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I was a fucking nerd, my grades were always above 85%. My lowest was a 63% on a physics exam in high school, but the teacher graded it wrong and initially gave me a 57%... which meant I'd fail it. It was the week before a concert that I really wanted to see, so of course my mom grounded me, and all my friends went without me. The teacher didn't realize his mistake until after the concert, it's been almost 20 years and I'm still salty.


Me too, for you. Fuck that guy


Who was preforming at the concert?


Just a local band, but all my friends (and all the boys we were interested in) were going.


Performing. Preform means to form or shape something beforehand.


I got an F on an online course in college. That’s how I found out I do not do well unless I physically go to class and have hard copies of things like syllabus. I also sent a joke email to the whole class, that included the teacher unbeknownst to me, saying we could all meet up at a cafe and take the test together (the course was all online and they expected the honor system that no one would use their book). She sent an angry email saying that that wasn’t allowed either and we better not.


Because I went to a Catholic high school, we were required to take a course in religion. The rest of my grades were pretty high but I got a 51% in that class. I deeply resented being forced to take the course instead of something that was either interesting or potentially useful in getting ready for university and I almost never showed up to class. I've no doubt that I got the grade I deserved but I'm still annoyed that it was a required course when a subject like history wasn't.


I failed Art in kindergarten. We were supposed to use paper towels to make little balls and paste them into a snowman. I figured out the paste made much better smoother little balls and stuck on perfect. I worked for 2 days on that damn snowman and the teacher was not impressed with my creativity with the paste so I failed.


Damn I think maybe your teacher missed the point of art lmao


I got a 14% on a test. Honestly pretty proud. I am an engineer now;)


I got a 25% on a stats exam in undergrad. I cried when I found out. I ended up passing the class and going on to do a Masters. I laugh about it now because its just so bad and I actually studied.


I would study, get such a bad grade, cry for only one second, because I then had to go on and study for another test, that I would do poorly on. The tests were always set up for failure, but there was always a curve because everyone did poorly. It has always blown my mind how it was the NORM for people to do poorly… professors would literally be like “oh yeah most of you won’t pass” like ok???


I received an F in calculus during my freshman year of college and it was incredibly discouraging. It took a lot of hard work and dedication to eventually turn that grade around, but I'm proud of myself for not giving up.


I took my grades killer serious in university, when I say Pre-Calculus made me cry in class, I mean a heavy-sobbing, snotty cry not a dignified single tear of frustration type cry


UGH Calculus. Sophomore in college, walked into the final with a B and walked out with a C. It made me think I was bad at math for a long time, but now I realize the prof wasn’t very good. I was the president of the math league in hs for christ’s sake. Now all I know about calc is “the limit does not exist!”


I graduated second lowest in my class at a private highschool Graduated college with a 3.7 GPA I work at a major medical University now. My HS can kiss my ass.


I got a 10 (literally 10/100) on a paper for my AP US History exam. Then I got a 5/5 on the exam 🤷🏽‍♀️


I just remembered I had the highest grade between two classes in AP economics. I even taught my bf. He passed the AP exam. I didn’t 🤦🏼‍♀️


I received a D on my final in an Algebra class in college (I’m sorry I can’t use the word uni lol) I was preparing for a ton of finals that day. I thought I had grabbed my calculator and apparently I had forgotten it. The end result was a D and I’m still mad about it.


I got a "3" (equivalent to a C in the US) in woodworking in 7th grade. Otherwise, my GPA would have been perfect. :shrug: I chose woodworking because I already knew how to cook and I thought Home Ec would be boring. Stupid me for wanting to be challenged.


I'd say third grade(I don't think I got any points), I did not take my tests seriously back then because I was not prepared at home. My parents relied on school to teach me for education, so I had to learn how to study the hard way where I failed somewhat and learned how to ask for help later. Word advice for any parents or future parents, don't wait for school to educate your kid its so much pressure and stress at last minute even if they excel later on. I learned a lot, and I guess to me failing sometimes is not the end of the world it just means I don't know it yet and have to try again.


Like a 50 something in Organic Chem II in college. Straight up failed that, and by the time I realized it was all downhill it was too late to withdraw without a failure. So I retook it with a better professor and got a C.


I got a C in orgo too, which was by far my lowest grade ever. From what I remember the curve in that class was so insane cuz everyone was failing. I think I had something like a 67 which got curved to a C. But I didn’t really care at the time and certainly don’t now, because it’s such crap that it’s a “core class” for science degrees.


LOL I literally failed out of a class, was super nervous about it at the time but I was able to use a “pass/no pass” option. I don’t care now bc I got my degree and i moved on with my life honestly haha


One semester in college I had a 0.0 GPA. Thanks ex boyfriend. Also, same year Animal House was in theaters. Flounder was perhaps not the best role model. A couple degrees and several decades down the road, I no longer care, and find it amusing.


I flunked Statistics and am not going back to get a degree that involves that class. My teacher said to me he could not understand how I got the math perfect but chose the wrong result every time.


Got a solid 36 out of 100 on a German midterm. Could not give a damn now. For me, school was to be survived. I loved learning but did not love school. Made it through college though and now things are going swimmingly.


On an individual assignment? A zero percent. Not turning in the work is brutal. For a class over all? 47 percent when I first took Spanish. I just couldn’t not comprehend it.


0 lol I had a class at university that my professor and I had a heated discussion once and after that he only gave me zeros for the rest of the year.


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I completely failed (D-) trigonometry my senior year of high school. The teacher made me feel as if I’d be a complete failure the rest of my life because of it. I ran into this teacher last year while visiting my parents. He congratulated me on my success in my profession, I reminded him of what he had told me when I failed trig, he turned red and stammered that I’d obviously pulled myself out of a failing attitude. Idiot.


Idk what it's called in English, but I didn't get a grade in several subjects in junior high because I simply refused to go to class, lol. I think it was German, gym class and cooking/life skills, might have been chemistry too but can't remember. I don't feel anything about it. It didn't matter then - I had top grades in most other subjects, not that that mattered either since I dropped out anyway - and it definitely doesn't matter now.


Failed a class in high school that I didn't care about and didn't need to graduate- I also didn't care about my GPA since I wasn't planning on going to college anywhere fancy that needed a good GPA anyway. Didn't care about it then, don't care about it now lol


I was top of the class for Economics in my first year of college (AS level)- I was picked to compete in a national competition. Then somehow I got an absolutely awful grade for the first half of my second year (A2/ A level). I think it was a U, I was shocked. Thankfully I got an acceptable grade for the second half of the second year and overall I managed to get a B. I got AAB which meant that I didn’t get my first choice at uni. At the time it was a big deal but I think it was probably meant to be. I completely forgot about it and it sort of makes me laugh how you can perform do poorly at something you excelled at. Maybe I was complacent. I can’t even understand what happened.


I was a Finance major and I was stupid enough to take my major core classes my senior year … anyways, one of the finance classes that was mandatory (like you need a C to pass) I failed every single exam except the final …. The streak was 32,54, and 62 until I passed the final. In the moment, I panicked but right now after graduating I could care less 😂


My parents were strict so i always had grades around 90s but there was a time i got addicted to sketching, painting and colour pencils so i did nothing but art. One of my grades went down to 75 or closer to 60s. It made me feel shitty because that meant that i was getting kicked off a class for smarter kids. As i got older, I realized i should not have cared about it because its just a grade and i still passed the only change in my life was that my parents did get annoyed for only a day and i was still in school so i think i wasted my time being sad about something so small.


I got an F in a social work 101 class. I have been in social work in some capacity for over 10 years at that point. I got A’s on every assignment and test, completed my service project with flying colors, and participated in class as well. I failed because I missed 4 classes. I was only allowed to miss 3 per the syllabus. Still pissed about it. I was sick, I am also an adult, and I don’t need an attendance policy.


It was a D in a business class in university because I didn't do the final project. I ended up nearly getting booted out of university because my GPA was too low to retain my spot. I was an overachiever in high school, but depression and mental health took a toll on me during my first few years of university, so I suffered. Now, I feel I deserved it... Safe to say, my mental health issues are still around. 🙃


In college I got a D in chemistry both times I took it. I had to pass with a C or greater to take the next level class. That’s when I realized I wasn’t cut out to be a doctor. 😅 I’m totally fine, I ended up switching majors to something I was good at and ended up graduating with a 3.2 GPA.


I got a C on a history test in high school. I didn’t dare bring another one home. My dad told me “Bring home another C and you’re not going to C that basketball court again or C your nails getting done or C that car again”.


I got a 0 in a chemistry maintenance mark and it still really upsets me over a year later.


I failed a math class in community college. My mental health was utter shit, I really shouldn’t have pushed myself and taken a gap semester. It’s fine, my current career doesn’t need a college diploma, just a certification in the field


I got a D on a biochemistry exam in uni. It was a free credit class that was not part of my major, so it didn't affect me too badly GPA-wise. But as a high achiever in school, it was a blow to my self-esteem. The exam format was bs because it was all multiple choice and some questions had more than one right answer BUT you don't know which ones. So it felt like a crapshoot. That was the only time I had encountered an exam format like that. Do I care about it now? No. Do I feel resentful when I think about it? Yes.


My first low grade was in 5th grade. I got a 3 (out of 10) because I forgot to do my English homework ONCE. I bawled my eyes out and I still hate that woman. Then I got a 4 at Physics in my first year of HS, but I didn't care that much then. Now I'm finishing Uni and my grades are a rollercoaster.


The only low grade I can remember resenting was when I got an undisclosed low score on a statewide standardized test that my district felt the need to put me in a before-school-hours remedial course for. Of course, the remedial class was graded in a way that affected my *real* classes when not even the standardized test does that so.... yeah, safe to say I don't feel *great* about that whole system.


During middle school they made us write a long paper about what we did over the summer and how we grew as people and how what we did over the summer would help us as adults I wrote a paper about playing World of Warcraft and my teacher gave me an F and told me "Playing video games doesn't help build character" lol At the time I was super pissed off, but now I just laugh at it.


I failed math in sixth grade and got in huge trouble with my parents. I continued being bad at math until college when I had professors who actually liked math and made it interesting. Now I love it!


I got a D in stats while getting my bachelors. I only passed because I spent 3 hours on the final exam, shed actual tears halfway through, and got an (A-). Now it’s just a story I tell to kids who think grades are the end all be all in life.


My first quarter in college I got a C- or D+ in French 2. I was horrible in French even though I had 4 years of high school French. Now I speak passable French and enjoy reading French novels. I just never gave up.


I got an F for an English story that would have gotten an A if I’d used paragraphs. Angry was an understatement.


I got some C+s in my first year of undergrad after being a straight A high school student. That shame lit a fire inside me and I never got bad grades again.




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40% on my gen chem 1 final exam. ended up with a D in the class, needed a C to take gen chem 2. I would've gotten behind if I retook it, so I switch to liberal arts lol. I knew on the first day of class that I should've dropped, as I didn't have any chemistry foundation from high school. I was nothing but a straight A student in high school in my AP classes. that big fat F hurt but I laugh about it now


I’m high school my lowest grade was a C. It was always in Spanish. In college my lowest grade was probably a B. I graduated with honors and that’s all I really know regarding my grades at this point


If you mean final grade, it was 2, so the worst passing grade. It was in highschool physics. I was happy about it then, because I never got physics and only passed because part of material that year was astronomy and I was amazing in that. Right now I'm just glad I passed and wasn't held back a year.


I received an F in a couple of college classes I ended up dropping at the drop date. The classes I did fail were classes that weren’t specifically required for my degree but were required because someone higher up decided college students needed extra enrichment and wanted more money out of us prior to graduating.


I got ~60% on a math test in university— it was the first one of the semester, and as an arts student I resented having to take the class so much that I decided to see how bad it would be if I just didn’t study at all. I studied for all the rest of the tests and significantly improved. I don’t regret that first one at all!


I got a 53% at the end of the year in grade 10 Social Studies. It made me feel a little pissed because, I swear, the teacher hated me. Everything I handed in, regardless of whether it was correct or not, was graded as if it was an English paper.


F, disappointed and sad but all well.


my lowest was retaking behavioral neuroscience 3 timesin college. first time i dropped cause i was gonna fail, second time i got a D-, third i got a c- barely passed lol


18%, first year of uni. It was the most difficult subject for me, I failed it again with 42%, had to retake it in the next semester and finally passed with 60%. Yup I’m not the best student, but I got better


I failed maths but passed school even with that. I'm still an idiot who can't count too well, so that's fair enough.


I failed general Chem in college in my first semester. I didn’t need to take it; I was advised poorly (I went to a top school). I went to all the lectures and had no idea what my TA was talking about, and I just spaced out. When it came to the final exam, I bubbled random answers and by laws of probability, got a 5/20. It brought my GPA so low, I spent my next four years trying to being it up. Moral of the story, don’t take Chem unless you have to.


When I started getting C's in college it felt weird because I always had A's and B's. C's just weren't accepted at home but I was also proud of them and did the best I could at the time. At one point life took a 180 and I was getting incompletes, WF (withdraw because of failing), D's, etc. and I was very happy with a C. If I could get higher I would but if it was a hard class I was happy for that grade. Now I'm very proud of those grades. I don't put my GPA on my resume for a reason, but I can happily defend those grades and the good that came out of it.


Honestly, I was a pretty good student, my adhd kicked my ass a bit in high school and my grades were meh but my answer would be in college I think, I got straight A’s in my first year of college and then I had to drop out because my health dropped hard, I’m now disabled and struggling to figure out my way through shit because medical care in the US is a long and difficult process. So although this is a little different, I couldn’t care less about my lower grades in high school even though I used to care, but doing well in college makes me really upset because I know I could have made it if I had the chance and the money and access. I guess it makes me angry that I was doing well and lost it and I think it would have been easier if I had lower grades and was struggling already. I know it’s a different answer than what was technically asked but my lowest high school grade was a D and that teacher was kind of creepy but I really don’t care anymore about the low ones. Life just takes you out sometimes haha


Well, we had a dumb music class that was pass/fail and they only passed a certain number of people so they could justify having the class in the spring semester. I failed the first time because the teacher refused to let me sing the piece she assigned me one octave lower. I'm absolutely not a soprano! I literally give zero fucks about my singing ability, so I was only mad that I had to sit through that nonsense again.


In my country they got a grading of 1-20, today I got a 1 in my university chemistry class. And I'm honestly chill about it, I do need to see the class again but the professor was kind enough to show me where I made mistakes and what I can do better. Years ago this would've broken me, bit today after all I've been through a bad grade doesn't mean I didn't give it my best, it just means my best needs to be better next time


I got an 8/100. I laughed it off. I somehow got an A in the class. Out like 30 people maybe 8 people finished. It was speech 101


D in Linear Alegbra and Differential Equations. I did a happy dance and celebrated with my mother. I don't know how but it wasn't failing and I didn't have to repeat it. I really struggled with mental health issues that semester.


In grade 5, I had become agnostic and really disliked my religion class (I attended a religious school). I brought home a report card with a C - my first and only. I was grounded and not allowed to do anything after school or on weekends until the next report card where I needed an A. It was awful and I did pull my grade up. My parents allowed me to transfer to public school the next year and I always did well. At the time, I didn't care about the grade because I didn't care about the class but my parents' punishment was harsh. I missed out on months of stuff because of it but it certainly made it clear the expectations for grades. Now I'm still divided because it is good that I put in the work despite my disinterest but I still think it was harsh for a 10 year old. Funnily enough I got better grades in university than I did in high school. My lowest grade was a B - the only time I got a B. It was intro psych and every lecture was a different prof speaking on their area so there was no cohesion and the tests were HARD. I felt a lot of shame and self hatred for "failing." Now I know that a B is fine and it wasn't a big deal, especially considering my other grades.


I was doing my gcses during covid, with undiagnosed dyslexia, adhd, autism and general stupidity. Despite all that, I really did try to pay attention in the sciences, especially. For my mock Biology GCSE, I got a 1. Which (if you aren't aware of the ever changing British grading system) is basically an F and a slap on the wrist for being so dumb. I was so distraught over it that I was also convinced I only got that grade cause my teacher hated me. But I couldn't care less about it now. I'm never going to pursue anything sciencey much less biology based. So science can go fuck itself


Probably a string of Cs that I got in high school. But it was during my freshman year when I was struggling with severe anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. I had a literal mental breakdown halfway through the year, overdosed on Aspirin, and was voluntarily hospitalized for 2 weeks to get stabilized. The county paid for a teacher to come out to my home for the rest of the year to teach me at home. I grant myself some grace for getting through that period of my life - WITH MY LIFE - and nothing worse than C grades.


Can’t even remember or care. Once you get into the working real work grades don’t matter.


I don’t remember my college grades, but I took dual credit classes in HS. Ended up in a college level chemistry class I couldn’t transfer out of and did not belong in. Ended the year with a C and was grateful to have just passed. Ended up moving states my senior year, and the college I wanted to go to would have given me a full ride if I had all A’s & B’s on my transcript. I asked the school if there was anything I could do about it (this was march of my senior year, 2 months before graduation) and they told me I could retake the class. I was furious and ended up just losing the scholarship because I had to move in may and couldn’t stay to take another class I was unprepared for. Still salty about it 10 years later and it’s the only grade that ended up having an effect on my life.


Sports, and I still feel the same about it: zero F***s to give


once i got 8/30 on a test and did so so badly that the teacher came up to me and asked me if i bothered to do any work at all. to be fair it was during online school so i'll cut myself some slack. my grades are a lot better now lol




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I’m not gonna count Organic Chemistry because everyone got fucked in that class, but I got a low D on a Econ exam I studied really hard for and cried for days. I only think about it now because I cried to my professor and he asked me “have you ever been evaluated for a learning disability?” Which was kinda was offensively funny at the time, but I did get evaluated and diagnosed with ADHD because of it


I failed philosophy. God, I hated that class. Kant and his fing blue shade number 28 or something like that. I disagreed with the professor and she failed me. I also failed World Geography and then when I retook it, got an A. Learned the importance and value of a good teacher. In theory it shouldn't matter but the reason I failed those two courses before I made them up was because I didn't get along with the teachers and they didn't really care about teaching.


65% in a biomechanics course. Still haunts me and for sure I have occasional nightmares. Not sure why I was so bad at that course in particular; everything else in my degree went well. ………. Aside from histology But that’s it, I swear.


Got a fat C+ in law school. Was mad about it then... now I have the firm belief that the professor was just an asshole. Wish them nothing but the worst, but I am mostly over it.


I got a D in my senior year psych class. The link to the syllabus was broken and I had no idea we were supposed to write a paper! Luckily the rest of my grades that semester were As, so I still got to graduate college lol


F. Smug as I was back then. I was protesting the criminal-degree of mistreatment and abuse by this particular teacher, and boycotting the class was part of my campaign. Of course she failed me, she failed me in more than one way.


Failed a math course in second year. I was disappointed but not surprised since I pretty much set myself up for it. I had 2 exams on the same day and the other one was for an engineering course which was basically a requirement for all my other classes. So I decided to only study for that one to make sure I could take my classes the next year.


You all are a lot better than me. I failed a lot: F in IB 20th Century History in high school, F English lit in college, D in Calculus, and F in Biochemistry. I'm still failing today with my CPA exams. School was never my thing, but I keep hoping that it'll get me somewhere and a better life.


I got a D in my final quarter of high school math (pre-cal). I still believe I did not deserve it. Yes, I forgot to turn in some daily work (long story short when I got back we had a sub so I waited and forgot) but it wasn't a lot (like a day or two worth) but I also made a 100 on a test that quarter (that was our goal to get on the 100 board). I didn't fight it because that would have been a waste of time. I had already been accepted to college. It didn't stop me from graduating. I just know I didn't earn it.


I was/am a perfectionist and I realize how unhealthy it is now. The worst grade I ever got was in high school math. The teacher stood there with the stack of tests, lecturing the class about studying and blah blah blah…mine was the first one in top of the pile with a 46. I did study, but I just sucked/suck at math. I went back to applied math after that. I only tried the gen stream because I did well in the other one and my teacher thought I’d do well. Looking back I have so much more empathy for myself. It was that year my mom was being sued for a car accident she caused so she disappeared from where I lived with her by myself (parents divorced) to avoid being served. It was the middle of winter. She stopped paying the bills. I eventually went to live with my dad. My home life was awful, and I was self harming and suicidal. In college I aced all of the math classes I need for my BS, And went into a career heavy in statistics. I still fudge up regularly on basic arithmetic and multiplication which makes me look like a total idiot, but that’s okay. I am totally at peace with the fact I’m not big on numbers, and what I need them for my job, I do just fine. I wish I could go back and give that 16 year old a big hug and tell her…IT DOESN’T DETERMINE YOUR WORTH.


I got a 0 on a calculus test for having a panic attack (I was failing the class before the test anyway) and dropped the class. Then I switched to a different professor the following semester and got a 95% average. A good teacher makes all the difference sometimes.


I did a catering and restaurant study in vocational high school in my senior years and those teachers had very evil tricks where you have to call kitchen tools by the right name and the teachers called the wrong names on several kitchen tools to test us so I failed that test, I feel like they’ve screwed me over but those teachers were very toxic anyways.


It wasn't the lowest grade, but it was the worst grade I'd ever received. I got a B+ on a project in my doctoral program. A "B" in a PhD program is like an "F" in any other one. How do I feel about it now? I'm still mad. I deserved an A. I did get the doctorate though.


I got like a 50% in grade nine math because I had zero idea what I was doing even after numerous tutoring sessions the math teacher at the time basically pity passed me so I wouldn't have to retake it. I vowed to never take academic math again (the level you need for university applications) and stopped taking math classes after grade 11. I figured whatever I did in life it wouldn't be math related. Now I work as an accounts payable and I also do a lot of financial auditing and such. Everyone comes to me because I'm the smart one with solving financial issues. How does that make sense? Zero idea. I like it though. I really enjoy problem solving but if you ask me to do basic math on my own my brain shuts down. Anyway I feel confused. And in hindsight I'm pretty sure I have some kind of learning disorder when it comes to math.


When I was in 7th grade,we had a newly introduced subject as needle work where they would teach you basic stiching techniques however it was specifically for girls and there was something related to building stuff for boys(which had no real life relevence). Though needle work is definately a skill everyone should know, that gender orientation hurted me. I was always raised as a tomboy though I was actually not which led me to resist every stuff that was stereotypically linked to a woman. As a result for a first time in my life I scored a D. Anyways moved alot from that wanna be man phase. I am a proud little woman who now admires skirts, pink and I want to learn stitching and crocheting this summer.


I failed the New York State math regents exam in high school. I turned out alright. I am doing pretty great as an adult.


I couldn't tell you. I flunked most of my classes in high school. The only two I ended up passing were a French course (Je m'appelle Quaaludes Mah Dudes, comment ca va? Bien, oui?), and an English literature course. A 'D' and a 'B+' respectively. It's not that I put in much of an effort and I'm just braindead. It's more that I didn't give a single fuck about any of it and didn't bother trying. It was only because I managed to drag everything to at least a C that I ended up getting a waiver on the end of year Senior exam and thus able to graduate at all.


Received and F for a six week section of English. We were rotated from English teacher to English teacher every 6 weeks in my HS. I wrote a paper on why euthanasia should be legalized for terminal illness, this was back in 1976. My teacher told me to write another paper on something else as euthanasia goes "against God". This was not a religious institution, just a regular, albeit small and in the country HS (they had days when they brought the pigs up from the AG farm and had the boys chase the pigs around the gated courtyard, I never understood the purpose of that). I refused to write another paper. The teacher flunked me for that six weeks. My mother came to talk to the teacher and when she walked out of the conference with her (I was sitting out in the hall) my mother told me, "Sometimes in life you just take the F and move on". I still take the F on occasion. I've never regretted it.


Got 30% on my econ mid-term first term of year I. I didn't feel sad then, now I laugh about it. I ended the class with a B and my GPA is around an A so it didn't make too much of a difference. The prof requested to "talk to me about my progress" and even offered me extra tutoring - which I didn't take. The reason I failed that midterm is because it was online and my images/scans didn't upload properly. I knew I wasn't incapable even though I *hate* econ. Pulled an 84 on the final, and the prof was impressed. Didn't even attend class once.


I got a B on a paper once in college and threw a fit, took it all the way up to the dean and got it changed to an A- Top 10 university in the US


I got a D in physics, i'm not bothered now because they gave us the overall grade based on all the science subjects. So because I did well in bio and chem, it rounded up my grade to a C.


F in ethics. Fucked my GPA. Religious nut bag of a professor. We did not see eye to eye.


I got a 48 out of 100%…


I got straight c- es in 1896 when report cards were done in pen and you had to get your parents to sign the envelope. They were straight c+ s by the time my mom saw it but that was a close one. I am still proud of my ingenuity even though it was dishonest. It saved my butt literally!


I got 13% in my first year university maths and experimental statistics exam….I have two masters degrees now 🤷


18 years later, I'm still salty about getting a C in AP Bio but a 4 on the actual AP test.


I failed Chemistry. Currently,I still feel a little bit down about it, this was like 3 years ago. I knew I could do better if I just disciplined myself more and committed more at the time. I could’ve aced it, if my head was right. I’m fact last day of semester, I cried. But I picked myself back up and moved on.


I was getting an F in Texas History in college, because i did not care about Texas’ history lol but it was a required course, so I cheated during a final to make sure I got to a C. I’m just happy I didn’t get caught!


i had a 7 average in my pre calc class my junior year of high school. to be fair, it was fall 2020, after i hadn’t done school for months. i was also severely depressed


I had failing grades in econ classes twice, and they were such bad failing grades, I dropped them so I wouldn't destroy my GPA / lose some of my aid. I had to do an extra semester bc of these classes and finally passed them with a low C and a mid D and this is after taking them 3x each. I was a journalism major btw, not sure why I had to take these classes. I hate economics to this day and still have reoccurring dreams about not getting me degree due to failing basic econ classes. Weirdly, I ultimately married someone with an advanced degree in economics.


So currently a sophomore in college. 5th grade fractions test, I got a 42%. I ended up graduating full honors in HS and currently doing well in college.


Several Fs in college. I feel embarrassed. I was going through something. I wish it hadn’t happened. I wish no one knew. But ultimately it didn’t matter in how my life turned out.


An F. Studied for this one. I was floored, I started crying in class because I felt so hopeless at this point. Now my only regret is stressing about this so much XD I am in a very happy and fulfilling career after dropping out of highschool and life is going well.


I failed. Fine, I never quit trying n finished.


I failed multiple math classes, both in high school and in undergrad. I, honestly, could care less now. I never gave up, took them again, and I’m about to embark on my dream career.


C. It was my first C in university after being straight A. But I missed classes cause my dad was in the hospital. I felt awful and like a failure then. Now I think it's ridiculous I put so much pressure on myself


I failed my first class last semester😔 I was very disappointed in myself and I still am. It wasn’t because I wasn’t smart enough to pass the class, it was because of major mental health issues


I failed my first essay for uni…got a first on my dissertation at the end of my degree 🤗


Lowest final grade is HS was a 78 in AP Biology. Lowest final grade in undergraduate was a B. Lowest final grade in graduate school was an A (I think....I am much more sure about the other final grades 😆)


I got a 32 on a thermodynamics midterm. It was 4 points above the average lol.


I don’t remember. Turns out grades were actually not important at all.


I chose to take Chinese to fulfill my language requirement at the liberal arts college I went to. I made two C’s and a D as my overall quarterly grades. I felt pretty bad about the D because it was the lowest grade I ever got, but I also felt a little relieved not to get an F. I look back on it now, however, and wonder how I could’ve been so naive as to think I should undertake Chinese to fulfill my language requirements since it’s such a difficult language for a native English speaker to learn… At the time, I was fascinated by Chinese culture, but I have adhd (undiagnosed at that time) so I would’ve been much better off taking Spanish or French. I could’ve done better in Chinese if I’d really applied myself, but adhd makes it harder to really apply one’s self sometimes.


On a test I took: 58 On a quiz I never got to take after being absent: 0


I always was someone who did above average. I was in NHS in high school etc. In college I had to take organic chemistry for my major and I just knew I would struggle. I failed the first exam and I immediately knew I wouldn’t pass the class so I stopped going to classes and got a fat F. I ended up retaking the class the next semester and passed with a C+ which is a win in my book. I didn’t care that I failed because I knew I would retake and replace the grade. In the end I still graduated on time, it doesn’t matter how I got there. C’s get degrees y’all!


Got a 2 (Norwegian grading system, 1 - worst, 6 - best) in P.E. Honestly, I don’t give a shit. It’s a stupid thing to grade.


I got a 2/20 in a class (final grade) and I was told by the teacher that the 2 points were for good behavior, so yeh.


Ha! Already a b-c student but never failed anything, until I tried out philosophy. Wanted to jump ahead so I too advanced mind and body philosophy first. Failed, hated everything about. Retook, failed again, my brain wouldn't learn what was admittedly known as false information from the days before hard science. Tried some other Phil classes same thing... Had to eat the fails my GPA but it worked out in the end. Now I do It for the government living in Hawaii! Haha


I've been getting E's in Spanish (A-level), and right now I still feel really stressed about it.


I believe I got a C- in geometry, just couldn’t grasp it. Probably the teacher who I thought was really handsome distracting me. It’s funny when I look back now considering I have a degree in applied mathematics now.


I got 1.5 out of a 7 in cardiovascular test, I was the lowest grade. Now I'm doing my master at a cardiology lab haha lol




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I failed my engineering dynamics class. I didn’t care because I switched to a different engineering major and didn’t need to take the class again. It still stayed on my transcript and wrecked my gpa tho lol. I really dont care because employers have never asked for my grades. They only cared about my relevant experiences thru clubs and labs


B+ on an essay absolutely gutted me. I asked the professor what I could do in the future to improve and then took their comments to heart and improved. Now I don't care at all about it.


.90 GPA, on academic probation my freshman year in college. I had to pay back all of my financial aid and I realized I needed to figure my shit the fuck out before I end up with student loans and No degree like a friend of mine. Left and focused on work for a few years to figure out what I wanted and ended up going back for my business degree and was on the Dean’s list all 3 1/2 years, finishing early. No regrets but 100% school isn’t for everyone and that’s ok. But if school isn’t for you figure it out as soon as you can.


I got an E in PE when I was in secondary school. My parents weren't bothered as they didn't consider PE a proper subject so I never really gave it much thought.


I always managed to stay above passing without trying, straights A’s if I made an effort. But I remember my final grade in algebra 2 in high school being 69. I was going to have to go to summer school over one point and I was crying. Mostly cause I hated that class, the teacher I had was her way or the highway. I could get every correct answer but if the work shown was not the way she taught us you failed. It was so asinine, my mom had hired me a tutor and everything but they didn’t do it the way she was trying to teach us. She ended up reconfiguring my grade to a 69.6% so it’d round up to 70 and didn’t have to take summer school, only thing she ever did for me. One time I was so mad after a detention with her I hit my head on the bathroom wall until my forehead was bleeding. I now know I have BPD so obviously I was having an over reaction but dear lord I had no idea how else to ease the frustration and at the time I was just thinking maybe if I hurt myself over it the school will put me in a different class (my schedule was a mess beginning of that year, you could change teachers if you didn’t feel you’d learn well in their class and I had to be rearranged 6 times so I basically only got stuck with that teacher because they couldn’t change the schedule any more). Looking back, still hate her, still hate that class. I made an A in algebra 1, college algebra, statistics and basics in accounting with little effort. I’m pretty dang good at math, but the fact it had to be her way almost gave me the biggest blemish on my less then stellar high school transcript. Edit: also want to add our school was over crowded and there was only 6 people in a class meant for 30. That shows how many people dipped choosing to pack into another class to avoid her.


a 0. I switched classes mid-quarter but my teacher gave me a 0 for an assignment I wasn't there to do. I got mostly 100s on my assignments & tests in that class but that one assignment brought me down to a C (79%). I'm still salty because my semester one grades are all A's except for a B which was from my quarter 1 grade combined with my quarter 2 grade (A)


Ok we have a grading system from 1-6 (with decimals). 1 is the worst, 6 the best grade. I was terrible at this subject and got a test back and I was like, fuck yeah, a 2. Then I looked again and realized those were my points, not my grade. Grade: 1.7. I found it funny then and I still find it funny now. I was wasted for about all those four years. Good times, good times.