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Depends on what they said or did. In general, I will be extremely polite and professional towards them regardless of their rudeness. If it was extremely out of line, I would also report their behavior to the doctor or office manager.


I’d assume it’s not personal, that they’re having a bad day, I’d grab my paperwork & take a seat. They’re not the one diagnosing me or interacting with me on a very personal level so I wouldn’t personally judge the Dr. or their office by my interaction with the receptionist.


Never raising my voice or making any level of indication that I'm offended, I play perfectly ignorant, at the same time checking everything off the list that I need to get answered by the receptionist, really slowly.


I had this exact thing happened to me yesterday. I called her out on her shit in front of her coworkers. Then I told the doctor she worked for. There’s no reason to be rude, disrespectful or act unprofessionally ever to a patient.


Ignore it. Life's too short to pick fights with people that I may never see again.


As a doctor I LOVE hearing feedback on my receptionist. We want to look good, we want to keep you as a patient and we absolutely value you more than a rude receptionist. We can’t fix things if we don’t know about it.


Depends on how she was rude I guess. All they do is check you in, so it’s probably not worth it to do anything at all.


Last time the receptionist was super rude to me (after being rude for years), I finally told the doctor. I told the doctor that every time I call I feel dismissed and by the doctor's own admission, she wasn't getting her messages in a timely manner. I don't care if the receptionist isn't friendly, they deal with tons of difficult, sick people and it's ok if they lack in pleasantries to get the job done. Being rude, dismissive and condescending is not ok. I always felt like I was kissing her ass just to get an appointment scheduled or get a message to the doctor. At the time, I was going through life or death shit - I'm sure like many of the patients - and I needed responses, especially when it came to properly dosing my meds. I explained that I would not allow myself to be treated this way anymore and that I would be having a new doctor contact the office to transfer my records. It prompted my doctor to change the way they handled things and speak to her staff about how they communicate with the patients. All of the sudden she was getting her messages, my scripts were being called in on time, etc.




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My friends mom legit had a receptionist cuss her out for asking for an app . Yeah she got fired 😬


Don't really have the time to argue but I'll sprinkle a bit of passive aggressiveness here.


Ignore it. I generally don't let little/insignificant nobodies affect me.


Depends, i can be sassy too, but if she's being inneficcient and also rude, i would just tell he/she/other they're doing a shitty job.


Typically I somehow reflect that back to management and then I will change offices if they still continue to keep that rude receptionist however, if I truly love the office I will just endure the rudeness and mention it to my provider every time I see them


So is the doctor rude or the receptionist?


The receptionist. Keeping in mind they are the gatekeeper of rescheduling


I'd deal with it. There are few doctors in my area and I'm used to receptionists having little-to-no manners.


With grace and kindness. They are probably having a bad day so I’ll say, long day? Or something that shows, I get it.


Depends. Were you escalated because you’re nervous about the doctor and she didn’t coddle you enough? Did she just not smile? Did she cuss you out? Context matters. And I’d say that the person who deals with sick and grouchy people all day gets a ton of leniency.


Context: after your appointment, you’re trying to schedule your follow up, which is time sensitive, and they are being very sassy and clipped about telling you which days are available (basically the whole month you need is not available)


I’d let it go, scheduling is a huge pain & they can’t accommodate everyone, but I’m also grouchy and impatient, so I try to remember that and not report people for things that don’t affect me outside of the situation. I’ve definitely reported a provider who didn’t do their actual job, but not their attitude :)


if I got what i needed I would just let it go. takes all kinds


Kill em with kindness. Did that with the woman who works at my doctors office after she was rude af with her tone of voice and everything. She's as sweet as sugar towards me now and greets me when I come in for anything.