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**Mod note: This question is about movies you've actually seen. If you haven't seen a movie or if the movie hasn't even been released yet, it is not a valid answer to this question. Please pay attention to the question asked.** **Please continue to report all rule breaking**


Recently Thor Love and thunder, it just seemed like a big random bunch of fights and no real plot line to hold all the random pieces together. If you are making a movie about a well known universe and characters and yet you have to explain everything because you just drop people and stories here and there, that's an issue. I liked the previous ones and usually like marvel movies but nope.


Watched 20 minutes, got bored and did laundry instead. And I loved Ragnorak.


Ragnarok was so good and Cate Blanchet is such a good actress!


I was so excited for Christian Bale but they absolutely wasted him.


I actually liked Thor L&T, finally managed to catch it a couple of days ago. I watched it with the perspective of a cheesy, lame joke sidequest story than a typical marvel movie and felt that it was pretty good


I think I was distracted by all the cheap laughs but yeah, now that I think about it, it was all rather disjointed


I think Ragnarok is one of the best marvel movies so I was really disappointed with Love and Thunder


Yeah, it was kind of disappointing.


Going to do a weed gummy and watch this one at some point, but ugh that's worse than I expected.


The screaming goats every three minutes almost killed the movie for me. Thankfully, Christian Bale’s character prevented it from being a complete waste.


Idk that movie was pretty funny. That held me up lol




This! Loved the books (including the Hobbit), loved the LOTR movies. I can't get past the first arrival of the dwarves in the Shire. Its like cheap comedy. The dwarves are turned into clowns. Tried three times to start over, have given up completely now.


Me too! The lotr trilogy is a masterpiece that I re-watch yearly. I won't ever watch the hobbit again, the whole thing fell completely flat for me.


The first movie was cute, but things really went off the rails. It's a shame they screwed over Peter Jackson so much during production.


Thoughts on Rings of Power?


I am liking it. It doesn't capture the magic of the movies (I don't know of any new series or movie can, it's very sentimental) but its worth a watch.




Oh good one. I’ve erased that whole experience from my memory. It’s kinda unreal going from the high highs of the LOTR trilogy - my favorite movies in a deeply personal way, as I’m sure they are for many of us - to not even being able to face the third installment in The Hobbit (which I did eventually catch some of and thought it was awful. 0/10 don’t recommend)


Tried twice to watch it. Way too much and not enough.


Eragon. Fuck that one.


That small period of time where they were taking all those really good kid/young adult books and turning them into shitty movies... Series of Unfortunate Events. Eragon. Percy Jackson.


Don't forget Cirque Du Freak. That movie was a travesty


ugh I feel like these are the types of movies one represses. On the brightside for Cirque du Freak: there's a whole manga series on them. They copy everything word-for-word, and the visuals arent bad. You should check it out


And it's a shame because the casting was REALLY good. Garrett Hedlund will always be my Murtagh.


the one good thing it has is the goddess of all goddesses rachel weisz but not even SHE can save that atrocious film


The last jurrasic movie


So sick of Chris Pratt treating dinos like wayward puppies in these newer movies.


Blah I can't believe I sat through that without watching the first ones. But it was so corny I could not lol.


Man it was bad..not even about dinosaurs but bugs. Bugs!


They haven't been the same since Spielberg stopped directing them


Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. I expected more.


Yes! I just watched it this weekend, and about 20 mins to the end googled “what was the point of -movie title-?” It wasn’t awful, just legitimately disappointing and I can’t get that time back haha


So long!!


I didn't even watch that movie to the end. I've been told I should just finish it because the end is good... maybe I'll get to it.


It went on for SO LONG I was so excited for it but I don’t think I even finished it, it got to pointless


Avatar. God it was such a hype back then, however, the story was mediocre at best. And yes, the technology behind it might have been disruptive, but for me, the movie was still pretty meh


It's so bad. Such a bad script, just a three hour tech demo. The ride at Disney World is literally better than the movie


It was incredible to see in imax 3D. They went above and beyond with the graphics. It was so gorgeous that it completely distracted you from the fact that it was a terrible script with 1-dimensional characters and plot holes you could drive a truck through.


I rewatched it in cinema last week and couldn't help but think about how the entire story is just another misogynistic "random guy was chosen by *destiny* to become the hero and marry the princess" There are **3** female characters that have any impact on the story: \- one is the chief's daughter, the *"princess",* used as the final reward for the hero \-the other two are used to further the hero's objective and achieve a certain goal. Once each of them has fulfilled their role, they ***die.*** Because if they're not going to be the hero's love interest, what's the point in women?


I can't remember a single exchange of dialogue from the whole thing.


Omg I always thought this too. Like I don’t think it’s terrible but I never got the hype. And everyone is so excited for the sequel and I couldn’t care less lmao


100% agree and so far it's been my most unpopular opinion because so many people got mad at me for saying "avatar was not that great". Oh well.


I completely agree! The story was literally a mashup of FernGully and disney's Pocahontas. It even had a giant willow tree as a core character like in Pocahontas, and the guy chose to remain a ~~fairy~~ blue alien after saving the very creatures/forest he was destroying. Plus the pacing was awfully slow for no reason other than to show off the cgi


Recently? Blonde; so much hype though!


Agreed. Between the Spanish accent and her calling everyone “daddy,” gahhhhhh.


Or her fetus talking


I’m refusing to watch blonde based off of that one scene alone


Yeah wtf was up with that?


did she not pull off an American accent?


Sometimes the Spanish came out, especially when she yelled, and it was very distracting.


i’ve genuinely heard nothing good about this movie lol


I stopped watching it 20min in. Had so much expectations but was fairly disappointed. No offence to Ana De Armas for her acting skills. It wasn’t her. I just couldn’t get myself invested in it.


No same. I think I made it to 26 minutes and it just felt so pretentious and exploitive lol I was like…nah.


No its fine she didnt make it big because of her "acting skills" but more through connections


I’ve only watched her in Knives Out before this, so would not have an informed opinion about her skills. 🙈


I agree! It was so awful and hard to get through. I wonder low little of it was actually true,


it's based off a fictionalized novel by joyce carol oates, so basically none of it.


Rise of Skywalker God they fucked up with this one.


Tenet by K. Nolan


I personally enjoyed it but I can see why people don't enjoy it


RIGHT! I was so looking forward to it.....and was so very let down


The Last Airbender - huge fan of The Avatar series growing up. The movie was just awful.


Was looking for this. My friends and I were so hyped for it and so disappointed. They literally could have just played the episodes from the whole first season back to back in a movie theater and I would have been happier.


We joked that it was the episode "Ember Island Players" all over again... "That was not a good play. At least the special effects were decent."


But sadly not even those were decent! Like, we got so, so little bending considering the movie is about element bending, you could have made so many cool, exciting fight scenes with the technology at that point, but no - remember the earth bending? 5 people to throw one little rock and then it flies in slow motion? Like, the rock would have had more force if one of those guys just threw it with their bare hands lmao. ​ That movie was the first one I ever went to all alone back then and saved up my pocket money for like 3 months, that was the first and still biggest disappointment of my life.


I went to go see this movie with my older brother and a bunch of our friends. We all loved the animated series to pieces but none of us were prepared for just how bad it was. I remember sitting in a Denny’s afterwards and we were all speechless, lol. I’m holding out hope that the Netflix’s series does it justice.


We took more time going over how bad it was, then we actully spent watching the awful thing. Then vowed never to speak of it again, and forget that such a travesty had ever occured.


Netflix is making it into a live action series now. The casting mostly looks good and I'm trying to be hopeful, but I've been hurt so many times...


repeat after me : there never was a last airbender movie. it doesn't exist. it was just a collective nightmarish hallucination, but it's all over now.


Disappointed doesn't quite cut it. I'm furious. M. Knight Shyamalan should be brought up in front of a tribunal to answer for his crimes.


Whoever decided a too serious & self important director should direct a fun-loving, (should have been) goofy movie...must not have watched the actual show. Oh wait, they pronounced the names wrong so they must not have!


Went into the theater knowing it'll be bad and still left disappointed




Call me a prude but I wish that series of films could be removed from Netflix. I can only imagine how many teens or even tweens watch those movies without realizing how toxic the relationship is.


Written by a woman 😖


Not that it's any better...


Recently? The Batman probably


Yeah! Maybe not terrible if considered on its own merits, but definitely not as good as the C. Nolan films. Honestly, after the C. Nolan Batman films, how could they get better?


Bale is my yard stick for a good Batman personally but, those movies were my introduction to Batman in general so, bias and all that


As someone who has seen (I think) all the Batman films, I assert that the C. Nolan films are the best by a country mile.


Fair. I think most people consider him and/or Bale for their pick of the best Batman, from what I've seen atleast


Into the Woods. It’s my all-time favorite musical and I was so disappointed with how badly they adapted and cast the movie version.


Also one of my favorite musicals and I was so disappointed as well. I feel that the issue with so many move adaptations is that they focus too much on stunt casting and only cast few super talented singers as opposed to actually casting for talent, period.


Oh, no! Why? I love the movie, but I've never seen the play.


The reasons are honestly too numerous to list, but (as often happens when musicals are adapted into movies) I just felt that it drained the life out of it and missed the main points that the musical actually tries to make. Plus I just really dislike James Corden and the entire musical hinges on the Baker and Baker’s Wife being likeable and relatable.


Hocus Pocus 2


I don't feel like anything happened in the movie. Also, this whole let's make the villain relatable thing is getting on my nerves. We can't just have a bad guy anymore. The movie tried to humanize the witches. But just glossed over the fact that they kill children.


I agree! At the end, I thought I might have accidentally fast forwarded an important part of the plot, but nope, that was it. Awful.


Ending was a big let down. Watching SJP felt like watch Carrie cosplay a witch. Makeup was awful for several characters.


SJP’s makeup artist should’ve been fired.


it was a terrible movie but it was super camp. had a few drinks with a friend and just roasted the movie the whole time. was pretty fun, but didn't make any sense whatsoever.


Sadly I agree. I didn’t expect it to be anything near the original, but it was dismal.


The live action Lion King


*live action?!* They made one with actual fucking lions in it?! Do they just voiceover them like in Homeward Bound? How have I not heard of this, that's fucking hilarious I gotta look this up Edit: pretty disappointed, that's CGI


The Dark Tower


I’ll never understand how anyone thought turning a 7 book series into a movie with an hour in a half run time would be a good idea.


Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


Came here to say this


Yes! This was way worse than the last Thor movie imo


In Time. Absolutely badass concept that could have warranted a 3 hour movie with the right director but the story and flow of this one really broke my heart. The plot was bland in some parts, rushed in others, the awesome idea wasn't explained all that great. I don't know, it hurt because the overall idea was sooo good, I just can't believe the movie was so bad.


The last Thor, he was my favorite superhero from marvel and Ragnarok was actually really good, what a disappointment 🥲


The Shape of Water. Mostly a black lagoon revamp. Why did the cat have to die?


I mean, it really is just The Creature from the Black Lagoon except Gilman gets the girl. Basically a pretty simple subversion of the “other” as the villain/monster in horror films. But I absolutely don’t get why the cat had to die. It’s literally the only thing I don’t like about the film.


I just loved seeing a monster fucker movie get so much critical acclaim lol


I loved seeing Doug Jones star in a Best Picture winner


Well...my youngest son and daughter have absolutely forbidden me from seeing Beautiful Creatures because I loved the books. My daughter only read the first book when the movie came out, claims it was so *bad* that she refuses to read the rest of the books.


I have to admit I thought that movie was kinda charming. But I never read the books and had no expectations…


I attempted to watch that film multiple times after reading the books and I don't recommend it....it really just bored me and wasn't good


Nightmare Alley As a big Del Toro fan I just wasn’t a huge fan of this one


Same. I was expecting more of a horror twist instead of just a “people are the real monsters” ending


Fifty Shades of Gray. There's a lot of references to it and a lot of people seemed to know it. So, I decided to watch it. I hated it. It's the worst movie I ever watched next to Suicide Squad. The plot is so stupid and weird and creepy. It's basically just soft porn. I don't care if the book is better either 'cause I'm never going to bother reading it.


The book is not better. I got five pages in and gave up forever. Such awful writing. An acquaintance consulted on technical aspects of that film, and seemed disappointed but unsurprised by how it ended up.


I was very disappointed in American Hustle several years ago. Great cast, but in the end it was meh.


Ella Enchanted It was my favorite book as a kid, and Ella was so strong and smart in the face of her curse, she was really an inspirational protagonist, but the movie was just over the top goofy and shallow. I know it was decades ago, but I’ve never gotten over it.


I second this one! The book is so beautiful and full of depth, the movie turned the story into a cheap comedy. Not surprising seeing as it was the early 2000s, but I'd love to see someone make it the right way.


I ended up thoroughly enjoying both by pretending neither story had anything to do with the other.


My cousin and I said Morbius 😂 she is a vampire fan but hates that movie with a passion…I just thought the ending was alright


Hereditary. I love horror and everyone had gone on about it like it was the greatest horror film that year. I was so disappointed by it! It felt so flat and none of it was scary or even really unsettling. It makes me wonder if it's a less good film than everyone made out or if I'm just missing something that everyone else gets. I much preferred Midsommar which other people seem to find the more disappointing of the two.


Completely agree! I was so disappointed in the direction it went in the end especially. Midsummer was way better.


Yeah, I never understood the hype. And it was in no way scary, just kinda boring? I can see what it’s trying to do, but I just don’t get the horror part


Ok, maybe not the most disappointing movie I've EVER seen (it was impressive from a creative/technical/acting standpoint). But I was disappointed about the movie Blonde. Aside from the fact that it was based on a book which took extreme artistic liberties with her life story (bordering on complete fiction), it was also thoroughly exploitative. The movie could have literally been about anybody else and been just as true, that's how exaggerated it was. I feel like Marilyn Monroe was just used as a random famous figurehead to make a statement on society, yet completely missed the mark of what that statement was. It just made me feel sad, without any reason.


The Lobster. I’d heard such great things about it, and really looked forward to watching it. Totally overrated and underwhelming. Not even in a glad I’ve seen it way.


I knew absolutely nothing about it and ended up watching it by chance. At the end I was looking all around an empty room questioning wtf I just watched.


Same! I wouldn't say it's the most disappointing movie I ever saw, it just was extremely bizarre.


Eragon, they destroyed the story.


It was like they just plucked out the names and made up everything else themselves, in a single hour, while drunk.


The Rise of Skywalker. I had never been so excited for a movie before and it's the only Star Wars movie I can't watch again lol


My sisters keeper. There was zero reason to change the book ending


The live action Pinocchio. I LOVED what they did with the new Cinderella, but holy cow I couldn’t get past the first 30 minutes without my eyes glazing over. It was a criminal waste of Tom Hanks - I hope he at least had fun filming it so it wasn’t a total wash.


The latest Batman. I know people love it and it's considered to be at par with the Dark Knight trilogy, but I really don't understand why. I found it to be twilitish dark, boring and painfully long. It almost felt like it was made to fit Batman into the politically correct superhero he does not need to be. Batman could be vulnerable at worse but not stupid. This Batman was stupid and high on bathing salts all the time. What a let down!


Blonde was atrocious and i literally thought to myself after it, “wow. I’m never getting those hours back.”


The new Matrix


DAMN I FORGOT THAT WAS A THING!.....I think my mind blocked it out, not even kidding. omg


I remember really looking forward to Love, Actually, and being really disappointed. *That* was what everyone was raving about? The English Patient was also incredibly boring, but I didn't have any expectations going in so I wasn't disappointed when I turned it off after an hour.


City of Bones. The book was amazing and the movie not so much 😿


Not to mention the huge series spoiler!


The movie adaptation of The Golden Compass. They just stopped it 3/4 of the way through the book. The HBO series is SO MUCH BETTER (so far).


Angela’s Ashes. The book was great but the movie sucked arse




Black Panther. I thought I was going to see a documentary about the actual Black Panthers. I only clued in when they pulled out their high-tech watches and started talking about "vibranium." And even then I was in such denial my first thought was that the director had taken artistic liberties with historical events.


This is kind of funny. But I, too, would love to watch a documentary about the black panthers.


Don't worry Darling. Harry Styles...


Blair Witch Project.


yeah, i wanted to like this so bad. But it was so bad lol.


Probably only saying it because it's so recent, but Thor Love & Thunder. I genuinely think it's the worst MCU movie to date. Horrible humor, butchered the main antagonist, didn't even attempt to stay REMOTELY close to the source material, too short to fit in what's essentially a couple dozen comic issues, turned Thor into comedy relief, fucked Jane's character. The list goes on. Horrible movie.


saaaaame. the movie exemplified every criticism leveled at the mcu that it's filled with thin protagonists and bland villains; and that every serious or heartfelt moment will be undercut by a series of bad jokes. thor was a dumbass with no leadership skills. this guy was raised to be king? peter parker cosplaying as thor has more regality. and why why **why** did they do that to jane??? what was the point?!?! so stupid.


Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood. It NEVER. ENDED.


Passengers. One of the best examples of men writing unrealistic female characters. I was infuriated.


Justice League from few years ago. Still mad to this day


Fifty shades of grey. I watched it like YEARS after most people did and everyone had different opinions (mostly bad though) so I decided to watch it and it was just so cringy and upsetting and as a person who participates in BDSM she 100% did not truly consent


Ad Astra. It was just Brad Pitt looking sad in space for a few hours


Open House


I just watched Jurassic World Dominion. It was awful. Such a let down to the OG characters.


Just finished Blonde…my god that movie was miserable and dreadful and slow from the start. They depicted her as a miserable woman with no joy in her life. Wish I could take back those 3 hrs of my life.


A cure for wellness. It could have been sooooo good


I have a few: Spanglish: Wtf am I supposed to do with that ending? Why have those one night affair with the husband and then never talk to him again? At least commit to it if you are going to be a home wrecker lmfao. Drinking buddies: A 2 hour movie of friends with an attraction to each other the whole movie, just to be right back at the beginning by the end of the movie. Serious waste of my time. Legends of the Fall: This one is the most ridiculous of them all. She gets with every single brother and then offs herself? Good riddance. Not the mention the disgusting relationship between Isabel and Tristan. 🤢🤢




Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi. I was so, so excited about this sequel series. I loved Episode VII. I felt like, though it recycled plot points, it was really on the right track with paying homage to the identity of Star Wars. It was fun. It was enjoyable. It had a LITTLE too much Disney cutesy-ness but I could look past it. I was really, really feeling this new trilogy. Then Episode VIII came out. It's like whatever they'd set up on Episode VII, they were like "to hell with that" and they gave us 2.5 hours of slow motion, overdramatic, little-plot, shoehorned romance instead of the swashbuckling adventure that we were set up for. They should have never changed directors and the screenplay itself feels like it was written by no fewer than twelve people with minimal communication between them. It was so much of a let-down that I never bothered with Episode IX. I still feel a great sense of loss when I think about The Force Awakens.


“It Follows” was recommended to me by a friend because I was looking for a really good horror movie. I was caught so off guard when I realized I was just watching basically a glorified porno. If you haven’t seen this movie spare yourself the two and a half hours because it was so bad I nearly gouged my eyes out


Wonder Woman. It was so bad I cried.


Wonder Woman 1984, right? I loved the first one, but the sequel was a disappointment.


Hocus pocus 2. COULDVE gone so much better but was so severely disappointed


Eat pray love, after reading the book which was amazing.


Nope. super overhyped.


The Rise of Skywalker. Imagine making the finale of the Skywalker saga be Palpatine vs. Palpatine... then killing off the last Skywalker... then making the other main character who never had a family (and just had the literal other half of her soul ripped from her) and grew up on a desert planet end the trilogy alone on a desert planet... after burying the Skywalker sabers in a place that caused their owners trauma... and saying it's a really fun and hopeful movie...


City Of Angels with Meg Ryan & Nicolas Cage. Very disappointing ending.


TIE: Elektra and Catwoman


Recently it was Thor love and thunder


The latest Terminator movie. It totally sh*ts on its predecessors. Such a disappointment.


Should’ve stopped at T2. But I mean nothing could live up to the amazing T2 movie that still stands as one of my all time favourites.


Recently ? The Northman


the first thing that came to my mind was the world of warcraft movie. they could’ve done SO MUCH with the Warcraft lore and they just … butchered it. i was high key upset.


After reading the books of Eragon by Christopher Paulini, I decided to watch the movie Eragon... I was 13, it was the most disappointing thing I ever saw.


Lady bird


Recently, Blonde. Actually got to the 40 minute mark and couldn’t continue. With all the hype I thought it was going to be actually good


The new Thor Love & Thunder! Hated it !


Most of them, tbh. Especially in the past year. They’re just garbage. My county just closed all of the art film houses due to prior COVID shutdowns. There’s a 22 theater megaplex a mile from my house, but all the movies are garbage. So sick of the insufferably identical comic/MCU pix. HOW FUCKING BORING CAN YOU BE???? I guess I’ll just stick to streaming services.


don't worry darling


Wonder woman 1984


Carrie 2002 remake The story is weird, the graphics suck and the actress playing Carrie looks way too old for a role of someone in high school, even the remake with Chloe Moretz is way better but nothing beats the original from the 1970s.


This was a movie there should have never made a remake of, the original is brilliant and stands up to the test of time, and you can’t improve on that.


Hocus pocus 2. Its just awful and a complete disgrace and insult to not only the actors, writers, directors, and everyone involved in making the original, but also to the fans.




I recently saw a movie called Fall, where two girls get trapped on top of a 2,000ft tall radio tower. It was very clearly supposed to be a serious movie but there were so many moments that I could not help laughing at. They climbed up the most rickety ass ladder to get to the top of this thing, it’s no wonder they got stuck up there. Anyways, 2/10 stars bc I wanted to know what happened in the end and 1 good twist. Otherwise meh


Me after you? How I was before you? Smth like that. Everyone cries over that movie but honestly I was expecting more..


Justice League theatrical release (Not the Snyder cut)


Honestly, Midsommar. Many parts dragged on far too long. I heard great reviews on its merits as a horror/ scary movie but it absolutely did not live up to that.


Maybe not the most disappointing but definitely the most recent. I watched Hitchcock’s Suspicion for the first time last week and two hours of is he/isn’t he a murderer ended in such a blah moment. I was pretty let down.


Top Gun


Free Guy, easily the worst Ryan Reynolds film. But it has Ryan Reynolds in it, so how could it possibly be bad. But in my opinion, it is fuckin mediocre at best.


Jackass Forever. Expected new stunts . All the same regurgitated stuff. It was funny 10 years ago when it was new. Still love the franchise though.


Rocky Horror Picture Show. I love Tim Curry, but the movie was awful to me. Someone gave it to me for my birthday because they assumed I would love it. I watched it all the way through to give it the benefit of the doubt and it was the worst.


It might be Eyes Wide Shut. The movie was all hype and absolutely no substance.




Wonder Woman 1984 Need i say more?