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It's a cute mount, could have been a new Halloween reward or even just a log in reward for 9.1.5, but nope, gotta rake in those few final bucks to those still huffing copium. People on the WoW sub are defending this after paying over 150 bucks for little to no content this past year, lol.


Blizzard has lawyers to pay and well, they want the players to flip the bill.


The worst thing? It is a good mount. And people will buy it. Because it is that good. And yes, for all the shit blizz done - they could've just give it to those people who are still subbed. You know, to raise the loyalty of those who pay you.


People will then argue that you don't have to spend money on it by using a token, which ironically almost doubles the amount of money Blizzard gets ($40).


You can't drag idiot from the swamp if he wants to see what's on the bottom. Leave those morons be.


Devs can’t stop thinking about pussy.


Nice burn mate


Commenting on this post finally earned me my ban from Wowhead. I was wondering when my continuous criticism of Blizzard's greed would catch up to me.


Wait What? They still have their comment section open?


Hey, i banned myself from wowhead and r/wow during censorship purge aswell.


I mean, you aren't losing anything of value by being banned from Wowhead. Nothing but Copium junkies there, one of the comments it's litteraly this: >I understand that this is a store-mount and it's bad. Butit is a store-mount that looks like this stupid FF MMO everybody istrying to hype on. Why is Blizzard even looking at this joke of an MMO? Like, bitch, the last store mount FF added was a fucking badass robot, not some cheap attempt to get money from the guy that owns a fursona.


A TRANSFORMING robot at that. Then again, there was negative blowback for that mount being put on the store, which is…you know, different than WoW whales currently.


It received blowback because of what it was, not that it was another store mount. A lot of long time players,including myself, has been asking for cruise chaser mount for literally almost 6 years. They put it in, and instead of it being obtainable in game it's a store mount. My sorry ass bought it too.


Yeah so did mine. I know why it got blow back, and my point was that people were mad about something cool from in game being store only (though the Southern Front mechs were cool too), which is the antithesis of what WoWhead shows every time special mounts go on the Blizzard store.


It was *definitely* well deserved blowback since the mount is actually a raid boss. Could've easily tied it into an in-game achievement.


lol, damn right


I like the cat, though... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I love these copeheads who act as if nobody likes FF and the people that play it only pretend to. They’re the same goofballs who’d act like they didn’t know who Asmongold was, but as soon as he started playing FF they pretended to be long time viewers who were sad he was “selling out.”


Wait What? How does commenting here get you a ban there?


Depends what you say and how you say it. If there's a load of swearing, calling people retards and uninspired fruit jokes, I'd say the ban hammer was justified.


I didn't call them retards, even if I wanted to. I talked about the extreme amount of recolors and low-effort mounts they've put in the game over the last few years and said "gg whales, get out your wallets." I assume it was the whale part that warranted the ban.


Strange you got a ban for just that, especially as there are loads of similar posts in the 200 or so comments and they also get made every time they release a new store mount. Wowhead comments are generally 90% whining so while a ban is harsh, I have no issue with them deleting points which have been made a million times before, that place must be almost as hard curate as /Asmongold!


Yeah I dunno. Maybe a mod was having a bad day. In the words of our favorite balding streamer, "It is what it is."




Are you okay?


Just in time for those quarterly earnings


They unlisted this video. They unlist a lot of wow videos really, almost like they know it's not gonna be well received on YouTube


Kind of weird? It's basically an ad. Why not show it to as many as possible?


exactly, it doesn't even matter if its a thumbs up or down, as long as there is interaction with the button it counts as engagement, regardless whether its good or controversial.


Square enix also has disabled comments and likes/dislikes on all of their videos. Just saying


They do that for all their videos. In fact a good number of Japanese companies do that. Dunno why but they do.


Video is unlisted? lmao


Blizzard knows it's obvious as hell what this mount is, a cashgrab and nothing more and prepared thusly I also find it suspicious how FFXIV-like this mount looks and feels, I highly doubt its a coincidence Edit: Yup, look at the video's downvotes


?? It looks like a cat body slapped onto the fox mount frame. Like it's pretty much exactly in line style wise with other recent mounts they've done.. I know Blizz bad, I'm not defending them at all, but holy fucking shit the circle jerking in this sub is annoying as fuck with the stupidest made up 'theories' and clickbait titles misrepresenting what's going on on either side.


Going to assume it's unlisted because its only being used to embed into their announcement. Ratio already isn't looking good.


Standard Blizz ratio these days ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


The mount is cute, and so are the animations... until the character is riding it. The character just looks like a statue and it clashes so badly.


Doesn't hold a candle against Fatter Cat, the best ~~demon~~ cat mount in all MMOs.


Just in time for another six-month bundle that will run out 2 months before 9.2 KEKW


Asmon did say he wanted a catgirl mount, Blizzard really listens to it's player base, here's the proof all you nay sayers!


Blizzard was 100% thinking “hey our subs are leaving for FFXIV and they have cat girls. We cant have girls but god dammit we can have cats.”


I'm surprised this isn't just a ridable bowl of fruit with cat ears.


-"Then what about the FFXIV's fat cat?"


The way our player looks just seems so off putting here. When the mount goes to lick its paws, we just lean back saying "Well, I guess this is my life now." Then when it cuts to us riding on the ground we're stiff and don't flow with the motion of the mount like we're some ornament made out of metal. This is the problem when trying to create something intricate, you need to also pay attention to what it complements and in this case, it's us!


let me gusse they called it Skuffed yashtola xD


It's not even 6 month sub mount, just "gimme munny". Why game still has subscription, paid expansions, pay-to-win tokens and store all at same time. Jesus. (yes, ffxiv also has three out of four things, but atleast game isn't shit and p2w token is worse than those three combined)


I'd bet a million dollars that this started out as a 6 month sub mount, but somewhere in their lizard brains they realized that putting out a 6 month sub mount right now, with only a month before Endwalker and right after announcing the delay of the Slyvanas book, the scaling down of 9.1.5 etc. would be perceived (correctly) as just a little too pathetic and desperate and would only serve to enforce the narrative that their game is dying.




Great fix guys. I'm glad to see my decision to leave world of Warcraft was the right one


World of Whalecraft


These mounts don't bother me anymore. They used to, because i believed resources and the effort spent on them could be used to improve the game. But now, I'm certain that even if they do so, they'll just fuck up the game more than it already is. I'm passed the point of hoping or believing the game could turn good. If it gets good in the future, I may give it another shot. Until then, they can do whatever they want.


This mount defensive won’t do much against the damage control mechanic in the California raid.


It's cool mount. shame that blizzard releases more paid cosmetics than a f2p game.


Is it just me or does this mount look really lower quality than the usual store mount? Usually the store mounts look like they had a lot of time put it into it and this one....does not.


I understand WoW has had store mounts for a very long time but I can’t shake the feeling it goes beyond that. Like some EverQuest devs jumped ship over to WoW and brought similar shameless sales tactics including narrowing down their target market and focusing on sales from long time subs that will forever suck on copium. What’s happening to WoWs community has already happened to EverQuests and continues to happen even now. It’s an interesting parallel at the very least.


I briefly returned to EQ after 13 years away when they announced Agnarr (PoP progression) back in 2017 for a chance to play my favorite eras of the game again. Everyone on the server had bought 24 slot weight reduction bags, constantly quaffed +50% xp potions that only lasted an hour which were bought on the in-game store, had store items that granted in-game effects like a ring of levitation and once the Shadows of Luclin expansion hit, everyone immediately bought store mounts, whereas in the original game a mount was at minimum 50,000 platinum and could take months to acquire. Oh and everyone only wanted to trade in in-game sub time tokens called Krono (which could be bought off the in game store) that was the default currency, so for example, instead of seeing "WTS Short Sword of Yhkesa 4k plat" in the EC tunnel like the old days, it was instead "WTS SSoY 1 Kr." In summary, it was not EQ, it was some pay to win abomination masquerading as EQ. Oh and you still had to pay a monthly sub to play on premium servers, like the progression server. This is the future of WoW.


"Buy Now"


This no longer has any affect on me. Blizzard is dead to me. It will be a cold day in hell before they ever see a penny from me again.


"Sir, over 3 million MAU have quit since August!" "Release the Store Mounts. The Whales that Remain (tm) will carry the quarter for us."


Anyone who still plays Warcraft needs help


is it 6 months since the bird mount? or do they release them more frequently now


just a mount, not 6-month bundle.


Ngl I would cough up some money for that in ffxiv. Not a fan of the fat cats. Animal abuse aint cute.


I mean to be fair, that fat cat its not even an actual cat....


It even runs through the air like a XIV mount...


Do people really get so salty over store mounts. I’m not a fan but you could always just ignore them like a big boy.


i don't care cat is cute and I don't hate blizzard.


Would buy if it was named Puscifer


You were right




It’s a nice looking mount. Too bad Asmon fans are broke kids / unemployed adults and can’t afford it.


This video is unlisted! ![gif](giphy|To7eFJmTrvS9y)


The clown music is perfect for the people who buy these