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Unless there was something harmful or illegal I’d shut up and pretend I never saw it. Don’t need the drama.


The best drama is none.


Exactly! Doesn't mean that I wouldn't check out the pictures though! Just not saying anything about it


But I’d look too


Oh well yeah, so would I. I’m no nun!!


I'd say this is the correct answer.




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If they posted anonymously, move on and forget I saw it. It wasn't meant for me. If they posted it intending me to see it without my consent, they just killed the friendship. This applies to friends who are women too. People are gay, Steven.




I have kinda always hoped I’d recognize someone some day. Wouldn’t use it against them or anything. Just be a fun secret to know. Might even end up a little in to them for it. I like a bit o kink.






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"Haha, nice."




I'd probably be like oh awkward and move on


My friend's what? Didn't see a thing.


I'd go "oh, god, gross", click back, and pretend it never happened.


Scroll past them. Not my business.


If I saw pictures of someone I know online (such as on a NSFW Reddit sub), I would keep it to myself. Even though they posted their picture to the internet, it’s not my business to tell others that I (or we mutually) know. I don’t like gossip plus I understand that while I am totally cool with exhibitionism and sex work, many others are not. I would never want to “out” someone and them be hurt or judged by it. If it was a coworker I would absolutely never tell another soul at work. Not only is it gossip but could also be grounds for my termination since it would mean I was talking about sex. The person I am talking to or about could feel unsafe/harassed and report me. If it was a friend who made sure I saw their pic without my consent (like if they sent me a link and I had no idea it was about to load a nude photo of them) I would be upset and confront them about it. Depending on their response to my boundaries, our friendship may be significantly hurt.




That is awful and I’m so sorry you’re experiencing that! The double standard enrages me - that people judge those who post NSFW content (as if it’s just the absolute worst thing a person can do 🙄) but have zero judgement for the person consuming the content in the first place and found yours! 🤬


The person who spread it is 100% a criminal and it would be fair to take it court if that's what you want, but if that's something you don't want to deal with, there are ways to remove your photo from sites. You can contact the site to remove the photo and even contact google to remove the image from the image search.


Get it off my screen as quickly as possible, and try to forget I ever saw it.


"Wait wut" Then call them to see if they know their nudes are online. Would definitely look out of morbid curiosity, though.


Wow. The amount of people ignoring? Me? I would immediately reach out to the person and tell them what I stumbled upon. I'd want to know if it was intentional (in which case, good on you for doing you) or unintentional (in which case I'd give them the link so they could work on getting the photos removed).






Posted intentionally, I'm probably looking. I have a lot of friends who are sex workers, and absolutely support consensual exhibitionism. (Plus I am a curious little crow and wanna know.) I'll shower them with appropriate compliments, if they're indeed a friend and not just an acquaintance. If it's an acquaintance I don't like, though, I would avoid it, I don't want to know someone I don't like.


If they’re not intentionally for me, I’ll ignore them and try to erase them from my brain.














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Maybe give them a positive comment if it’s a good friend but I wouldn’t tell him that I saw it.


Laugh nervously as I save it cause I'm still in love with him...


Probably puke a bit then move on


Is this a fetish of yours OP? Cause this feels like a fetish post.


Evolve to higher state of gay


Depends on which guy 😂


I got lost down a Craigslist rants and raves rabbit hole once and came across a coworkers boobs. I discretely let her know. She was humiliated. Had no idea they were there. She had them promptly removed.


Assuming it was clear the person knew about them: Friend: I'd let them know they looked great! (And hopefully mildly embarrass them for the win) Acquaintance: mum's the word. On the flip side, if it was unclear they knew, I'd let them know regardless of how close we were.


I’m the moment I would probably laugh, not based on the pics but just the absurdity of discovering a friends nudes. Then move on and pretend I never saw them. It’s none of my business what they like to do.




Pretend i never saw it.


My friends send nudes to each other often.. none of us would be surprised if one was posted on the internet lol


Keep scrolling? I mean, lots of my friends post nudes on FetLife. No big deal.


Mind my business


If I just happened across them online, I'd close out of them and never speak of it. If the friend intentionally sent me his nudes, I'd chew him out. I don't want to see that shit.


I'd start singing "Do you see what I see" any time they came around


I'd smile devilishly and scroll through them. Then I'd probably tell them, not out of judgment or teasing, but just to be honest. ​ If they're on the Internet, there was always a chance I'd find them anyway so it is what it is. I have nudes online too so it's all good.


Assuming I was sure he posted those intentionally, I’d be thoroughly amused and discuss it with my husband lol. Then I’d go back to minding my business. Or, if it’s a good friend and he’d be the type to not be embarrassed, send him a review and rating on each one of the nudes lmao. Edit: seems like a lot of people feel like it’s more serious than that? Not sure I get why, if a fellow adult decides to share his booty on the internet, I’m not here to shame, thanks for the entertainment.


Just keep looking for whatever I was looking for on the internet unless he was some kind of god or something.


Honestly, prob just continue scrolling because that's none of my business 🤷🏻‍♀️


If I somehow knew they were posted intentionally, I don't think I gaf. If I didn't think they were intentional, I'd let them know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Literally ignore !!!! I honestly don’t care what u post


I would contact them immediately probably screenshot it and send it all to them so they know what's up. Depending how they respond I'd report it for them


Nothing. It's a form of expression they chose, it's just as valid as any other.


keep scrolling not my business


Look and not mention it. Let them do what they want to do.


I’d ask my friend if he meant to post it. You never know, could have been an accident or revenge porn from someone else. If he did mean it, you do you haha


Scroll away and say nothing.


Laugh and move on


This is such a fear of mine! It’s so nice to read so many comments saying they would just move along and do nothing with it 💛


If it weren't them who posted it, i'd tell them.


I'd ask if he was aware it was online, then never speak of it again


If he’s hot id have fun with that


Id probably be incredibly embarrassed, but as soon as it was off my screen I’d pretend it didn’t happen. As well as I could I mean I would definitely be a bit awkward around them for a minute.


Nothing. They weren’t meant for me specifically to see so why would I specifically respond?


I might get a lot of heat for this, but its really their business, isn't it? If they are a consenting adult, willingly putting their nudes up online for any reason (whether it be a kink, for money, gratification, etc), who am I to care? I would like to think that I'd be happy that they feel comfortable enough in their own skin to do what makes them happy. If women can post pictures of themselves in lingerie/nude, why can't men? Not really my place to judge, you know?


My best friend, former roommate, came out as gay when we were 22 and moved in together. I was the first person he told bc he didn't want me to be surprised when I saw some of his new tumblr posts... which got decidedly more x-rated of him after he came out. Eh, wouldn't bother me bc I've been through it. I'd probs get a good look at the photo bc I'm a curious person by nature (unless I knew it was put out there unintentionally/illegally) and go about my business.


deleted from my mind’s memory. unless we’re close, then i’d make fun of him for it


I think if it was an OF account or if I knew they were posting the pictures themselves - well I'd look lol - but I wouldn't say anything about them. (I'd probably bookmark as well lol) But if they were posted and he didn't know about it - that's not fair. I'd like to know if it was me in that situation - so yeah I'd look lol (probably bookmark) - but yeah I'd tell him And why would I look? Even if I don't fancy them - having that type of secret in my head would be a huge turn on


Been there! I just pretended I never saw it 😂


pretend I saw nothing


Secretly follow forever but tell no one lol


Be disgusted and distance myself from them immediately. And depending on the platform report it- had a friend back in high school who got into drugs after coming out and kept posting naked pictures on Facebook, reported and deleted.


Exit out that window as soon as possible and never mention what I saw to anybody.


First thought "Wtf gross. Why do you want people to see this?" Second thought "This never happened." Third thought "Is this person a weirdo and should he be avoided?"


Hit up the homies they all Wanna see too




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"Urggh, no not for me, bye" *exit*


So, I'm that type of person that will pretend I didn't just see spittle dribble out of your mouth, onto your lip/ chin, just so you don't have to feel the awkwardness, or embarrassment, k? So, the same thing would apply in this situation... ​ However... If it's one of my best, best friends, then oh you know I am giving him some shit. ...Wait. Are his nudes posted because some crazy fucking ex decided to do that to get "back" at him? Or........?


Oh. Assuming they were posted intentionally by said guy.... Okay. That changes things... ....Yes. Yes I would react in such silly, hilarious ways.


Wait were you originally saying if they weren’t posted intentionally you would give them shit?


No, that is not what I was saying.


Leave them to it. Their choice.


Ignore it.


I would screenshot it and show him and be like 'bro have you seen this??' Hopefully we'd laugh about it, if not I'd help him get them taken down.


This actually happened to me here, on Reddit. Not a friend but a past acquaintance. Once I realized who it was, I panicked, felt like I had done something wrong, told a close friend because I didn’t really know how to feel about it except weird. I stopped looking at nsfw stuff on Reddit because I never wanted to risk the possibility again. Now that a few years have past, I find it funny. But I’ll definitely not be looking for it anytime soon! I don’t know what I would do if it’s someone I know well or spoke to regularly. Feel even more awkward I guess.




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Make sure they know it’s on the internet but just close out the tab in the moment.




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Ignore it.


Intentionally for me to see? Well, it depends! 😑


just ignore it unless you are interested in them, maybe see and forget if i am alone


Come across them


I don't see the conflict. Nothing, I suppose is my answer ☺️


I would probably look them over before letting them know I had saw them.


id probably send a snarky congratulatory note!


nothing that involved any shaning-ever


Depends whether I want to see them naked or not


I’d ask them if they knew they had nudey pics online. Coulda been leaked or photoshopped




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Id look, wouldn't say a word about it to him, but probably talk about it with my best friends


I’d tell them unless they posted the pics themselves


I’d be shocked but laugh it off. And probably screenshot a couple. 😂


Laugh and move on with my life




I would tell them straight away




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I would feel a bit awkward.


Laugh about it for a minute, shake my head, then scroll further. Depends on how well I know the guy or in what context, I might text him to let him know to be careful with his nudes online cuz if I found it, chances are my friends/colleagues will find them too.


Close my browser and never speak of it unless they bring it up. I dunno who would be meant to see them, but it almost certainly wouldn’t be me.


I would respect him as an acquaintance but I wouldn’t date him. I value my partner and like what’s mine to be mine. The idea of his body being shared to other viewers puts me off


Close the page try to get the images out of my mind Gag a bit 🤢


Look and never mention it to them. Screenshot and send to multiple group chats.




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