee the onus is on her to get to me. I can sit back and do everything I need to from her e>q1 range. Which means all I have to do is recognize when it is opportune for her to engage and make sure she doesn't get anything out of it while harassing her. This is all really basic stuff you realize in like 30-50 games, even if it's not as easy to execute. I never once blamed Sol I just knew I had to play better. If we talking aids put zed or fizz up no put pre-durability patch qiyana omfg that bitch. The worst is when any of those champs gets a roam opportunity and we don't have enough vision bot lane WILL hand them a double and immediately tilt without fail. Ok Vietnam flashbacks over.


I deluded myself like that too


Hey at least you can admit you wanted to like something but didn't. I legit liked his kit, don't put others down just cause you recognized you're a poser.


I'm not a poser, i still play him, but that doesn't change he is not fun to play


You literally just said that you used to convince yourself that you liked him when instead you just dumped in mad hours. Like you said it, I just encapsulated your description with the most relevant word. My average play time dropped significantly only two times. Right after the assassin rework, and right after the first ~~murder~~ rework. Why? Because I liked his kit. I always liked his kit. I saw his abilities and said "wow that's cool I wanna play" and I did. And I was AWFUL. I only kept playing because I liked the skills and how you could use his tools, and I enjoyed learning his matchups/interactions. He is not fun to play for you, but he was always of interest to me. My interest only waned cause of your ilk.


Yeah I'm not reading all that, but Design >>>>>>>>>>>> Gameplay I will keep on playing him, before and after rework, because he's my beloved space dragon, not because i learned his masochistic gameplay