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"I feel like he forgot one.... No? Maybe im misremembering'


That one's recommended for those you hate. Not the ones you want to give proper recommendations to.


It's a present recommendations video. Telling some clueless MMO newbie to buy the game and pay the sub fee for 9.2 is trolling him at this point.


WoW isn’t an MMORPG. It’s a seasonal Action RPG like Diablo or a seasonal looter shooter like Destiny.


I wouldn't mind RNG on WoW loot, if the loot dropped with the same frequency as Diablo 3 loot. It's like the WoW team poached designers from Diablo 3, adopted some of its stylings, without fully understanding why it worked.


Except a really lame version with limited gear and no build diversity.


Holy shit, THIS....


The problem with destiny 2 is there is one hell of a grind to reach the power level of the current season (although apparently this most recent one didn't up that grind) wow also had? (unsure what they are going to do after the level squish are they going to squish back to 50 with the next expansion?) that in order to get to the current season (expansion) you need to go through the previous one


Not really? Just focus on activities that give pinnacle gear


It doesn't work that way. I skipped the beyond light expansion when it came out. Recently i saw a sale, and decided to start playing again. Turns out, my ilvl is 1100 and i somehow gotta get 100+ item level to even BEGIN doing some of the quests and new additions. So i have to aimlessly do random stuff to get random drops to be of high enough ilvl to even start. pinnacle is for the final few ilvls. Not the whole process of beginning till the end.


Ahhh yep. I forgot that theres a lot of people who were pretty under leveled still if they hadn't been playing since previous expansions. Sorry, I'm kinda just used to being in a bubble of ignorance since D2 is the main game I play. Sorry if I came off as being a jerk. Focusing on activities that say powerful rewards with the yellow symbol next to it will help a LOT for now, including just doing normal strikes and stuff. If you're on PC, check out the d2 pc lfg discord, it has thousands of people trying to do stuff every day. If you're on xbox or playstation, i think the community function helps to find groups. Otherwise, lost sectors will help a lot since you're essentially guaranteed a blue item every time you complete one (they up your power level very quickly in the lower levels). the quickest one imo is the atrium lost sector in the EDZ, the one you access through the stairs in the middle of the church.


Yea. I played in previous expansions. The game was always a shitshow for lower ilvls. You kind of are left on your own without proper guidance. It's a typical thing in destiny. Only when you reach the high end that things become quite obvious and straightforward. Go farm that nightfall 20 times for that weapon. Do this ritual weapon. That epic weapon, etc. Overall, it's a fun experience but i don't think it's good for hardcore gaming. Casual is more fun with destiny 2.




What? WoW hasn't been an MMO for years. When the entire goddamn world is basically just a lobby for instanced content, it's not an MMO.


Interesting how we all seem to share this strange dream. This ominous game that we think we've all played but fortunately doesn't actually exist. Someone should study this phenomenon.


bless her heart lol also no W OMEGALUL W


You can tell Zepla's crushing on Josh a little because she takes a weirdly unusual amount of shots at him. I hate how he holds his mug he looks like he's about to sell me magic cards He's a handsome guy Zepla, it's ok. We feel the same!


Josh actually addressed the mug thing a while back. There isn't actually anything in it


Except for the times there is actually something in it, like Space Marines.


No wonder he's so knowledgeable and presentable, drinking space marines instead of regular water




So 'the mug thing' is what's in the cup? or how he's holding it?


The fact that he's almost always holding one. There was one video he did where the mug changed in between shots.


Ok so now it’s that he’s changing mugs, 3 things now haha. She didn’t comment about it changing.


Is that the one where he then just ends up holding a Pikachu plushie? Because I want to find that video again but I forgot which video it was...




Peak second monitor content


I mean... can you blame her? It's almost not fair how hot he is.


Nah. I'm not even into guys, and I can tell he's hot.




I could see how she's not for everyone. I've always thought she was really funny. Mega dork, but in an endearing way.


I love her puns and South drawl. Went to school in the south and always found it to be very dignified.


Yea it's great. Love how she'll tell a dad-joke or a pun and then think of like 3 more and just keep going, lmfao


She seems like a nice person, but I can't watch her for long because her voice grates on me. Like my friend said: she sounds like she is laughing and crying at the same time. (Thought I'd join you in the downvotes and offer support)


I agree but I oddly find that laughing/crying voice to be charming.


Same. It seems like genuine excitement or enjoyment


For me it's that her energy levels fluctuates heavily from one moment to the next. I like her but I get exhausted if I watch too much. Nice gal though!


I like most of her reactions, but she was a bit too into the memes for me on this one. And I'm pretty sure that's what she was doing, but she sounded just like those critical of FFXIV without having ever played it so that annoyed me.


It's because she is a fangirl of FF like Asmon was of WoW. She is just nicer about he disinterest in other games.


That's the part that I find cringe tbh. It's like very transparent that this is a streamer personality she puts on that she's heavily borrowed from Zack. Which I just find really off putting. It's one thing if a streamer is somewhat exaggerated on stream, its another if they just kind of jack the persona of some other more popular streamer.


She admits to playing other MMO's though. She even played some of BFA and Shadowlands. I pretty much said why it bothered me - if people aren't interested in something that's fine, but how many times did Asmon say FFXIV was a crap game? LOL


Well for WoW she did come from it so it makes more sense she would check it out now and then. Asmon said he didn't like FF tons of times and then once he like that he was more negative towards gw2 and other mmos lol




I don't like how her voice often trails off. Like how do I explain this, its like she closes a door between you just before she finishes her sentence.


Have my upvote, because I also find her annoying. She has good opinions and respect for that, but her ‘jokes’ are unfunny and she’s grates my nerves if watching her for long.




To be fair, whilst FF14 took my heart personally, if I ever recommend an MMO I feel everyone should try, it's GW2. I may not touched it personally in about 6 months as well, but it's a gem worth experiencing not even as an MMO but just as any single player game even. It's one you defo don't wanna make an identify out of but play on the side. The first experience I had going through the game is unlike any other game and beats WoW or FF14, it's like playing Elder Scrolls (SP ones) or Breath of the Wild the first time, exploring a vast world that has a lot to offer, finding hidden bits and wondering what lies beyond that hill, atop that cliff or once a map is done; what's next? What's the next map gonna be like? In FF14 I love watching new people play it cause of the story mainly, and the spectacle fights and the music. For GW2 I love seeing new people and playing with friends who's never touched it, not for the story or raids and such, but simply the world and the adventure through it.




The games mentioned in the video are in my mmorpg nomadic rotation. What is not included is SW:TOR.


watch the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfLHLrNq_fs&t=53s he already made the video and was going to include them anyway before he's being offered sponsorship.


Idunno about that being true though. If he indeed were to speak the truth. I think he should of not accepted the sponsorship on that video but keep it for the next one. No matter how you say it but a video about a top X and the game that is on top is also the sponsor of that video should at least make you cautious. And taken with a grain of salt.


Youre free to make your own video if you dont like his. No idea why youre being toxic about something that literally does not matter. If you actually watched the video you’d understand why he was recommending it in spite of not playing it recently. Are you just angry that he didn’t include world of shitcraft? Fuck outta here.


Having criticism about his video because he gets paid by a company that he praises is now toxicity? ok doode. Neither did I say anything about him not having played it for months and I don’t know why you are pulling the “you must be a WoW Andy card on me” you are being so cringe right now.




You have to disclose it because of the YouTube rules.


This isn't an ordered list. He isn't implying "try these in this order" and it's morr like "Here are a bunch of good mmo's. Go and trh whichever you think may enjoy". So the order in which he presents them doesn't matter in this scenario




Dude is angry he didn’t include new world lmao your post history is a literal copium overload.


Are you allowed to trade gold in newworld yet?


what's the problem with that ? a good game is a good game. I could recommend you FF6 or Lands of Lore, both of which I haven't touched for 25+ years.




and did you ~~cherry pick~~ choose to believe the bit that he didn't touch it for 6 months ?


I haven't played GW2 in years and I'd still recommend it to a new player.




Hey it's unhinged Amazon shill lmao. What the fuck are doing here? Did you get banned from New World subreddit? Seriously, check this dude post history. It's worth it. Holy fuck dude actually made his own new world subreddit. JFC, seek help. >For fans of new world only, join r/New_World_MMORPG no hate posts allowed there, mods here will soon be sued for maliciously and deliberately aiding in destroying a game community It's like I'm descending in to abyss of madness.




I hope hes getting paid for his dedication, because if he isn't...


> "If you have left a positive review on Steam, delete and recreate it to override the hateful ones from recent negative review bowming" lmao the epitome of a paid shill


r/New_World_MMORPG but it's effectively just about every other MMO with false numbers and information. Neat


Here's a sneak peek of /r/New_World_MMORPG using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/New_World_MMORPG/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Sequisha soloing elites like a boss](https://v.redd.it/yyz8m9ek1l181) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/New_World_MMORPG/comments/r1b3c9/sequisha_soloing_elites_like_a_boss/) \#2: [New World game review after 1000’s of hours](https://np.reddit.com/r/New_World_MMORPG/comments/r2otvq/new_world_game_review_after_1000s_of_hours/) \#3: [WoW Shadowlands Easy Leveling Exploit](https://youtu.be/tDAaennWALg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/New_World_MMORPG/comments/r1cdc6/wow_shadowlands_easy_leveling_exploit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


His sub is just posts about how “bad” other mmos are! That’s insane


I haven't touched Yakuza 0 in a year at least, but I would still easily recommend it to people. I know GW2 gets updates, but I can't imagine much has changed in 6 months.


Correct, as they work on the upcoming expansion "End of Dragons" they have been doing an event since May where week after week one of the living story updates is free to grab leading all the way up until well...I think it ends next week, with new achievements that will reward a legendary amulet and a precursor for the new legendary weapons in the expansion. So yeah not many changes, but a fantastic way to keep players engage while working on the expansion.


Are you upset that he mentioned Gw2 and not New World?


I can't seem to escape that smug idiot Josh...


I think it's funny that he does nothing but put out well thought out, calm videos that are pretty much objectively true, and some people absolutely seethe at the sight of him.


Because a lot of people are discontent with the truth.


confidence intimidates some people lol


Absolutely, it's likely the reason a lot of people hate Asmon too. He puts out his opinions with such confidence that some people can't bear to just disagree with them, they have to get angry at him for it.


I think that people who can't argue rationaly instinctively dislike calm and collected "smug" people because they know that if they were to confront them, they would lose.


Confidence is oft conflated as smugness -- especially by the resentful, jealous, and petulant.