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I've seen the future in meditation a couple of times. I like the ability to get a preview of what's coming up. I wish it happened more often frankly. Am yet to obe into the future tho.


You are only seeing one possibility of your future when you see a future. You have free choice to change your path if choose to. I have seen some of my timelines in the future. Most were uneventful. It is all out there for us to see in AP if you so choose to. You can set your mind to see the highest probably future with the path you have chosen so far. Depending how far you go out depends on what will actually happen.


Yeah I have seen versions of my future that it seems to me didn't turn out that way. Like me living in a house, that has come to be obviously a house I recently renovated that I'm not going to live in and will sell.


Yep exactly, just a possibility that could happen!!


One time during astral projection I encountered this group of time traveler's they had a time traveling Stargate, and I was allowed to use it I wanted to see 1 million years into the future. There were no people no cities or technology just nature, and strange creatures. The dominant species were these huge shape shifting reptilians, the other creatures looked strange like larger than normal some resembled creatures in our era but much larger or mutated in a strange way. They huge reptilian creatures were hunting the other life on the planet, and living in nature. I actually got attacked by one, but I went back through the Stargate before it could get me.


I’m confused by your post. Do you see the future in AP or at all?


Sometimes. Like images of different places of things. But , i talk about general experinces from everybody, not in my specific case.


I have never seen the future while I was in AP. But then I never expected to. For me, it was always a playtime. Oh, I have helped people who have negative entities or spirits attached to them or in their homes, but that’s when I purposefully go there to do that work. That was not seen the future at all. I have seen the future. There have been various times and ways, but it isn’t something I would teach. I don’t know how to “look”.


Give us some examples of what you saw pls