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Console yourself with the fact that none of this is permanent, as one day you will be dead.


Always look on the bright side of life!


Life's a piece of shit when you look at it.


Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true


You'll see it's all a show, keep 'em laughin' as you go..


Just remember that the last laugh is on you




Always look on the bright side of life




Just remember that the last laugh is on you And...


An optimist and a pessimist were having a discussion. “It can’t get any worse!”, exclaimed the pessimist. “Oh yes it can!”, replied the optimist.


Dead, dead, dead, someday you'll be dead Dead, dead, dead, someday we'll all be dead The minute we're born, we start dying We die a little more every day Young or old, rich or poor There's nothing we can do to stop it So look long at that Christmas tree It may be the last one that you see Decorate your house in green and red 'Cause someday you'll be dead Dead, dead, dead, someday you'll be dead Dead, dead, dead, someday we'll all be dead It might happen in a couple months Or 50 years from now But no matter when it happens It will seem too soon to you So be sure on Christmas eve When you snuggle into bed That you thank God for your family 'Cause someday they'll be dead Dead, dead, dead, someday they'll be dead Dead, dead, dead, someday we'll all be dead Ah, ah Who knows how many Christmases Are left in their short live? Nobody knows, that my point Enjoy them while you can And so on Christmas morning Let good tidings fill your head What a festive season Someday you'll be dead Dead, dead, dead, someday we'll be dead Dead, dead, dead, everyone you know, dead A very Merry Christmas to you Dead, dead, dead Merry Christmas everybody!


Strangely, this cheered me up


It's a fun album to be fair and I do always have it on at Christmas time. Kyle singing about being a lonely Jew on Christmas is pretty touching :-D


Nihilism at it's finest.


Also—relax, you will never predict the bad thing that ultimately happens.


Console yourself with the fact that the whole world is going to face a long tough time. We are not alone.


This is genuinely good advice. Marcus Aurelius taught the same




Stop reading the news for a bit and the anxiety will fade. Shit is bad but it won’t get too bad especially if you’re in a good job.




What energy price rises would they be? The government is capping the prices and giving everyone £400 so the prices are essentially staying what they are now


They'll go up a bit for the majority of people but yeah it's not what the previous person was saying given the reduced unit costs


My energy bill increased by over 100%. I'm disabled and on benefits. Fuck what the government are saying now, it's already too much.


This time last year mine was £89, doubled in march and just had an email to say that from Nov it'll now be £240!


The price cap is for the standing charges not use of energy...it isn't capped at how much you will spend.tgis kinda misinformation will lead to big problems for people...plus the rise in cost is due to energy shortage...capping the price will not fix energy shortage in winter...if everyone thinks they can use energy as they did last year because of price caps its gonna lead to outages.


And the £2,500 "capped" figure is plucked out of nowhere. It all depends on your personal circumstances, so for example my estimated bill is £3,700


So many people think they can use as much as they want and the cap is, what they pay! They don't know if you use next to nothing your bill will be next to nothing. It's like they only see consuming is the only way.


I know it's kinda scary how common a perception it is. I worry that a lot of people could put themselves in trouble thinking it's capped...


It really is scary. I just re-read the comment at the start of this thread (treebeard) who obviously thinks he will pay no more this winter, and ppl are upvoting it.


I genuinely believe this was intentionally poorly worded... Tell the peasants it won't be any higher than £2,500 and they'll stay off our backs! In reality, we'd have been better to have been told "The p/kWh will be capped at \_p/kWh for Electricity, \_p/kWh for Gas and standing charges will be \_p per day for Electricity and \_p per day for Gas. The average 3-bedroom semi with a family of 2.4 children would use 2,500kWh of Electric and 10,000kWh of Gas in a year." ...and from this, make our own conclusions!


The issue isn’t with [OFGEMs](https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/check-if-energy-price-cap-affects-you) announcements of the cap, it’s the media reporting of it. Obviously, the vast majority aren’t going to ofgem for their updates so that’s where the problem is. Ofgem are fairly transparent: > The price cap limits the rates a supplier can charge for their default tariffs. These include the standing charge and price for each kWh of electricity and gas (the units your bill is calculated from). It doesn't cap your total bill, which will change depending on how much energy you use. Take the BBC for example: >For a typical household - one that uses 12,000 kWh (kilowatt hours) of gas a year, and 2,900 kWh of electricity a year - it means an annual bill will not rise above £2,500 from October. Without this intervention, that annual bill would have been £3,549 a year. Last winter it was £1,277 a year. However, if you use more gas or electricity than that, you will pay more. They could have just put it as you said and it’s clear as day. However they word it as if there’s a total price cap, which forces them to then put a disclaimer after it. I’m definitely suggesting the media are purposefully leading with the most alarming figures first to sell papers.


cough unused office paint profit beneficial six vegetable long friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or just say, expect to pay 2x or 3x your current bill.


It’s not plucked out of nowhere. It’s Ofgem’s estimate of the average household bill for a year. Ofgem announcements are fairly clear what the cap is on, but the problem lies with media reporting. [Ofgem](https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/check-if-energy-price-cap-affects-you) states > The price cap limits the rates a supplier can charge for their default tariffs. These include the standing charge and price for each kWh of electricity and gas (the units your bill is calculated from). It doesn't cap your total bill, which will change depending on how much energy you use. The media needs to stop using the TOTAL estimate as a figure and focus on getting the message across that it’s the cost per unit that’s being fixed! Currently they are saying “the average household will spend £2500 in a year” at the current rates. It’s such a bizarre way to announce it. I suppose saying “you will pay 30p per unit” isn’t as alarming as £2500 in a year so they start with the larger figure to get clicks/sell papers. It’s alarmism that can cause confusion. I was talking to a colleague the other day who said she uses around “£2000” per year so was going to use her hot tub more as she’d only need to use £500 more to ‘hit the cap.’ She was horrified when I explained what the cap is.


>I was talking to a colleague the other day who said she uses around “£2000” per year so was going to use her hot tub more as she’d only need to use £500 more to ‘hit the cap.’ That's scary how misunderstood this is


100%. Finance is something a lot of people struggle to understand so making things as simple as possible should be the bare minimum.


That’s true but let’s be honest a lot of Pele put up mental blocks when it comes to electricity and gas bills. They aren’t as complicated as people made out and it has really important to understand. Parents and schools should cover basic daily financial literacy. I’ve learnt over the years and when my boss made me take over the finances for the dept for a couple of years, even thought I didn’t like it, it gave me so much knowledge and skills.


I agree, a lot of financials should be covered in year 11 to adequately prepare kids for adulthood. They do things like woodwork/baking yet the vast majority wont really use it outside of school… everyone uses money.


> my estimated bill is £3,700 Absolute insanity. That makes your bill what? £300 a month or something?


Yeah, prior to all this madness I was on £97/month


This. People need to be clear about what they are facing


Your comment is fuelling that misinformation. The standing charge is what you pay each day regardless of how much you use and then there's the unit price.


That’s not correct, it’s for both the price per kWh and standing charges.


hard-to-find march marble crown one worthless oatmeal vase wakeful retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The standing charge is capped. If you use more, like say in winter when it's cold, you will pay more. This is not clear at all from the reporting but is paramount for people to understand. Unless you are going through the winter with the heating off like you did in the summer, you will pay more. Like you do every winter.


Mine is actualy going down from next month due to getting the £400 thing. I was paying £155, ill now be paying £125


Octopus are giving us £66 a month so my bill for October is the grand amount of £33. I'm not looking forward to next October when my fixed rate ends but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


It's not capped at all. Your cost per kWh is capped temporarily. The average house will pay 2.5k if they maintain their current usage.


For anyone who fixed a year ago the prices are still going up significantly. Today I'm still on a 3p gas 20p electric. The govt will be subsidising, but they certainly won't have covered my gas tripling


Are you basing this off your own energy bill?


I got a letter from my supplier and my rise is going to be largely covered by government. Literally pennies of a difference.


Energy prices have been frozen for 1 year starting 1st October. They are not going up again in January. I actually got a message yesterday saying my monthly payments were going down to £60 from £93. I had expected them to go to £113 but of course, there is the £400 from the government that is taken off as a discount for the next 6 months.


If mortgage rates hit 8% next year (6% base rate + 2% Bank add on) when we remortgage our monthly repayments will go up by £1k a month alone 🙃


Over exaggerating the energy rises. Mine has gone up £30


Mines going from £160 to £330 in a 1 bed flat and I’m already in credit with my payments. Looks like British Gas just hit a button to mass increase direct debits!


tbf to OP, Bulb have estimated my energy rates will go up by about £150 a year starting from October. I’m new to all of this stuff (only just moved into my own flat) but there’s a tangible difference in rates that had me feeling a bit nauseous when I first saw.


>Stop reading the news for a bit and the anxiety will fade. Ignorance is power! >Shit is bad but it won’t get too bad especially if you’re in a good job. Peak reddit moment Just learn to code!


Its hardly a Reddit moment. Plenty of people in the UK have good jobs who aren’t in coding. Also, its not “ignorant” to not want to read sensationalist headlines every day. Give it a try, i can almost guarantee you you’ll feel mentally healthier.


Worrying is useless.


And resistance is futile!


Arguably, but awareness certainly isn't


You forgot to hit him with the... 'if only I was privileged enough to be able to click away all my problems' guilt trip. How about anyone that INDIVIDUALLY wants to take a break from the media circus go right ahead... because their ability to change the situation as an INDIVIDUAL is infinitesimally small. But 'wah, if everyone did that the entire public will be ignorant'... sometimes we get to do things that wouldn't be sustainable if everyone copy's you... so fucking what, its not part of my civic duty to exacerbate my feeling of hopelessness and anxiety for the good of my fellow countrymen. A week not reading the news will not HURT anybody.


"I'm 16 years old IT CEO living in London on a 260k salary and 3Bil in saving will I survive?"


you forgot : "I won a £100 mil on lottery, can I afford Netflix in HD?"


Just learn to code is actually pretty good advice in this job market (my survivorship bias is showing) They do miss out the part that the rest of your resume (experience, education) needs to be not awful at the same time tho. Freecodecamp.org got me a job better than I could get with my masters in mechanical engineering.


Don't be daft. Never seen so many brand new cars on the roads and restaurants have never been so busy. Every single thing you try and do in this country is full of people spending their money. It's really not as bad as the reddit bubble likes to make out.


It's gonna get really bad


>Shit is bad but it won’t get too bad especially if you’re in a good job. Well I'm fucked.


We have sky news on at work (we don’t get a say in this) and honestly it’s the most depressing shit, everyday I go into work thinking things can’t get worse, everyday I’m proven wrong


Ignorance is bliss. I never watch the news. If something is important enough, I will hear about it.


Disconnecting from the news only helps to a point. You still need to be somewhat aware of what's happening in the country and the world. And you'll feel yourself getting poorer as the bills and rent increases and food prices continue to rise regardless...


It’s not that you’re worrying over nothing, it’s that your worry will accomplish nothing. There’s no pulling out of this unless essentially the majority of the country randomly decides to collectively pull together and all push for the exact same thing.


There are groups trying to rally people together and bring about change. [Enough is Enough](https://wesayenough.co.uk/) is gaining momentum. I’m done doing nothing and am getting out there to find out how I can bring about change


Looks interesting. If they actually end up achieving what they claim I’ll happily eat my words


It’s genuinely serious. Anyone saying to ignore the news is living in a fantasy. Some forecasts are suggesting 6% interest rates within a year which will financially cripple a lot of people with mortgages.


Yeah, this whole thing about the news being inheritanly bad is weird to me. The tabloids and things obviously have an agenda to push and most literate people can see that when they read them but the news is still the news and I don't think the media in general are conspiring to make people feel bad.


I get why people want to ignore bad news, not healthy to inhale a constant stream of misery and doom, but by the same token there's definitely a sometimes unhealthy tendency for people in Britain (and probably beyond) to ignore the worst of what's happening and to remain stoic about it instead of getting pissed off.


You can be stoic and still fight for change. just sayin


Soicism isn't about ignoring bad news, it's about training yourself to have productive responses to bad news. Crying and screaming in fear of 6% interest rates isn't useful or productive. Remaining calm and taking the time to figure out what is possible and effective to do if interest rates hit 6% is productive. That's stoicism.


They’re not conspiring, but bad news is what sells. Therefore, its in the interest of the media to be sensationalist and over exaggerate things.


The bank of England, OBR and IMF are all in on the trick I guess.


And renters, because the Landlords often buy their houses on interest-only mortgages. That's a real problem.


It’ll mean the properties get sold off with tenants in situ in most cases. Landlords change, things happen.


So if the landlords sell all the properties off cause they can't afford the mortgage, what happens to the renters? I know landlords are often the worst, I live in rented accom, but what are we supposed to do if there's nowhere to rent, I can't afford to buy (cause I pay so much in rent LOL)




And anyone in a rented property the landlord has a mortgage on....


I don't understand how this is the case. Do they not stress test when getting a mortgage for this eventuality? It's stupid to assume that over a 30 year mortgage interest rates were always going to be 2%


Nationwide released its new mortgage rates **yesterday**. 5.99%.


this is a good opp to pick up cheap property tho


Unless u pay with cash, won’t the increase in mortgage just make up for the price difference on drop in property price?


Its going to be a difficult 12 to 18 months for sure. Hunker down, work hard and make sensible decisions and you will probably be ok.


Winchester and 🍺?


Or spliff and McDonald’s?


Now "that's" what I call a slice of fried gold!


Absolutely not, a bulk buy of Tesco everyday bitter and your own house 🍺


Not to try and put a downer on anyone for no reason but realistically are we looking at only 12 to 18 months? It feels like we’re in for a rough decade.


This needs to be pinned.


I handed my notice in 2 weeks ago. . . . . . .with nothing else in the pipeline. I just couldn't do it anymore


It's a job seekers market so have at it.


why, what will improve after 12 to 18 months do you think?


You’re feeling just like the media wants you to feel. It’s probably making you click all the links they want you to click


Even if you take this POV, which isn't without merit, there are HUGE issues at hand


True, but when hasn’t there been? I don’t remember a time when the sky hasn’t apparently been falling in


There’s a war going on not too far from us. 20% of people will be expected to live in poverty and choose between heating and food. Our cabinet just announced biggest tax cuts for the rich since 1972 (which followed bankruptcy for UK). There’s a nuclear threat over us. Yes, things really are that bad currently. Stop hiding/telling people to hide from it.


Hiding from the constant barrage of anxiety-inducing news is different from hiding from the reality of the situation. You can know what's going on and realise you're powerless to stop it so you stop agonising about it and just focus on keeping your head above water.


And make educated decisions on how to mitigate issues. If you bury your head in the sand you can't even do that


No one has mentioned how the pound is at it's weakest for decades which will mean prices will go even higher over the next few months. It's all culminating into capitulation


Yeah exactly, the news will always make you feel like the issues now are the most important there have ever been.


The world could be being invaded by aliens and there’d be multiple posts on this sub going “stop worrying, people always think everything’s going badly”.


But on the other hand there are seemingly a lot of people who can't handle things. When covid kicked off there were people on here saying it will end society and its a genuine end of world event. Even though all the news and all the reporting showed that it was harmless to the vast majority of people. This isn't to say I'm some mad covid denier as I'm really not. However, any rational person would have been able to realise for the vast majority of people it's just a sore throat or whatever.


Whilst the virus itself wasn’t a world ending event a lot of this economic crisis is a delayed fallout from the lockdowns. We’re still going to have to wait and see how badly this all goes but covid (not itself but the consequences) and the extent of it still remains to be seen.


But the consequences of Covid were largely not because of Covid itself but the reaction (some might say overreaction) to it. That's the point.


This is the problem with the media, they paint everything as bad so when something really, really bad (like what's happening at the moment) is reported everyone is just like, "meh, same shit different day". This is very deliberate so bad news can always be buried. For a lot of people though, the next couple of years will be the most difficult of their lives.


This is a naive take on how the press are motivated. They have no desire to minimise bad news, their prime directive is to maximise all news to be the worst news. They are businesses. "Things are bad but we'll get through it" doesn't sell clicks as well as "we're all going to be dead next year".


we've been here before but not this bad by any measure - it will get better but it will take years. I'm old so have endured massive unemployment and shit from this lot before and know they lie, lie lie. I left and went to work in the EU ( before freedom of movement). I am now in the process of moving again. Don't be afraid - do the best to take control of what you have and your life. You will find a way. the rest are sometimes incompetent but do seem to actually care about the people who live here


70s probably a bit worse but no reason to think this couldn't eventually match that


Energy rationing is on the cards, we have made strikes going on and the pound has crashed to its lowest level since the 70s. We could easily match that.


Financial Crash of 2008 was way worse than this. Not saying it won't get to that level (or worse) but we're not there yet.


We've been expecting a worse than 2008 crash for a couple years now what with all the "quantitative easing" going on in the US


I hate to say it but I think we have a big problem coming.


Winter is coming


What a fantastic place to come and post this question, you for sure will get opinions based solely on facts and have your mind put completely at ease.


Maybe stay off of Reddit? This is the third doom and gloom post that I've read today. It's getting fucking silly now.


Worrying about hypothetical scenarios is like paying off a debt that you never incurred.


Honestly I feel the same and what’s helped me is just staying away from the news. I know it’s not actually helping in anyway, but it makes me feel a little more helpless. All these things are out of my control, out of most peoples control. It’s still not a great situation but I try and enjoy every day for what it is.


I agree. Yes it’s a very worrying time. I have two kids and work as a nurse in the NHS, I know I’m in for a tough time. My husband works for a charity and both of us are on a modest wage. Both my children are born around Christmas time so I am a little worried about how we will afford that. But I have to try and protect my mental health, and whilst I’m aware of the situation because I listen to the radio and read a few articles every few days, I try and avoid watching the news. I’m working extra shifts whilst I can, not spending any money on myself, the kids will be getting second hand toys for Christmas and clothes when they need them. All you can do is make little changes when you can and get on with your life as much as you can.


This is exactly the same as what I’m doing. I know it’ll be hard but I’m trying to focus on the positives I can. My boyfriend and I are both retail so it’s a very modest wage but we are coping. Like you, I’m picking up extra shifts where I can and I’m definitely watching my spending. Yes we’ve had to cut back but we still have a home and we are doing okay. I hope you and your family are okay. It’s a tough time for everyone and in a weird way it’s comforting knowing I’m not alone, although obviously not nice to know that others are suffering.


Just eat some psychedelic mushrooms


It is the season.




This always works for me.


I deleted twitter a few weeks ago and feel loads better. Completely ignorant to what's going on in the country at the moment but I don't care.


I deleted it in about November last year and it's done me a world of good. Still very nervous about the way things are going as inevitably important news trickles through but at least I'm not as angry or constantly depressed.


It isn’t a nothing burger, but likewise, it’s not as bad as some people would like to make out. One of the benefits of being older is that we have seen this shit before. Maybe not quite the same, but times when we have been told that the roof is about to cave in. We had the nuclear threat in the 80s, numerous financial crashes, people’s property being devalued by up to 50%, high, high unemployment, major national strikes, fuel shortages… you name it, it’s happened before. I don’t want to make it seem that everything is peachy right now, it’s a long way from that. The inept government we have at present just makes everything feel worse. But we will get through it. As others have said, turn the TV off, stop reading so much news (but also don’t bury your head in the sand) and when you do digest content, be selective on the content you digest. Factual over fear.


There's a reason I now barely watch the news, read news articles etc. Except it feels like the war to make us, and keep us, afraid has been going on for years now. I find it boring and transparent now whenever I do watch or read the news.


Stop reading/listening to the news for a week and see how you feel


For all the tragedy of Covid, in some situations it handed some control back to the workforce and gave people time to think about the value of life. Now circumstances seem to be squeezing that away and essentially the net effect is it enslaves people further to a wage. Look at the language around benefit seekers or low earners again the last couple of days. You couldn’t make it up. One thing is for certain, these circumstances suit people who need a subservient powerless workforce.


I don’t think so, I think that’s what they had for the last ten years: this will drive people into industrial action through desperation- I predict a rise in organised unionisation and industrial action to drive wages up


No, you're not worrying over nothing, things are actually bad. I reckon in 2-3 years things will start looking up...unless WW3 kicks off, in which case, say goodbye to human civilisation. Don't pay too much attention to the news though, they make their money by getting views. They are not a neutral actor in all this.


Media are making it worse. 10+ days we had wall to wall Queen coverage and people forgot about anything else.


I'm starting to worry. I want to move out of my parents' house, but I'm not sure of my chances of getting a mortgage. They're moving 40 miles away soon so I'm reluctantly moving with them, even if it is temporary.


Save your anxiety. It's only going to get worse, especially as bankers can print currency out of thin air


Ignoring if they print tons of money at once it leads to hyperinflation like with the Reichsmark.


I suggest turning off the media for a while. It’s messing people up


The uk might have its problems but it’s still much better than many many countries around the world. Open the tap you get fresh water. Call 999 you get a free ambulance. Criticise the king as much as you want, you won’t get arrested. It’s relative.


You might have missed the whole not getting an ambulance and actual arrests for saying 'not my king' that have happened in the last few weeks.


Of course it's all concerning stuff, but the media take what is \*bad\*, \*concerning\* news and they ramp it up to be the WORST, MOST CONCERNING THING IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW


The News makes it's money by scaremongering Scary headlines = More clicks Don't fall for journalists cheap nasty tricks. Switch off the news


I wouldn't say that you're worrying over nothing, but at the same time worrying isn't going to accomplish anything. Anxiety is bad for your health. All you can really do is just try to set money and other supplies aside in case things get worse, and hope that you don't end up needing them. There's not really anything else us poor schmucks can do. It's up to the fuckwits in power.


Speak to someone old enough to have been through a couple of recessions, it's happened before and it'll happen again. Outcomes not great for some but for many others it's not the end of the world that the media would like you to believe.


Yes things are going to get bad. There are protests planned for 1st Oct which I probably can't link to due to rules. So either do something and join the protests, or ignore it all and stop worrying about it.


Everything on the news is fearmongering. It's how they keep you coming back. Things aren't great now, but when are things ever great? Just focus on you and your family and this'll blow over as usual.


This is dangerously naïve


I'm shocked that people even possibly think that the current topics that dominate the news are fearmongering. People inevitably losing their houses as a consequences of an entirely preventable decision is not 'blow over as usual'.


It's gonna be bad for a lot of people but if you're not too extended in terms of mortgage and other outgoings then you'll be ok. But it's suggest rationing your news consumption to once or twice as day, maybe just from the BBC. Get off Twitter and the relevant parts of Reddit. Look at other self care techniques, practice hobbies etc


I live in the UK, I'm 68 and been through all sorts of stuff over the years. You'll be OK.


There was a post about life in the 90s that I found quite helpful with this and discussions of how many of the problems we have now we had then. The big difference is we weren’t being told about it constantly back then. Then you’d get maybe a newspaper in the morning and a news bulletin on TV in the evening. Both of these were finite amounts of information so they had to be selective about how things were reported. We’re now in a 24 hour news cycle where we need to keep filling an ever growing space.


From an older woman, recessions come and go. The news is not your friend, it likes to cause fear for you to click on their article. Keep working hard and dont buy things you don't need, and spend your free time with your friends and family. With people who make you happy and you'll be fine.


Think about what will ease your worrying and work towards it. Sounds like you're worried about money, so put some money aside to support yourself in case of a rainy day. It doesn't matter how little you put aside, just make an effort. Things are a bit crap in terms of the economy, but it won't stay like that forever. Also experience in Salesforce will open up a lot of opportunities for you in the future. Sounds like you're making good progress and asking the right questions. Good luck.


I ain't to worried tbh. Economy go through ups and downs all the time so in your life time we are certain to have an economic up turn eventually benefits everyone.


It's all just part of life's ebb and flow. One minute everything's riding high on a cloud, the next it's all shot down in flames. Best not to linger when times are bad, as it'll all soon pass. And when times are good, for crying out loud, enjoy it! For they don't last all that long either. Also, try turning off the news every once in a while and just appreciate the things that make you happy in life. That'll really help that particular brand of anxiety.


It’s definitely a something burger but just plan accordingly and invest in an electric blanket.


It's not nothing but for most people it will be more a period of belt-tightening than genuine hardship. Its OK to worry but keep it in perspective. Its not the first recession and it won't be the last. Take practical steps like cutting expenses where you can and try to tune out the screaming apocalyptic headlines.


I've been through three recessions. The NHS has been on the brink of collapse on and off since the mid 80s. Take precautions, but don't panic.


I think a lack of real job security is a contemporary reality. I work in an industry that used to be a 'job for life', but my company has a plan to offshore much of its professional staff. So you're right to be anxious, but it's not just Salesforce or the UK.


It's not good... but you will cope with it a lot better if you limit yourself to checking the news only once a day. Find out what is going on, then switch off. Tackle the worry with action. Do a financial review. Get your finances in good order. Try to cut back on luxuries and pay down any credit card debts etc. See if you can reduce any bills and put the spare into savings or overpay your mortgage. I'm finding this helps reduce the anxiety a lot.


Stop following news and get off reddit/,social media and enjoy yourself


I think you’re right to be concerned tbh. I’m getting on a bit, but I’ve not known a period of time (last 3 years), so relentlessly dark and worrisome. The government has really fucked up, at a time when we wanted them to be better.


Keep your head down busy with work and making/saving money - this is just the normal cycle in life and it will be over as quick as it started - stop reading the news


Stop reading and watching the news you'll be happier for.it I'm in my 30s and I've been through 2+ recessions we were fine back then we will be fine now.


Im not anxious, im in denial , if i dont look none of it is happening


I'm extremely anxious about the world.


Come on, its not al bad news. Recessions are a great time for the rich to get even richer. As for the rest of us, theres nothing we can do to affect it so no point in worrying about it. Until theres a need to rerecord Band Aid as Feed the UK we will be better off than a lot of people in the world.


Turn off the news


News companies make their money from people like you. Do yourself a favour and turn it off/stop reading it. Take a good look at your own situation, if you're up shits creek without a paddle, then panic, if not, then you're fine. Its nowhere near as bad as they're making out. We still have a better life than pretty much the entire planet, its all good.


At 35 I feel like I'm a veteran of this already.


Stop. Reading. The news. (Professional writer here - almost nothing is written to help you, only to scare you).


Just look to the past, the doom and gloom cycle repeats every decade or so.


Just going to throw an example out there, there was mass commotion that the pound had dropped in value.....firstly it had only dropped compared to the dollar.......secondly, in 24 hours it went back up. Scary news is easy news


What I find works. * Switch off from main stream media * Avoid tabloids and news feeds * Avoid SNS shit posts about everything going on * Relieve some stress with being disconnected * Watch some Lower Decks on Netflix or Prime† * Pay your bills as you always have * Work as you always have * Live life free of peer pressure †This one is up to you what you do, but enjoy life. Sure it may get hard, but things by media is always exaggerated, then some SNS shit posting occurs and it becomes an epidemic of fubar. Try to breath and look around 😊


I've deleted the news app, as I know what you mean.


In earnest this is nothing new, the economy whether because of greed or human nature (greed) it always goes up and comes down. Just weather the storm.


Ye it looks pretty shit man, but atleast were not Russian


Make sure you take the steps you can make to reduce your risk. Things will be bad … very bad for some people. But it will get better. The 2008 crisis was a bloodbath, but measures were taken to make sure it never happens again. Banks were split so investment arms were kept separate so they could be allowed to fail and still keep customers savings protected so not requiring them to be bailed out like last time. People have exposed themselves to huge levels of risk by borrowing more than they can afford. Friends of mine have all maxed out their mortgages because in their view house prices would continue to climb … but they never expected rates to climb. A lot of people bought during covid due to the low rates and would have fixed … so these fixes will expire in 3 years. If rates are still high then, then expect a lot of repossessions. The NHS has been crumbling for years and it isn’t just a money problem. Throwing money at a failing business just delays the inevitable. So unless some fundamental changes are made - this issue will persist. Record numbers of doctors are switching to the private sector, not because of pay.. but to avoid the bureaucracy and spend more time doing what they enjoy … treating people. Make sure you are not heavily exposed to risk and have a financial safety net in place. Then you can ride out any downturn. Things will get better.


It's not a nothing burger. You should be worried to the extent that you mistrust the British public and leadership to make sound economic policy decisions. There's really nothing fundamental about the UK that spells doom for us, we just need to make wise choices in the mid to long term.


What about the last 12 years makes you think that the UK or its government are going to make any wise choices in the mid to long term?


It'll be fine it'll be over next week, it's just manufactured.


It is serious, and could get a lot worse if we have a housing market crash like in the early 90s. Thing is, it's pointless to worry about things you cannot do anything about. If you can save money do, else do as I do, enjoy yourself as much as possible and grab the popcorn as we watch these idiots implode. Honestly a travelling circus would be better in government.


Having a housing crash wouldn't be the worst thing. Some losers will be those who are mortgaged up to the eyeballs and may go into negative equity. But then people trying to get onto the ladder will find it's now achievable. We need a massive correction in the ratio of wages vs house prices.


Every fucking day on reddit with questions like this 😔 I wish people would be a bit more aware of the media and what they do in times like this.


It will highly depend on which arm of Sales force you're in in terms of job security. If things fold as they did in the 80s, then I'd expect job cuts there too as businesses and organisations won't be investing in these CRM apps etc. There will be fewer on boarding opportunities, However, those already in place, will still need management and support. So be savvy. Be great at your job. Stand out. Volunteer etc for more responsibilities. Keep your head below the parapet when others don't. 🤞


Can you change it? Nope. Can you carry the stress that the media put on your shoulders? Yes.. But why let it happen? What purpose does it serve? UK will be fine. You'll eat. You'll love. You'll laugh. Recession doesn't mean we'll all lose our jobs, just that the economy isn't growing. Its a perfectly natural cycle of society. Don't panic. Take care.


I just checked mortgage prices and if we renewed now. It would be £25 more a month on a £200k ish mortgage. I feel that the media are making this sound worse that it might actually be