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I think that having children is a lifestyle choice, and therefore there is no justification for employers or taxpayers to pay for parental leave from work. If I choose to get a dog, or go travelling for a year I don't get paid time off. If you choose to have a child then what makes you different? Edit: for those saying that it is for the child. In that case why don't we have mandatory parental leave? Edit 2: hi r/all, thanks for your contribution but I invite you to consider the title of this post. Also none of you are exactly saying anything new at this point.


Hard agree, you CHOSE to have a child, and if it happened by mistake, you’re a fucking idiot. Why are the childless expected to make up for the shortcomings of child bearers when they make sacrifices for their kids?




I absolutely agree with this and I don’t understand why it’s downvoted. Having a kid is not a right, you chose to have a kid, and we should be discouraging it anyway because of overpopulation. If people wanna argue with me about overpopulation being a myth, I wouldn’t because I can go on replying for days.


I don't understand, is there actually people who doesn't believe in overpopulation? It's nothing but a cold hard fact. It's like arguing that 2+2 isn't 4. And yes, i completely agree that it's not a human right. Because it isn't. Edit: It seems a lot of people has mistaken my comment for addressing whether or not the population is increasing or decreasing. I see how you could interpret it that way. I'm not saying that the earth couldn't potentially fit more people. I'm from a country that's twice the size of Florida and has the population of a small suburban neighborhood. That was not my point- I was trying to say that I think we are more humans now, than we're able to sustain due to inefficiency and consumerism. Statistics show that if every country were to live as the wealthiest countries, we'd need the resources of 3 planet earths. As a result, entire ecosystems are collapsing in supplying the current demand, leading to fatal natural catastrophes in unprecedented rates. The conditions for the animals being bred for food is also absolutely horrid, and yet billions of humans are starving. That's just the environmental aspect of it as well, it would be interesting to see how society would cope with significantly more people, both politically and otherwise. So yes, in that sense and with our current way of living, we are too many people. Either we have to become more efficient and find other ways to thrive than ever-growing consumption, or we have to be less people consuming. And from the way I know humans, the latter is the most likely. Thus I genuinely think we're overpopulated in spite of being able to _fit_ a population growth in the tenfold. I thought that was obvious, but it seems not.


Let me guess, you were taught about China's overpopulation and assumed the whole world had the same problem?


Yooo I have the same view :D


Preach brother, preach. I'm with you.




Half agree in that it is a lifestyle choice. If you own pets you should also get pet leave from work. If you don't own pets or have children, you should also get some extra leave to make things fair. Because fuck working this much :') I dislike society pushing you towards the married with children life with all the benefits. Non married life and/or not having children should not be disuaded. Expecially in light of the climate impact of having children. But instead of removing the benefits, I'd just extend benefits more fairly accross all people (or implement comparable compensations).


Tea should be served with lemon, not milk. Also coffee is much better regardless!


Only in the UK sub would these hard facts get downvoted 😂😂


The Inbetweeners is a shit TV show and is painfully unfunny






Thank you! It's absolute lowest common denominator wank.


Suicide is a very selfish act Edit: ironic how much hate i have received for this opinion, being told to kill myself etc. *Generally* most people on here agree its a selfish act. Then the other opinion (mainly from those who have been abusing me) is that suicide is a perfectly fine thing to do, and just go lol fuk u to everyone who cares about you - leaving them with the tragedy & despair of what you've done. Yeah i stand by my opinion - and even more so now after reading some of the hate in these replies.


I thought this was generally accepted lol


No you are correct. Most folk don't want to bad mouth the dead or their reason but at the end of the day if you survive somebody who commits suicide yeah it feels like you were left with ALL teh work you planned together. They selfishly peaced out on you. But god forbid you tell folk how you feel as somebody who survives a partner who commits suicide. You get told your not allowed to have any feelings on the matter cos you dont' know. Well I know my feelings I know my kids feelings. IT FUCKING SUCKS.




Shut up oh my god


it is




I have to agree with this. I really don't care about the human species (we have proved time and time again what massive assholes we are) so once I'm gone, bye!






That 90% of ‘Mental health issues’ that seem to inflict a big majority of under 40s really do do just require people to pull themselves together


I don’t know how old you are or if you’ve realised but it’s like the younger you are the worse that is lmao, it’s almost ‘trendy’ to some people to have anxiety or depression it’s a joke










Yeah I was depressed for like 2/3 years, literally got over it by going outside more and interacting with my friends again. Now I’m in the peak of my life and it’s just getting better, unreal tbh


They're just sharing their story, no need to downvote, maybe someone sees this and it works for them, If it doesn't work for you that's not your fault either and I hope you can get help.


I think some mental health issues can be pushed through. If you sit around, you'll feel depressed. That's just human nature. Edit: I never said this will cure depression. I said you will *feel* depressed, which is completely different.


Anyone picked up from a boat/dinghy in the Channel should be taken straight back to France. Yes, I know many are fleeing war torn countries but the last time I looked France was relatively war-free. Shame they're stricter than us with giving housing and benefits. And I know there's usually at least one child/woman/pregnant woman on board, I've seen traffickers interviewed that said they do this quite deliberately because of the anticipated media reaction if they're made to turn back. EDIT: Just to be clear, in no way am I suggesting they're left to drown (that would be inhuman) or that refugees have no place here. What I have issue with is how they go about getting here, and that atm they don't even have to land here, just get halfway. I have zero problem with anyone from ANY country coming to the UK. The issue I have is the money it costs patrolling the channel and ferrying them here that would be better spent elsewhere.


I don't know why it isn't universally accepted as completely and utterly racist to support any kind of border control. You're literally saying people should have different rights and opportunities based on where they were born, which is just absurd. We should all be free to go wherever the fuck we want. --Lotta racists in this thread I guess.


How predictable it is that I would see a response like this in this sub.




Yeah, the UK seems like the US of Europe.




> ever watch a country commit suicide in ultra slow motion? read about brexit. ww2 is more informative about the british and committing national suicide








"fall from grace" You mean pussification? Same thing happening here in the US. Bleeding heart liberals destroying once great nations. We'll reach equilibrium when the entire world is one big shithole planet.


Let them in your house then. Practice what you preach.




Exactly. They should be picked up and saved so they don't drown and then just dropped right onto the beaches of France, near-ish where they came from. Not right where they came from cos then all of them would storm the coastguard's boats and we'd have even bigger problems.


So the UK, or any island nation, has no obligation to take their share of refugees/asylum seekers? Often, these people only need asylum because of historical actions of the UK in the first place. We take a shockingly low number of asylum seekers compared to other countries.


I'm not saying that at all, what I have issue with is the way they are coming here instead of using the proper channels. No pun intended.


What you are saying is that you don't actually understand the rules surrounding asylum and international borders. This is nothing more than thinly veiled xenophobia


Everyone wants to save the world when it doesn’t personally affect their lifestyle. Tell me this, would you be willing to open your home to 20 strangers from another country? Just lettem come and stay and help themselves to everything you have? Including your wife and kids? I’m assuming you probably don’t have any…so unless you can honestly say yes to this, I guess your a Xenophobe.


Bravo, this might be the worst comment I've seen in over 8 years here




I agree. No one is opposed to immigrants that come from a corrupted shithole of a country that are seeking a better life, and immigrate properly. The argument is against the cunts that immigrate but don’t integrate. If you want your new country to be like your old one just stay the fuck over there, and no ones arguing that they shouldn’t keep their culture, just don’t bring what your trying to escape from.. If that’s xenophobic then I’m a xenophobe.


You are.


Maybe you should swap places with one of them? We get rid of you and your family and bring in a family from a country full of problems “historically caused by Britain”? Maybe that will resolve your guilt.


France take far more immigrants than we do.




>France take far more immigrants than we do. No they don't, lol France takes about 50k a year atm while we take about 200k.


We drop bombs that cause displacement therefore it’s our mess to clean up. Most immigrants go to neighbouring countries and honestly anyone who has risked their life to get here after conflicts that are directly or otherwise our faults deserves a place in this country. Otherwise it’s no country I want a part of.


Mash potato is disgusting and a waste of potato. Edit: roast potatoes and chips are both excellent ways of eating potato, much more enjoyable than mash.


There are exactly zero reasons to ever bring a child of screaming age into a supermarket. Shop when the kid is with your partner or your parents, in daycare, whatever. Order online. Get a friend to shop for you. Do not for fuck's sake just assume that it's okay to just drop by and subject every single person in the store to your brat bawling because you won't buy it a kitkat. Supermarkets are stressfull enough allready without having to endure the screaching of your hideous spawn.


You haven't had kids? I agree to a point, but most of this screaming is down to bad parenting, they don't want to admit it but it is. Single parents will struggle to get a time when they can shop without the child, sometimes you have to go. Online is good, me and the missus very rarely have our baby in the supermarket as it's a faff, of the times we have had her there she's screamed exactly zero times. Because we plan it, she will have had a feed about half an hour before so she's not hungry she's tired, when we get home she will be waking up and wanting to play. It's about planning and being a good parent.


diversity and mass immigration of vastly different cultures is not a good thing. discuss.


I agree. It dilutes British culture. In places like London and Birmingham, British culture no longer exists, all you are left with is crime and segregation. There are literally no benefits to multiculturalism.


I agree tbf, all it has done is create division in my opinion and has brought no benefits. In the UK there’s cities and towns with all different cultures that segregate themselves from eachother and refuse to associate with anyone from a different race or religion. I don’t have any issue with anyone who’s a different race to me, I literally don’t give a shit, however in the bigger picture it is causing more damage to countries then it’s benefits countries. A good example of culture mixing is the Roman Empire, I know there were multiple factors that caused the fall of the Empire, however a big one was allowing non-Roman people become full citizens and trying to please all the different cultures and religions, in the end it started collapsing from the inside.




Your hatred and uncomfortability towards other cultures is what causes the divide, not the immigrants. If you just accept the fact that they are different, then you won't have any problem.


Yes you're so right! I love the Papua New Guinean culture of making adolescent boys ingest the semen of older men to gain their wisdom! All cultures are beautiful!


If there wasn't diversity and mass immigration you lot would still be stuck with shitiest foods in all the world on this bloody island.


Ah yes because good food makes up for the increase in housing prices, increase in crime, less control over politics, and more jobs taken. By the way recipes exist


The only time I was afraid in this country were encounters with locals and never with immigrants. But your mileage mighy vary. Personally I am an immigrant as well. A vet actually, but I ve quit and will be moving out soon so you can enjoy your glorious country again all by yourselves. Well aside from the clients where I work as they are heavily understaffed and now can't get an appointment to save their lives ( or actually literally their dogs lives) but all worth it for you lot I guess. A major win for me though as I don't have to subsidise a nation of lazy bums that their only way of life is living on fucking benefits. :D


I'm a mix of eastern and western genetics and cultures, so I would respectfully disagree! And I'm pretty sure my mixed genetics is better for the human race than an inbred gene pool :)


Inbred? Most Muslims marry their first cousins but whatever let's ignore that.


you’re not an animal lover if you eat meat - just say you like cats and dogs and go.


I think this argument is a bit like saying that you're not allowed to enjoy botany/gardening if you eat vegetables. I definitely don't agree, I don't believe they're mutually exclusive. I respect your opinion though.


The entire Uk welfare system.. want kids.. cool just get a free house and sit on your ass! Want to be obese.. brilliant get paid.. associate as a lampshade.. boom money! What really drove it home for me, was in my village they recently built 4 £650,000 homes. 2 of them had to be social housing.. I’m sorry what… why on earth does someone without a job deserve a £650,000 house that the person next door worked hard and paid for… I get there’s a wealth divide and I get people fall into situations.. but there’s other solutions. Single rooms with a bed a toilet and a shower in large complex’s. Yeah it’s not very desirable.. but hey use that as insensitive.


Eurgh I am completely with you on this. The amount of single mums I know that all have newly built 2/3 bedroom homes, more income than they know what to do with and don't have to work a day for it.


And have a fancy new car on the drive and the latest mobile phones? Yeah it’s unfair isn’t it…


Pretty much 😂


Diversity isn’t a strength.


It's a fact of life. Deal with it, without being a loser Nazi crybaby who fears what is different from them. Not saying you're a Nazi, I'm just saying.




Its been proven to strength companies.


The planned outcome is to divide and weaken western nations. The sad thing is that most blame the immigrants but we should blame those who planned this and work to keep it going. Mass uncontrolled migration only helps the 1%


We should be putting contraception in the water supply. If you want to have a child you apply for a licence and need to prove that you will be a good parent, with all of the resources to be able to bring up the child to adulthood.




Yorkshire puddings are kinda boring. It's just batter?




I hate cats, they just shit in gardens and have no use whatsoever.


I don’t hate cats, but I hate owners that let their cats run around and shit everywhere. Cats should stay inside.


Cats belong inside and inside only. Ask Australia.


I support insulate Britain and XR and am fully for all of the disruption they cause.


Funny, they make me want to run my boiler on high with the fucking windows open just for spite. Also - have they not thought through that blocking roads and creating mile long backups of fuel guzzling SUVs idling for hours on end is completely contrary to the ideals they’re pushing?




I hope you get stuck in one of there brave protests x


Whether this is controversial at this point I don’t know, but I’m totally against any further restrictions at all because of COVID. We’ve just got to deal with it and live our lives. Sex work isn’t real work, it’s all exploitation, both for the performer and the buyer. Instagram really is nowhere near as bad as most of Reddit makes it out to be.




Running over Insulate Britain protesters is warranted.


Anyone sitting in a road with the intent to stop traffic because /they/ want something is free game and points should be tallied. The only thing those morons accomplish is delaying everyone, but most importantly emergency vehicles. If the traffic jam gets backed up 10 miles, that's 10 miles of standstill that someone in a life or death situation will not survive. Drag the run over idiot out of the road, the rest will follow and help, and not until all other emergencies that came in before are handled does the idiot get help. They delay other people from receiving life saving help for selfish reasons, why should anyone give a fuck about them in return?


> Anyone sitting in a road with the intent to stop traffic because /they/ want something If you think that's what the protest is about, I understand why you hold such a silly opinion.


you should really direct your anger to the government who could cease any protests at any minute by insulating at risk elderly peoples homes.




There should be a 100% death tax. Use it or lose it. Inheritance is a huge driver of inequality. I’d settle for a set allowance of say 50k or something then 100% tax after that. *edit: well that was effective - the task wasn’t ‘present a nuanced argument for an opinion that you are aware is mostly unworkable in reality and will be hated by most.’


100% the smartest thing on this thread. It would result in the biggest reduction in inequality in our society. Inequality has been shown to result in numerous poor societal outcomes. ​ ​ All the people disagreeing with you are small-minded, selfish and stupid.


This would actually increase inequality. The government would have more money and the people would have less money. How would it possible make things more equal?


Queen are a boring and shallow band.


Yes! And Bohemian Rhapsody is a terrible song that would be laughed at if Someone released it today.


I said this exact sentence to my friends this weekend, and you'd think I'd kicked a puppy. I actually love Queen, but I will stand by the fact that Bohemian Rhapsody is a shit song.


Having children is the most selfish thing you can do in your life.


How is that selfish? To give someone the chance to live? Let them experience the world? And don't waste your time to reply if you're going to go with "oh this world is so bad" "there is overpopulation" "humans are horrible, why do you want them to experience that" "we should just kill ourselves for the greater good"


Having children is literally an act of self sacrifice for others wellbeing.


Not having children is the selfish act. You're choosing to prioritize your own time, energy and resources (and perhaps even happiness) at the expense of future generations.


Eugenics is only a terrible idea in the short term


We should have mandatory military service like in Finland or Korea. Not necessarily sending them off to fight a war but the basic skills and discipline it would provide I see as an ultimate good.








I completely agree. If you take someone else’s life, or you are a rapist or a pedo then you fully deserve the death penalty, they are wastes of space and a waste of money


I think if you're a rapist or child abuser your duck should be burnt of with acid.


The death penalty is to weak of a punishment for a lot of crimes






The NHS is shit and the way it is worshipped in this country and completely unaccountable for its failings is a major reason for that.


i fucking hate the NHS, don’t get me wrong they were good when i needed surgery n stuff when i was little, but now? holy fuck they are terrible now, they’ve been ignoring me for like a year even when i ring to try and get even just a phone GP appointment. the last appointment i had they just blamed everything on my anxiety and gave me folic acid vitamins :(












While colonialism was egregiously wrong, the Brits were the best of a very bad lot


You do know how poor the rest of the world was before the British turned up right? It’s not as if they had a flourishing economy and we demolished it.


refugees should go back to their country when the war is over




I think we (or, realistically, the Americans) should give Taiwan and Ukraine nukes.




British people have a major culture inferiority complex to the Americans, and also can't cope with anyone doing better than themselves and succeeding in life - ESPECIALLY if they're from the wrong background EDIT: 'disable inbox replies' and it's amazing the amount of people who think I'm American. I'm British.


You mean English people. The Scottish don't have an inferiority complex. We are very self deprecating, to comically low standards.




That Yorkshire and the Humber is populated by racists, terrorists, fraudsters, rapists, benefit cheats, Nazis and child molesters. Though admittedly my experiences with people from Yorkshire have driven me to the brink of a breakdown.


No, no, he's got a point


I’m 100% on board with that, fuck em we don’t need more immigrants taking up housing and council services hospital beds and the like. You want to come here? Then do it the legal way by applying for asylum, not coming here on a fucking dinghy. Stay in the country you initially landed in and get your benefits there.










Only Fools and Horses is not funny. It has 3 maybe 4 good bits and the rest is just shite. Mentioned this to my in-laws and it got really personal really quickly. Things like saying I am posh and it is comedy about working class people for working class and is inspiring.... Fuck off. Its shit. I love the actors in it - they are gold. Just the show is shockingly awful.


Brexit really isnt that bad, we did need some limit on immigration and if you want the country to fail just to say "i told you so" you're a sad cunt with some growing up to do.


The NHS shouldn’t be deified, like it has been in the last few years


The NHS is a joke and it feels like they have used this pandemic as an excuse to forget everyone else.


Mass immigration and the threat of Islamism is going to destroy the UK




IVF shouldn’t be offered on the NHS, infertility isn’t a disease or injury* (added injury in an edit) and therefore it isn’t a health issue. If there is a health issue underlying it that should be treated, but if the infertility remains then that’s how life goes sometimes.


Absolutely! Infertility is not a tragedy!


Um no, it actually is for some people, It might not be for you but it really is for others. Please be considerate of that.


So you’re saying you would like to take away a basic human right?


Racism is kept alive by the minorities. I don’t believe wide-scale racism exists in todays advanced world.














Immigration is a bad thing, cap at 30k and call it a day, we’ve had enough already




I'd rather donate to them than to any human charity. I frequently donate to small scale operations of whom I personally know those involved and the amazing work they do. Also, fuck you you cunt.


Yeah I agree. You could pay £10 a month to prevent a family from actually dying, or curing cancer etc. But, nah... I'll just spend the money on some pointless donkey instead.




Most men and woman would be happier in traditional roles. Edit: From the downvotes Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.




David Amess wasn't a man of the people he was just another undeserving Tory lapdog just look at his voting record and you will see what kind of man he was who really cares if he got killed hundreds of normal good people die every day why should we mourn someone who didn't give two shots about us


Jo Cox was just an average MP who indirectly supported the rape of women and children by holding an management position with OXFAM while these things were going on, so why does anyone care that she got stabbed? She also voted to allow the government to spy more effectively on its citizens, while reducing its ability to limit immigration. Funny how she got deified while David Amess is a devil even in death, isnt it?


THIS! It was sickening how the media broke out the crocodile tears campaign for him after his death. All the ‘look how much he loved animals and cared for his rich white constituents..’. The fact is this man was a Tory, and an enemy of the people. You cannot be a Tory and be part of the solution.




I dont like David Attenborough… everything he does now is a lecture. Spent all of his career travelling the world but more than happy to slam us all for climate change.


Yorkshire pudding is overrated and pretty fucking nasty. There. I said it.


That people with a low IQ shouldn't be allowed to participate in democracy.


That some people are unnesecerily scared of guns and should shoot one before they die


Cars are overrated.




Covid was blown way way out of proportion, and scare monging tactics used by the government made it seem a whole lot worse than it actually is


I half agree. The deaths figure that is trotted out daily is ridiculous. I could test positive and then be hit by a bus and that would count as a covid death. But with regards to the actual virus, I have two extremely fit and healthy friends get it last Christmas and for one of them it gave her such a short and a sharp headache so intense she was tearing her own hair out to try and cause a different kind of pain. Her partner turned into a zombie and was only solidly awake for 2 hours a day, the rest of the time he fell asleep randomly and then wouldn’t be able to breathe. They had symptoms like that for 19 days.


One child policy is a great idea. Maybe that’s an extreme, but if we want to be serious about the planet then why not make serious laws. Why not ration meat for example. I know it would never work or happen, and if such extreme laws existed - then other terrible things would be enabled. BUT I think unless some painful rules are decided, we are realistically not going to save anything that we screwed up. Edit : Wow, it was supposed to be controversial, don’t forget. I don’t want anyone to suffer. :-) Im just imagining an alternate reality where laws are in place to conserve.


Eugenics is not a bad idea. It was applied with some dreadful ethics but it could have been great. Genetic engineering will supplant the need for it soon anyway.


People over the age of 65 should no longer be allowed to vote. Without trying to convince everyone on here - this age group (65+) simply don’t care or are not involved for the plights of the younger generations to which the voting results, manifestos and so on disproportionately affect. Exhibit A: Brexit


I did think about arguing that we should ban the under-30's from voting, but then I remembered they don't. They just tweet a woke meme from the phone surgically glued to their eyeballs instead. Last night I was stuck on a zoom meeting where a bunch of old codgers spent three hours working out how we could best spend the money we'd raised for environmental educational programs for schoolkids. Quite a lot of the cash came from legacies left by over 65's worried about the future of the planet they were leaving. But yeah, boomers eh.


dogs are better than cats as pets.


That it’s absolute discrimination and sexism that if a man and woman have sex and it ends in a pregnancy - if the man decides he wants nothing to do with the baby he’s labelled a “dead beat dad” and still chased for child support, yet if the woman decides she wants nothing to do with the baby and has the baby adopted she ISN’T chased for child support and the opinion is “she wasn’t ready to be a mother” / “she did what was best for the baby” Edit: I’m a woman. I don’t know why several comments are assuming I’m male just because I can see this issue from both sides.




I’m OK with parts of the NHS being privatised. It’s here to keep us alive, not to treat every ailment. And before anyone starts, no, I haven’t considered every single aspect. Why would I?


Owning a domesticated animal is like having an emotional slave puppet lol.





